7 Reasons Why You Need to Do a Spring Detox

Video Transcript:

Happy spring! Have you thought about adding a spring detox to your weekly, monthly regimen? It’s time to boost your body. Let’s get you balanced, let’s reset, rejuvenate, and get you refreshed and energized. That’s what a spring detox can do, and I’m going to share with you seven amazing benefits of adding our Cleanse & Detox Kit to your shopping cart today. Our duo of products will help cleanse your lymphatics, your liver, your kidneys, and your gut health.

1. Purge Those Toxins

Overall, when you do a reset, a body detox, one of the most important things you’re doing is you’re removing toxins. And let’s think about it, every so often, every six months is a good time to do a reset. Basically, removing toxins is like vacuuming and dusting at home, but you’re doing it internally, within your body.

2. Increase Your Energy Levels

The second thing that a detox can do, especially when we’re targeting detoxing our colon and enhancing the detox pathways of our lymphatics and our kidneys and our liver, we can enhance our energy. So, you actually get an energy boost after you do a month of our Cleanse & Detoxx Kit, which is huge because a lot of folks coming out of the wintertime, and we’ve got the spring time change, it’s a good time to get energized, and so we have longer, lighter days, and you want to maximize your energy to enjoy these longer, lighter days.

3. Reset Your Metabolic Process

The third thing, and third benefit, is that detoxing, especially detoxing your liver, is really key for supporting weight management. So, if you’ve gained a few pounds over the winter months in kind of a hibernative state, by detoxing, you’re resetting your metabolic process. You’re actually allowing your liver to get detoxed, you’re invigorating those detox pathways in both the lymphatics, both your kidneys, and your colon and your liver. And by enhancing the liver process, you’re actually going to eliminate more toxins out of your bowels, but you’re also going to enhance the toxin release through your lymphatics.

So, I always recommend, with the kit, you also pair up any type of sweating exercises or sweat therapy [1], maybe take a hot bath or a sauna, because that’ll invigorate that detoxification.

4. Enhance Your Mental Clarity

Now, the fourth benefit here, and this is really key, is you are going to get an enhanced mental clarity. So, if you are looking for mental acuity, you want to have better, improved recall and memory, detoxing and getting rid of toxins and helping those detox pathways function better can actually dust off the cobwebs in your brain.

5. Support Your Digestive Health

Fifth, one of the other benefits is you are supporting your digestive health. A lot of times, folks don’t necessarily associate your liver with the beginning process of the lower GI tract, and your lower GI needs bile, which is produced by the liver. Bile collects within itself excess estrogens, it collects excess toxins, it’s cleansing the blood and it is removing toxins via the bile duct and the production of bile, which moves along the bowel. And the small intestine, large intestine are all highly benefited by bile production.

Bile is a very pH-balancing property. It actually can help heal that single-lining cell. The intestinal cellular wall can be enhanced and improved and healed by increasing your bile function. So, a good cleanse and detox is going to support that digestive health.

And as you’re moving your bowels more, more toxins are being eliminated and not reabsorbed, because that does happen. If you have a constipative state, we have a vascular channel that connects the rectum back to the liver, and so that a padded vein, that vascular channel, you can actually reabsorb toxins, which is not what we want to do. So, clearing and moving the colon, enhancing and invigorating your liver health is key.

6. Boost Your Immune State

Six. This, overall, when you detox your body, you are going to boost your immune state. So, this is really important because spring season tends to bring allergies and colds and some of the later stages of the flu. We see an enhanced immune function when you detox your full body, and that also enhances those pathways of detoxification, but your lymphatic system not only is a detox route, it’s also a function of your immune system. So, by clearing and supporting your lymphatics via our Cleanse product, you can actually help improve your lymphatic function and thereby supporting your immune state.

7. Get Your Glow On!

And last and final, your skin is going to glow when you do a detox, which is great because a lot of activities and social events are happening in the spring and into the summer season, and this is a great time just to kind of wash away the time of the winter and late fall, and really boost up your spring skincare.

So, I’m really excited to share with you these seven reasons. These are all powerful ways to reenergize your body, get refreshed and rejuvenated, and ultimately reset your detox pathways, supporting a spring detox.

So, make sure you click on the box below and you can order your Cleanse and Detoxx Kit today to get started on your spring detox.


