When is the Best Time to Take Magnesium for Anxiety Relief?

By Jonathan Hunsaker

Reading Time: 12 minutes

This article discusses emerging/ongoing science and research. It is intended for general informational purposes only. This content is unrelated to products offered by Organixx and does not contain any representations about the performance of such products.

When is the best time to take magnesium for anxiety? Magnesium, a vital mineral, has an important part in lowering stress and uneasiness, however, you may be wondering how, and when, is the best time to incorporate it into your diet. 

The Importance of Magnesium for Anxiety

Magnesium is an essential mineral that plays a crucial role in supporting brain health, heart health, muscle and skeletal health, blood sugar balance, and much more. Many individuals who suffer from anxiety may find taking magnesium supplements beneficial for improving their sleep quality and mental health.

Roles of Magnesium in the Body

Magnesium plays several important roles within our bodies:

  • It helps maintain normal nerve function by regulating neurotransmitters.
  • It supports healthy muscle contraction and relaxation.
  • It contributes to energy production by aiding in the conversion of food into energy.
  • It assists in maintaining a steady heartbeat through its influence on electrical activity within the heart’s cells.
  • Lastly, it aids bone development by working alongside calcium to form strong bones and teeth.

How Magnesium Deficiency Can Contribute to Anxiety

A lack of sufficient magnesium intake can lead to a variety of symptoms including fatigue, irritability, and insomnia – all factors that can exacerbate anxiety levels. In fact, research has shown a correlation between low magnesium levels and increased anxiety symptoms. 

his essential mineral also helps regulate stress hormones like cortisol which, when left unchecked, could result in heightened feelings of unease or tension among those already predisposed towards such conditions due to chronic exposure to daily life pressures. This makes magnesium supplementation a vital component of any therapeutic strategy aimed at reducing these negative effects while promoting optimal functioning across multiple bodily systems and functions simultaneously.

The importance of magnesium for anxiety cannot be overstated, as its deficiency can lead to increased symptoms. Comprehending the distinct types available and how they can possibly meet your necessities is essential for maximizing the potency of your supplementation.

Different Forms of Magnesium Supplements

As you embark on your journey to conquer anxiety with magnesium, it’s essential to know that there are several forms of magnesium available on the market today. Each form has its unique benefits depending on individual needs and preferences. 

Benefits of Various Types of Magnesium Compounds

  • Magnesium Citrate: Known for its high bioavailability, magnesium citrate is easily absorbed by the body, making it a favorite choice among those seeking maximum benefits from their supplementation efforts.
  • Magnesium Glycinate: This form combines magnesium with glycine – an amino acid known for improving sleep quality. It’s ideal for individuals dealing with mental health conditions like fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS).
  • Magnesium Taurate: A gentle-on-the-GI-tract option, magnesium taurate is perfect for people who may experience digestive issues when taking other types of magnesium supplements.
  • Magnesium Malate: With increased energy production capabilities due to malic acid content, this type can be helpful in managing symptoms related to fatigue and muscle pain.
  • Magnesium L-Threonate: Specifically designed to cross the blood-brain barrier effectively, this form supports cognitive function and may help reduce anxiety levels.

Choosing the Right Form Based on Your Specific Needs

Selecting the best magnesium supplement for your needs can be a bit overwhelming, but fear not. Here are some tips to guide you in making an informed decision:

  1. Consider your primary goal: Are you looking to treat anxiety, improve sleep quality, or support overall health? Different forms of magnesium have specific benefits that cater to these goals.
  2. When selecting a form of magnesium, consider the bioavailability to ensure it can be easily absorbed by your body. Magnesium citrate and glycinate tend to have higher absorption rates compared to other types like magnesium oxide.
  3. Factor in any pre-existing conditions: If you suffer from gastrointestinal issues or kidney problems, it’s crucial to choose a form that won’t exacerbate these concerns. Speak with your medical professional before commencing any new supplement regimen.

Taking into account all this information will help ensure that you select the most suitable form of magnesium for addressing your anxiety while also supporting optimal health and well-being.

Magnesium is a vital mineral that our bodies need to function optimally, but as with any supplement, it’s essential to know the recommended dosages and potential side effects. Most nutritional organizations recommend daily dosages ranging between 320mg per day while ensuring not exceeding 2500mg per day since higher doses might result in toxic hypermagnesaemia – a condition where there’s too much concentration within body tissues causing severe side effects including nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, kidney damage, and even death if left untreated over long periods.

