Supplement Industry Secrets: Jonathan Hunsaker and Dr. Patrick Gentempo Interview

By Jonathan Hunsaker

Reading Time: 30 minutes

This article discusses emerging/ongoing science and research. It is intended for general informational purposes only. This content is unrelated to products offered by Organixx and does not contain any representations about the performance of such products.

In this interview…

  • 04:30 – What are the worst & best supplements? (4 levels)
  • 05:35 – What supplements cost to make vs. what companies sell them for
  • 10:32 – Why black pepper/piperine and turmeric aren’t always a good match and what else makes turmeric more bioavailable
  • 12:32 – Why whole food supplements cost more
  • 13:09 – The supplement type you might as well dump in the trash
  • 15:04 – Why RDAs are so deceptive
  • 16:05 – One way to assess the quality of your supplements
  • 18:05 – Is your supplement company testing for glyphosate?
  • 18:46 – Why your bone broth MUST be organic
  • 34:18 – Why you need vitamin C if you’re taking a collagen supplement
  • 35:00 – Is there such a thing as vegan collagen?
  • 37:40 – Patrick’s real age 😉


Patrick Gentempo: I’ve got Jonathan Hunsaker, the founder of Organixx on the line. I think I got them on correctly here. Jonathan, are you there?

Jonathan Hunsaker: I am. Can you hear me, sir?

Patrick Gentempo: Looking good. Yeah. I not only hear you, I see you.

Jonathan Hunsaker: Nice.

Patrick Gentempo: You’re getting in at some of the fun here. You’ve been hearing people torturing me about my age.

Jonathan Hunsaker: I am. I was going to go with the high 40s; 48.

Patrick Gentempo: Now he’s going to get my best attention throughout the rest of this. Do you know my age actually or you don’t?

Jonathan Hunsaker: I don’t. I don’t know your age.

Patrick Gentempo: Oh, wow. Oh, I thought you knew. Okay, so you’re going to go with 48. Okay, that’s a good guess.

Jonathan Hunsaker: I am.

Patrick Gentempo: We’re going to give something away to the first person who guessed right. I think maybe too many people looked it up so I can’t… They’re going to be looking up. All right. At the end of our interview, Jonathan, I’m going to go ahead and reveal the age. We’ll see who got it right. I’m really wondering about that person who guessed to be 74 though.

Jonathan Hunsaker: Yeah, I think it takes some guts to go on and ask people to tell your age. Put that thick skin on.

Patrick Gentempo: Or maybe they’re just trying to say that I must look remarkable for my age or something. I don’t know. So Jonathan, thanks for taking time on a Saturday to be with us.

Again, I could only handpick a few people to be on during our live broadcast and quite frankly, they’re people who are utilizing or are have products that they’re talking about or subjects they’re talking about that are incorporated into my life and my family’s life, and certainly, Organixx is one of those.

As I explained earlier, when you weren’t on, I said, “Hey, this isn’t a pitch-fest.” We didn’t get here to say, “Hey… At one point, I started cracking up because unwittingly, I said, “I feel like we’re starting to sound like QVC.” That’s not what we’re supposed to be doing here.

But the bottom line is people have questions and then people have challenges they’re trying to overcome and we can give them the information. But if we don’t have a solution for them, I feel like they’re left hanging.

I can say that probably the most asked question along the way was, now that I’ve had all these experiences and have been with all these people, what are some of the things that I’m taking? I want to say that, listen, I think there’s an extraordinary amount of great products out there. Certainly, I’ve done my research and I take some of these products and other people have their own conclusions that they’ve drawn.

But one of the things I loved about our interview, Jonathan, was you simplified another one of the most popular questions being asked, which is, how do you rate the value of a particular supplement?

Because you can go with any type of supplement, call it a bone broth protein, call it a multivitamin, call it a curcumin, call it a B complex, whatever it might be, and you’ll get ranges of prices that are almost incomprehensible at how the difference between the lower and the higher and how far a spread there is.

And then people say, “I want to make an investment and get good value for my money, but man, it’s all over the map. How do I sort this out?” And I feel like you did one of the best jobs at sorting that out. So can we have that conversation?

Jonathan Hunsaker: Absolutely. Yeah, and thank you for having me on here. I’m not the guy that’s usually in front of the camera. I’m used to being behind the scenes.

Being interviewed, number one, gets the nerves going. Doing it live, also adds more to it, so bear with me as I kind of work through some of the nerves and deliver the information that you’re looking for.