6 Ways to Lower Histamine Levels for Allergy Relief

Video Transcript:

Histamine levels elevated? Today, I want to share with you six different ways to lower histamine levels. If you’re not sure if you have histamine or are dealing with a histamine reaction, let me share with you some symptoms to be aware of: allergies; skin reactions, or skin reactivity; hives; runny nose; fluid in your ears; scratchy throat; and even digestive imbalances or digestive disturbances can be signs of histamines.

Histamines, in general, are a way for the body to… it’s a body process related to inflammatory cells, and it’s part of the inflammatory process, but it’s also in response to either a foreign invader or a residual effect of your immune system. Now, we have scenarios like different viruses and even food-related histamine reactions that can elevate your histamine levels, so I want to share with you these six ways to lower histamine naturally.

1. Eat a Low-Histamine Diet

First and foremost, you want to take part in a low-histamine diet. Histamines are going to be found in a lot of the aged, packaged foods, like aged cheeses, cured meats [1]; they also are going to be present in fermented foods, citrus foods, so whether it’s grapefruit or oranges, tangerines, lemons and limes, have elevated histamine. Avocados, strawberries, tomatoes, and foods like spinach can be elevated on the histamine food scale.

2. Identify Your “Trigger Foods”

So, to be very conscious of the foods that you eat, and I like to recommend, number two, identifying what we call trigger foods. So, keeping a food diary is what I recommend, and you can use your phone to do that, where you have in your notepad or notate on a calendar, but it’s important to notice the different feelings that food gives you. Often, immediate histamine reactions will be a puffiness sinus kind of effect, runny nose, kind of have the itchiness in your throat, and even hives from eating foods. It doesn’t necessarily mean that you have throat closing or it’s anaphylactic shock, but it can be sensitivity. And sometimes it may be you’re eating too many histamine-rich foods, and that’s then causing an overwhelm to your system.

3. Support Your Gut Health

Now, the third recommendation here in things to support lowering histamine is you really want to support your gut health. Your digestive health is a big player in terms of the cytokine reaction. Cytokines are inflammatory cells and cytokines take part in the body, or they’re triggered by body reactions. So, when we are digesting food, that tends to be where the food chemistry and our blood chemistry, our body chemistry interacts, and that can often trigger a cytokine storm or cytokine reaction. Cytokines end up releasing tons of little histamine cells that cause redness and cause irritations, it inflames cells, so you might notice you might even hold onto fluid a little bit more.

And bloating and gas can be effects in the digestive system, so eating and reaching for fiber-dense foods, also reaching for yogurt and kefir, even though it’s fermented, that’s on the lower scale. If you look at fermented food, kefir and yogurt are lower, but they have good bacteria that helps offset some of the imbalances from histamines.

Another thing that I like to recommend is consuming garlic and onions, and even bananas have histamine-lowering properties. And then I also recommend reaching for our ProBiotixx. We have a single strain of the L. plantarum that is powerful for boosting your gut and microbiota balancing so that you can manage and minimize histamine reactions within your digestive system.

4. Metabolize Excess Histamines with DAO Enzyme

Now, fourth is a very powerful enzyme and it’s called DAO, D-A-O, and that stands for diamine oxidase. DAO is a, basically, it’s like a little Pac-Man that gobbles up excess histamines. And so when you use a DAO enzyme, it’s an enzyme that basically breaks up and it sucks in and gets rid of, metabolizes, histamines [2]. So, DAO is a really powerful resource for a lot of my long COVID patients or post-COVID infections. I’m even seeing histamine reactions with my patients who have recovered recently from RSV and the rhinovirus and assorted viruses that were prevalent in the late fall and early winter seasons.

5. Support Your Methylation Process with Greens

And another supportive that can be helpful is to make sure that you are supporting your methylation process. If you know you have MTHFR, which is gene mutation that really affects your methylation of B vitamins, methylation challenges can be affected by histamine [3]. So, you want to maximize your methylation process, meaning eating good leafy greens and adding various supplements, like our OrganiGreens that has a whole bunch of methyl promoters. Those are going to be helpful. And, obviously, reaching for methylfolate and the methylized version of B12 can help offset some of the methylation challenges.

6. Reach for Antioxidant-Rich Foods

And last and final, reach for antioxidant-rich foods. I love to recommend mushrooms, like chaga. I like to recommend kiwi fruit, green tea, and even moringa. Those are powerful antioxidants, very high on the antioxidant scale. Those help to also metabolize and address the single-cell histamines that are causing a lot of inflammatory effect in your body.