Determining Appropriate Dosage Levels Based on Age, Gender, and Medical History

Finding the right dosage of magnesium for your needs can be tricky; however, some general guidelines can help you determine an appropriate starting point. Here are some recommended amounts based on age and gender:

  • Adult men: 400-420 mg/day
  • Adult women: 310-320 mg/day
  • Pregnant women: 350-360 mg/day
  • Breastfeeding women: 310-320 mg/day

Your medical history may also play a role in determining the ideal magnesium intake. Before taking supplements, consult your healthcare provider to ensure that any health conditions or medications you have won’t affect magnesium levels or absorption rates.

Recognizing Signs of Toxicity or Overdose

If you’re taking magnesium supplements regularly, it’s crucial to recognize signs of toxicity or overdose so that you can adjust your intake accordingly. Some common symptoms include:

  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Lethargy or drowsiness
  • Muscle weakness or tremors

In extreme circumstances, magnesium poisoning can cause renal harm, respiration issues, an abnormal heartbeat, and even death. If you experience any of the symptoms associated with magnesium toxicity, such as kidney damage, difficulty breathing, or an irregular heartbeat, contact your healthcare provider immediately.

Timing Your Magnesium Intake for Optimal Results

Experts suggest taking them earlier during daytime hours, preferably alongside meals containing food items rich in naturally occurring sources such as whole grains, green leafy vegetables, bananas, beans, nuts, and dark chocolate. This ensures better absorption by our bodies resulting in optimum utilization throughout waking moments leading up to bedtime restful slumber patterns and enhanced mood regulation.

Importance of Timing Magnesium Intake with Meals

Taking magnesium supplements with meals not only enhances the absorption rates but also reduces the risk of potential side effects like stomach upset or diarrhea. Consuming magnesium-rich foods along with your supplement can further improve its bioavailability and effectiveness in reducing anxiety levels.

  • Morning: Taking magnesium supplements in the morning may help kick-start your day on a positive note by supporting energy production and cognitive function.
  • Lunchtime: A midday dose could assist you in maintaining focus during work hours while keeping stress at bay.
  • Dinner: Including magnesium intake at dinnertime can set the stage for a relaxing evening routine that promotes healthy sleep patterns later on.

How Different Forms of Magnesium Affect Absorption Rates

The various forms of magnesium compounds have different absorption rates, which should be considered when deciding when to take them. For instance:

  1. Magnesium Citrate – This highly bioavailable form is best taken earlier in the day with a meal to maximize absorption and prevent gastrointestinal side effects.
  2. Magnesium Glycinate – As it contains glycine, an amino acid that improves sleep quality, this form is ideal for nighttime consumption. It also has fewer side effects compared to other forms of magnesium.
  3. Magnesium Taurate – This gentle-on-the-GI-tract option can be taken at any time during the day as it does not cause digestive issues like some other forms do.

Timing Your Magnesium Intake for Optimal Results

Experts suggest taking them earlier during daytime hours, preferably alongside meals containing food items rich in naturally occurring sources such as whole grains, green leafy vegetables, bananas, beans, nuts, and dark chocolate. This ensures better absorption by our bodies resulting in optimum utilization throughout waking moments leading up to bedtime for restful slumber patterns and enhanced mood regulation.

Importance of Timing Magnesium Intake with Meals

Taking magnesium supplements with meals not only enhances their absorption but also reduces the risk of potential side effects like stomach upset or diarrhea. Consuming magnesium-rich foods along with your supplement can further improve its effectiveness by providing additional nutrients that work synergistically with magnesium to support overall health.

  • Morning: Taking magnesium supplements in the morning can help kick-start your day on a positive note by reducing anxiety levels and promoting mental clarity.
  • Lunchtime: A midday dose may provide an energy boost and combat afternoon fatigue often experienced due to low magnesium intake.
  • Dinner: Including a serving at dinnertime supports digestion while preparing the body for relaxation before sleep.

How Different Forms of Magnesium Affect Absorption Rates

The sort of magnesium compound selected can have a major effect on how well it is taken up by the body. Some popular forms include:

  1. Magnesium citrate: Known for its high bioavailability, this form is easily absorbed and utilized by the body. It’s best taken with food to avoid stomach upset.
  2. Magnesium glycinate: This chelated form of magnesium is bound to the amino acid glycine, which improves absorption rates while minimizing side effects like diarrhea or bloating. Ideal for those dealing with mental health conditions such as fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS).
  3. Magnesium taurate: A gentle-on-the-GI-tract option that combines magnesium with the amino acid taurine, known for its calming properties. Suitable for individuals looking to reduce anxiety symptoms and improve sleep quality.