First and foremost, I mean, I’m not a doctor, I’m not a scientist, I’m not a researcher, I’m not an academic. I’m actually a high school dropout. I dropped out to start my first business. What I am is, I’m an entrepreneur, I’m a businessman, which means I’m just really good at solving problems.

I’m really good at finding people that are smarter than me at doing things. And so I really want to set that context because it sets the context for the whole conversation.

What I’m going to share with you and what I’ve discovered through my own health journey and my journey into the supplement space is different than what a lot of supplement companies want to talk about. Kind of exposing what’s going on behind the scenes, really pulling the curtain back on really what’s going on, and adding transparency to an industry that has been very secluded, so to speak. Been very hush, hush. Been very profit-driven.

One of the ways to try to really explain the different qualities of supplements is really knowing what you’re looking at. So I think the bare bottom is a synthetic supplement.

These are going to be your One A Day’s, these are the ones you see commercials for on TV. Synthetic vitamins, I mean, really your body doesn’t even recognize it as real food. It’s not even a bioavailable element. Bioavailable meaning how much can your body absorb it?

These synthetics are created in a lab. Most of them are derived from an oil by-product like coal tar or different things like that. And so they’ve synthetically created this vitamin to have the same structure as it would appear in nature, and then they put it together in a pill and they’ve sold it to you saying, “Look, here’s a great vitamin for you and it’s going to give you 15,000% of the daily recommended allowance for vitamin C.” Ascorbic acid, that’s it, that’s a great synthetic example. So that’s bottom of the barrel. Your body can’t really recognize it.

They’re probably selling for $30, $35 for a multivitamin. It costs about $2 to manufacture and bottle and package that supplement, that 30-day supply.

What you find, unfortunately, as I dug deeper in the supplement industry when I first got into it, the multiples that a lot of these companies have is astronomical. We’re seeing multiples with a lot of products out there, anywhere from 10 to 12, upwards of 20. So, most supplements I would say, is about a 12X multiple, kind of gives you an idea.

If you’re buying something for $36 at the store, know that it costs about $3 to bottle it, for most products. Now, the higher the quality of the product goes, which we’re going to talk about, those margins go down. Those multiples go down because you have to stay competitive and there’s no way I could sell our supplements at 12X cost. Nobody would ever buy them. So bottom of the barrel would be a synthetic.

The next level up would be a whole food supplement. And it’s just what it is. It’s a whole food. There’s many different ways to process that food or that botanical, but essentially it’s been dried, it’s been concentrated and encapsulated.

That’s going to be better because your body can recognize it more as a food. It’s going to be more bioavailable. If you’re going to take a supplement and you’re not going to do a synthetic, at least make sure it’s whole food.

The next level up is going to be a whole food supplement that is organic. This is where organic, I think, really matters in a big way because if it’s organic then you know that it hasn’t been sprayed with pesticides, herbicides, insecticides.

And when that botanical or food is being harvested, and it’s being dried down and encapsulated, those pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, those poisons, are staying on that botanical. Now you’re just getting a high dose of it, just like you are of a higher dose of the nutrient when it gets dried and when it gets encapsulated.

So for me, I mean, a whole food supplement is good, but I would really make sure that it’s an organic ingredient.

The other thing, and this is a big debate, is organic food, does it have a higher nutrient density than a non-organic or a GMO foods versus a non-GMO? That’s another thing, is if it’s organic, that also means that it’s non-GMO.

I’m not going to go down the argument of is it more nutrient-dense or not? I believe that they are. I think that pesticides, herbicides, insecticides are destroying the soil. They’re destroying the bacteria and all the organisms that are in the soil. If the soil is not nutrient-dense, then it cannot be absorbed into the plant, the botanical, whatever is being harvested there.

But that argument aside, whether it’s more nutrient-dense or not, the fact that you’re ingesting poisons because it’s been sprayed with insecticides, herbicides, is clearly not good. And most of us are taking supplements or some sort of supplement to get healthier. If it’s not organic, then now you’re taking a bunch of poisons to go with that “healthy” supplement.

The challenge also is, I mean, consider your microbiome and your gut and what it’s made up of, and all the bacteria and all the living things that are inside of us. If you take an herbicide, insecticide, pesticide, that’s getting that poison, it’s now killing all of this stuff inside of your gut.