Try Natural Ways to Lower Histamine Levels

So, those are six powerful ways that you can lower your histamine levels naturally. If you have any specific questions about these six tips or any others, please comment down below and I will answer in the Ask Doctor Melissa column that we have here on our website blog. Thanks for tuning in.

Organixx ProBiotixx+ formula contains a single, super-strain of Lactobacillus plantarum, designed to help alleviate constipation… eliminate gas and belly bloat… support your entire immune system… and give you total digestive protection.

Organixx ProBiotixx probiotic formula
Natural Ways to Ease Chronic Constipation

Video Transcript:

Our next viewer question comes from Colleen, who writes in, “Hi. My teenage daughter Caitlin, 17, has had constipation since birth (chronic constipation). After years of being dismissed by her primary doctor as diet-related, a specialist put her on, Amitiza, I think is the name of it. This medication along with daily Miralax does help somewhat, but she still does not have daily bowel movements, and suffers from bloating and discomfort. She also has migraines and cystic acne.

Caitlin has always had a good diet, eating a balanced diet with lots of fruits and vegetables. She avoided food known to cause constipation, does not enjoy sweets, and has recently stopped eating meat. She expressed interest in seeing if it could be possible that it might be hormone-related, or if taking any supplements might help. I would like to avoid some of the frustration of trying too many things that do not work, or get testing to be more specific if that would be helpful. I would appreciate any direction you can offer. Best, Colleen.”

Find the Root Cause of Constipation

Well, Colleen, I’m really excited to dig into Caitlin’s case, specifically because there’s a lot at play. And when I’m working with any pediatric case, especially early childhood, infancy, and young babies that might have constipation, there’s usually stuff happening that we need to address.

Support Liver Function & Bile Production

So, if it happened early on and a decade or so later, we’re still dealing with constipation, it might be from either a liver that’s not functioning well, meaning it’s not producing enough bile, which bile is this really amazing, healthy substance. It’s part of the detox process of the liver, but also lubricates the digestive tract, particularly it moves contents out of the small intestine into the large intestine, and out via the rectum.

So, bile production enhancement is really key, and there are herbals to do that. So, one of my favorites is drinking dandelion tea. This brand, actually, is my favorite. This single teabag has 1500 milligrams of dandelion, which is three times what you ordinarily get in a tincture or, which is a more concentrated liquid herbal, or in a capsule.

So, dandelion tea several times throughout the day, at least two or three cups, can greatly enhance bile production, which helps to move the bowel contents more easily. So, that can eliminate also the straining, and even hemorrhoids and things like that from straining.

Massage the Lower Intestine

The other thing that’s at play is when we have severe constipation, meaning long-term constipative state, we’re dealing with the actual structural alignment of the large intestine, what we call the bowel. Well, when there’s a lot of contents that aren’t moving, the lower left side of the bowel can expand, and then that becomes problematic, because even with a healthy diet and adding certain things we’re going to talk about in this video, you can still have that structural issue that is part of the post-constipative state. So, we actually need to shrink back that intestinal lining. And some of that can be done, manipulated, or via a manual process of actually massaging the lower intestine. There are some amazing tutorials on YouTube.

If you guys want me to do a specific tutorial I can do that and launch that and let you all know, but there’s a technique called a Mayan Massage, and that is a more abdominal related, a specific digestive and soft tissue, lower abdomen targeted massage. That technique can actually help, one it moves contents, so you can actually massage, and so you’re going from the left tip to the right tip in a circular pattern around the belly button. But that massage technique can actually help reshape the lower part of the bowel, the large intestine, and that whole rectum area where the contents are gathering. So that’s one thing.

Supplementation for Chronic Constipation

The other thing is making sure you’re getting magnesium in the diet. So, Magnesium 7 would be a staple. And for patients that have severe constipation, having a magnesium dose with every meal consistently throughout the day is a good delivery method of magnesium.

For some reason, some folks have greater magnesium requirements than others, particularly my constipative patients, we need more than the 400 milligram requirement a day. Sometimes we need 1200 milligrams, but we space that out so it’s more tolerable. The good news is with our Magnesium 7, it’s not just a magnesium citrate, which can really move the bowels by flooding the bowels with a lot of fluid, but it will help motivate that process. So, I really recommend that three times a day.

