The Benefits Of Taking Collagen VitaminsCollagen vitamins have gained popularity in recent years due to their numerous health benefits. Understanding collagen and its role in the body is essential to fully appreciate the importance of incorporating collagen supplementation into your diet. This article will provide a brief overview of collagen, the role it plays in the body, the different types of collagen vitamins available—hydrolyzed collagen peptides for example—and the proven benefits of taking them. Additionally, we will explore how to choose the right collagen vitamin for your needs and discuss the best ways to incorporate them into your daily routine.

Understanding Collagen: A Brief Overview

First and foremost, what exactly is collagen? Collagen is a protein that makes up a significant part of our skin, bones, tendons, ligaments, and other connective tissues. It provides structure and strength to these vital components of our body. With age, the production of collagen naturally decreases, leading to various signs of aging, such as wrinkles, joint pain, and weakened bones. This is where collagen vitamins come into play.

What is Collagen?

Collagen is the most abundant protein in our bodies, accounting for about one-third of our total protein composition. It’s made up of amino acids, specifically glycine, proline, hydroxyproline, and arginine. These amino acids form a triple helix structure, giving collagen its unique properties. Let’s dive a bit deeper into the amino acids that make up collagen. Glycine, the smallest amino acid, plays a crucial role in collagen synthesis. It helps in the formation of collagen fibers and ensures their stability. Proline, another important amino acid, provides structural integrity to collagen by forming cross-links that strengthen the collagen matrix. Hydroxyproline, a modified form of proline, contributes to the stability of collagen by enabling it to resist degradation. Lastly, arginine aids in collagen production by stimulating the release of growth factors that promote collagen synthesis.

The Role of Collagen in the Body

Collagen serves a crucial role in the body by providing support and structure to various tissues. It acts as a glue that holds everything together, ensuring the proper functioning of our ever-aging skin, bones, muscles, and tendons. Additionally, collagen promotes cell renewal and improved skin elasticity, helping to maintain a smooth and youthful-looking glow. When it comes to our skin, collagen plays a vital role in maintaining its firmness and elasticity. It provides a scaffold for the skin cells, giving them a plump and youthful appearance. Collagen also helps in wound healing by attracting new skin cells to the site of injury and facilitating their growth. Furthermore, collagen contributes to the hydration of the skin, preventing dryness and promoting a healthy complexion. In our bones, collagen provides the structural framework that gives them strength and flexibility. It forms a network of fibers that mineralize with calcium and other minerals, creating a sturdy structure that can withstand everyday activities and impacts. Without sufficient collagen, our bones become more prone to fractures and may weaken over time. Collagen is also essential for the health and flexibility of our muscles and tendons. It helps to connect muscles to bones, allowing for smooth and coordinated movements. Strong collagen fibers in tendons provide stability and support during physical activities, reducing the risk of injuries such as sprains and strains. As we age, the decline in collagen production becomes more evident, leading to visible signs of aging. Wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging skin are often the result of decreased collagen levels. By supplementing with collagen vitamins, we can help replenish the declining collagen stores in our body, potentially improving the appearance of our skin and reducing the discomfort associated with joint pain. Collagen dietary supplements contain a combination of key nutrients that support collagen synthesis and overall skin health. These supplements often include ingredients like vitamin C, which is essential for collagen production, and hyaluronic acid, which helps to retain moisture in the skin. Other beneficial components may include antioxidants, such as vitamin E and resveratrol, which protect collagen from damage caused by free radicals. Understanding collagen and its functions can help us make informed choices when it comes to supporting our body’s collagen production. Whether through a balanced diet, skin care products, or collagen supplements, taking care of our collagen levels can contribute to a healthier and more youthful body.

The Importance of Collagen Vitamins

As mentioned earlier, the production of collagen naturally declines with age. This decline can lead to visible signs of aging, joint discomfort, and decreased bone density. Collagen vitamins play a vital role in supporting overall health and well-being by replenishing collagen levels in the body. Collagen is closely associated with the aging process. The loss of collagen over time can also lead to weakened hair and nails, making them more prone to breakage and brittleness. By taking collagen vitamins, you can help restore the lost collagen and maintain a more youthful appearance. These vitamins provide the essential building blocks needed for collagen synthesis, helping to improve skin elasticity, firmness, and hydration. Regular intake of collagen vitamins can also reduce the appearance of scars and stretch marks, promoting a smoother and more even skin tone.

