3 Tips to Stay Asleep (and Why You’re Waking Up)

Video Transcript:

Today, I’m going to share with you three tips for staying asleep. One of the most common complaints that I get is folks finding that they’re waking up in the middle of the night. Generally, that will be between 1:00 AM and 3:00 AM. And if you are experiencing that kind of frequency in waking up and you’re noticing the same time every night you’re waking up, it’s going to tell us a little bit more about the imbalance in your circadian rhythm. That’s your body clock.

Balancing Our Circadian Rhythm

A lot of my patients have an imbalance, kind of disjointed and reverse body clock. Their circadian rhythm has them waking up or staying awake at night, versus being awake during the day. And I want to share with you there are really three kinds of key tips for balancing this. But there’s really also three core reasons why you’re waking up or having an imbalance in your sleep at night.

So, the three tips are going to address the three different root causes, so I want to share with you the reason why you might have a hard time staying asleep, and then I’m going to share with you the three solutions to address those root causes.

#1. Addressing Hormonal Imbalances

So, number one, all three of these are going to be involving some sort of degree of hormonal imbalance. The most imbalanced organ that we find that will keep you waking up at night is going to be your liver. So your liver is going to either be awake or not hibernating at night, meaning our liver has to rejuvenate. And depending on lifestyle habits, depending on caffeine consumption or alcohol consumption, dietary consumption, or stress influences and hormonal imbalance, then that can lead to the liver not shutting down and hitting its rejuvenation status. So generally, that 1:00 AM, 3:00 AM time, we can correlate that to being liver focused.

Now, the other root cause is going to be neurotransmitter-related. This is neuroendocrine. This is all about your brain sending signals to assorted endocrine glands that are going to be causing you to have that imbalance. Generally, when I lab test my patients, I’ll see lower GABA neurotransmitter levels and lower melatonin levels. These also are going to be indicative of neurometabolic diseases that can skew that whole sleep cycle.

And then another core cause, which affects so many of us, is stress. Stress can directly flip-flop and change our circadian rhythm. So, addressing those three common imbalances are going to be critical for you staying asleep.

So how do we do that? Number one is to support your liver, and this is so easy. I recommend grabbing dandelion tea and drinking that two to three times a day, so a cup of dandelion tea in the morning, around lunchtime, and maybe even a few hours before bedtime will really help support your liver detoxification. It can also help support some of that hormonal imbalance. The way the liver is able to synthesize and metabolize estrogen is really critical. And it allows the detoxing of the liver during the day so that your liver can go into a restorative state and will keep you sleeping longer. I love that. It’s one of the fastest fixes for that waking up in the middle of the night.

#2. Maintaining Melatonin Levels

Number two is to address the melatonin imbalance, and this is really important because melatonin, we have a change as we age in the body’s production of melatonin. And our pineal gland is the gland that’s producing the melatonin. And as we age, we actually see a calcification of the pineal gland, so it’s very common as folks start aging, as they get into their 40s, their 50s, and 60s, we start to see the sleep imbalances change. Well, that ends up being indicative of what’s happening with the pineal gland.

When we’re looking for deeper balance of the pineal gland and the preservation of that gland, we need to support it with about 1-3 milligrams of melatonin. And the best time to take that is about an hour to two hours before you go to bed. That also helps support waking up and invigorating the pineal gland so we see less of the calcification. You’re going to see long-term benefits to your neuroendocrine health. But more importantly, you’re going to see being able to sleep longer, more fully, and ultimately, we’re slowing down your aging process.

#3. Keeping Stress Hormones In Check

Third and final way to get sleep thoroughly and having longer, better improved sleep is to address your stress hormone levels. And this is really important, exercise is one of the most clinically researched and proven ways for you to lower your stress hormones. I do recommend that you exercise at minimum four hours or more before your bedtime, so meaning try to exercise in the morning. Get some natural sunlight. Definitely exercising outside is great. Granted, in the winter months, sometimes that’s challenging, but making sure you exercise before lunchtime is a better practice to support that whole circadian rhythm.

The other thing that I recommend that’s right here at Organixx is going to be Magnesium 7. Magnesium is another pro sleep supportive supplement. It actually helps to release toxins and really fluid accumulation that can often cause individuals to get up and urinate during the middle of the night. That’s a common, common complaint I hear from both men and women, where sometimes they’re dehydrated and we need to help support that whole sleep balance by making sure magnesium is taken throughout the day.

