How Balancing Your Gut Health Can Ease Insomnia and Autoimmune Disorders

Video Transcript:

If you deal with any type of insomnia or a multitude of autoimmune disorders, today’s question from one of our viewers is going to be highly impactful. So, my answer to you will also cover a lot of the bases for those of you who have sleep imbalances or are dealing with autoimmunity.

So, our question today comes from one of our viewers and the question specifically is, “How to combat high-level insomnia with multiple autoimmune illnesses?”

So, this is a great question. Specifically, I look at these two categories: We have multiple autoimmune diseases or disorders, and then we also have insomnia. And the two are interrelated, but we’re going to go into a deep dive here specifically about the nature of inflammation – systemic inflammation within the body.

Systemic Inflammation and our Stress Response Mechanism

Anytime I work with patients who have multiple levels – sometimes we consider these primary, secondary, and tertiary. So, we have these different layers, where one autoimmunity begets another, and then it’s this ripple effect where we will see compounding degrees of autoimmunity. This is ultimately going to trigger this whole stress response mechanism[1] in the patient’s body.

So, specifically in this case, high levels or intense insomnia is a symptom of the inflammatory state of your body, specifically relating to these varying degrees of autoimmune disorder. And ultimately, anytime we’re looking at high levels of inflammation, as well as neurotransmitter imbalances – and that’s what insomnia really is signaling – is the brain is not getting all the right signals, and the communication pathways to calm the central nervous system and to have our glymphatic system do its detoxing at night – power down our organs in a good, rest-filled, rejuvenative sleep – then we are looking at, when that’s lacking, we’re looking at a deeper element of gut dysbiosis.

Gut Dysbiosis and Insomnia

And so, at the end of the day, inflammation and insomnia, we have to zero in on gut dysbiosis. And I highlight this really specifically in two of my master classes. One is gut-health-specific, and the other one is more of the biohacking your brain.

But in these two categories – brain health and gut health – there’s an interconnectivity where our brain is getting controlled by our second brain, our gut, and an assortment of chemicals, hormones, and neurotransmitters are being produced and controlled by our gut.

Enteric Nervous System and Gut Microbiome

We have this whole other part of our nervous system called our enteric nervous system[2], our ENS. The ENS is housed in our gut and it is heavily influenced by your gut microbiome. The little microbes of your gut, the bacteria in your gut, control all of these communication pathways. So if we’re looking at deep insomnia, we need to go deeper into the gut and healing the gut, healing leaky gut, healing bacterial imbalances in the small and large intestine, and ultimately calming this enteric nervous system.

Then, the other thing that we’re dealing with, with any type of autoimmunity, is we’re dealing with leaky gut. Leaky gut is that source that causes systemic inflammation and triggers the immune response mechanism where the body, our immune system, attacks itself. And this is very broad. I don’t know what type of autoimmunity you’re dealing with, but common autoimmune elements that are gut-related are going to be things like rheumatoid arthritis, Hashimoto’s is a gut-related autoimmune dysfunction. We look at Sjogren’s disease as another one – we often see this as a third level, a tertiary-related autoimmune dysfunction – lupus, MS, we can see things like vitiligo and skin imbalances. We can even see autoimmunity of our joints. But all of the inflammation that we’re dealing with, it’s all coming back to the gut.

And then the gut-brain connection… there’s a gut-brain access, that’s actually what we call those pathways. We need to balance that pathway and we need to help the communication function better. And so I’m going to share with you some tips.

Test Before Supplementing or Treating

Definitely, I’d encourage you to take one of my masterclasses. But for sure, here at Organixx, the ProBiotixx+ has L. Plantarum. This is a single form of bacteria, so it’s one type of strain.

And anytime we’re looking at microbiome or microbes in our gut, I always say, “Don’t guess, test.” And so test your microbiome. There are ways that we can do that. We can do specifically gut testing, where we’re testing stool and actually analyzing your microbes, and then can really get specific about your ENS and where those communication pathways are deficient or not properly communicating.

We can also identify reasons why you might be presenting with estrogen dominance or why there’s hormonal imbalances that are also offsetting the melatonin levels. The melatonin is also a neurotransmitter.

Balancing Your Gut Health is the Primary Goal

So, at the end of the day, it’s all about balancing your gut, creating homeostasis in our gut. So, eating good, healthy, rich probiotic-dense foods, fermented foods, fermented fibers, fermented supplementation, which you get a plethora of fermented supplementation here at Organixx. As well as adding additional prebiotic-dense fiber, both soluble and insoluble fiber in the forms of apple pectin and inulin. These are all very powerful at helping to support and create a more supple, balanced, homeostasis within your gut.

