How Poor Sleep Sabotages Your Gut Health
Reading Time: 6 minutes
Can sleepless nights be affecting your gut health? Dr. Melissa explains this unexpected connection and what you can do to mitigate it.
Reading Time: 6 minutes
Can sleepless nights be affecting your gut health? Dr. Melissa explains this unexpected connection and what you can do to mitigate it.
Reading Time: 6 minutes
Discover your best natural defenses against cold and flu bugs. Learn from Dr. Melissa how to boost your immune system, reduce symptoms, and recover faster from common seasonal ailments.
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Dr. Melissa Gallagher, Naturopathic Physician, shares five ways to reduce your prostate cancer risks! Will any of them surprise you?
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Dr. Melissa, Naturopathic Physician, shares the #1 most important mineral for women that supports everything from mood regulation to heart health to hormone balancing to painful periods.
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Make sure your kids or grandkids are supported for optimal health and wellness this school year! Dr. Melissa Gallagher, Naturopathic Physician, shares her top tips.
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Dr. Melissa clears up the confusion around the role of magnesium regarding our kidneys and the formation of stones.
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Dr. Melissa gives 7 compelling reasons to commit to a spring detox, and she goes beyond the benefits of purging toxins from your body.
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Histamines can cause allergies, skin reactions, hives, runny nose, fluid in your ears, scratchy throat, and even digestive disturbances. Dr. Melissa Gallagher shares 6 simple tips to lower histamine levels ...
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Leaving chronic constipation unaddressed can lead to other health issues. Dr. Melissa explains some natural ways to help ease this uncomfortable condition.
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Dr. Melissa shares simple tips to help you kick off a spring detox and how to support your body’s natural detoxification and lymphatic processes.
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Discover Dr. Melissa’s protocol for natural remedies to soothe and manage allergy symptoms, improving the quality of life for allergy sufferers.
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What is draining the energy from your days? Dr. Melissa Gallagher shares with you the top five energy drains to avoid to help keep your energy and improve your vitality.
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Dr. Melissa Gallagher, Naturopathic Physician, provides her top 5 tips to help maximize your energy and boost your vitality.
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Dr. Melissa shares her pulmonary embolism advice, including key tests and natural blood thinners to consider to help break up the clots or prevent them from forming.
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Dr. Melissa explains how to get to the bottom of fatigue causes and offers a few tips to increase energy.
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Learn 5 helpful tips from Dr. Melissa to help ease symptoms often caused by these hormonal changes in women’s lives.
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Dr. Melissa offers effective ways of maintaining the health of your ovaries in any life stage, even if you no longer have them in your body.
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The latest formulation is our best ever. Dr. Melissa shares why its her top greens powder choice, highlighting a few of its health benefits along with her favorite ingredients.
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Have you heard of this amazingly beneficial blue-green algae? Dr. Melissa highlights 5 reasons you should consider adding it to your daily regimen!
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Check out the protocol Dr. Melissa uses for her own son to help him stay healthy and perform his best throughout the school year.
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Even if you don’t have kids in your household, these recommendations from Dr. Melissa can help fortify your immune system when exposed to germs in public spaces.
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Read Dr. Melissa’s recommended supplementation to support kids’ brain health in a natural way, especially as they are expanding their learning in school.
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Dr. Melissa Gallagher, Naturopathic Physician, shares the 5 types of collagens in Clean Sourced Collagens and their benefits!
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Did you know that Turmeric 3D can also be used topically to soothe sunburn and reduce harmful UV damage to our skin? Learn more from Dr. Melissa about this herbal ...
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Dr. Melissa explains the numerous possible causes of this annoyance for many men and women and narrows it down to the most likely culprits.
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You actually have more control over these influences than you might think. Check out these key negative factors described by Dr. Melissa.
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5 Daily Tasks to protect your brain health with Dr. Melissa Gallagher. Great for all ages especially if you’ve family history with dementia.
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It’s a neurodegenerative disease that is linked to our blood sugar levels, and trends show it’s being diagnosed younger and younger. How are you preventing it?
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Dr. Melissa talks optimal hydration levels. It helps you intake micro and macronutrients that can further enhance your health & make you feel energized.
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Dr. Melissa recommends proper thyroid testing to effectively calibrate iodine consumption, as numerous factors can affect your body’s receptivity to iodine, and in some cases, a thyroid will have a ...
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Follow Dr. Melissa Gallagher’s protocol for easing symptoms like constipation, bloating, and malabsorption of nutrients to help support your overall gut health.