So, if you are sleep imbalanced, I’m recommending taking two capsules of Magnesium 7 right when you wake up, and then take another one capsule, one or two capsules right at dinner time. Allow space for the magnesium to help articulate that fluid flush, and you want to make sure that’s anywhere from two to three hours before bedtime.

And last and final, one of my favorite complexes that is very powerful at lowering your stress levels is a complex called Relora. Relora is a combination of two plant barks. It’s magnolia and philodendron. These are actually shrubs that most of us have in our backyard. And unbeknownst to us, they are very helpful in lowering the cortisol level. That’s the stress hormone that sometimes gets flip-flopped. So, adding Relora in the evening time, maybe one or two hours before your desired bedtime, will help your stress level decrease and start to change the flip-flop of your circadian rhythm.

So, these are three powerful tips to help you stay asleep better and longer, and will help support more rest-filled sleep. Let us know how these tips help you get more restful sleep.

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16 Signs & Symptoms of Menopause Every Woman Needs to Know (& What to Do About Them!)

Menopause, often referred to as “the change of life,” is something that all women will go through at some point. It’s the winding down of a woman’s fertile years and has no clear start or end point for most women. In perimenopause – the years leading up to actual menopause (which is 12 consecutive months without a period) – many women will begin to experience a host of symptoms as their hormone levels begin to fluctuate and eventually drop.

While mood swings and hot flashes are hallmarks of menopause, there are actually many signs and symptoms that women (and the men who care about them) need to be aware of. These can be both emotional and physical, and range from mild to severe.

Read on for 16 of the most common signs and symptoms of menopause and helpful tips for dealing with them. By the way, a “symptom” is something that you feel or experience. A “sign” is something someone else can detect in you. When it comes to hot flashes and mood swings, they are often both signs and symptoms!

16 Common Signs & Symptoms of Menopause

#1. Hot Flashes and Night Sweats

Hot flashes are a sudden sensation of warmth spreading through the body, particularly on the face and neck. They are typically brought on by declining estrogen levels. Night sweats are also caused by hormonal imbalance and can disrupt sleep.

Many women find that raising progesterone levels can alleviate these problems. Magnesium, zinc, and vitamins B6, C, and E menopausal woman having hot flash at the officesupport the production of progesterone.

Ashwagandha, a powerful adaptogen, maca, licorice root, and other herbs are also known to boost low progesterone levels. You may also want to dress in layers during the day and sleep in a cold room with plenty of blankets you can kick off when needed.

#2. Mood Swings

Mood swings are due to hormonal changes as low levels of estrogen can cause irregularities in the brain. Estrogen increases serotonin, a chemical in the brain that boosts mood. As estrogen levels decline (and subsequently serotonin) one may feel less happy.

Relief can often be as easy as engaging in moderate exercise, spending time in nature, and engaging in deep breathing exercises – all of which promote a sense of calm and improve mood.

#3. Sugar Cravings

When hormones are out of balance cortisol levels to rise, which increases sugar cravings. High cortisol contributes to adrenal fatigue, which actually predisposes you to those cravings.

Ashwagandha supports adrenal function by reducing stress and lowering cortisol levels. Maca root also supports the adrenals. Holy Basil has been found to help balance cortisol, reduce cravings, and manage weight. Sleep deprivation will exacerbate cravings, so don’t skimp on the hours of rest you’re getting.

#4. Insomnia

The inability to sleep or stay asleep is one of the most annoying symptoms of menopause. Once again, hormonal imbalance is often to blame. Maintaining a consistent sleep schedule can help. Meditation and relaxing yoga can aid in clearing the mind for more restful sleep.

#5. Brain Fog, Memory Lapses, and Difficulty Concentrating

Feeling confused, forgetful, and/or finding yourself with a lack of focus and mental clarity? Once again, declining estrogen is to blame.

Drink more water and be sure your body is well-nourished. Concentrate on healthy sources of fats such as avocados, olive oil, oily fish, and seeds, which are needed for healthy hormone production.

#6. Anxiety &Depression

Depression and anxiety and can be due to unresolved childhood trauma. Consider working with a therapist to get to the source of the problem.