Test Neurotransmitter Levels to Determine Specific Healing Protocol

So, I hope this answers your specific question. What I always recommend when we’re dealing with any type of multiple layers of illness is you want to get really specific. Again, you don’t want to guess, you want to test. So, test your melatonin levels. You can actually test your whole neurotransmitter profile. I do this with a lot of patients in my clinic where we need to know where their histamine levels are, where is their melatonin, where’s their dopamine, the serotonin, norepinephrine, epinephrine, and assortment of other neurotransmitters.

Those levels we need to identify, because often, melatonin gets billed as the cure-all of every insomnia type of case or state, but going deeper, looking at that deep dive, and going to the root cause of insomnia, it might not be a deficiency in melatonin. It’s likely an assortment of gut dysbiosis, as well as an intense inflammatory state that’s also triggering a spike in cortisol, which is the stress hormone, it’s a chronic stress hormone.

In small doses, cortisol is actually anti-inflammatory, but in high doses, it has a reverse effect. It can even create greater inflammation and can create imbalance within our circadian rhythm – the natural cycle of rising in the morning and feeling sleepy at night – and having rest-filled sleep.

So, those are some things to consider in delving into the root of your insomnia and the multiple autoimmune illnesses you’ve identified. And that can ultimately give you greater, more optimized healing. So, I hope that’s helpful, and definitely for folks as well, watching this particular answer, I invite you to ask additional questions about autoimmunity or insomnia or gut health, and I’d love to answer more questions.

Organixx ProBiotixx+ formula contains a single, super-strain of Lactobacillus plantarum, designed to help alleviate constipation… eliminate gas and belly bloat… support your entire immune system… and give you total digestive protection.

Organixx ProBiotixx probiotic formula
Key Supplements for Prostate Health

Video Transcript:

Today, I want to talk about one of the leading sources of men’s health angst, which is prostate imbalances, prostate inflammation, BPH, elevations in prostate testing, like PSAs, and even, potentially, biopsies that might have yielded a positive cancer diagnosis.

So overall, I want to share with you some ways to address prostate health, and specifically, I want to share with you, I actually have a guide that I have written for gentlemen, that is something you can grab, click on a link down below, which is my prostate fix guide. I also have a masterclass that’s available for all gentlemen to take to learn. It’s a deep-dive, a 60-minute deep-dive into understanding how to address prostate imbalances. So, let’s dig into some things that we need to address.

Prostate Anatomy

With any type of elevation in PSA marker, or a challenge with urine flow, or notice the frequency is there, or any type of irritation at the very end of urination, we’re dealing with an inflamed prostate gland. Now, what does that mean?

An inflamed prostate gland, essentially, is a combination of an accumulation of fluid, so we actually have kind of a swelling, if you will, in the gland and around the gland. In the middle of the gland is the urethra, the ureter. So, it’s like a donut, and in the middle is the process where we’re able to urinate. When that gland gets swollen, it swells on the outside, and it swells on the inside. So, that’s where we can get challenges with urine flow and imbalances throughout the day.

Is Excess Estrogen Causing Inflammation?

Now, the other thing that we’re dealing with in the prostate gland is that the prostate is highly receptive to excess estrogen. I talk more about this in my guide, and I’m digging further into it in my masterclass. But estrogen, for men, can be the leading source of inflammation. So, if we want to deal with estrogen accumulation in the male body, we need to do a few things. We need to lower overall inflammation in the body, and we do this through two ways. One, I love to supplement with Joint & Muscle Care (formerly Magi-Complexx capsules) for gentlemen. This is a very inflammation-reducing supplement. It’s a trio of herbals that are known to reduce inflammation in the body. They also help create the lymphatic process and the lymph flow that will clear a lot of inflammation in and around the prostate gland.

So turmeric, frankincense, and myrrh, these are very grounding. They’re very good for that lower pelvic region. This can help reduce some of the inflammation of that gland. So for gentlemen that may experience… what I see in a lot of my patients is a greater urination process at night. So generally, a gentleman will kind of get to bed, and then they go through two or three wake-ups where they have to urinate. But they’re not urinating fully, so they’re not emptying their bladder fully. Part of that is inflammatory. It’s also related to a particular stress hormone. That is something we’re going to address, too, but the Joint & Muscle Care (formerly Magi-Complexx) is something you could take at night. And so you could take it around dinner time. That’ll start to lower the inflammation levels and start to minimize that nighttime waking.

