Are Mushrooms & Fermented Products a ‘No-No’ for Fungal Infections?

Video Transcript:

Our next Ask the Doctor question comes from one of our viewers. They say, “Hello, Dr. Melissa. I have a burning question. Doing extensive research, I heard one integrative doctor, Amy Myers, strongly suggest to stay away from fermented food/supplements if you have a fungal infection. Is that right? I’m subscribed to a whole bunch of Organixx fermented supplements, and I love them. Should I continue using them while fighting with the ringworm I got from a feral kitten we adopted recently? Thanks.”

So, this is a fantastic question, and I’m excited to clear up the inconsistencies of information, as well as clear up what we know clinically through scientific research and studies on mushrooms.

So, the first thing I want to clarify is we have two topics. We have fermented supplements, fermented food – the fermentation process is separate from mushrooms specifically. And so, one of the things I want to kind of clear up is a common question that I hear from patients, who are adamant, like, “I can’t take X, Y, and Z functional mushroom,” or, “I can’t take this fermented food, because so-and-so said,” or, “I read that fermented foods and/or mushrooms can cause candida overgrowth.”

So, to clear that up, that is absolutely false information. We do know there are some cross-reactions between mushrooms and fungal infections in the body. But overall, there’s no sort of clinical research that shows that a fermented food and/or a mushroom that is either in raw form that you grab at your grocery store and put on your salads or eating in assorted foods or consuming in a supplement form, liquid or powdered form, will contribute to a candida overgrowth.

Fermented Foods Support Immunity & Provide Greater Bioavailability

So, what I want to clarify is that fermented foods are going to help support your immune process. And one of the things that I really love about Organixx and our supplementation fermentation process is that we will ferment a lot of our supplementation in a very powerful adaptogenic dense liquid that is part of that fermentation process. So, it actually gives greater strength and potency to the bioavailability of the supplement form, but also enhances the stress balancing. It enhances immune response and actually helps your body beyond just that key target area that we’re focusing on.

Address Gut Health & Its Impact on Immunity

So, when it comes to fermented foods, I have to say one of the things that we’re looking at with any type of fungal infection or immune disabling, either we are seeing a weakness in the immune system, maybe a dysregulation of the immune system, or a heightened immune response, (i.e. autoimmunity), we need to zero in on the gut. And so when we talk about the gut, the gut is all about your microbiome – the degree of healthy bacteria in your gut that can help calibrate your immune response, your mental health, can help balance out your hormones. There’s an assortment of things that our microbes, the little bacteria, will do in our body. And they will signal to make certain hormones, to have certain chemical reactions occur. And they support a healthy immune state.

So, when we’re talking about adding in a fermented supplement, like many of the Organixx supplements you’re taking, what I want to recommend is to continue to take them, because that fermentation process, especially in the adaptogenic-rich liquid, you are going to get a huge immune boost. And so the immune factor with the fermentation process and the bioavailability actually is going to really support your immune system, so that you can eradicate the ringworm, or you can eradicate and recalibrate the body’s candida reaction.

Internally & Topically Treating a Fungal Infection

Now, when it comes to a fungal infection, I always recommend internally supporting your system, bolstering and supporting a very dense, rich microbiota, as well as topically supporting your skin microbiome. So one of the things that we’re dealing with, when we have an infection, let’s say ringworm or even candida that might be presenting on the skin, is we want to look at addressing both the internal microbiome in your gut and also your skin microbiome.

So, your skin microbiome can be supported by topical probiotics. I mean, honestly, it’s not anything crazy to apply just clean, plain, probiotic-dense yogurt. You can also apply things like aloe vera. Apple cider vinegar is really good. That’s a fermented process that will recalibrate your skin microbiome, as well as also adding immune-boosting colloidal silver. There are gels of colloidal silver that you can apply on the skin.

And so, there are multiple ways to use both internal resources and topical resources to combat yeast infections of the scalp or the skin or folds of the body. I also recommend using the Magi-Complexx oil that has three really powerful antioxidants. There’s a lot of good skin healing nutrition and antiviral, antimicrobial properties, as well as antifungal properties, in those three oils that could be really helpful.

So definitely, act accordingly, in terms of taking the right actions with ringworm. You don’t want it to get out of hand. And just know that there are a lot of different ways that we can combat it internally and externally, so we bolster up your immune system so that it can expel the ringworm infection.

