Back-to-School Supplements for Kids’ Brains, Immune Systems, Digestion, and Sleep
Video Transcript:
With back-to-school season for us parents, we always want to fortify our child’s immune system. And I’m going to share with you my own protocol with my six-year-old son, Gabriel, using some of the wonderful resources we have here at Organixx to support, modulate, and bolster my son and all of the kids’ immune systems.
Using Capsules and Dosages for Kids
So, I’m going to share with you three of my favorite supplements that we use with my son, Gabriel. And I want to share with you, these bottles and the supplements, you are able to open them up and to add the powder to their foods or their smoothies or their yogurts or whatever they’re consuming on a daily basis. That’s how we incorporate these items into my son’s life.
And I’m going to share with you, the dosage is very different than the adult dosage, but these, across the board, are going to be powerful with the return-to-school season. When kids are clustering in classrooms – it’s always, always, always… kids are going to have greater exposure to viruses and certain bacteria when they go back to school. So, this prevents that return-to-school ick that will help us get through the beginning of the school season healthy and well.
Magnesium Supplementation for Numerous Benefits
So, the first thing that every child requires, just like adults, is a good combination blend of assorted magnesium. So, magnesium, there are seven types in our Magnesium 7, and the best way to consume this, especially for kids, is to take a capsule, open it up, and with my six-year-old, we add just about a third of the capsule into his morning yogurt. So, he will consume a nut yogurt, and that’s where I get all my powders, I get all my probiotics, all the good stuff into his diet.
Calm the Central Nervous System
Magnesium 7 is really great for kids for an assortment of reasons. One, it’s very calming. So, if they kind of have the anxiousness or the return-to-school jitters, it will calm their central nervous system down.
Support Healthy Digestion and Elimination
The other thing that magnesium does is help support their digestive process. So, it’s not uncommon when kids go back to school, their routines are a little different and sometimes it can lead to constipation for kids. Adding magnesium will help eliminate the constipated effect of return to school and a different schedule, and sometimes totally missing the morning or mid-afternoon bowel movement. So, Magnesium 7 is really great for that.
Help Improve Sleep and Focus
Then also it’s just, overall, a necessary multi-mineral. The assorted magnesiums is needed in over 600 enzymatic reactions in the body, so it helps them focus, it helps them feel more calm, and at night it helps them sleep better.
So overall, magnesium is a needed requirement for kids. And I love to open up the capsules, add a little bit, a third of a capsule, into some sort of mixable product. It might be yogurt, smoothie. You can even… Sometimes we’ll bake with magnesium. So, that’s one of the three.
Bolster the Immune System
The second of the three is the Immunity 3. Immunity 3 is our blend here. This is wonderful because you’re going to get vitamin C, you’re going to get camu camu, which has even more benefits of vitamin C, from a plant-based derived properties. And we also add zinc.
So, just like the magnesium, take one capsule, you open it up, it’s real easy to unscrew, open it up, and just add a quarter of the capsule into a smoothie or a yogurt mix, it could be applesauce… however you want to add it to your child’s food. But this is really powerful at helping to regulate their immune system.
Zinc is necessary also for focus and it’s necessary for their body to be able to ward off any ick that they might be exposed to with the return to school. Camu camu is one of my favorite plant-based vitamin C resources. And we have that in Immunity 3.
Enhance Mental Focus, Brain Function, and Acuity
Now, my last and final is to help kids with the return to school. And we’re also going to get some really good beneficial properties in Brain Health 8 [formerly Ageless Brain]. This is another capsule that you can open, and I would add a third of this capsule into the mix.
It has a little camu camu, so this would be something where I would add the Brain Health 8 [formerly Ageless Brain] in the morning and the Immunity blend in the evening, so you can kind of do morning dose, evening dose.
The camu camu, plus cat’s claw, plus the bacopa is going to be really powerful at boosting up their mental focus and also supports overall immunity. We also have cinnamon, which is good for regulating their blood sugar, and then also we have dragon’s blood resin and cacao powder. And there’s just so many wonderful benefits in adding in a good brain-boosting supplement for kids, especially with a return to school.