Support the Liver

Now, the second thing that we need to do is we need to address the liver. The liver is a key detox organ, and the liver is also important for estrogen metabolism. So supporting the liver by drinking dandelion tea or adding milk thistle liquid herbal drops to that dandelion tea mix is a very powerful way at detoxing the liver and supporting the estrogen metabolism, meaning the breakup of estrogens that’s going to eliminate through the bowel contents and move out through the colon and rectum. That’s really important. And so targeting the liver is a really important part of this whole inflammatory reduction process when it comes to prostate health.

Is Stress a Factor?

The third thing that we want to do is address stress. Stress management. And let’s talk about stress. It’s not so much like, “Oh. I’m thinking I’m stressed,” or … For a lot of my gentlemen, they’re retired, so they’re like, “I don’t have the work stress, but I have this physiological stressor.” We have an assortment of stressors. We can have chemical stressors. We can have environmental, like allergy, allergens, internal to the body, like food allergens, or external. We could be dealing with micro-toxins, mold exposure. We could be dealing with an overwhelm of heavy metal exposure from work environment or maybe lifestyle, like smokers or folks that were consuming tobacco.

We can also deal with the stressor hormone, which is called cortisol. Cortisol is a very inflammatory-related hormone that can cause a whole bunch of stress inside the body, and it ultimately leads to some of the inflammatory challenges the prostate gland experiences. So, stress management techniques, like meditation and yoga, are some of the most powerful, free, stress-reducing tools that you can use on a daily basis. For gentlemen, sometimes, also reducing stress might be exercising in a different way, so doing more of a cardiovascular-based exercise in a 30-minute window.

So, instead of working out for an hour or doing hardcore weights, the most impactful exercise would be 30 minutes. Maybe it’s getting on a rowing machine and doing rowing or swimming. Those are very powerful, full-body exercises that support cardiovascular health but minimize the cortisol production. So a lot of men who are working out and kind of really doing a lot of weight lifting and high impact, the HIIT exercises or CrossFit, sometimes, they’re triggering cortisol in a way that is negative to the prostate gland.

Mineral Deficiency Is Easily Fixed

Now, another thing that I like to address is adding a very powerful mineral that is often going to be in a deficient state in our body. And particularly in the male body, this mineral deficiency can lead to inflammatory conditions, not just in the prostate, but joints. You might notice gout or swelling in the feet and ankles, and you might also notice kind of holding fluid here in the midsection.

Magnesium is a really critical mineral for lowering the inflammatory levels in our body, and we have Magnesium 7. I love to recommend adding this powder, so you can break open the capsules. You can add this into a smoothie. You can add it into your tea or morning coffee. It’s really great to add in twice a day – in the morning and in the evening. That can be a powerful way to support your prostate gland.

So, these are some tips. If you’re interested in going even deeper into healing the prostate gland, addressing inflammation and these inflammatory markers, like an elevation in PSA levels, where maybe you’ve been diagnosed with prostate cancer that’s being monitored or are dealing with, maybe, a catheter on a daily basis, I’m going to invite you into taking my Prostate Fix masterclass. We’ll walk away, after 60 minutes of this impactful class, you’ll walk away with some immediate resources, tactics, tips, and even a companion guide to impact your prostate gland in a positive way.

Joint & Muscle Care is a revolutionary supplement that takes three of the strongest inflammation support agents in nature (frankincense, myrrh, and turmeric), and combines them in the same perfect union treasured by the ancients. Available in capsule form or as an essential oil blend called Magi-Complexx.

Joint & Muscle Care
3 Proven, Powerful Ways to Reduce Heart Issues in Men

Video Transcript:

Today, I want to talk to you about heart health for men, specifically any of the fathers, grandfathers, uncles, or gentlemen seeking to support their heart health. I’m going to share with you three really powerful supplements to add to your daily regimen that have a ton of clinical research and are proven to be helpful in minimizing the inflammation of heart disease. They are great at supporting the heart tissue and will also target the reduction in the overall accumulation of calcium, which calcium is one of the leading reasons for heart disease and heart attack and arteriosclerosis. But calcium that is not blocked appropriately in the body can go rogue. And so I’m going to share with you a supplement we have here at Organixx that’s going to be extremely powerful for reducing that. So, make sure you stay with me through this whole video.

Address Systemic Inflammation: The Leading Cause of Heart Disease

So, number one, let’s talk about inflammation. Inflammation. Systemic inflammation is a leading source of the cause of heart disease. This ranges from high blood pressure and blood sugar, metabolic imbalances, and all the way through to arteriosclerosis and strokes and heart attack. So, targeting inflammation and the inflammatory markers, cytokines – these are certain cells that are inflammatory producing and trigger a whole bunch of other inflammation in the body – targeting that is going to be really critical in reducing your propensity or likelihood to develop heart disease, have a stroke, or have a widowmaker heart attack.