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Mixed opinions abound whether or not multivitamins are necessary or even good for you. Dr. Melissa Gallagher, Naturopathic Physician, affirms that not all multivitamins are the same and sheds some ...
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When treating symptoms of multiple levels of disorders, testing to determine the root cause and specific excesses or deficiencies is key to getting relief. Dr. Melissa Gallagher does a deep ...
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Dr. Melissa shares her lymphatic expertise to explain how to support your fluid balance, enhance your immune state, and help you detox your body by understanding what the lymphatic system ...
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We are regularly bombarded with toxins, from the food we eat and water we drink to products we use. Dr. Melissa shares life-changing ways to reduce exposure to toxins, pathogens, ...
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These are Dr. Melissa’s recommended foods to help support your lymphatic system. Adding them to your daily diet can optimize your immune system, facilitate your body’s natural detoxification processes, and ...
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Here are specific tips from Dr. Melissa when it comes to maximizing the detoxification of your body to support your overall health and wellness. And, no, detoxing shouldn’t require being ...
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Learn from Dr. Melissa how estrogen and progesterone influence your cardiovascular health and when the ratios are imbalanced, your risk for heart-related issues increases.
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Dr. Melissa talks about the heart-health benefits when adding chaga to your daily regimen and why it may be a better choice than taking a statin.
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How much of these foods are you consuming daily? Check out these everyday foods that top Dr. Melissa’s list for a heart-healthy diet.
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Heart disease is a leading cause of death in both men and women. Especially starting at age 40, doing this could save your life.
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Addressing these lesser-discussed risk factors may change (or save) your life when it comes to preventing heart disease, heart attacks, stroke, and other common cardiovascular issues.
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Dr. Melissa, Naturopathic Physician, details which supplements she recommends for supporting heart health in numerous ways, from the cellular level to combating inflammation and LDL, and keeping the vessels clear. ...
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Our bodies have an amazing built-in detox system, but how do you know which organs to focus on to get maximum performance? It’s much more than our digestive tract!
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Join Dr. Melissa Gallagher as she celebrates some of the most remarkable health transformations for Organixx customers in 2022!
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What is the lymphatic system and how do you know if yours is functioning optimally? Some symptoms are not immediately obvious. Dr. Melissa explains and offers recommendations to promote its ...
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If you’re struggling with joint pain, autoimmune or skin disorders, nerve pain, restless leg syndrome, digestive imbalances, low moods, anxiety, or you simply want to bolster your immunity, Dr. Melissa ...
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Dr. Melissa provides a deep-dive on these two similar, natural anti-inflammatory supplements, clarifying when you might choose one over the other or in some cases, take both.
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The truth is, 99% of people are deficient in magnesium, and it is one of the most critical minerals for maintaining a healthy body. Dr. Melissa, Naturopathic Physician, goes deep ...
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Dr. Melissa dispels the myths around functional mushrooms and fermented foods and supplements when it comes to fungal infections and shares ways to effectively treat them.
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Check this out to learn more from Dr. Melissa about the ultimate defenses in preventing and fighting off bacterial or viral invasions throughout the year. (It even helps enhance your ...
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In working with veterans and military personnel, Dr. Melissa shares recommended supplements and resources for those dealing with physical, mental, and emotional ailments and injuries, including PTSD, as well as ...
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From fatigue to brain fog, to sleep imbalances to migraines, to signs of Alzheimer’s or dementia, Dr. Melissa digs into key supplementation for optimizing your brain health to combat the ...
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Are the 3 oils in Magi-Complexx Essential Oil blend effective in addressing a breast tumor? Dr. Melissa discusses this and other natural ways to consider implementing.
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Did you know Organixx supplements were originally formulated with cancer patients in mind? Dr. Melissa gives a run-down on supplementation protocols for various cancer phases and prevention.
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Modern technology and medicine now offer several screening methods to detect abnormalities sooner. Dr. Melissa encourages us to be proactive when it comes to our health and advocate for the ...
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Dr. Melissa reveals a few DIY tactics to release toxic chemicals that we may hold in our body for decades, and she also discusses the pros and cons of IV ...
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Here are Dr. Melissa’s research-supported supplements that aid in breast cancer prevention, but also help address existing diagnoses of cancerous or abnormal cells or breast tissue.
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From implementing self-care to eliminating environmental toxins, these everyday suggestions from Dr. Melissa are things to take into consideration if you’re interested in optimizing your health and well-being, giving yourself ...