I don’t remember the exact number, but it’s like 45 billion cells are of foreign things, of bacteria, viruses, different things in our body. And we only have 35,000 billion cells in our body that makeup us. So it’s almost an argument that there’s more things that aren’t us, than us, inside of us.

And when we take these poisons and we ingest them, we’re killing it. And so, we’re really causing a lot of damage, in my opinion, when we’re eating non-organic foods and when we’re especially taking non-organic supplements. Just that high concentration, I think, is extremely harmful.

So, synthetic, whole food, whole food organic, the highest level that I think is out there is a whole food organic that’s also been sprouted or fermented, if at all possible.

The fermentation process, it opens up a whole plethora of new nutrients. It also starts the breakdown process and it releases the enzymes. It starts breaking down that food, that botanical. And when you start that breakdown process and you’ve released those enzymes, when it gets inside of your body, you now need to use less of your own enzymes to break it down and it makes it more bioavailable. It makes it easier for the body to absorb it.

A good example of this is let’s say, turmeric. Turmeric is a very popular thing right now. A lot of people are mixing turmeric with black pepper, piperine, things like that to make it more bioavailable.

The challenge is, is what are the side effects of black pepper, piperine, BioPerine, with prescription medications and things like that?

So yes, black pepper makes it more bioavailable, allows you to absorb the curcumin much better, but you can do it in a much safer way by simply ingesting a fermented turmeric. We make a turmeric supplement as well, called Turmeric 3D. We triple-ferment it and now it’s just as bioavailable, which means it’s already started to breakdown; process. Your body can easily absorb it without having something like a black pepper or something that may cause harm, cause issues in somebody’s gut.

Probably a very long answer to a very easy question, but I’m really trying to deliver the best information possible. It’s really what we stand for at Organixx is just informing the public.

It doesn’t matter if you buy my supplements or not. Quite frankly, I just want to inform people so that more people are screaming for organic supplements. It’ll make them cheaper for all of us. And so people really know what they’re taking because I think that matters. I think there’s just so much misinformation.

So synthetic, don’t even waste your time. Whole food, better. Whole food organic. I would highly suggest if you can find whole food organic that is fermented or sprouted would be the highest level

Patrick Gentempo: That is so what I was hoping you would say, I mean, the whole thing. And it really does, I think, give it an easy framework to understand this hierarchical system of supplements, is from the low to the high.

I happened to know this because from the business side, as you’re talking about, I happened to know that for the type of supplements you’re putting out, the margins aren’t nearly as good as some of these other supplements.

You might’ve said this already, but you also mentioned something to me that… Because would people say, “Okay, let’s say that I’ve got a synthetic supplement that is $20 a month, and this organic whole food supplement, maybe even it’s fermented or sprouted, is $45 a month. It’s more than twice as much.”

But the premise or one point of view would be, you’re going to get better benefit from taking the other supplement every other day, the good supplement, then from a synthetic every day. So is that right?

Jonathan Hunsaker: All-day long, twice on Sunday. I mean, really the synthetic supplement, you might as well just open it up and dump it in the trash, or in your toilet.

The way that you know that your body is not using it, and we’ve all seen this, is you take that cheap supplement and all of a sudden your urine is glowing yellow. Right? That means it’s just passing right through you, it’s not being absorbed.

What you talked about is a really good point in the context too, not just that that expensive one, our multivitamin I think is $50 for a month’s supply, you might only be able to take one every three days. You’re still going to get more than that synthetic or even that whole food supplement because it’s been sprouted, fermented, it is organic.

And like you said, it’s the same. It may be two and a half times the cost or maybe three times the cost, but you’re not getting anything from the lower ones. Right? And it’s not doing any good.

The other thing that you brought up that I really want to talk about is, what’s on the label and how bioavailable is it? So, ascorbic acid, which I used before for vitamin C. Most vitamin C supplements out there, that’s what it is, it’s a synthetic; it’s ascorbic acid.

It’ll say, “2,000% your daily value. And it sounds all phenomenal, “I’m going to get 2,000% of the vitamin C I need. It’s going to help me fight off this cold.”

The challenge is, you’re maybe absorbing 1%, a half a percent, not even that, because it’s not even recognized as a real food. As opposed to taking a vitamin C supplement that only says it’s 100% of the daily recommended value. You’re absorbing 60%, 70%, 80, 90. It’s very rare that you’re going to absorb all 100%.

But let’s say you’re getting in those 60, 70, 80s, it’s a massive difference versus that one that says it’s 15,000% and you’re getting a fraction of 1% absorption from it.