So, Magi-Complexx is my favorite go-to. It’s a three-herbal blend that has the most potent forms of anti-inflammatory herbals in them. The combination of turmeric and frankincense and myrrh – these are the gifts of the Magi, that’s why we call it Magi-Complexx. It is so wonderful for reducing inflammation in the body. Turmeric is amazing at not only reducing inflammation, it supports the lymphatic system. So, this helps support the detox process of not only the heart tissue, the overall body, and the glymphatics, that’s a lymphatic system of our brain.

The Magi-Complexx is something that you can use for pain. It can be used for inflammation of the joints. But also deeper, systemically, it can target inflammation in the cardiovascular system. And free radical damage tends to be this leading source of the body’s creation of cholesterol, and reducing inflammation targets those free radicals. So we can reduce free radical damage by reducing inflammation in the body, thereby limiting the amount of cholesterol your body’s having to produce to heal open wounds in the vascular channel.

Repair Damaged Heart Tissue with Coenzymes

Now, the second thing that I love to recommend is a supplement that is a more recent modern find. This was back in the 1970s, the Japanese discovered the amazing potency of ubiquinol. And now we have the mitoquinols, an even more potent form of a coenzyme our body naturally produces.

It’s been discovered that our heart and our gum tissue is primarily comprised of coenzyme Q10. And quinols and the mitoquinols, that category of enzymes, coenzymes, are known to directly target the turnover and the restoration of our heart cells and ultimately our gum cell, gum tissue.

So, if you may have had a heart attack or maybe have had a stint or CABG procedure or any type of heart-disease-related surgery, maybe from a heart attack or arterial blockage, and maybe the heart is also dealing with congestive heart failure, CoQ10 or a mitoquinol, a very potent form of CoQ10, is extremely powerful at adding this into your daily regimen. I use it with my patients. There’s massive amounts of research. Particularly in Japan, they use the quinols to reverse heart disease and recover and repair damaged heart tissue.

I promise you, I’ve seen it in my own practice. I have had gentlemen who’ve had near widowmakers and have been awaiting surgery. And we put them on massive doses of coenzyme Q10 or mitoquinol. And we actually see their heart tissue repair, where cardiovascular doctors have said, “There’s no way we’re going to see change in the heart damage and the heart tissue. It’s impossible for it to repair.” Within a year, sometimes as little as six to nine months, we see a reinvigoration and a change in that cellular tissue.

And the reality is, is that our cells are constantly evolving and changing. By adding a mitoquinol, which you can find in my supplement store, actually. This is a more potent form of coenzyme Q10, and you can only get it through licensed professionals. We have mitoquinol that you can use on a daily basis. And it’s as small as 10 milligrams or 20 milligrams, but it gives you a massive potency to heal the heart and also any periodontal disease or gingivitis. It’s great for gum tissue. And gum tissue is very… it mirrors the heart tissue. So, if you’re dealing with any type of gum dental issues, likelihood, we might be also seeing some heart imbalances or heart tissue imbalances. So, mitoquinols are great for heart and gum tissue.

Manage Your Body’s Calcium Production

Now the last and final, let’s talk about calcium production in the body. There is a very special mineral, a very important mineral that is needed in over 600 different enzymatic body reactions. This mineral is often going to be in a deficient state with all of us. We calculate about 85% to 90% of the population globally has a deficiency in magnesium.

And magnesium in the body is like a bouncer for the nightclub. So, if the nightclub is our heart or a vascular channel, magnesium functions to keep calcium out. Calcium’s like a firecracker inside the vascular channel. So it is bouncing, it’s keeping the magnesium out or calcium blocker. And it’ll help push the calcium to the bones instead of getting into the vascular channel. And ultimately, arteriosclerosis is a disease where our body is putting bone matter, calcium, into the vascular channel. And we see a hardening, an actual calcification, a “bony” vascular channel. That is something we need to avoid for improved… and for our longevity, we need to see better balanced vascular health that is deficient in calcium accumulation.