The other thing that I recommend is a powder. I use this powder all the time, and this is an organic fiber. So, adding really dense fibers like inulin fiber, and apple pectin, and apple-related, plant-based, Jerusalem artichoke, those are going to be really healthy fibers that are probiotic enhancing.

So, if you’re taking a probiotic like our ProBiotixx+, the fiber becomes a food for the probiotics, so you always want to make sure you’re getting good, healthy fiber. And while people eat healthy diets of fruit and veggies, sometimes we’re not seeing those high serving sizes, and we’re also not necessarily seeing the 35 to 40 grams of fiber we need to take in every day to help move the bowel.

So, that’s one kind of really key recommendation, and the other thing is to make sure we’re hydrating really well.

Long-Term Constipation is a Risk Factor for Other Diseases

But the liver function is critical, getting magnesium, that’s very powerful for moving the bowels, and then also doing the manipulative massage. I recommend that as a great resource to help you and your daughter move the contents in the bowel, and really help minimize the scenario for long-term constipation, because that just sets up for really, really unhealthy scenarios down the road.

And often when we’re constipated, we have a hepatic vein, we actually have a vein that runs from the lower part of the large intestine in the rectum back to the liver, so we’re just recycling toxic junk. So, that can disrupt hormones, and that can cost us, and even be a risk factor for breast cancer and other diseases.

So, I hope those tips were helpful, and definitely let us know how it goes. Give it about three to four weeks to really take effect, and I’m curious to see how that helps anybody else as well. Thank you for asking your question, Colleen, and I hope Caitlin does well with this.

6 Simple Tips for Your Spring Detox

Video Transcript:

It’s springtime and I’m so excited to talk to you about six tips to help you kick off a spring detox. I love detoxing and this is one of the things that I think is really important to consider during the springtime.

1. Clean Up Your Diet

So, tip number one is to clean up your diet. Your diet has a big role to play in terms of your detoxification organs and systems humming and being optimized, so eliminating things that are not organic that might be dense in nitrites and nitrates. You’re going to find that a lot of packaged meats and a lot of bacon and assorted foods that are going to be preserved. You’re going to find a lot of nitrates. Eliminate those, eliminate the dyes, eliminate a lot of the chemicals and the additives that are not serving your body and bogging down your detox organs. Cleaning up your diet also includes switching more to steamed veggies, adding more fruits, getting more fiber and enzymatic activity, and really eating a rainbow is what I recommend.

2. Get Optimal Hydration

The second part for our spring detox is to really power up the detoxification pathways by hydrating optimally. So, bump up your hydration, start the morning off with a good amount of liquid, end your day with a good amount of liquid, and carry on drinking water that’s mineralized and enhanced with assorted electrolytes and enhancers throughout the day. That will help keep you optimized hydration-wise.

Don’t delay on getting your half a liter before noon, and you want to kind of go slow and steady. Maybe we have a kind of a max absorption point with liquid in that hydration process. You don’t want to strain your kidneys, so you want to constantly kind of keep water at your desk. They now have marker bottles and you can kind of monitor. You can even tap into some of the phone apps that help you keep track of your hydration. And it becomes habitual, so you track your hydration. You notate how much you’re drinking several days. You start to get in a habit and your body actually starts to crave hydration more than it did when it was in a dehydrated state.

3. Break a Sweat

Now the third thing is to move your body, get sweating, get active, get your muscles pumping, get those lymphatics moving through muscle movement, and also consider reaching for things like a rebounder, reaching for a far infrared sauna, some sort of sweat therapy that gets things moving physically. So, moving those muscles and motivating that lymphatic system are great for detoxing the body, and that also helps you feel better. Your muscles get invigorated. We detox all of the cells in our body by moving our muscles and moving our lymphatic process.

4. Ensure to Get Ample Sleep

Number four is to focus on rest. I know a lot of you are not resting or sleeping well. Ideally, seven to eight full hours of continuous sleep, uninterrupted, is powerful at rejuvenating your body, allowing some of your detox organs like your liver and your digestive process to go into hibernative state where they rejuvenate. When you sleep better, you detox better. Just remember that motto.

5. Support with Supplementation

Number five is to reach for supplements like our Organixx detox and cleanse products that are gentle detoxifying agents that contain turmeric and dandelion and other herbals in blends that are going to help support your lung detox, your kidney detox, your lymphatic detox, your digestive process, liver detox – so powerful at just kicking off that spring detox.