Sometimes it’s harder for them to kind of get in that groove, but these three items will help boost and bolster their immune state, but also regulate their body in a way that they are going to be performing better at school.
So, these three items are really powerful at helping your children return to school healthy and well, regulated in their immune state, and also helping enhance their brain function. I’m so excited to share this protocol that we have with Gabriel with you today. And I can’t wait to hear how it goes for your kids in their return to school.
Organixx Immunity 3 gives you natural immune system support against harmful viruses & bacteria, including the common cold, influenza, and sinusitis. This ultimate 3-in-1 immune support supplement provides 3 powerhouse nutrients in one convenient daily formula: organic camu camu (vitamin C), organic elderberry & 2 forms of zinc.

What about an overall multivitamin for children? Don’t they also need that?
Hi bella!
Great question. Yes, most children can benefit from taking a good high quality multi-vitamin derived from natural food sources.
Cheers to good health! :)
What about dosage for a 14 and 17 year old? Can you increase the dosage of Immunity if they do start feeling sick?
Hi Janelle, thanks for your question.
Immunity 3 can be taken as an immune support supplement for kids as one (1) capsule meets the recommended daily allowances of vitamin C and zinc for children ages 9 & up.
With that said, we always suggest consulting with your trusted health care practitioner before having your child start a new supplement or health regimen. You can refer them to the product page on our website: There they will find the ingredient label and more.
Alternatively, you can also submit your question(s) to Dr. Melissa Gallagher: Here we have provided you special access to submit any health questions that you may have to Dr. Melissa directly.
Please note, that due to the number of entries we receive, we cannot always guarantee that your specific question will be selected to be answered.
However, we will be providing frequent video responses from Dr. Melissa to respond to the many inquiries and topics that are important to so many of us. So please be on the lookout for emails that will announce when we release a new video from Dr. Melissa.
Also, if would you like to get Dr. Melissa’s expert advice on any personal health situation, then Dr. Melissa has kindly offered the Organixx community a discount for booking a session with her. To get 10% off a 60-minute session with Dr. Melissa, please use the same as link listed above.
Thanks so much. We hope this helps and wish you and yours a happy & healthy day.
How about 16 year olds? Full capsule, 1/2 capsule? Thanks
Hi, thanks for your question.
In Dr. Melissa video, she recommends adding a quarter capsule of Immunity 3, a third of a capsule of Magnesium 7 as well as Brain Health 8 to any food or beverage of your choice.
With that said, know that Immunity 3 can be taken as an immune support supplement for kids as one (1) capsule meets the recommended daily allowances of vitamin C and zinc for children ages 9 & up.
The recommended daily allowance (RDA) of magnesium for children ages 9 and up is 240 mg. One capsule of Magnesium 7 contains 250 mg. However, only give your child Magnesium 7 if recommended by a qualified healthcare practitioner.
Also, we always suggest consulting with your trusted health care practitioner before having your child start a new supplement or health regimen. You can refer them to the product(s) page on our website: There they will find the ingredient label and more.
Alternatively, you can also submit your question(s) to Dr. Melissa Gallagher: Here we have provided you special access to submit any health questions that you may have to Dr. Melissa directly.
Please note, that due to the number of entries we receive, we cannot always guarantee that your specific question will be selected to be answered.
However, we will be providing frequent video responses from Dr. Melissa to respond to the many inquiries and topics that are important to so many of us. So please be on the lookout for emails that will announce when we release a new video from Dr. Melissa.
Also, if would you like to get Dr. Melissa’s expert advice on any personal health situation, then Dr. Melissa has kindly offered the Organixx community a discount for booking a session with her. To get 10% off a 60-minute session with Dr. Melissa, please use the same as link listed above.
Thanks so much. We hope this helps and wish you and yours a happy & healthy day.