And the way to minimize calcium accumulation is to add Magnesium 7. This is our multi-blend magnesium. This is wonderful. Adding it as a powder into smoothies. You can even add it into a tea or a coffee in the morning. So, we have capsules you can break open that are really great to add into your daily regimen. But magnesium functions as a natural calcium blocker. And a lot of individuals, particularly men that might be on calcium-blockers or beta-blockers, calcium is a factor for enhancing the state of our blood pressure. It can also lead to conditions like congestive heart failure, arterial blockage, and can ultimately lead to the need for surgeries and additional medications and therapeutics. So, adding Magnesium 7 right now to your daily regimen is going to be something that will help support your overall vascular health.

So, I’m excited to share these three items with you. Because overall, this is a powerful way to enhance your heart health. And this is not just for men, but for women. But for men, we see a lot of heart attacks being a leading source of fatalities. And so we can avoid and lower inflammation, power up the heart cells, lower the exposure of the vascular channel to calcium, then we can create a more supple, flexible, dynamic vascular channel that helps support you through the aging process.

Magnesium deficiency is linked to stress, diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis, chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, anxiety, trouble sleeping, sore muscles, migraines, and many more debilitating health conditions.

If your body needs magnesium, you want the most beneficial kind your body can actually absorb. Organixx Magnesium 7 gives you seven (7) of the very best, most bioavailable types of elemental magnesium available.

Magnesium Supplement
How Can Men Optimize Their Health? Top Doctor-Recommended Supplements

Video Transcript:

Today, I want to talk to you about how to optimize health for men, and this is a really important topic because a lot of men rely on their partners, their spouses, to give them advice and tips on what supplements to take. Often, we as women in our households are supplying our gentlemen with supplementation.

Support Your Healthy Habits

So today, I’m going to offer some advice for any of you ladies who want to power up and support your male partner’s health and enhance their wellness, as well as any of you gentlemen looking for some basic guidance to help support your overall health. And this is going to really support and supplement any of the good, healthy lifestyle habits and maybe current lifestyle changes you’re implementing where you’re eating healthy foods, maxing out your sleep, and lowering your stress.

Address Nutritional Deficiencies

So, the first and most important thing for men to consider taking is a whole-food, plant-based supplement, and this is really, really critical because the multivitamin that has a good amount of bioavailable, plant-based nutrition can really create a foundational piece where you get a lot of the daily requirements of your nutrients, and a lot of health issues, when we look at aging and degeneration within the body, a lot of our problems or challenges ultimately come back to nutrient deficiencies.

So, I’m very excited to recommend the Multi-Vita-Maxx. This is our plant-based, powerful multivitamin. You’re going to get all of the required daily requirements of both your vitamins as well as key minerals like magnesium, and zinc, and chromium, which is really important for gentlemen looking to balance their blood sugar levels. I also like that this is a fermented form of a multivitamin, which enhances the bioavailability of this nutrition.

Get the Gut Healthy

Now, the second thing that’s really important is for gentlemen to support their gut health. We have a term that we reference to the balance of bacteria in the gut, and we call it the microbiome. That’s an assortment of bacteria that we want to be balanced and we want it to be very plentiful and very similar to like a coral reef – we want to have multiple types of bacteria that create this kind of rainbow cascade of good bacteria that balances our body.

And in one of my masterclasses, I host masterclasses every month, I have one of my masterclasses that digs into mastering your gut health and ultimately supporting your gut microbiome. One of the things I share in that class is that the microbiome, our microbes, the actual bacteria, enhances our hormone levels and it can actually influence our immune system and it can influence the inflammatory response in the body.

So, for any gentlemen who might be dealing with diabetes, or gout, or liver imbalances, maybe elevations in cholesterol and triglycerides, or even gentlemen who might be dealing with prostate imbalances, it’s really important for us to look at adding a good probiotic.

And we have ProBiotixx+, which is a very powerful form of L. plantarum, which we know is one of the super plentiful bacteria types that can help culture and rebalance your gut. So, making sure you get a good probiotic can be very beneficial in enhancing your overall gut health, which can balance your digestive grievances like IBS, or CIPO, or gas and bloating after consuming a meal, but it can also power up our brain health and balance our hormones.

Combat Inflammation to Prevent Illness & Disease

Now, another thing that is really important for men is to address inflammation. Ultimately, inflammation is the root of all illness and disease within the body, and systemic inflammation is something we need to combat. And signs or symptoms of inflammation can be swelling, it can be elevations in enzyme levels like our ALT and AST – those are labs that identify enzyme levels in our liver. We will present with hormone imbalances. Men will have elevations in prostate markers like PSA will be elevated or experience benign prostatitis. Other individuals might experience heart disease. And so rooted behind all of these illnesses and diseases is ultimately inflammation. Our cells, our cytokine process is overwhelmed and heightened, and there are really two ways that I use some supplementation here to combat inflammation.