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When you’ve got youth on your side, it’s an important time to set the proper foundation to maintain good health well into the coming years. Hear Dr. Melissa’s specific recommendations ...
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Our skin is often a secondary elimination route for another primary source, such as our gut health. Dr. Melissa recommends ways to identify the cause of the skin irritation as ...
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A full-spectrum magnesium supplement supports over 600 enzymatic reactions in your body. Find out why Dr. Melissa recommends this critical macro-mineral be taken daily, regardless of age or gender.
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Calcium supplementation is common, but did you know you shouldn’t merely take calcium on its own? Hear Dr. Melissa explain the important roles magnesium plays when it comes to calcium ...
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When you first notice symptoms of a cold, flu, or even COVID-19, Dr. Melissa Gallagher, Naturopathic Physician, recommends this regimen to maximize the benefit to your immune system and effectively ...
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Learn from Dr. Melissa about the benefits of adding good fats to your diet and ways to consume more of them, including olive oil – but with an important caveat!
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Determining what type of stone you have will dictate the best protocol for dissolving it. Dr. Melissa gives her top preventive and elimination tips for painful stones, which could be ...
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Dr. Melissa Gallagher, Naturopathic Physician, discusses the most important things to know about zinc, including what to avoid and how to maximize its bioavailability to get the highest absorption and ...
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Collagen supports digestive healing. Dr. Melissa Gallagher provides her recommended dosages to maximize effectiveness of a collagen supplement to heal the open, leaky junctures in your digestive tract that are ...
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Dr. Melissa Gallagher, Naturopathic Physician, addresses common misconceptions about functional mushrooms and how they might affect those with Candida.
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Dr. Melissa Gallagher is also a lymphatic therapist and she provides some natural recommendations to a reader suffering from chronic pain in her extremities.
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The collagen our bodies naturally produce dramatically wanes over time. Dr. Melissa Gallagher addresses the benefits of collagen for our bodies as we age – far beyond smoothing fine lines ...
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Inflammation caused by this condition can result in persistent pain in the bladder, bowels, and in women, the uterus. Dr. Melissa Gallagher, Naturopathic Physician, provides food and drink recommendations to ...
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Dr. Melissa Gallagher details ways to support this important gland by explaining how it functions, the causes of imbalances and issues, and how to address problematic inflammation of the prostate.
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How to combat leading sources of issues like heart disease, heart attack, arteriosclerosis, and stroke by adding these supplements to your daily regimen, as recommended by Dr. Melissa Gallagher, to ...
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Can your brain be biohacked? Learn from Dr. Melissa Gallagher ways to prevent and reverse an aging brain, as with an Alzheimer’s, dementia, ALS, or Parkinson’s diagnosis, and discover how ...
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In addition to eating healthy, getting enough sleep, and reducing stress, Dr. Melissa Gallagher recommends a focus on filling nutritional gaps, balancing the gut microbiome, reducing inflammation (the root cause ...
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Dr. Melissa Gallagher takes us on a deep dive into the root cause of seasonal, environmental, and food allergies and offers some key tips to relieve symptoms and address your ...
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Should you be taking a daily multivitamin? Dr. Melissa Gallagher discusses how this can depend on several factors. Learn about what can result in malabsorption for your body and the ...
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Synthetic forms of vitamin C lack bioavailability and the potency that helps our bodies benefit from them. Dr. Melissa Gallagher talks about the numerous benefits of taking camu camu, the ...
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Dr. Melissa Gallagher, Naturopathic Physician, walks us through this common diagnosis for both women and men and gives some natural recommendations to help remineralize your bones.
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It can be hard to determine the source of hot flashes, which can affect both women and men. Dr. Melissa Gallagher, Naturopathic Physician, answers a reader’s question about how to ...
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Dr. Melissa Gallagher gives us her top four recommendations to support the busy lifestyles of moms, grandmas, and all women who could benefit from boosted energy, lowered stress, balanced sleep, ...
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If you struggle with kidney stones, which can be very painful and frustrating, Dr. Melissa Gallagher, Naturopathic Physician, offers her top 5 natural treatments to prevent and dissolve stones.
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These common conditions can be treated over time with a combination of topical and internal remedies. Dr. Melissa Gallagher explains fungal infections along with these recommendations in-depth.
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Dr. Melissa Gallagher walks us through her recommendations to enhance mental acuity, improve memory recall, reduce brain distraction and brain fog, and help prevent ailments such as dementia, Alzheimer’s, and ...