The Connection Between Collagen and Aging

Collagen plays a crucial role in maintaining the structural integrity of our skin, joints, and bones. It acts as a scaffold, providing support and strength to these tissues. Not only does collagen decline affect our external appearance, but it also impacts our internal health. Collagen is present in our blood vessels, helping to maintain their strength and elasticity. When collagen levels decrease, blood vessels may become weaker and more prone to damage, increasing the risk of cardiovascular diseases. In addition to skin health, collagen vitamins offer numerous benefits to other areas of the body. They support joint health by promoting the regeneration of cartilage, reducing joint pain, and improving overall mobility. Collagen vitamins also contribute to maintaining strong and healthy bones by enhancing bone density and preventing age-related bone loss. By supporting these vital structures, collagen vitamins can help alleviate joint discomfort and promote an active and fulfilling lifestyle.

How Collagen Vitamins Support Health

Collagen vitamins are not only beneficial for the skin, joints, and bones but also play a role in supporting overall health and well-being. These vitamins contain essential amino acids, that are necessary for collagen synthesis. Collagen vitamins help to strengthen the immune system by supporting the production of antibodies and promoting a healthy gut lining. They also aid in digestion by improving the absorption of nutrients and promoting a healthy gut microbiome. Furthermore, collagen vitamins have been shown to promote hair growth and improve the condition of hair follicles. They can help reduce hair loss, strengthen hair strands, and enhance overall hair health. Collagen vitamins also have antioxidant properties, helping to neutralize harmful free radicals in the body. This antioxidant activity can help reduce inflammation, protect against oxidative stress, and support overall cellular health. By replenishing collagen levels in the body, these vitamins can help combat the visible signs of aging, support joint health, enhance bone density, strengthen the immune system, improve digestion, promote hair growth, and provide antioxidant protection. Incorporating collagen vitamins into your daily routine can contribute to a healthier and more vibrant life.

Different Types of Collagen Vitamins

Collagen, the most abundant protein in the human body, comes in various types, each serving different purposes. Understanding the different types of collagen vitamins can provide insights into their specific benefits and how they can support overall health and well-being.

Type I Collagen:

Type I collagen is the most abundant type found in the human body. It plays a crucial role in maintaining the health of our skin, bones, tendons, ligaments, and organs. This collagen type provides structural support and contributes to the overall strength and elasticity of these tissues. It helps keep our skin firm, reduces the appearance of wrinkles, and promotes healthy bone density. Including type I collagen vitamins in your daily routine can help improve the health and vitality of these essential structures.

Type II Collagen:

Type II collagen is primarily found in cartilage, making it essential for joint health. As we age, the production of type II collagen decreases, leading to joint discomfort and limited mobility. Supplementation with type II collagen vitamins can help support joint function, relieve pain and stiffness, and promote overall joint health. By replenishing the diminishing collagen levels, these vitamins can help maintain the integrity of the cartilage and improve joint flexibility, allowing for a more active and fulfilling lifestyle.

Type III Collagen:

Type III collagen is often found in conjunction with type I collagen and is crucial for maintaining the structure and elasticity of organs, muscles, and blood vessels. It provides support to vital components such as the heart, lungs, liver, and arteries. Including type III collagen vitamins in your routine can contribute to the overall health and well-being of these essential structures. By supporting the elasticity of blood vessels, type III collagen vitamins may help maintain healthy blood flow and cardiovascular function. While type I, type II, and type III collagen vitamins are the most commonly recognized types, it’s important to note that there are other types of collagen as well, each with its own unique properties and benefits. These include type IV collagen, found in the basement membrane of various tissues, and type V collagen, which plays a role in the formation of cell surfaces and hair. Understanding the specific benefits of each collagen type can help you choose the right supplements to support your individual needs. It’s worth mentioning that collagen vitamins are available in various forms, including capsules, powders, and liquids. The choice of form depends on personal preference and convenience. It’s recommended to consult with a healthcare professional or a registered dietitian before starting any new supplement regimen, especially if you have any underlying health conditions or are taking medications.

How to Incorporate Collagen Vitamins into Your Diet

Now that we’ve explored the benefits of collagen vitamins, let’s discuss how you can incorporate them into your daily diet:

Choosing the Right Collagen Vitamin

When selecting a collagen vitamin, it’s essential to consider factors such as quality, source, and dosage. Look for high-quality supplements sourced from reputable manufacturers and pay attention to the recommended dosage based on your specific needs.

