Supplements You Trust.
Results You Love.
My Promise to You:
Only deliver high quality, doctor formulated, supplements that deliver the results you expect.
Create the most effective, unique formulations and synergistic blends using only the purest natural ingredients on earth, including certified organic ingredients whenever possible.
Use proprietary fermentation processes that make our supplements extremely bioavailable. (This ensures the maximum amount of nutrients from our supplements are utilized by your body - versus being wasted.)
Have every single product we sell third party tested for glyphosate, pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, heavy metals, gluten, soy and much more. We believe in complete transparency and so we publish all third-party lab results on our site here for your review.

I started this company because of the huge demand for clean, quality supplements at reasonable prices. We keep our markups extremely low, because we’re a mission-based company with hopes of healing the world the same way we’ve healed ourselves.
Meet the Founder Jonathan Hunsaker

If you'd asked me 10 years ago what I'd be doing today…
Building and owning one of the best and cleanest supplement companies in world would not have been my answer.
You see, I was not the pillar of health for many years of my life.
I smoked a pack of cigarettes or more per day for 20 years, I drank more than my fair share of alcohol, I made extremely poor food choices, and I didn't move my body much.
I was very overweight for many years, and I lived like I was trying to die.
I felt bad both physically and mentally. I dreamt of being leaner, stronger, and just healthier overall.
I also knew that if I continued living the way I was, it was only going to get worse.

And then…
Came life's little blessing that motivated me to make the shift in my life that I so desperately needed.
Her name is Alivia (and now she has a little sister named Ava too). 😊
When I found out in 2014 that I was going to be a dad, I chose to make some changes.
Some of them were easy, others were extremely hard.
Some of the changes stuck, others took multiple tries before achieving success.
Some of them I'm still working on today.
Even though I was "failing" at my health for many years, at the same time I was fortunate enough to find success as an entrepreneur with a few different businesses.
Shortly after starting my journey to health in 2014, I quickly discovered that most of the "health" supplements and nutraceuticals on the market were made with synthetic and/or "dirty", low quality ingredients.
I also discovered that I wasn't the only one struggling to find high quality, clean supplements… tens of thousands of others were too.
And while I'm not a doctor, scientist, researcher, or academic (in fact I'm a high school dropout), I am extremely good at solving problems and building meaningful relationships with people who are much smarter than I am.
And so, I did what I never thought was possible.
In 2016, I started my own supplement company (at the time it was called Epigenetic Labs, which we rebranded as Organixx in 2018).
We hired the best formulators and doctors.
We source the cleanest ingredients, and we use organic ingredients whenever possible.
And because I was already financially successful, we did the unthinkable in the supplement space…
We simply made the supplements that we wanted to take ourselves, regardless of costs, regardless of margins. In fact, our supplements, on average, cost 400% more to make but sell for the same price as our lower quality competitors.
We truly put people before profits. And we always will.
I've discovered a lot of things along my journey from being 265 pounds and smoking a pack of cigarettes a day to now being 175 pounds, running a marathon, completing the Goggins 4x4x48 challenge, 75 hard challenge, and so many other things I had previously only dreamt of, to simply live a happier, healthier life.
My own transformational journey has shaped Organixx at every step of the way.
Not just with the supplements we make, but also in the way we live our lives and show up in the world.
Meet the
Organixx FamilyOrganixx is a family of amazing people, many of whom have been here from the beginning, who have different, yet similar stories to mine.
Stories of healing themselves or family members and simply living healthier lives.
We are a family-centric company that truly values people over profits and never falls short on integrity.
These are products we take ourselves and give to our own family and loved ones.
Our products, our marketing, and our team are an extension of this unwavering mission that has led to the success we’ve had thus far.
This is only 1/3 of our team, and it was taken at a company retreat in Fort Worth, Texas. Yee-haw!

Alright, enough about us, let’s talk about you for a minute.
First of all…
Thank you!
Thank you for the thousands of 4 and 5-star reviews.
Thank you to the over 250,000 of you who trust us to support your health journey with our supplements.
Thank you for being a part of our family.
And thank you for trusting us to deliver the results you love.
Why Organic
Ingredients MatterWe've received a LOT of overjoyed feedback from others just like you, and the one thing we keep hearing over and over is how pleased they are to finally find a supplement company 100% committed to using the purest, non-GMO and certified organic ingredients wherever and whenever possible!
You see, when you create a whole food supplement like ours, you're simply taking large amounts of a plant, herb, mineral or other ingredient and condensing it way down into a little capsule.
If you don't use organic ingredients, those plants have likely been sprayed with pesticides, like Glyphosate, you are unknowingly ingesting concentrated doses of pesticides or other harmful ingredients.
Many companies claim to do 3rd-party testing, but where are those results? Why are they not published and accessible for everyone to view?
You have to wonder.
Not at Organixx.
Transparency is something we firmly believe you need and deserve.
We do 3rd-party testing regularly, on every one of our products, and we post those results for anyone and everyone to see.

It's Not Just
About SupplementsWe're committed to not only delivering the highest quality supplements, but we're just as committed to delivering you the most cutting-edge information and research.
We know that the more information and knowledge that you have, the better choices you'll make around your health.
Be sure to explore our extensive collection of articles and recipes here.
Here's What To
Do NEXT…Join our mailing list to receive coupons, news, and promotions! (And get a free recipe book!)
Check out our entire site and check out our products page where you'll see our full line-up of best-in-class supplements.
And finally, please help us spread the word!
If YOU believe in our mission and commitments to you, if YOU believe it's a good thing that a supplement company is finally doing things the right way by offering the most beneficial supplements… from the purest ingredients… at the best prices possible…
Please SHARE the good news with others! And again, welcome to the family, welcome to Organixx 😊

— Jonathan Hunsaker, Founder and Owner