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Inflammation is the root of every illness and disease. Hear why Dr. Melissa Gallagher, Naturopathic Physician, loves this supplement for its anti-inflammatory and stress reduction properties, along with support for ...
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If you’ve been diagnosed with a fatty liver, what does that mean, exactly? Do supplements make a difference? Dr. Melissa Gallagher, Naturopathic Physician, unfolds all things liver in her answers ...
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If you suffer from constipation, IBS, weird digestive noises, or even skin issues like lesions, cystic acne, eczema, psoriasis, or flakiness of the scalp, you’ll be interested to hear Dr. ...
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If you are experiencing loss of taste and smell due to a COVID-19 infection, Dr. Melissa Gallagher tells us about a powerful herb that may not only provide restoration but ...
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Dr. Melissa Gallagher, Naturopathic Physician, answers a question about insomnia and offers five different ways to address insomnia naturally.
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Dr. Melissa Gallagher provides an overview of the impact of fatty liver on your body, as well as ways to reverse and even prevent this common condition.
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Wondering why you wake up in the middle of the night? Dr. Melissa Gallagher, Naturopathic Physician, digs into the causes and how to fix it so you can stay asleep ...
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Do you want to wake up refreshed every morning? Dr. Melissa Gallagher, Naturopathic Physician, talks about how to optimize your sleep.
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Give these easy and natural tips from Dr. Melissa Gallagher, Naturopathic Physician, a try to fall asleep faster!
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It’s alarming that starting around age 25, our body stops producing collagen. Dr. Melissa Gallagher explains how as we age, this deficiency becomes a bigger detriment to our cardiovascular health. ...
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Dr. Melissa Gallagher talks about studies that show that people across the globe are deficient in this mineral, and addressing this can save you from heart disease, heart attack, angina, ...
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Do you know how to recognize whether you’re experiencing a heart attack? What you have always been told might not be accurate. Dr. Melissa Gallagher uncovers some key differences in ...
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Supplementing this powerful antioxidant and mitochondrial enhancer that your body naturally produces provides support for heart tissue and reduces LDL and free radical damage, combating and even reversing assortments of ...
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An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Hear recommendations from Dr. Melissa Gallagher, Naturopathic Physician, on how to maximize your cardiovascular health.
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Here’s a breakdown of gut health dos and don’ts from Dr. Melissa Gallagher, Naturopathic Physician, including what to eat and what to avoid.
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Let’s dive into New-Year’s-resolution-keeping with Dr. Melissa Gallagher, Naturopathic Physician. Actionable tips to help KEEP your resolutions in the year ahead.
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Learn tips from Dr. Melissa Gallagher, Naturopathic Physician, to not only refocus, renew, and rejuvenate, but to find success with your New Year’s resolutions.
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Dr. Melissa Gallagher, Naturopathic Physician, helps us stride into 2022 with great tips to help automate our lives! Less stress. More time for fun. What’s not to love?
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Do you find it difficult to stick to a New Year’s resolution? Dr. Melissa Gallagher, Naturopathic Physician, shares 5 achievable resolutions to successfully create a foundation of health in the ...
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Learn how Dr. Melissa, Naturopathic Physician, recommends healing psoriasis as she talks us through tackling autoimmune diseases.
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Dr. Melissa Gallagher, Naturopathic Physician, explains the power of functional mushrooms for our day-to-day health and vitality. Learn how these friendly fungi can improve your health today!
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Suffering from COVID-19? Try Dr. Melissa Gallagher’s recommended herbal supplements, foods, body care, and activities to bolster your immune system and ease symptoms.
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Dr. Melissa Gallagher, Naturopathic Physician, provides tips that will help you increase your immunity and stave off the normal winter icks and illnesses.
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Dr. Melissa Gallagher, Naturopathic Physician, sheds some light on how we can help our brain cells regenerate, rejuvenate, repair, and recover, especially after chemotherapy or radiation treatment, and reduce systemic ...
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Can your body use iodine in the most effective way? Learn more from Dr. Melissa Gallagher, Naturopathic Physician, as she addresses the importance of the overall balance of minerals and ...
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Dr. Melissa Gallagher, Naturopathic Physician, addresses different causes of increased brain fog or imbalances in neurocognition and how lifestyle and nutritional choices can come into play, including diet, sleep, stress, ...
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Learn from Dr. Melissa Gallagher, Naturopathic Physician, how to address COVID-induced inflammation, metabolic balancing, and how to boost your body’s deep cellular energy to help aid in your recovery.