The first thing is magnesium, a very well-balanced, multi-magnesium, like we have Magnesium 7. This can be really helpful in minimizing inflammation that gentlemen experience in their joints. Maybe you have joint pain, or osteoarthritis, or rheumatoid arthritis, and even gout.

Swelling is a byproduct of inflammation. So, if you notice you’re holding more fluid, Magnesium 7 is what I recommend. I’m kind of an expert in the swelling category, I’m specialized in lymphatic therapy, which is all about moving the excess fluid in the body. We use magnesium to flush fluid out of the body and it will flush fluid through the kidneys and bladder and you might notice a reduction in fluid retention of upwards of three to five pounds on the scale. So, Magnesium 7 is great for lowering your inflammation levels.

Address the Reduction in Stomach Acid & Enzymes As We Age

And then, last and final is at the age of 30, for all of us, men and women, we have a reduction in stomach acid levels and we start to notice that the pancreas is not producing enough digestive enzymes. That ends up leading to digestive grievances, imbalances in our digestive process, an inability to digest our food, assimilate the nutrients, and power up the body. That can also lead to constipation, and leaky gut, and gut-brain, gut-heart, gut-thyroid imbalances.

So, one of the best ways to combat this lowered stomach acid level and a reduction in digestive enzymes that your pancreas is producing – which by the way can often be an undercurrent for diabetes – Enzyme 17 is something you want to add to your daily practice and this is something where you take two of these supplements, about 20 to 30 minutes before you consume a meal.

Enzyme 17 is one of the most plentiful enzyme blends that is out there on the market. It’s one of my favorite products we have here at Organixx, and it can help your body digest and break down the assorted macro and micronutrients that you need to support your body.

Additionally, here is a bonus tip that I tell all my patients. If you are dealing with any inflammation, or maybe you have digestive imbalances you notice. Maybe there are food particles that you’re passing in your bowel contents. Enzyme 17 is something you can take at night on an empty stomach and it will help reduce the digestive grievances and will help clear up systemic inflammation.

So, that’s a little bonus tip, but overall, these four items are going to be very helpful in supporting overall men’s health, and are basic foundational elements that every gentleman should add to his daily supplement regimen. So, that’s my tip for you and I hope you share that with any of the gentlemen in your life. And gentlemen, if you have any questions about health and wellness, make sure you comment and hit that reply button and I will be taking questions and answering them in future videos.

Organixx Enzyme 17 contains a whopping FIVE kinds of powerful protease enzymes in combination with one of the most advanced enzyme blends on the planet. It’s scientifically designed to help your body break down and process nutrients for better absorption, digestion, and overall health.

ENZYME 17 - Advanced Enzyme Formula
The Best Supplements for Moms

Video Transcript:

As a mom, a working mom, and a busy sometimes stressed-out mom, I want to share with you four amazing supplements that every mom, grandma, and female needs in their lives, particularly if you are experiencing fatigue, or need an energy boost to balance all of the balls that you have up the air, or you’re just dealing with overall stress. I am so excited to share these four with you.

Collagen – Not Just for Wrinkles

So, number one, in the anti-aging category, but also deep healing, I recommend collagen, Clean Sourced Collagens. Specifically, collagen is wonderful for women in reducing fine lines and wrinkles around the laugh lines, crow’s feet, your little furrows.

So, if you feel like the stress and everyday life is wearing you down and you’re physically seeing a reduction in the elasticity of your skin, a wonderful gift for yourself or any mom or grandma in your life is collagen.

Collagen has not just superficial anti-aging benefits that can be seen in two to four weeks and continues to compound, it also has massive benefits in healing your gut. So if you or a mom or grandma in your life experiences any type of gut imbalances, leaky gut, indigestion, IBS, bloating, gas, those are all going to be indicative of small intestinal imbalances, potentially something that we call leaky gut, where literally the structures in between these small little microvilli and single-cell lining of our small intestine, that gets opened up and the tissue itself is not as strong and supple.

Collagen can actually strengthen those divides and create a situation where we can heal leaky gut. This is a permanent type of solution. So if you, as a mom, grandma, or have any moms or grandmas in your life that you want to help support their health, collagen, our Clean Sourced Collagens is great to use. You can use a scoop a day. Sometimes I’ll do two doses in the morning and the evening. You can add this to a tea or a coffee, yogurt, smoothie. There’s a lot of different ways to use this. And I even put it in our mommy cookies. I call them mommy cookies. And my son and my husband, we all eat these amazing plant-based raw cookies, and we put in collagen for an extra oomph of protein. So that’s number one.