This is a category, detoxing is a category that I always kind of caveat with telling folks, every day, we detox. Your body and your system is naturally taking care of the detox process. We are naturally, every day, every second, eliminating junkie, gunky cells, white blood cells, cells that no longer serve us. Cancer cells we’re eliminating. We’re eliminating excess fats. So much is being excreted and eliminated by the body.

We can use the power of certain herbals and supplementation blends that help the body detox, and that’s always a part of a spring detox process, but it’s not one of those detoxes that is going to leave you hanging out in the bathroom all day or you’re going to have to schedule it and not go to work.

I’m excited to share with you our newer line of our detox and our cleanse products because they’re gentle and you can take them every day, but definitely consider taking a course of 30 or 60 days of the detox and cleanse. In combination, you’re going to have a really powerful supplement blend that helps invigorate and enhance your natural detox pathways.

6. Mindfully Mentally Detox

And last and final, I love to recommend mindfulness. We need a mental mind detox and sometimes it might be giving up checking your email after a certain period of time, or checking out of social media for a little bit, or not watching the news, or just being really mindful of what you’re absorbing mentally and emotionally and detoxing out some of the things that are not serving you.

Being aware of activities, relationships, things you’ve said yes to that you really want to say no to, being mindful of your social environment, your emotional environment, and your mental state. And mindfulness, you can practice guided meditation, yoga. I love Kundalini yoga for just invigorating all of our energy reserves. And just really consider going inward and getting silent and practicing the mindfulness that is very calming and stress-reducing.

That’s a very powerful way to kind of sum up the whole spring detox process from A to Z. Clean up your diet, clean up your mind, and everything in between to really power up your body to get it out of the winter mode and ready for the awesome spring and summer that lays ahead.

I hope you enjoy these tips. Let me know if you have any specific detox questions. And yeah, Ask The Doctor and I will answer them in future videos.


Dr. Melissa’s Natural Allergy Relief Tips

Video Transcript:

I’m going to share with you natural allergy relief tips. So, with allergies, a lot of what you’re experiencing is a reaction in your body where your immune cells are releasing histamines. So, histamines tend to be the root of allergic responses or allergies when you’re getting the itchy scratchy experience up in the eyes, the sinus pressure and congestion, the sore, itchy throat, or even hives.

So, allergies can take a broad kind of effect on the body based on how histamines often affect you. But this protocol is really going to delve into reducing the histamine reaction in your body. Not necessarily so much like removing you from the allergen sources, because a lot of times, seasonal allergies, you just can’t really get away from the allergens. But this protocol will be extremely helpful with the internal part of allergy season.

DAO Lowers Histamine Levels

So, number one, there is a supplement I recommend called DAO, D-A-O, and it’s diamine oxidase. And this is a powerhouse histamine Pac-Man gobbling supplement. And when we consume DAO on a daily basis – but also sometimes twice a day during the height of allergy season – DAO can help reduce the histamines.

And histamines cause the inflammation [1], they cause the puffiness, they cause the headaches, they cause the gunkiness in your eyes when you’re waking up in the morning. They cause the dry throat and soreness that sometimes happens when you have allergies. So, DAO can really target the root cause of allergy responses in your body and lowers histamine levels. So, that’s tip number one.

Turmeric Lowers Inflammatory State

Number two, I recommend you grab T3D. That’s a supplement we have here that really taps into the amazing power of curcumin or turmeric. Turmeric, or turmeric, is a powerful anti-inflammatory, and it can be extremely effective in lowering the inflammatory state of your respiratory and mucus tissue [2].

So, when we’re dealing with sinus congestion and gunkiness in our throat and coughing and even skin-related allergies like hives and puffiness, the properties in T3D, because it’s fermented, we have a more bioavailable, more potent form of turmeric that will target the symptoms. So, I love to add T3D on a daily basis during an allergic response or allergy season.

N-Acetylcysteine Clears Respiratory Passages

Now, the third recommendation here is to reach for NAC. We call it “nack.” It’s an abbreviated name for the N-acetylcysteine supplement that allows you to really clear up the histamine reaction and the mast cell activation in the respiratory passageways [3].

So, if you tend to have allergies that causes you sinus grief and headaches where you’re feeling puffy up here in this upper sinus cavity, your ears are plugged and clogged and you’ve got a lot of mucus, NAC will really help that, especially if your allergies then turns into a sinus infection or a bronchitis, which is very common. You’ll have secondary infections from the histamine overwhelm and the mucus now overproducing and becoming a harboring point for bacteria.