When and How to Take Collagen Vitamins

The best time to take collagen vitamins may vary depending on your personal preferences and routine. Some people prefer taking them in the morning, while others find it more convenient to incorporate them into their evening routine. The most crucial factor is consistency—take your collagen vitamins daily for optimal results. In conclusion, collagen vitamins offer a range of benefits for your overall health and well-being. By replenishing collagen levels in the body, they support skin health, joint function, and bone density. Choosing the right collagen vitamin and incorporating it into your daily routine can help you maintain a youthful appearance, improve joint mobility, and support strong bones. Take the first step towards healthier skin, joints, and bones by introducing collagen vitamins into your diet today!

Organixx Clean Sourced Collagens blend contains five types of collagen from four sources. What’s more, it’s combined with targeted nutrients such as zinc, vitamin C, and vitamin B6 which specifically enhance the bioavailability and potency of collagen. Clean Sourced Collagens is formulated from the ground up to enhance and support your body’s natural ability to heal and rebuild itself from the INSIDE out.

Organixx Clean Sourced Collagens
Does Collagen Help with Hair Loss? Unveiling the Truth

Does collagen help with hair loss? This is a question that many individuals dealing with thinning hair often ask. Collagen, a critical protein in our bodies, has been linked to numerous health benefits including the potential to support healthy hair growth.

In this blog post, we look at how collagen contributes to hair health and its role in preventing hair loss. We’ll explore the science behind how taking collagen supplements can potentially boost your natural collagen production and increase hair growth.

We will also discuss different types of collagen like marine collagen and hydrolyzed collagen peptides that are best suited for supporting your locks. Finally, we’ll provide guidance on the optimal amount of daily collagen supplementation for promoting robust strands.

So if you’re wondering “Does collagen help with hair loss?”, stay tuned as we unravel this complex topic based on current research findings.

Does Collagen Help with Hair Loss?

If you’re losing hair, collagen might be your secret weapon. Research suggests it can boost hair growth and prevent further thinning.

Collagen, the protein that keeps our skin elastic, also supports healthy hair follicles. Taking collagen supplements can strengthen your strands from within, promoting healthy hair growth. Collagen is a key element for the good condition of our hair follicles and connective tissues, ensuring they remain intact and functional to promote healthy hair growth. It helps maintain their integrity and functionality, supporting healthy hair growth.

Consuming collagen can also help build keratin, the primary protein in our hair. This strengthens our strands and reduces breakage.

How Does Collagen Combat Hair Loss?

Hair loss often occurs due to damaged or weakened follicles. Collagen supplements enhance natural collagen production, repairing damaged follicles and stimulating new hair growth.

The Role of Collagen in Strengthening Hair

Collagen serves up amino acids that are like superfoods for your hair. When you gobble up collagen supplements, your body breaks them down into amino acids, which then work their magic to produce keratin, the protein that gives your hair its strength and structure.

But wait, there’s more. Collagen also acts as a bodyguard for each precious strand of hair. It forms a protective shield around your follicles, shielding them from free radicals, UV rays, and other environmental villains. Say goodbye to breakage and thinning.

Nourishing the Scalp With Collagen

Collagen doesn’t stop at strengthening your strands. It’s also a scalp superhero. A healthy scalp is the secret to luscious locks, and collagen knows it. The amino acids derived from collagen synthesis boost blood circulation in your scalp, delivering nutrients to every follicle and whisking away waste products. Plus, they help your scalp produce sebum, the natural oil that keeps your scalp and hair moisturized. No more dryness-induced breakage.

Collagen to the rescue again. As we age, our collagen production takes a nosedive, leaving us with weaker, thinner hair that loves to bail on us. But fear not. By adding collagen to your diet, you can give your hair a fighting chance. It helps maintain thicker, fuller locks even as the years go by. Age is just a number, after all.

What Types of Collagen are Best for Hair Loss?

Not all collagen supplements are the same, particularly when it comes to hair loss prevention and promotion of healthy hair growth. Some collagens are just better at promoting healthy hair growth and reducing hair loss.

The superstar in this category is hydrolyzed collagen. It’s the king of collagens—broken down into smaller molecules for easy absorption and utilization by your body. In fact, studies have shown that hydrolyzed collagen is absorbed at a higher rate than other forms of the protein. Talk about efficiency.

Why Hydrolyzed Collagen?