Magnesium to Reduce Fluid Retention and Balance Sleep

Number two, I want to talk to all you ladies who might be experiencing imbalanced sleep, fluid retention – and this could be mild where you might notice that at the end of the day, your feet or ankles are swelling. You might notice that you feel more puffy and just holding maybe one to five pounds of excess fluid. Magnesium 7, this is our multi-complex magnesium blend. This has an assorted amount and assorted types of magnesium. They target certain body systems. But magnesium specifically is great for enhancing the fluid production and the flow of fluid that might be stagnant inside your body. And it’ll articulate it, so we can flush that out, the pathways, like our kidneys and our bladder. So magnesium can help reduce fluid retention. I recommend this for all my lymphatic patients, my patients with lymphedema, or folks with edema and light, gentle swelling.

But also, magnesium is great for balancing sleep. Magnesium, this particular mineral is a master mineral. We have over 600 enzymatic reactions in our body that need magnesium. So magnesium can improve sleep. It can calm the body, calm the central nervous system. So for women who have anxiety or even depression, just feeling like the brain is not optimized, you’re not feeling completely 100% yourself – personality or just mental health-wise – magnesium is great. So I always recommend that.

You can take a dose in the evening, that tends to be when we can get the max benefits for sleep. But you can also add a dose in the morning. So spacing it out in 10 to 12 hours is going to give us that max, multiple delivery long-term benefits of magnesium.

Functional Mushrooms Bring Massive Benefits

Number three, the next recommendation I’m really excited because this, I use to power me up to energize my body, to reduce inflammation, as well as any type of free radical damage from everyday allergens or viral or bacterial invasions.

I cannot speak enough to the massive benefits that we as women experience from functional mushrooms. Particularly, functional mushrooms support our brain. They support and balance our hormones. They can help us get through perimenopause, menopause. It also is very beneficial for women post-pregnancy.

Lower Stress Levels & Calm the Central Nervous System

What we find are functional mushrooms that we are going to get in our 7 Mushrooms blend. By the way, these are fermented and they are extremely powerful. Each of the mushrooms in this blend have massive amounts of clinical research that showcases the potency and the power of these medicinal mushrooms in helping lower our stress levels, calm our central nervous system, recalibrate our stress response mechanism – meaning that fight or flight, like we’re always in that kind of squirrel. You know when you’re driving around down the road and the squirrel’s like, “Eh,” and it doesn’t know what to do and it runs in front of your car? We are in that state on a daily basis. And as moms, grandmothers, and women who are caregivers, this is a massive, massive negative influence on our overall health and wellness.

And where I use functional mushrooms in not just my life, but the lives of my patients, is we can help support and balance the stress level, but also enhance our adaptogenic influences from functional mushrooms – meaning mushrooms in this blend, 7 Mushrooms blend, they can actually help your body adapt to and deal with stress better. So normally, you’re walking around with your glass, it’s full and overflowing, mushrooms let the valve out. So it releases some of that intensity, the pressure, and it calms the way you’re going to deal with everyday life. And if you are a mom watching this, you know that all the time, we’re managing and juggling a lot in our families and our kids’ lives and just all the things that are on our plate.

Brain Health & Immune Support Along with Minimizing Cancer Risk

So, the functional mushrooms are a really good way to support your body. They also have amazing benefits in supporting brain health. And we see some of these mushrooms are highly beneficial at minimizing our risk of cancer. They can support cell apoptosis of cancer cells, meaning cell death of cancer cells. They have a very powerful influence for balancing and modulating our immune response, and have anti-inflammatory impact. So overall, stress-lowering, inflammation-reducing. They are high in antioxidants, which keeps us youthful and helps support our cells. So mushrooms are always on my list for moms. Moms and mushrooms go hand-in-hand, powers you up.

Anti-Inflammatory Reduces Risk of Illness, Disease & Pain

And my last and final is really one of the things that we see with all illness and disease, but particularly with women. Some of the major common illnesses women experience are inflammatory in their orientation – meaning the cause of illness and disease is from an overwhelm of inflammation within the body. It’s systemic inflammation. And that inflammation can often cause pain, pains in our joints, in our muscles and tissue. Sometimes people will feel just this pain body, pain experience, aches and pains, just feel like you’re not as functional and fluid as you used to be.

Joint & Muscle Care is a big winner for my patients who experience pain and inflammatory disorders. If you have a mom or grandma or you yourself are suffering from one or many autoimmune dysfunctions, inflammation is the root cause.