So, I love NAC in a microdosing. So, taking 500 milligrams of NAC in the morning, afternoon, and right before bed is extremely powerful and works consecutively, the tag teams with DAO. So, NAC and DAO are really powerful in this combination.

Spirulina Modulates Histamine & Immune Response

And then, another powerful resource is to reach for our OrganiGreens. This is our newly formulated powerhouse of modulating immune regulation in green potency. So, the green powder and the whole assortment of greens, particularly spirulina being our core ingredient, you are going to find that when you take OrganiGreens daily – so, make a nice green smoothie with some pineapple because of the bromelain, and add in maybe a little ginger, and add in a whole bunch of really powerful antioxidants like blueberries and some bananas, the combination of spirulina with some pineapples – you’re going to get the capacity, your body’s going to be reducing inflammation levels, and the spirulina will target immune regulation.

So, instead of having your immune cells releasing all these histamines, spirulina comes in and kind of caps that responsiveness. So, it helps downgrade an overwhelmed response of histamines. And that’s exactly what we need.

Allergy Season Can Be Tolerable

We need to address this from multiple levels. And this protocol does that. It cleans up the histamines, it blocks the histamines, and it really helps to balance and modulate your immune response so that you have less inflammatory state in the sinuses and the upper respiratory passageway, and you have less histamines roaming through the body, causing you grief during allergy season.

So, I’m excited to share this protocol with you, and I hope you find it helpful, and I can’t wait to hear how you find this protocol works in your life.

The latest formula of Organic OrganiGreens is our best yet. In just one simple scoop, add 17 sprouted and fermented superfoods and botanicals, plus probiotics and enzymes, to your daily diet to fill nutritional gaps and support healthy immune function, increased energy and mental clarity, as well as digestion and detoxification processes. Easily mixes in water, smoothies, juices, and recipes, and it also tastes great – even without any added sugars.

The Top 5 Energy Drains To Avoid

Video Transcript:

Today, I want to share with you the top five energy drains to avoid, to help keep your energy and improve your energy and vitality.

1. Inconsistent Sleep

Number one is not sleeping well or getting inconsistent in non-restorative sleep. So, if you find yourself waking up in the middle of the night, or maybe you’re staying up too late, or having a hard time actually waking up in the morning.

Not sleeping well and not getting restorative seven to eight solid consistent hours of sleep is not only detrimental to your health, it’s also detrimental to your mental health, your mental focus, your mental energy. And can kick off a cascade of health imbalances, and can even cause stress on your body that then manifests as fatigue.

Add Magnesium Every Day

So, one of the best and most powerful ways to improve your sleep is to add magnesium to your everyday diet. I recommend our Magnesium 7, our Mag 7, in the morning and in the evening.

I like to bookmark the day with magnesium because magnesium is needed in over 600 body enzymatic functions. [1] And when we take it in the morning, it helps support those functions throughout the day. When we take it at night, it helps support those functions of sleep, and restoration, and recalibration that we need in the evening.

Optimize Your Melatonin

Now, the other thing that can help with sleep is melatonin. A lot of times as individuals age or if they have hormonal imbalances, melatonin can be imbalanced, especially if you find you’re on this imbalanced sleep cycle. So, calibrating and optimizing your melatonin levels can be helpful for improving your sleep.

2. Too Much Phone/Screen Time

Now, my second major energy drain is to put the phone down and stop searching social media, or doing any type of gaming, or any type of activity on your computer that’s looking at an app like LinkedIn, or Facebook, or Instagram, or TikTok, or X.

The dopamine impact is significant when we are involving ourselves in social media. Now, there’s a time and place, but what we find is that now phones can report how much time you spend on the phone, and the average American is spending anywhere between four and eight hours a day on their phone in social media. That creates information overload, it creates FOMO – fear of missing out. It creates the comparisons. We’ve even seen cyberbullying, not just with young kids and teens, but we see that with adults. And it can create a situation where you are feeling overwhelmed and anxious about your world, or your life, and it affects your self-esteem as well.

So, social media and the dopamine hit there… is something I always recommend a social media detox. [2] And this is really key where maybe it’s not throughout the month, but maybe it’s for four or five days throughout the month. Maybe it’s a weekend where you go without social media or even aim for 30 days without and see how it goes. But that is really, really a huge energy drain. It’s a time drain, it’s an energy drain, it’s a mental drain, and it’s an emotional drain. So, definitely be aware of your time on social media.