Hydrolyzed collagen is a hair follicle’s best friend. It delivers the necessary nutrients directly to the hair follicle, making them stronger and reducing breakage and thinning. It’s like giving your hair a power-up.

Hydrolyzed collagen also promotes skin hydration and elasticity, which indirectly benefits your scalp health. It’s a win-win for your hair and skin.

Type I & III Collagen: A Dynamic Duo

Now, let’s dive deeper into the collagen world. Type I and Type III collagens are the dynamic duo for your hair. Type I is the most abundant type found in our bodies, including our skin, nails, and yes, our precious hairs. Supplementing with Type I collagen gives your strands the extra building blocks they need to be stronger.

And then we have Type III collagen, always hanging out with Type I in the same tissues, including your lovely locks. It helps maintain the overall structural integrity of your hair, preventing those pesky premature breakages.

A Note About Quality

When choosing high-quality collagen products, it’s crucial to consider a few key factors to ensure the best results:

Remember, quality makes a difference. Choose a high-quality collagen supplement from a reputable brand like Organixx. Don’t settle for harmful additives or fillers commonly found elsewhere. Your hair deserves the best.


What Other Benefits Does Collagen Have?

In addition to its potential benefits for hair loss and thicker hair, collagen is a powerhouse supplement with numerous other health advantages. This protein plays a crucial role in maintaining the structure and integrity of your skin, joints, bones, and muscles. Let’s delve into some of these remarkable benefits.

Improved Skin Health: Collagen: the secret to looking young forever? Well, maybe not forever, but studies show that collagen supplements can hydrate your skin and reduce wrinkles. So, say goodbye to dry skin and hello to a more youthful glow.

Promotes Joint Health: Calling all athletes and active folks. If joint pain is cramping your style, collagen might be your new best friend. Studies have indicated that consuming collagen supplements may help alleviate indications of osteoarthritis and decrease overall joint pain. Time to get back in the game.

Maintains Bone Health: Strong bones are the foundation of a healthy body, and collagen is here to keep them rock solid. Studies have shown that collagen supplements may inhibit bone breakdown and help maintain bone density. So, keep those fractures at bay and strut your stuff.

Muscle Mass Maintenance: Want to keep those muscles strong and in tip-top shape? Collagen has got your back. Research suggests that collagen supplementation can promote muscle protein synthesis and aid in muscle maintenance and growth. Time to flex those gains.

Digestive Aid & Energy Booster: Collagen: this abundant protein is not just a pretty face. It can also help improve digestion and boost your energy levels. By repairing the intestinal lining and promoting healthy stomach acid secretion, collagen ensures smoother food processing and better nutrient absorption. Say hello to a happier tummy and a more energized you.

How Much Collagen Should I Take for Hair Loss?

If you’re having issues with thinning hair and are thinking of trying collagen supplements, you might be wondering how much to take. Well, it’s not a one-size-fits-all answer, but here are some general guidelines to help you out.

The recommended dosage of collagen for hair loss is 10-15 grams per day. Split this amount into smaller doses throughout the day, preferably with meals or snacks. For example, if you decide on 15 grams of collagen daily, you could have 5 grams at breakfast, lunch, and dinner respectively.

But remember, everyone’s body reacts differently to supplements. What works for one person may not work as well for another. Keep an eye on your body’s reaction and modify the dosage depending on that.

Talking to Your Doctor

If you have any hesitations about taking collagen for hair loss, it’s always wise to consult your doctor. They can provide personalized advice based on your health and medical history. Your doctor may suggest starting with a lower dose and gradually increasing it based on your body’s response or advising against certain products due to potential interactions or health conditions.


So, whether you’re trying to combat thinning locks or boost overall wellness, adding the right amount of quality collagen from trusted sources like Organixx could be a beneficial step toward a healthier lifestyle. Just remember, always consult your healthcare provider before starting any new supplementation routine to ensure safety and effectiveness.

The Final Say:

Collagen: the secret to luscious locks! This magical protein not only promotes hair growth but also strengthens those precious hair follicles and keeps your scalp healthy. Type I and type III collagen are the hair heroes you need.

How much collagen should you take for hair loss? Well, it depends on your unique needs, but a daily dose of 2.5-10 grams is generally recommended. Just remember to consult a healthcare pro before diving into the collagen craze.