Keep Taking Your Fermented Supplements & Mushrooms

So, I hope that’s helpful. And just know that fermented foods and supplements with fermentation are very powerful, as are mushrooms. So, mushrooms are definitely not something that we want to shy away from. The mushroom kingdom is so vast that there are so many wonderful benefits from consuming the fruiting bodies of mushrooms that also help to support the recalibration and the balancing of our immune system, so that we’re more apt to fight the unhealthy fungal infections or unhealthy bacterial imbalances that can arise in our body for an assortment of reasons.

So, I hope that’s helpful. And I want to continue to encourage you to keep taking the fermented supplements here at Organixx. There are so many wonderful benefits. And I’m excited to answer any other questions you might have. So, thanks for asking the doctor today.

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The Best Supplements for Moms

Video Transcript:

As a mom, a working mom, and a busy sometimes stressed-out mom, I want to share with you four amazing supplements that every mom, grandma, and female needs in their lives, particularly if you are experiencing fatigue, or need an energy boost to balance all of the balls that you have up the air, or you’re just dealing with overall stress. I am so excited to share these four with you.

Collagen – Not Just for Wrinkles

So, number one, in the anti-aging category, but also deep healing, I recommend collagen, Clean Sourced Collagens. Specifically, collagen is wonderful for women in reducing fine lines and wrinkles around the laugh lines, crow’s feet, your little furrows.

So, if you feel like the stress and everyday life is wearing you down and you’re physically seeing a reduction in the elasticity of your skin, a wonderful gift for yourself or any mom or grandma in your life is collagen.

Collagen has not just superficial anti-aging benefits that can be seen in two to four weeks and continues to compound, it also has massive benefits in healing your gut. So if you or a mom or grandma in your life experiences any type of gut imbalances, leaky gut, indigestion, IBS, bloating, gas, those are all going to be indicative of small intestinal imbalances, potentially something that we call leaky gut, where literally the structures in between these small little microvilli and single-cell lining of our small intestine, that gets opened up and the tissue itself is not as strong and supple.

Collagen can actually strengthen those divides and create a situation where we can heal leaky gut. This is a permanent type of solution. So if you, as a mom, grandma, or have any moms or grandmas in your life that you want to help support their health, collagen, our Clean Sourced Collagens is great to use. You can use a scoop a day. Sometimes I’ll do two doses in the morning and the evening. You can add this to a tea or a coffee, yogurt, smoothie. There’s a lot of different ways to use this. And I even put it in our mommy cookies. I call them mommy cookies. And my son and my husband, we all eat these amazing plant-based raw cookies, and we put in collagen for an extra oomph of protein. So that’s number one.

Magnesium to Reduce Fluid Retention and Balance Sleep

Number two, I want to talk to all you ladies who might be experiencing imbalanced sleep, fluid retention – and this could be mild where you might notice that at the end of the day, your feet or ankles are swelling. You might notice that you feel more puffy and just holding maybe one to five pounds of excess fluid. Magnesium 7, this is our multi-complex magnesium blend. This has an assorted amount and assorted types of magnesium. They target certain body systems. But magnesium specifically is great for enhancing the fluid production and the flow of fluid that might be stagnant inside your body. And it’ll articulate it, so we can flush that out, the pathways, like our kidneys and our bladder. So magnesium can help reduce fluid retention. I recommend this for all my lymphatic patients, my patients with lymphedema, or folks with edema and light, gentle swelling.

But also, magnesium is great for balancing sleep. Magnesium, this particular mineral is a master mineral. We have over 600 enzymatic reactions in our body that need magnesium. So magnesium can improve sleep. It can calm the body, calm the central nervous system. So for women who have anxiety or even depression, just feeling like the brain is not optimized, you’re not feeling completely 100% yourself – personality or just mental health-wise – magnesium is great. So I always recommend that.

You can take a dose in the evening, that tends to be when we can get the max benefits for sleep. But you can also add a dose in the morning. So spacing it out in 10 to 12 hours is going to give us that max, multiple delivery long-term benefits of magnesium.

Functional Mushrooms Bring Massive Benefits

Number three, the next recommendation I’m really excited because this, I use to power me up to energize my body, to reduce inflammation, as well as any type of free radical damage from everyday allergens or viral or bacterial invasions.

I cannot speak enough to the massive benefits that we as women experience from functional mushrooms. Particularly, functional mushrooms support our brain. They support and balance our hormones. They can help us get through perimenopause, menopause. It also is very beneficial for women post-pregnancy.