Patrick Gentempo: RDAs can be deceptive very often and there’s this sort of misnomer that bigger is better. There’s this, “This is 2,000% of the RDA. Well, this is 3,000% of the RDA,” But in the context of understanding what you just said, those numbers are really meaningless. You have to have a deeper layer of understanding relative to bioavailability, absorption, and the like, so I think that those are important considerations.

I like this dimension of the conversation. So we’ve spoken to people who have academic backgrounds and researchers, we spoke to people who are clinicians, who are actually seeing patients every single day and working in these realms. You really have kind of the manufacturing in business context.

We talked about source materials, I guess. Would that be the right characterization of if it’s organic and it’s fermented or sprouted, et cetera, that’s the source that’s coming in? What would I want to know as a consumer about not only the source materials but the manufacturing practices themselves? Does that matter?

Jonathan Hunsaker: It does matter. There’s a few things to look for, and [I’m] trying to think the best way to answer the question. One of the best is looking at the company that you’re working with, and what do they stand for, what are their core values? How transparent are they? What kind of record do they hold?

I mean, the reason I say this is, anybody can start a supplement company. I’m living proof of that. I started a supplement company, and again, I’m not a doctor or a scientist.

The good news is I have a whole lot of integrity and I have a whole lot of ethics that I want to build the best and the greatest really for myself and my family, and then for everybody else that wants to come along [for] the ride with me. You’ve got to find out the company and what they stand for, first and foremost.

Second, is asking for transparency. We do something that… Because it’s really hard to know, it’s really hard to believe, but you can pick up the phone and call a lot of these companies.

You can call up Centrum or some of these synthetics and they’ll tell you, “Hey, these are all synthetic materials. Hey, these are all derived in a lab. This is where we get our stuff.”

If somebody tells you that it’s whole food and it’s organic, ask for proof. “So, show me.” We send all of our products off to be third-party tested by a company called NSF. They do a whole lot of the certification for supplements to make sure that they are approved for Olympic athletes and they do a whole lot of third-party testing.

And we test for glyphosate, the number one active ingredient in Roundup that Monsanto puts out and I’m sure a lot of the audience here is aware of. I mean glyphosate, it’s horrific to have in there and to be ingesting into your body, yet that’s the number one herbicide that’s used out there.

So we third-party test all of our products for glyphosate, and we show these test results on our website. If it’s not published, you can email us or give us a call and we’ll send you a copy of it. They should all be published at this point. But we test for glyphosate, we test for GMOs, we test for other pesticides, herbicides, and insecticides. We test for heavy metals and we show all of that.

I don’t want to go too far on a tangent, but when bone broth protein first came out and it started hitting the market, one of our top competitors was promoting how healthy it was and how great it was, yet it wasn’t an organic bone broth.

This is really important because if it’s a chicken bone broth and that chicken is not fed an organic diet, which means it’s getting a GMO feed, which means it’s also very high… It’s got a ton of herbicides and pesticides sprayed on it.

Well, that glyphosate itself, is stored inside of the bones. That’s where most of it is stored. Whenever we ingest that kind of a poison, chickens especially, it’s stored inside of their bones and now you’re boiling down these bones and you’re making a bone broth out of it and you’re getting these high concentrations of glyphosate and you’re also getting these high concentrations of other heavy metals.

So while there’s all this information, like, “This bone broth is really healthy and take this bone broth,” but what you’re not realizing is you’ve got to dig a little bit deeper. You can’t believe all the hype.

That’s another thing that I’ve really learned is, I mean, if these companies out here would just spend more money on ingredients, and research, and creating a better product rather than all their money on marketing and selling it all, we’d all have much better supplements to choose from.

I’m going on a little bit of a tangent, but it’s important because bone broth is really big right now. We’re one of the very few, if not the only, that does an organic bone broth.

I’ve done interviews with Jeffrey Smith, who’s kind of the godfather of the non-GMO movement and the organic movement. And I mean, he’s talked about how detrimental it is and where that glyphosate gets stored in the bones and then you make a broth out of it.

And this goes for buying any kind of broth, whether it’s a powder or whether you’re buying a bone broth in the store that’s already in liquid form, you’ve got to make sure it’s organic.

I’m trying to get back to your original question. How do people know what to look for? You’ve just got to do a little bit of the research and you’ve got to see what that company stands for, see what their core values are, and let that kind of help guide the way.