The Best Supplements for Moms

Video Transcript:

As a mom, a working mom, and a busy sometimes stressed-out mom, I want to share with you four amazing supplements that every mom, grandma, and female needs in their lives, particularly if you are experiencing fatigue, or need an energy boost to balance all of the balls that you have up the air, or you’re just dealing with overall stress. I am so excited to share these four with you.

Collagen – Not Just for Wrinkles

So, number one, in the anti-aging category, but also deep healing, I recommend collagen, Clean Sourced Collagens. Specifically, collagen is wonderful for women in reducing fine lines and wrinkles around the laugh lines, crow’s feet, your little furrows.

So, if you feel like the stress and everyday life is wearing you down and you’re physically seeing a reduction in the elasticity of your skin, a wonderful gift for yourself or any mom or grandma in your life is collagen.

Collagen has not just superficial anti-aging benefits that can be seen in two to four weeks and continues to compound, it also has massive benefits in healing your gut. So if you or a mom or grandma in your life experiences any type of gut imbalances, leaky gut, indigestion, IBS, bloating, gas, those are all going to be indicative of small intestinal imbalances, potentially something that we call leaky gut, where literally the structures in between these small little microvilli and single-cell lining of our small intestine, that gets opened up and the tissue itself is not as strong and supple.

Collagen can actually strengthen those divides and create a situation where we can heal leaky gut. This is a permanent type of solution. So if you, as a mom, grandma, or have any moms or grandmas in your life that you want to help support their health, collagen, our Clean Sourced Collagens is great to use. You can use a scoop a day. Sometimes I’ll do two doses in the morning and the evening. You can add this to a tea or a coffee, yogurt, smoothie. There’s a lot of different ways to use this. And I even put it in our mommy cookies. I call them mommy cookies. And my son and my husband, we all eat these amazing plant-based raw cookies, and we put in collagen for an extra oomph of protein. So that’s number one.

Magnesium to Reduce Fluid Retention and Balance Sleep

Number two, I want to talk to all you ladies who might be experiencing imbalanced sleep, fluid retention – and this could be mild where you might notice that at the end of the day, your feet or ankles are swelling. You might notice that you feel more puffy and just holding maybe one to five pounds of excess fluid. Magnesium 7, this is our multi-complex magnesium blend. This has an assorted amount and assorted types of magnesium. They target certain body systems. But magnesium specifically is great for enhancing the fluid production and the flow of fluid that might be stagnant inside your body. And it’ll articulate it, so we can flush that out, the pathways, like our kidneys and our bladder. So magnesium can help reduce fluid retention. I recommend this for all my lymphatic patients, my patients with lymphedema, or folks with edema and light, gentle swelling.

But also, magnesium is great for balancing sleep. Magnesium, this particular mineral is a master mineral. We have over 600 enzymatic reactions in our body that need magnesium. So magnesium can improve sleep. It can calm the body, calm the central nervous system. So for women who have anxiety or even depression, just feeling like the brain is not optimized, you’re not feeling completely 100% yourself – personality or just mental health-wise – magnesium is great. So I always recommend that.

You can take a dose in the evening, that tends to be when we can get the max benefits for sleep. But you can also add a dose in the morning. So spacing it out in 10 to 12 hours is going to give us that max, multiple delivery long-term benefits of magnesium.

Functional Mushrooms Bring Massive Benefits

Number three, the next recommendation I’m really excited because this, I use to power me up to energize my body, to reduce inflammation, as well as any type of free radical damage from everyday allergens or viral or bacterial invasions.

I cannot speak enough to the massive benefits that we as women experience from functional mushrooms. Particularly, functional mushrooms support our brain. They support and balance our hormones. They can help us get through perimenopause, menopause. It also is very beneficial for women post-pregnancy.

Lower Stress Levels & Calm the Central Nervous System

What we find are functional mushrooms that we are going to get in our 7 Mushrooms blend. By the way, these are fermented and they are extremely powerful. Each of the mushrooms in this blend have massive amounts of clinical research that showcases the potency and the power of these medicinal mushrooms in helping lower our stress levels, calm our central nervous system, recalibrate our stress response mechanism – meaning that fight or flight, like we’re always in that kind of squirrel. You know when you’re driving around down the road and the squirrel’s like, “Eh,” and it doesn’t know what to do and it runs in front of your car? We are in that state on a daily basis. And as moms, grandmothers, and women who are caregivers, this is a massive, massive negative influence on our overall health and wellness.