3. Unmanaged Stress

My third major energy drain to avoid is stress. Now, stress unfortunately is a part of life, and sometimes stress is what our body needs to overcome and help us heal. But long-term adrenal impact, the adrenal impact of stress [3] the hit to our body, our immune system, our sleep cycle, our emotional health, and just overall our immune function can be overwhelmed and restricted. We even see stress impacting our hormones. It impacts our metabolism.

Stress really can be at the root of so many illness and disease patterns and symptoms that patients see. And some of the most powerful ways to address stress is to sleep well, to minimize your social media exposure, but also to reach for adaptogenic supplements like our 7 Mushrooms that has rhodiola, and lion’s mane, and chaga, and reishi, and other particular mushrooms that can help offset the adrenal impact.

I also recommend consuming Tulsi or holy basil tea. There’s a lot of really great lines with holy basil and sometimes like ginger or turmeric or rose, but tulsi is another stress adaptogen that’s more of an herbal that you can add in as a tea, but definitely reach for our 7 Mushrooms for managing and supporting stress.

4. Insufficient Nutrition

Now, number four, this is really important. One of the things that we see is that the combination of an unhealthy diet and a nutrient-deficient lifestyle can be significant energy drains, not just in your energy output, but also from a cellular energy perspective. If you’re reaching for things like caffeine and sugar as energy crutches to boost your energy, then you’re in that kind of energy drain cycle.

Similarly, if you’re not consuming the right micronutrients, then you’re not supporting your body with the right iron and mineral density like magnesium, as well as key nutrients like vitamin B, and vitamin D, and vitamin C.

Supplement with Clean Micronutrient Powders

It’s really important that you supplement with good, clean, just really powerful, substantial, comprehensive micronutrient powders. I really love to recommend our OrganiGreens because that becomes a foundational nutritional source where if you’re missing several things, like there’s gaps in your micronutrient density, the OrganiGreens can really help fill that gap.

And if you do choose an unhealthy diet, let’s say around the holiday season or maybe you’re going on a trip, make sure you’re consuming OrganiGreens during that because it functions as what I call the magic carpet. It gets you through that period of time, and makes sure your body is getting the right nourishment and nutrition.

5. Dehydration

Now last and final number five. I really think so many of us fall in this category and it is the biggest energy drain, which is dehydration. Being dehydrated means that you’re going to have less energy. You’re not going to have the right function with your red blood cells, and the blood volume, and the blood flow. It strains our organs and our glands. It dehydrates our skin and makes us look aged, and it also minimizes our brain function. Our brain is part water and part fat, and we need hydration – water – to help support our brain function and improve our energy.

The key here is that you want to reach for hydration – water – that is mineral dense. Most of the time you’re going to need to add some liquid ionic minerals to your water, whether it’s reverse osmosis, or you’re distilling, or you’re going for tap or refrigerated, or filtered water. We have water sources that are deficient, and we need to rehydrate our body with mineral-dense water. That’s how nature delivers water. It’s minerally balanced and it has a lot of key minerals and nutrients that we need. The water that comes out of our tap generally is deficient in so many of those.

So, it’s really important also on the hydration front to start your day off with a 20-ounce glass of water. You can add the liquid minerals, a few drops of either apple cider vinegar, or some lemon juice. But start your day off hydrating well. End your day hydrating well, and that’s really key. You do want to have a glass of water before you go to bed. Have it by your nightstand. Drink your water before you brush your teeth and make sure you’re hydrating.

Now, I know a lot of people will often abstain from drinking in the evening because they don’t want to get up at night to urinate, especially a lot of men or individuals as they get older. That urination at night… the role there, your adrenal glands, your cortisol level plays a bigger function than the actual hydration. So, if you are targeting sleeping better and you’re balancing your stress, you can forego the concern about waking up at night to urinate. So, trust in your key organs of detoxification that won’t wake you up at night to urinate. But it’s really important that you hydrate.

Hydrate, hydrate well. A dehydrated body is a deficient body [4], so make sure you’re hydrating optimally. And if you feel parched, or dehydrated, or even thirsty, that’s a sign that we need to keep you hydrated and you’ve already gone past that threshold of optimal hydration.

So, those are five energy drains to avoid and some tips to address those. I hope that was helpful and I hope you have an awesome day.

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