But don’t be afraid to make phone calls. Don’t be afraid to go look at their website, look at reviews, email them, and have proved to you. If they’re making a lot of claims, ask them for proof. We do that with that third-party verification, that third-party testing.

Another thing that we do, and I’m not trying to turn this into an infomercial at all, because if you buy our supplements, great, if not, no worries. I’m just here to educate.

There’s another big thing that happens in the supplement space where people advertise like turmeric or let’s use ashwagandha. People talk about, “Hey, ashwagandha is great and it’s going to help you do this, that, and the other, and it’s an adaptogen, it’s going to help you handle stress. There’s all these studies to back it up. Here’s 700 studies to show how good ashwagandha is.” And they tie all of these studies to their supplement.

But the challenge is, you don’t know the quality of ashwagandha that was used in those studies. That study may have used a very clean, organic, high potent ashwagandha, whereas this company has now said, “You know what? I’m going to source the cheapest ashwagandha I can get, out of China, that’s not organic. It’s costing me a few dollars a kilo.”

They’re making an ashwagandha as a supplement or they’re blending it with another blend of other ingredients. They’re making it for a few bucks and selling it for $50 bucks and touting all of this amazing benefits from this ashwagandha that’s in there.

It’s BS, is what it is, because you’re not going to get those same results. This is why a lot of people say, “I didn’t get results, or, “I don’t like supplements,” or, “I don’t feel a difference on them.” Or, didn’t get all of these things that they wanted.

It’s because they’ve used all of these studies to build up the benefits and to sell this big dream, but then they put a crap supplement, a crap version, inside of their supplement and sell it to you.

What we’re doing, and we’re transitioning a lot of our formulations this way, even though we already buy really clean organic ingredients, we now use an ashwagandha called KSM 66.

It’s a patented ashwagandha, which means it’s a very specific strain, and it has double-blind placebo-controlled studies behind it, that prove its efficacy.

So now, I’m not just saying, “This is what ashwagandha does. Buy my product because it has ashwagandha in it.” I’m actually saying, “This is what KSM-66 ashwagandha does and these are the specific studies proven to go with that specific ashwagandha.”

And listen, these are the things that I have to go through as a supplement company owner, to try to win the trust of the audience because it’s been destroyed so much by a lot of unethical companies out there just trying to make a quick buck. But I’m glad to do it. I’m happy to do it because I make all these supplements mainly for me and for my family, and then for the people that follow us, it’s an added bonus.

On a side tangent, Patrick, five years ago when I kind of started in the health space, I was 270 pounds, I was smoking a pack and a half of cigarettes a day. I was drinking six, seven nights a week. I mean, I’d been on my own health journey when I started the supplement company four years ago. I was in a good place where I was able to go out there and kind of start looking at what did I need to be healthy and that’s kind of how this whole thing began.

I just share all that to share a complete picture of, I’m not that academic, I’m not that scientist, and I’m not that guy that can show all of these letters behind my name.

But I am that guy who’s been through that struggle of being extremely depressed, extremely unhealthy, putting my health last, and then going out and being fortunate enough to have the means from other business ventures to go and hire the best people in the world to educate me and then start putting together the supplements that I needed and that others needed, to kind of get us to where we are now. Man, you ask quick questions and I give you like 8-minute, 10-minute answers. I hope that’s all right.

Patrick Gentempo: Listen, I’m here for four hours. It’s great.

Jonathan Hunsaker: You got it.

Patrick Gentempo: And believe me, I’ll jump in if I feel like we’ve got to move it along. But no, those are great answers. I think, here’s what the takeaway is, you’re watching this right now. This is what I think the takeaway is for what Jonathan was just talking about.

Most people want to just be told, “Do this, take that, what have you,” and certainly, we have been showcasing certain supplements. You could see, from a variety of different people and they have their own kind of complexion, their own story, their own point of view.

But in the end, I think what really matters is that, if you were listening to what Jonathan just said, is that there’s more to it than just labeling. There’s some understanding, but the good manufacturers are very forthright in telling the deeper story, like what Jonathan was just talking about with ashwagandha. I almost said it wrong. It’s been four hours.

But that not only is it saying, “Okay. Hey, we have some part of an organic sourced supplement here,” but there’s research behind it. It’s a particular strain of the particular supplement. It is used in a way that was researched and delivered in this way.

I spoke to somebody once who was a manufacturer and they talked about organic milk thistle and he said, “I can get organic milk thistle… I might be a little off in numbers. Like $4 a kilo, but the stuff I’m getting is $36 a kilo.”