And where I use functional mushrooms in not just my life, but the lives of my patients, is we can help support and balance the stress level, but also enhance our adaptogenic influences from functional mushrooms – meaning mushrooms in this blend, 7 Mushrooms blend, they can actually help your body adapt to and deal with stress better. So normally, you’re walking around with your glass, it’s full and overflowing, mushrooms let the valve out. So it releases some of that intensity, the pressure, and it calms the way you’re going to deal with everyday life. And if you are a mom watching this, you know that all the time, we’re managing and juggling a lot in our families and our kids’ lives and just all the things that are on our plate.

Brain Health & Immune Support Along with Minimizing Cancer Risk

So, the functional mushrooms are a really good way to support your body. They also have amazing benefits in supporting brain health. And we see some of these mushrooms are highly beneficial at minimizing our risk of cancer. They can support cell apoptosis of cancer cells, meaning cell death of cancer cells. They have a very powerful influence for balancing and modulating our immune response, and have anti-inflammatory impact. So overall, stress-lowering, inflammation-reducing. They are high in antioxidants, which keeps us youthful and helps support our cells. So mushrooms are always on my list for moms. Moms and mushrooms go hand-in-hand, powers you up.

Anti-Inflammatory Reduces Risk of Illness, Disease & Pain

And my last and final is really one of the things that we see with all illness and disease, but particularly with women. Some of the major common illnesses women experience are inflammatory in their orientation – meaning the cause of illness and disease is from an overwhelm of inflammation within the body. It’s systemic inflammation. And that inflammation can often cause pain, pains in our joints, in our muscles and tissue. Sometimes people will feel just this pain body, pain experience, aches and pains, just feel like you’re not as functional and fluid as you used to be.

Joint & Muscle Care is a big winner for my patients who experience pain and inflammatory disorders. If you have a mom or grandma or you yourself are suffering from one or many autoimmune dysfunctions, inflammation is the root cause.

Potent Trio of Ingredients

Joint & Muscle Care has three powerful ingredients: turmeric, myrrh, and it has frankincense. Those three have a long-term history as beneficial medicinals. Turmeric is a potent anti-inflammatory. So it can reduce inflammation, which will reduce nerve impact and nerve-related pain, i.e., your body’s registering pain. The other thing that we see with myrrh is just a really good balancer, and can reduce inflammatory conditions of our respiratory system, and can combat some of the allergen responses that we experience to our environment.

The other benefit with frankincense, frankincense is awesome. So let me share with you how awesome frankincense is. We have seen European studies showcase frankincense has anti-cancer properties. Frankincense is also a very grounding herb, and can help us root and recalibrate and balance our body and our parasympathetic nervous system. It helps keep us level and balanced.

So these three together in the Joint & Muscle Care are awesome for us women who might have current inflammatory conditions. You might feel aches and pains. And even hormone imbalance can kick off inflammation in the body. So combating systemic inflammation will greatly reduce your risk of illness and disease.

So for moms, grandmothers, and women who are seeking a complex, complete blend of powerful potent medicinals, these four: Collagen in powder form, 7 Mushrooms, the mushroom blend, Magnesium – major winner, the magnesium, I love magnesium – and it’ll also get you regular, so you’ll eliminate constipation, which 40% of breast cancer is caused from constipation. We actually see those links. And then also Joint & Muscle Care. So I’m excited for you to grab all four of these. Click on the link down below to get more information to order these products for you, your mothers, your grandmothers, aunts – all the women in your life can greatly benefit from these four items.

Joint & Muscle Care is a revolutionary supplement that takes three of the strongest inflammation support agents in nature (frankincense, myrrh, and turmeric), and combines them in the same perfect union treasured by the ancients. Available in capsule form or as an essential oil blend called Magi-Complexx.

Joint & Muscle Care
Support Your Heart Structure & Vasculature with Collagen

Video Transcript:

So, I have a question for you, friends. Are you actively supporting your heart structures every day? And when I say “heart structure,” are you supporting the health of your arteries, your ventricles, and your blood vessels? So, I ask you this because here at Organixx, we have something called collagen that can be extremely powerful as a resource to support your cardiovascular structures. And one of the things that we don’t really understand and acknowledge as clinicians, and I’m one of them, is that collagen is highly, highly beneficial to our whole entire cardiovascular system. So not only is collagen billed as a great antioxidant for our face, and we love all the superficial benefits – it’s going to tighten up our skin and give us more protein to help support muscle strength and really support our muscle turnover and our joints. Collagen can help support your heart health and promote heart healing.