Lower Stress Levels & Calm the Central Nervous System

What we find are functional mushrooms that we are going to get in our 7 Mushrooms blend. By the way, these are fermented and they are extremely powerful. Each of the mushrooms in this blend have massive amounts of clinical research that showcases the potency and the power of these medicinal mushrooms in helping lower our stress levels, calm our central nervous system, recalibrate our stress response mechanism – meaning that fight or flight, like we’re always in that kind of squirrel. You know when you’re driving around down the road and the squirrel’s like, “Eh,” and it doesn’t know what to do and it runs in front of your car? We are in that state on a daily basis. And as moms, grandmothers, and women who are caregivers, this is a massive, massive negative influence on our overall health and wellness.

And where I use functional mushrooms in not just my life, but the lives of my patients, is we can help support and balance the stress level, but also enhance our adaptogenic influences from functional mushrooms – meaning mushrooms in this blend, 7 Mushrooms blend, they can actually help your body adapt to and deal with stress better. So normally, you’re walking around with your glass, it’s full and overflowing, mushrooms let the valve out. So it releases some of that intensity, the pressure, and it calms the way you’re going to deal with everyday life. And if you are a mom watching this, you know that all the time, we’re managing and juggling a lot in our families and our kids’ lives and just all the things that are on our plate.

Brain Health & Immune Support Along with Minimizing Cancer Risk

So, the functional mushrooms are a really good way to support your body. They also have amazing benefits in supporting brain health. And we see some of these mushrooms are highly beneficial at minimizing our risk of cancer. They can support cell apoptosis of cancer cells, meaning cell death of cancer cells. They have a very powerful influence for balancing and modulating our immune response, and have anti-inflammatory impact. So overall, stress-lowering, inflammation-reducing. They are high in antioxidants, which keeps us youthful and helps support our cells. So mushrooms are always on my list for moms. Moms and mushrooms go hand-in-hand, powers you up.

Anti-Inflammatory Reduces Risk of Illness, Disease & Pain

And my last and final is really one of the things that we see with all illness and disease, but particularly with women. Some of the major common illnesses women experience are inflammatory in their orientation – meaning the cause of illness and disease is from an overwhelm of inflammation within the body. It’s systemic inflammation. And that inflammation can often cause pain, pains in our joints, in our muscles and tissue. Sometimes people will feel just this pain body, pain experience, aches and pains, just feel like you’re not as functional and fluid as you used to be.

Joint & Muscle Care is a big winner for my patients who experience pain and inflammatory disorders. If you have a mom or grandma or you yourself are suffering from one or many autoimmune dysfunctions, inflammation is the root cause.

Potent Trio of Ingredients

Joint & Muscle Care has three powerful ingredients: turmeric, myrrh, and it has frankincense. Those three have a long-term history as beneficial medicinals. Turmeric is a potent anti-inflammatory. So it can reduce inflammation, which will reduce nerve impact and nerve-related pain, i.e., your body’s registering pain. The other thing that we see with myrrh is just a really good balancer, and can reduce inflammatory conditions of our respiratory system, and can combat some of the allergen responses that we experience to our environment.

The other benefit with frankincense, frankincense is awesome. So let me share with you how awesome frankincense is. We have seen European studies showcase frankincense has anti-cancer properties. Frankincense is also a very grounding herb, and can help us root and recalibrate and balance our body and our parasympathetic nervous system. It helps keep us level and balanced.

So these three together in the Joint & Muscle Care are awesome for us women who might have current inflammatory conditions. You might feel aches and pains. And even hormone imbalance can kick off inflammation in the body. So combating systemic inflammation will greatly reduce your risk of illness and disease.

So for moms, grandmothers, and women who are seeking a complex, complete blend of powerful potent medicinals, these four: Collagen in powder form, 7 Mushrooms, the mushroom blend, Magnesium – major winner, the magnesium, I love magnesium – and it’ll also get you regular, so you’ll eliminate constipation, which 40% of breast cancer is caused from constipation. We actually see those links. And then also Joint & Muscle Care. So I’m excited for you to grab all four of these. Click on the link down below to get more information to order these products for you, your mothers, your grandmothers, aunts – all the women in your life can greatly benefit from these four items.

Joint & Muscle Care is a revolutionary supplement that takes three of the strongest inflammation support agents in nature (frankincense, myrrh, and turmeric), and combines them in the same perfect union treasured by the ancients. Available in capsule form or as an essential oil blend called Magi-Complexx.

Joint & Muscle Care