You can call them both organic milk thistle, but they are not the same thing. And I’m literally spending four or five or six times the amount because the particular way that this milk thistle, the soil that grows in, the way it’s harvested, et cetera, this stuff matters.

So what I know, and I think if you just heard what Jonathan said, when a manufacturer is actually making the greater investment and going deeper, they usually want to write about that, and talk about it, and they’re referencing it on the website.

And the other thing is the third-party testing. I think you might know this Jonathan, when you talk about glyphosate and GMOs, but we did an entire docu-series on GMOs: GMOs Revealed.

Jeffrey Smith, who you mentioned, was in our docu-series. He was one of the featured people in it. We know how devastating glyphosate is. And incidentally, we were called conspiracy… I can’t tell you the horrible names I was called.

Kids around the world were going to starve because of the docu-series that we did on GMOs. And of course, here we are now a couple of years later, totally vindicated, multi-tens, in some cases, hundreds of million-dollar awards given to people who are terminally ill with cancer, as a byproduct of glyphosate because Monsanto lied about it. So, we were right in the docu-series.

These things matter and as you can see, when somebody has a context, like Jonathan is giving you here, saying, “Hey, we third-party test for glyphosate. We don’t want that stuff in our supplements.” It’s easy to turn a blind eye. It’s less expensive to turn a blind eye to these things.

But when you know better… I’m paraphrasing the expression that the darkest corners of hell are reserved for the people who know and turn a blind eye. It’s basically, when you know better, when you know that your product is compromised, if it has glyphosate in it, and at the same time saying, “But if I test for it and find it there, it’s a hassle. It’s more expensive, et cetera.”

No, you do the right thing. The right thing is send out to the third-party lab, look at your stuff, see if it’s got glyphosate in it. And when it doesn’t, tell the world about it. And if it does, you have to change your source materials.

I think the good news is that I believe that people who are doing it right, like Organixx, they are doing the testing and then they’re publishing that testing on their websites and disseminating that information.

People who have something to hide, usually are hiding it. They’re not publishing, they’re not doing the third-party testing. And that to me, is a big, big clue.

So I congratulate you, Jonathan, for going those extra steps and literally… Because I think what you do is, you’re forcing the hands of all manufacturers.

If you’re out there doing this, it’s hard for them to exist at the lower bar. They have to step up their game. And I think you’re raising the game for the whole supplement industry through those types of practices.

Jonathan Hunsaker: And I appreciate that Patrick. I do this when I do other interviews or things. It’s, whether you buy our supplements or not, it doesn’t matter to me as much because, in the grand scheme of things, I just want people to go out there and ask for organic ingredients in their supplements.

And yes, you can ask for them from us and you’ll always get them, but I don’t mind you asking the other 5,000 companies out there, “Are yours organic?”

Because it’s the same thing; the more that we have people demanding organic, then the more organic farmers that we have, the cheaper that we can all get the organic ingredients, and the cheaper we can make these organic supplements.

I mean, quite frankly, I hate that we have to label organic. I think these other guys should be labeling that they’re non-organic. I feel this way in the food industry and all of that. And it’s going that way. I mean, those that are paying attention, organic foods are becoming less and less expensive. There’s a lot more people going organic.

The movement and the understanding and the global consciousness that is coming that is growing around organic and non-GMO, it’s undeniable. Wait a few more years and wait and see, if it’s not organic, if it is GMO, it’s going to be fewer and far between. At least I hope, and I think that we’re going in that direction.

Patrick Gentempo: Well, you and I both hope that. Justin is sitting to my right here and he’s on the live thread. We’ve got floods of comments and questions coming in. I don’t know if you’ve seen some of the prior things, but we’ve been doing kind of these giveaways, say for the next 20 people, that buy Supplements Revealed Gold Package, we’ll add a something to that package.

And we already, just so everybody knows, in your Gold Package, there is an Organixx supplement kit of a lot of the products that Jonathan was talking about. Really good stuff.

As a matter of fact, if I’m not mistaken, Jonathan, the retail value of that is in excess of $200 or something, if I remembered correctly.

Jonathan Hunsaker: Yeah. I think we’re doing a couple bottles of the Multi-Vita-Maxx, which is our multivitamin and also our 7 Mushrooms, which is our-

Patrick Gentempo: … the mushroom.

Jonathan Hunsaker: … fermented organic mushroom blend.