Our Collagen Levels After the Age of 25

One of the amazing things that we know through research is that collagen can also lower your risk and the assorted risk factors of you leading and creating a situation within your body of developing heart conditions – assortment of heart conditions – heart failure, angina, myocarditis, and clogging of your arteries that lead to heart attacks. So one of the things, if we’re going to look at collagen as a benefit to your heart health, I want to kind of detail what happens internally in our body, because we’re naturally producing collagen up until about the age of 25. That’s kind of our peak collagen performance level, if you will. So, after 25 is when we really need to get serious about supplementing externally with good, clean collagen, like what we have here at Organixx. By the age of 60, we’re only producing half of our collagen or what we used to produce.

So, we go from 25-60 and you literally cut your collagen production in half. So, if you are watching this video and you’re in your 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s, or 80s, or 90s, it is very important for you to add collagen into your diet if you’re looking to support your heart and your heart health. And I’m going to share with you what we see in clinical research the benefits of collagen and promoting and supporting our heart structures – our arteries, our vessels, the vasculature, our ventricles of our heart health. Two to five grams of collagen daily is what is traditionally studied. So let me share with you a few benefits and why collagen would be something I recommend for all of you watching, and I use in my life every day, to support your heart health.

Collagen Strengthens Your Arteries

Number one, collagen can keep your arteries strong. So just like we see with the tightening of our skin, the elastin fibers getting strong, collagen specifically can prevent what we call weakness or laxity of our vascular structures.

It also minimizes stiffness. So while we want our valves to function. So when we talk about like our vascular valves, sometimes those valves get a little weak, they don’t always shut right. Well, that’ll strengthen them up. Collagen helps support that. So collagen, we see that benefit our vascular structures and the flexibility is really critical for mobility of our vascular health. And we also see that it helps to keep all of those vessels in the right placement. So we don’t have wonkiness where there might be a little weakening of one area and maybe a stiffness in another area. It keeps all of this functional.

Collagen Can Improve LDL, HDL, and Triglyceride Levels

Number two, collagen actually can help improve your LDL, and HDL, and triglyceride levels. So when you’re running your cholesterol panels, and maybe you have higher LDL markers and low HDL, by consuming collagen (two to five grams daily), we see that individual’s total cholesterol values level. And it also is something where folks that might need a mild statin can actually make a switch from a statin to collagen where you are going to have greater benefits because of some of the minerals that get depleted and some of the other coenzymes that we see depleted by statins, collagen will not have a depleting effect on your body.

Collagen Helps Stabilize and Balance Blood Pressure

Number three – this is really critical if you have blood pressure challenges or imbalances, either too high or too low – the collagen, when consumed daily, can actually help stabilize and balance blood pressure levels.

Particularly, one of the things that we see is collagen helps support nitric oxide levels. And if you’ve ever had anybody in your family, or maybe you yourself have had a heart attack, the first thing that they do when you walk into the ER or you’re in an ambulance, they put a nitric oxide patch on you. You get that administered immediately to help relax the vasculature of our cardiovascular system to help lower that situation of a lack of oxygen flow. Nitric oxide production, naturally, is where we want to go in that natural production and prevention of heart disease. So we want to see that production increase naturally and collagen is the way to do that.

Collagen Is Anti-Inflammatory

And lastly, collagen is anti-inflammatory. One of the amazing compounds in collagen is glycine. And what we see with a lot of patients with heart disease, when we evaluate their glycine levels, they’re categorically in suboptimal levels. They’re in major deficient states. So if we want to reverse heart disease, we want to bring your glycine levels up. And collagen is a wonderful natural resource for glycine.

So, those are my tips today. I hope you consider reaching for our Organixx Collagens, our Clean Sourced Collagens. You can add these into your smoothies. You can add these into nut yogurts and even coffee. There are a lot of different ways for you to incorporate these into your diet. And we also give you an awesome brownie recipe on the back of your collagen bag. So I hope you’ll check these out. Add this to your heart-healthy program today.

Organixx Clean Sourced Collagens blend contains five types of collagen from four sources. What’s more, it’s combined with targeted nutrients such as zinc, vitamin C, and vitamin B6 which specifically enhance the bioavailability and potency of collagen. Clean Sourced Collagens is formulated from the ground up to enhance and support your body’s natural ability to heal and rebuild itself from the INSIDE out.

Organixx Clean Sourced Collagens