Is Olive Oil a Good Fat?

Video Transcript:

Today’s question is about good fats, good, healthy fats for you to consume, and it is. “Do you consider good olive oil, a good fat to take?”

Yes, I love good, healthy, cold-pressed, raw organic olive oil, to be a fantastic oil for you to consume in a raw form.

The Caveat with Olive Oil

And so this is my caveat because I know a lot of people cook with olive oil and the way I kind of view olive oil, it should be in a raw, cold form. And so it’s not one of those oils that I recommend cooking with and even baking with. So this is my little caveat to how to kind of keep it in its most primitive, healthiest state, is to use it as a dip or as a salad dressing for vegetables and even a gentle marinade or sauce after you’ve cooked a good clean protein.

Good Fatty Acids are Good for the Heart

But olive oil is wonderful because of its fat content. It has all of the right kind of properties of good, healthy fats. It’s very dense in omegas and your omegas, especially omega-3, be good acid composition. The good fatty acids are wonderful for heart health. And there’s a ton of micronutrients that olive oil from olives brings into our diet, that we see individuals who come from the Mediterranean region and partake in the Mediterranean Diet where primarily olive oil is consumed in a raw form, have some of the healthiest hearts and cardiovascular systems on the planet. And there’s no coincidence that they’re consuming good, healthy olive oil.

Ways to Consume Raw Olive Oil

So, the important thing is to one, make sure you’re consuming it raw. I personally, and our family love to blend our olive oil with fresh basil leaves. I have an assortment of basil. I have a purple basil that we grow, a sweet basil. Sometimes I’ll do the two. So it’s this really pretty, purple and green color, but I will blend those up in a blender. I might add a little pine nut, a little Himalayan sea salt, and add in a few other spices. And that may be something I add on top of a hummus, a homemade hummus, or I might then add a little lemon juice and we might use that on top of fish that we’ve cooked on our Green Egg.

Healthy Fats Help Remove Unhealthy Fat

But olive oil is wonderful for your body. Good fats can be helpful in removing excess fat from your body, particularly when we’re dealing with any type of gallstone. So, good healthy fats consumed in a raw form, can actually help your body evacuate certain gunky fats in the system.

And we also find lymphatically, when we’re talking about lymphatic health, the lymphatic health is removing fat as well. And so good, healthy fats will help that process ease itself, so we have better transport and better mechanisms to remove that fat from your body.

I hope that’s helpful. I hope you reach for a good, healthy fat, and definitely don’t cook with it, eat it raw. Go clean, cold-pressed, raw, organic olive oil, is so wonderful.

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Support Your Heart Structure & Vasculature with Collagen

Video Transcript:

So, I have a question for you, friends. Are you actively supporting your heart structures every day? And when I say “heart structure,” are you supporting the health of your arteries, your ventricles, and your blood vessels? So, I ask you this because here at Organixx, we have something called collagen that can be extremely powerful as a resource to support your cardiovascular structures. And one of the things that we don’t really understand and acknowledge as clinicians, and I’m one of them, is that collagen is highly, highly beneficial to our whole entire cardiovascular system. So not only is collagen billed as a great antioxidant for our face, and we love all the superficial benefits – it’s going to tighten up our skin and give us more protein to help support muscle strength and really support our muscle turnover and our joints. Collagen can help support your heart health and promote heart healing.

Our Collagen Levels After the Age of 25

One of the amazing things that we know through research is that collagen can also lower your risk and the assorted risk factors of you leading and creating a situation within your body of developing heart conditions – assortment of heart conditions – heart failure, angina, myocarditis, and clogging of your arteries that lead to heart attacks. So one of the things, if we’re going to look at collagen as a benefit to your heart health, I want to kind of detail what happens internally in our body, because we’re naturally producing collagen up until about the age of 25. That’s kind of our peak collagen performance level, if you will. So, after 25 is when we really need to get serious about supplementing externally with good, clean collagen, like what we have here at Organixx. By the age of 60, we’re only producing half of our collagen or what we used to produce.

So, we go from 25-60 and you literally cut your collagen production in half. So, if you are watching this video and you’re in your 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s, or 80s, or 90s, it is very important for you to add collagen into your diet if you’re looking to support your heart and your heart health. And I’m going to share with you what we see in clinical research the benefits of collagen and promoting and supporting our heart structures – our arteries, our vessels, the vasculature, our ventricles of our heart health. Two to five grams of collagen daily is what is traditionally studied. So let me share with you a few benefits and why collagen would be something I recommend for all of you watching, and I use in my life every day, to support your heart health.

Collagen Strengthens Your Arteries

Number one, collagen can keep your arteries strong. So just like we see with the tightening of our skin, the elastin fibers getting strong, collagen specifically can prevent what we call weakness or laxity of our vascular structures.

It also minimizes stiffness. So while we want our valves to function. So when we talk about like our vascular valves, sometimes those valves get a little weak, they don’t always shut right. Well, that’ll strengthen them up. Collagen helps support that. So collagen, we see that benefit our vascular structures and the flexibility is really critical for mobility of our vascular health. And we also see that it helps to keep all of those vessels in the right placement. So we don’t have wonkiness where there might be a little weakening of one area and maybe a stiffness in another area. It keeps all of this functional.

Collagen Can Improve LDL, HDL, and Triglyceride Levels

Number two, collagen actually can help improve your LDL, and HDL, and triglyceride levels. So when you’re running your cholesterol panels, and maybe you have higher LDL markers and low HDL, by consuming collagen (two to five grams daily), we see that individual’s total cholesterol values level. And it also is something where folks that might need a mild statin can actually make a switch from a statin to collagen where you are going to have greater benefits because of some of the minerals that get depleted and some of the other coenzymes that we see depleted by statins, collagen will not have a depleting effect on your body.

Collagen Helps Stabilize and Balance Blood Pressure

Number three – this is really critical if you have blood pressure challenges or imbalances, either too high or too low – the collagen, when consumed daily, can actually help stabilize and balance blood pressure levels.

Particularly, one of the things that we see is collagen helps support nitric oxide levels. And if you’ve ever had anybody in your family, or maybe you yourself have had a heart attack, the first thing that they do when you walk into the ER or you’re in an ambulance, they put a nitric oxide patch on you. You get that administered immediately to help relax the vasculature of our cardiovascular system to help lower that situation of a lack of oxygen flow. Nitric oxide production, naturally, is where we want to go in that natural production and prevention of heart disease. So we want to see that production increase naturally and collagen is the way to do that.

Collagen Is Anti-Inflammatory

And lastly, collagen is anti-inflammatory. One of the amazing compounds in collagen is glycine. And what we see with a lot of patients with heart disease, when we evaluate their glycine levels, they’re categorically in suboptimal levels. They’re in major deficient states. So if we want to reverse heart disease, we want to bring your glycine levels up. And collagen is a wonderful natural resource for glycine.

So, those are my tips today. I hope you consider reaching for our Organixx Collagens, our Clean Sourced Collagens. You can add these into your smoothies. You can add these into nut yogurts and even coffee. There are a lot of different ways for you to incorporate these into your diet. And we also give you an awesome brownie recipe on the back of your collagen bag. So I hope you’ll check these out. Add this to your heart-healthy program today.

Organixx Clean Sourced Collagens blend contains five types of collagen from four sources. What’s more, it’s combined with targeted nutrients such as zinc, vitamin C, and vitamin B6 which specifically enhance the bioavailability and potency of collagen. Clean Sourced Collagens is formulated from the ground up to enhance and support your body’s natural ability to heal and rebuild itself from the INSIDE out.

Organixx Clean Sourced Collagens