Note: The free product giveaway promotion discussed by Patrick and Jonathan was for participants during the live broadcast on Feb 29, 2020. It is no longer available.

Patrick Gentempo: Yeah. And that’s already going to be there when you buy a Gold Package, no matter if you bought it already or if you’re buying now.

Do you want to throw something in for the next 20 people? Actually, it’s going to have to be 40, because we’ll give it to 20 that buy right now, and I want to balance it for the other people. Say, we’ll randomly select 20 other people who already bought, so they are not penalized for not buying, saying that they have an opportunity to get it too. And no pressure, you don’t have to give anything if you want, but if you’ve got something and say, “Yeah, we’ll throw this in for the next 20 people,” what could that be?

Jonathan Hunsaker: I’d love to. I’m trying to think what is it that… Maybe we can poll your audience if they’re on there live now. What we also did is we’ve now gone… I went down the rabbit hole of supplements and that rabbit hole got so deep, it’s clearly why I have a supplement company now.

We now went down the rabbit hole of skincare and we’ve released a fully clean, with a vitamin C serum, that has no preservatives in it and things like that.

We also have an eye cream. I’m happy to do one of our vitamin C serums, one of our eye creams, again, fully organic, top of the line, no preservatives, none of the parabens, none of the other craziness that’s out there, no fragrances. Our stuff will actually go bad if you don’t use it in a year. It’s not going to sit in your bathroom for 10 years and still be good.

We can do our eye cream. We can do our vitamin C serum. The last thing we do is our collagens. We have a Clean Sourced Collagens. Again, collagens, we can’t get certified organic, but I can ensure that all of the places that I get, all of the ingredients that I’m getting are super clean and organic.

Our Clean Sourced Collagens, we get our bovine from grass-fed, pasture-raised cows in Argentina. The collagens that we’re getting from the fish is a wild-caught Alaskan pollock that is caught in the Atlantic Ocean, not the Pacific Ocean. That matters to some of us. As well as organic chicken bone broth and organic eggs.

We’ve also, just to give a quick education around collagens, by the way, we’ve put vitamin C in there with organic camu camu and acerola cherry.

The reason vitamin C is important is because if you are deficient in vitamin C, not only can your body not make its own collagen, but you can’t absorb collagen either. So there’s a lot of people taking collagen supplements, but if you’re deficient in vitamin C, you’re not getting near the benefits from it.

It’s also a multi-collagen, so it has five different collagens in there. I think we’re also putting some zinc in there to help the absorption of it. But our Clean Sourced Collagens is absolutely amazing. It’s quickly become one of our bestsellers.

So I love, for those that are okay with animal products, it is not a vegan product clearly, because it is a collagen. There’s no such thing as a vegan collagen. There are vegan products out there that help increase the production of collagen, but there’s no such thing as a vegan collagen.

I’m happy to do the collagens. Now that I think about that, if there are people that want something that goes to both sides, our OrganiGreens. We have a green juice powder where we’ve literally made juices and then dehydrated it down into a powder, that has 71 different ingredients.

I mean, Patrick, my challenge here is picking which one to give you because now I feel like I’m going down my whole line and want to talk about the amazing benefits of each one.

I’ll put it like this, I’m happy to add $150 worth of our supplements. That’s essentially about three supplements, that your viewers can choose. If you want to just have them email us, so I can give you a special email, they can reach out to us, they can pick any three products in our line that they want, if that makes it easier.

Patrick Gentempo: Yeah, jump me in. Well, I didn’t want to add complexity and I was sitting there saying, “Wow.”

Jonathan Hunsaker: Me either, so I don’t know here.

Patrick Gentempo: This is a bunch of great stuff, but it’s going to be 40; 20 and 20, so I’ll let them basically get directly in touch with you. So for the next 20 people and we started about five minutes ago or four minutes ago, Justin’s got the timestamp, but for those 20 people who ordered the Gold Package, you’re going to get an extra $150 of your choice. And then for the people who are already in the community of Supplements Revealed that purchased the Gold Package, we’re going to randomly, like a lottery-style, pick 20 of those, and you’ll get another $150 worth of supplements from Organixx. That’s more than generous. Thank you.

Mind you, that almost covers the full cost of the entire Gold Package, so your bonuses are way outpacing the cost. Remember, what is it? I think, 71% off, during the live viewing period here. So, please place your orders. There’s a lot of bonuses there and if you happen to get some of these extra bonuses, great. I got one minute and then I got to tie-up for our next and final guest, Jonathan.