Before you resort to drug therapy, know that hormone imbalance can also be involved. When hormones shift and become out of balance, the result can be increased depression and anxiety.
woman trying to fasten jeans that are too small

#7. Weight Gain and Redistribution

The hormonal changes of menopause may make you more likely to gain weight around your abdomen than around your hips and thighs.

Menopause weight gain isn’t inevitable, however. You can reverse course by paying attention to healthy-eating habits and leading an active lifestyle, which can help revitalize the body’s metabolic rate.

Endocrine disruptors such as plastics and other chemicals mimic natural hormones and significantly contribute to weight gain. Ditch the plastic in your kitchen and use utensils and storage containers made from wood, glass, stainless steel, and natural materials.

A diet rich in cruciferous vegetables can help the body detoxify and flush out harmful chemicals. Milk thistle promotes liver health and regeneration which in turn helps the body to break down excess hormones, metabolize fat, and expel toxins from the body.

#8. Fatigue

Fatigue can be the result of hormone fluctuation, particularly declining estrogen. Supportive nutrition and restful sleep can help. Compounds in reishi mushroom may help decrease fatigue and help resolve the overall hormonal imbalance.

#9. Water Retention and Puffiness

Puffy feet, hands, and belly are often the results of the natural decline of estrogen and progesterone. Lemon water and roasted dandelion tea are natural diuretics. As counterintuitive as it might sound, drinking plenty of water throughout the day can help reduce bloat.

#10. Low Libido and Vaginal Dryness

Loss of libido can be caused by hormonal imbalance or by other symptoms of menopause such as vaginal dryness or depression. Vaginal dryness occurs when the moistness in the lining of the vagina disappears. When estrogen levels drop during menopause it causes a lack of lubrication.

The adaptogenic herb ashwagandha improves vaginal lubrication and encourages a calm and relaxed feeling. Non-toxic products such as coconut oil or over-the-counter non-toxic lubricants can also make sex more comfortable and enjoyable.

#11. Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs)

UTIs can often result from declining estrogen levels and changes in the urinary tract that make you more sensitive to infection. Immune-boosting foods, herbs, and supplements such as medicinal mushrooms, zinc, and vitamin D can be helpful. Be sure to drink plenty of pure water to help flush out bacteria.

#12. Hair Loss or Thinning Hair

Thinning hair is often caused by estrogen deficiency because hair follicles need estrogen to grow and stay healthy. Hair is also made from protein, which is why increasing your intake of collagen can be beneficial in maintaining thick, healthy hair.

#13. Headaches

Headaches during menopause are also linked to hormonal imbalance. As estrogen drops, headaches can become more frequent and may worsen. Turn to natural solutions when possible such as specific essential oils which can help with headache pain relief.

#14. Itchy Skin

Itchy skin is one of the first symptoms of menopause because collagen loss is most rapid at the beginning of menopause. woman with itchy skin scratching her backAs estrogen levels drop, collagen production slows down. Supporting your body with collagen through consuming adequate protein and/or supplementation may be helpful.

Amla berry is also known to promote healthy skin and to support the hormonal system.

#15. Osteoporosis and Bone Loss

Osteporosis and bone loss result from declining estrogen. Support bone density with low impact exercise (including strength training) and eating more green leafy vegetables such as spinach and kale. Vitamin K2 will help direct calcium out of joints and arteries and into the bones where it belongs.

#16. Irregular Heartbeat

An irregular heartbeat can be triggered by a decline in estrogen as this will over-stimulate the nervous and circulatory systems. This can cause irregular heartbeat, palpitations, and arrhythmias and can increase the risk of heart disease and high blood pressure.

A healthy lifestyle (including diet, exercise, and minimizing stress) that supports good heart health is your best bet.

Eating Well Matters Even More in Menopause

As you’ve seen repeatedly in the tips above, proper nutrition is one of the best strategies to minimize the symptoms of menopause and any negative impact they can have on the body.

A healthy diet will help balance your hormones, which in turn will support the adrenal glands which are responsible for producing your hormones once your ovaries stop.

Maintain a proper balance of protein, fat, and healthy carbohydrates. Eating 10-15 servings of vegetables daily (especially cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, kale, and cauliflower) will help detoxify harmful chemical estrogens that can exacerbate menopause symptoms. It’s also highly beneficial to engage in moderate exercise and activities that help reduce stress, such as yoga, walking in nature, and meditation.

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