Potent Trio of Ingredients

Joint & Muscle Care has three powerful ingredients: turmeric, myrrh, and it has frankincense. Those three have a long-term history as beneficial medicinals. Turmeric is a potent anti-inflammatory. So it can reduce inflammation, which will reduce nerve impact and nerve-related pain, i.e., your body’s registering pain. The other thing that we see with myrrh is just a really good balancer, and can reduce inflammatory conditions of our respiratory system, and can combat some of the allergen responses that we experience to our environment.

The other benefit with frankincense, frankincense is awesome. So let me share with you how awesome frankincense is. We have seen European studies showcase frankincense has anti-cancer properties. Frankincense is also a very grounding herb, and can help us root and recalibrate and balance our body and our parasympathetic nervous system. It helps keep us level and balanced.

So these three together in the Joint & Muscle Care are awesome for us women who might have current inflammatory conditions. You might feel aches and pains. And even hormone imbalance can kick off inflammation in the body. So combating systemic inflammation will greatly reduce your risk of illness and disease.

So for moms, grandmothers, and women who are seeking a complex, complete blend of powerful potent medicinals, these four: Collagen in powder form, 7 Mushrooms, the mushroom blend, Magnesium – major winner, the magnesium, I love magnesium – and it’ll also get you regular, so you’ll eliminate constipation, which 40% of breast cancer is caused from constipation. We actually see those links. And then also Joint & Muscle Care. So I’m excited for you to grab all four of these. Click on the link down below to get more information to order these products for you, your mothers, your grandmothers, aunts – all the women in your life can greatly benefit from these four items.

Joint & Muscle Care is a revolutionary supplement that takes three of the strongest inflammation support agents in nature (frankincense, myrrh, and turmeric), and combines them in the same perfect union treasured by the ancients. Available in capsule form or as an essential oil blend called Magi-Complexx.

Joint & Muscle Care
Why Dr. Melissa Loves Turmeric 3D

Video Transcript:

Today, I want to share with you why I love Turmeric 3D so much for not just inflammation reduction and balancing our stress hormone, but also just overall supporting our brain function, our digestive function, and our cardiovascular function.

Maximizes Benefit & Bioavailability with Fermented Botanicals

One of the awesome things that we have harnessed here at Organixx is we have a unique fermentation process of the ingredients in a multitude of our supplements. And Turmeric 3D is a part of that fermentation process, which allows you as a consumer to get the max benefits of the turmeric and the ashwagandha, and the other botanical powerhouses in Turmeric 3D that will help lower inflammation, reduce excess fluid weight and retention, and can also help restore and rejuvenate your immune state, balance your stress levels, calm hormonal imbalances

Lowers Inflammation

And it even helps with your brain-based inflammation, which we’re seeing now with a lot of post-COVID infections. You don’t even have to qualify as a long COVID or a long hauler, but there are a lot of individuals that are still having residual inflammation and even patients that have auto-immunity or folks that have lymphedema or lipedema, or just overall notice they’re carrying more cellulite or excess weight. Those are all signs of an inflammatory state.

So, using Turmeric 3D allows you to harness the potency of turmeric, which has been heavily researched in its amazing power to lower inflammation markers in your body. It also has ashwagandha, which is a wonderful stress-balancing herbal, and in a fermented form, it actually is going to be more bioavailable. So, you need less and you get more power and more potency.

Addresses Vitamin D3 Deficiency

So, I’m excited to share that with you because one of the things that we love, not only are you getting the turmeric and the botanicals, but we also add D3 in a form, it’s a 5,000 IU form, which vitamin D3, I find almost all of my patients when I do a blood spot test, we do blood spot testing in my clinic, they are all in low or suboptimal levels or ranges of vitamin D3. And vitamin D3 has a lot to do with your mental outlook. It is a hormone precursor. It’s a building block. It’s an ingredient for your body, balancing your stress levels, your reproductive hormone levels, and overall, every cell has receptivity to vitamin D

Optimizes Overall Wellness

So, I’m very, very excited to recommend the Turmeric 3D. This is a powerful supplement here that has anti-inflammatory effects. It has stress-lowering, hormone-balancing, and overall will help support your body and optimize your wellness.

So I hope you check this out and it’s such a great resource for anybody who might be looking for a way to support their overall wellness and just know inflammation is the root of every illness and disease. Taming and calming inflammation levels in your body will increase and optimize your overall wellness. 

Turmeric 3D from Organixx provides you one of the most “bioavailable” forms of turmeric due to its unique fermentation process. This means your body experiences the maximum benefits of the purest, most potent turmeric available!

Turmeric 3D - Healthy Inflammation Support