Note: The free product giveaway promotion discussed by Patrick and Jonathan was for participants during the live broadcast on Feb 29, 2020. It is no longer available.

Patrick Gentempo: But now we’ve got to go to this age thing, don’t we? I was thinking about avoiding it and say let’s just move on and not get into this. Jonathan’s got 48. What were some of the other ones you got there?

Justin: We’ve got Kate Quimby, who is saying, “I know Patrick is 23, not a day older. I win.”

Patrick Gentempo: All right. Give her all the bonuses. She wins. No. Do we still have Jonathan? I want to keep him up there.

Jonathan Hunsaker: I’m still here.

Patrick Gentempo: Okay, good. What’s the other one? [Crosstalk 00:37:33].

Justin: We’ve got [Uresko 00:37:36], says, “Patrick looks around 43, but I heard today, he’s 60. Weird.”

Patrick Gentempo: Okay, so then I guess the secret got out. As I sit here right now, I am 60 years of age. That is the right number. I don’t know if she was the first one to guess it. I know it’s searchable and I know that we mentioned it in the series, so we’ll figure out who the first one to chime in was. Weird is right, because I don’t feel 60 either, so it is weird. It’s weird for all of us. Thanks, everybody.

Jonathan Hunsaker: You look amazing, man. You’re doing something right, that’s for sure.

Patrick Gentempo: I guess this stuff does pay off. It’s a long-run payoff, but you keep doing it. Thank you. I actually get weird… It is weird because when I hear my age, I don’t identify at 60, but here I am. It’s all those good organic supplements, Jonathan.

Jonathan Hunsaker: It’s just a number, anyway.

Patrick Gentempo: Thank you.

Justin: Do we want to know who the first person was?

Patrick Gentempo: Sure.

Justin: It’s Valerie Adams; was the first person to guess 60.

Patrick Gentempo: All right, Valerie. So, hey, can we give Valerie one of those $150 things from you, Jonathan?

Jonathan Hunsaker: Absolutely.

Patrick Gentempo: All right. Valerie, you guessed right, you were the first one to guess, right, so you’re going to get $150 order credit at Organixx. Jonathan, thank you so very much. Just phenomenal content, phenomenal information. Thanks for playing around with this little giveaway stuff that we’re doing. Hey, I’m here for four hours. I had to have some fun and make it a little bit fun and interactive.

I look forward to speaking with you on an ongoing basis, Jonathan. I want you to be sharing with this Supplements Revealed audience. I think they learned from you, we got great feedback from your interview and thank you for taking time on your Saturday.

Jonathan Hunsaker: Awesome. Patrick, thanks for having me, man. You have, what, an hour left or 20 minutes left before being done?

Patrick Gentempo: 20 minutes left, actually. We’ve got 20 minutes, maybe we’ll run a few minutes over, but 20 minutes is the schedule.

Jonathan Hunsaker: You’re doing amazing stuff, man. I hope you know how much I support you and not just this docu-series, but all the other work that you do, man.

Patrick Gentempo: Thank you so much.

Jonathan Hunsaker: So, very honored to be a part of this live broadcast.

Patrick Gentempo: Really an honor to be with you. Thanks so much and have a great rest of your day.

Jonathan Hunsaker: Thank you.


  1. I am so glad that I finally found the time to read this. It is just what I needed. I have been looking for a safe supplement. I do have some from Organixx and some from others. I am 82 and people argue with me that I am in my 50s. I take several supplements but now I have the information I needed to make sure I have good ones. I already see that some of mine aren't good. Thank you so much for putting this out for us to read. I wanted to go to the webinar but was unable to. I missed a lot. Now, somehow, I have to sort out what I have and what I need.

    • Hi Alice, thank you for the feedback. Wow!!! That is amazing that people find you to be in your 50s. You must really be doing something right when it comes to taking care of yourself. Keep it up. I am so glad to hear that you found this information helpful. Please check out our blog for more information on specific supplements. You can do a search in the upper right hand corner of the screen. I hope you find some more helpful information. Peace and blessings to you in this New Year!!!!!

  2. All the best stuff including supplements come from those who have made the difficult journey to find a path they LOVE and share it with others. Besides you look like Mel Gibson right down to the chewing gum. Good Luck, hoe you get a million new customers.

  3. I did enjoy this interview, as I have done with all the other interviews, I have learned so much. Is there anywhere in Australia to buy Organixx products.

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