How to Improve Your Memory & Stave Off Cognitive Decline
Video Transcript:
I’m so excited to share with you an amazing memory and brain supportive kit that we have available for you, that combines two of our most powerful and potent brain health and neuro-supportive supplementation, all in one kit – and it combines Brain Health 8 [formerly Ageless Brain] with 7 Mushrooms.
These individually are very powerful for supporting your brain health. Collectively, they are a dynamic duo to help enhance your mental acuity, help you recall and have better memory, especially if you find you can’t remember where you put your keys or even sometimes how you got home driving because of the brain distraction and brain fog. What I love about blending the Brain Health 8, plus 7 Mushrooms, is we are going to be targeting several different things collectively.
Increase Antioxidant Levels by Crossing the Blood-Brain Barrier
One, we’re going to be focusing on increasing antioxidant levels to your brain. The supplementation, the actual ingredients in here, are capable of crossing the blood-brain barrier, which is very powerful and unique in that this is how we appropriately support our brain’s health with supplementation. Not all supplements have that capacity. So in combination, we’re going to be delivering good nutritional support, both by Brain Health 8 and 7 Mushrooms.
Add Neuro Anti-Inflammatories
The other thing that we’re going to be doing is we’re going to be adding a lot of good, healthy neuro anti-inflammatories. So we have a focus on antioxidants, but also conversely, are going to be lowering the inflammatory levels within the brain.
And one of the things that we see is a lot of brain health challenges, the root of imbalance is both gut-related and inflammation-related. So, these have the capacity to help support your gut, but also specifically are going to support your brain health.
And I love that because we are going to enhance blood flow to the brain. We’re going to support your neurons and the actual communication pathways in our brain. The synapses and the assorted cells that need to be charged up and enhanced, they will greatly be supported by this supplementation. There is maximum bioavailability with our supplementation, and it helps us to deliver your brain the right nutrition to support brain cell rejuvenation.
Support Brain Health with Supplementation
So, I’m going to share with you a few things that I love, specifically about Brain Health 8. So, Brain Health 8 has an assortment of supplementation that are known and researched for supporting brain health and enhancing neuron functionality.
Camu camu is a very powerful supplement that you’re going to find here in Brain Health 8, as well as cat’s claw and Pau D’Arco. I love these for enhancing memory. Really, they’re great at supporting when we have memory loss or failures of recall. Now that can classify as brain fog, and it can also help support folks that have had maybe loss of blood flow or oxygen flow to the brain – this could be from a cardiac event, or it could be a stress or trauma, a traumatic brain injury. Small falls, minor injuries can lead to brain trauma.
And what we see as enhanced blood flow, we can get that cellular turnover. And that’s one of the powerful things here at Organixx is Brain Health 8 has the capacity all on its own to support your brain health and help enhance acuity.
Pair with Functional Mushrooms to Improve Sleep
Now, when we couple it up with 7 Mushrooms, this is our powerful mushroom blend, our functional mushrooms all combined in one that are going to add in co-factors like B6 and manganese and other micronutrients that our brain needs for power. These collectively will help decrease stress and anxiety. They help to balance our neurotransmitter health and will encourage restful sleep, which in turn, nourishes the brain and helps the glymphatics flow appropriately. And if you’re curious about what the glymphatics are, actually I have a YouTube video that you can delve way more deeply into this process of rejuvenation and cellular detoxification that occurs at night only when we’re sleeping. So, enhancing restful sleep helps your brain detoxify.
Literally, we have this process and we know that supplementation like Brain Health 8 and 7 Mushrooms are going to be helpful in enhancing not just sleep function and the glymphatic function, but also will power-up and energize your brain, your body, and supports your nerve function. And I really love that because certain mushrooms like cordyceps and reishi are very brain-focused, and we see a lot of clinical data that supports that enhancement of our brain function.
Counter Cognitive Decline as You Age
And as a Naturopathic Physician in my clinical practice, it’s not uncommon for me to see patients in their 40s and 50s with declining memory and declining brain function. And that might register simply as brain fog or a loss of sense of taste and smell. It may even be presenting as neuropathy or imbalances in our muscular functionality, but all of it’s centered in our brain. And even hormonal imbalance is brain-oriented.
So, if you have any family history, like myself, where we have family members who’ve had dementia or Alzheimer’s, and you’re really, really cognizant and wanting to support your brain health, this Memory and Focus Kit with 7 Mushrooms and Brain Health 8 will greatly help you prevent any type of brain-related inflammation, helps enhance brain cell turnover, and ultimately is going to help you power-up and bolster-up your brain.
So, I’m really excited to share this kit with you. This is such a great way to have these two things together. You can sign up and subscribe and automatically have these shipped to you every month. So, you don’t even have to remember or recall as these supplements are starting to take effect. You can auto-ship it, and you’ll be getting your brain supportive, your Focus & Memory Kit, in the mail every month.
So, I hope you click on the link down below. And I’m excited to hear all about how well your brain function and neurons are firing up and powering your body and your life.
Brain Health 8 and 7 Mushrooms from Organixx: When you combine these two powerful supplements together, you get a synergistic effect that gives your brain the nutrients needed to support optimum memory, focus, and clarity.