Understanding how different forms of magnesium affect absorption rates can help you make an informed decision on when to take your supplement based on your specific needs and desired outcomes.

Taking Magnesium for Sleep and Anxiety Relief

If you’re taking magnesium to improve sleep quality and alleviate anxiety symptoms specifically, it’s best to take the supplement closer to bedtime. Taking magnesium before bed can help soothe the nervous system, encouraging a relaxed state conducive to sleep. In contrast, other forms like Magnesium citrate should be taken earlier in the day with some food for optimal absorption.

Benefits of Taking Magnesium at Night

  • Better sleep: Magnesium plays a crucial role in regulating neurotransmitters that are responsible for inducing sleep. It helps activate the parasympathetic nervous system, which promotes relaxation, making it easier to fall asleep.
  • Mood regulation: By reducing anxiety levels and promoting restful slumber patterns, magnesium supplementation can lead to improved mood regulation throughout the day.
  • Muscle relaxation: As an essential mineral involved in muscle function, taking magnesium at night may help reduce nighttime cramps or restless leg syndrome by relaxing muscles during your downtime.

Choosing Between Various Types Based on Desired Effects

To choose between different types of magnesium supplements based on desired effects such as reduced anxiety or better sleep quality, consider these options:

  1. Magnesium glycinate: A highly bioavailable form bound with the amino acid glycine improves overall mental well-being while having minimal side effects due to its gentle nature within the gastrointestinal tract; an ideal choice for individuals dealing with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), fibromyalgia, and other related conditions.
  2. Magnesium taurate: A combination of magnesium and the amino acid taurine, this form is gentle on the GI tract while still providing anxiety relief. Taurine’s calming effects on the nervous system make it a great choice for those looking to improve their sleep quality, as well as its anxiety-reducing properties.
  3. Magnesium L-threonate: This unique form of magnesium has been shown to penetrate brain tissue more effectively than other forms, which may lead to improved cognitive function in addition to its anxiety-reducing properties. It’s worth considering if you’re seeking both mental clarity and relaxation benefits from your supplementation regimen.

Taking magnesium for sleep and anxiety relief can provide a natural alternative to traditional medications. Still, caution should be exercised when combining magnesium supplementation with other medications to avoid any potential interactions.

Interactions Between Magnesium Supplements and Medications

Therefore, it is essential to consult your healthcare provider before starting any new supplementation regimen, especially when dealing with ongoing health issues or currently prescribed pharmaceutical drugs, to ensure safe and effective usage without causing adverse reactions due to potential interference between compounds involved in respective treatment plans.

Common Medication Interactions with Magnesium Supplements

Taking magnesium alongside some medications may cause unwanted side effects or reduce the effectiveness of the drug. Some common examples include:

  • Antibiotics: Magnesium can decrease the absorption of antibiotics like tetracyclines and quinolones, making them less effective. To avoid this interaction, take these antibiotics at least two hours before or four to six hours after taking a magnesium supplement. Learn more about magnesium and antibiotic interactions here.
  • Bisphosphonates: These are used for treating osteoporosis by slowing down bone loss. Taking magnesium supplements along with bisphosphonates might interfere with their effectiveness. It is recommended to separate intake times by at least two hours.
  • Diuretics: Certain diuretics called potassium-sparing diuretics can increase levels of magnesium in the body, which could lead to toxicity if taken together regularly over time – an example being amiloride, hydrochlorothiazide, spironolactone, triamterene, etcetera, so always check first.
  • Blood pressure medications (Calcium channel blockers): High doses of magnesium might have additive effects on blood pressure reduction when combined with calcium channel blockers, leading to excessively low blood pressure. Consult your healthcare provider for proper dosage adjustments if necessary.

Consulting Your Healthcare Provider Before Starting Supplementation

Given the potential interactions between magnesium supplements and various medications, it is crucial to consult with a medical professional before adding any new supplement to your routine. They can help you determine the appropriate form of magnesium, recommend taking amounts based on age, gender, and medical history, and provide guidance on how best to time your intake around other medications or health conditions.

Interactions Between Magnesium Supplements and Medications

Therefore, it’s essential to consult your healthcare provider before starting any new supplementation regimen, especially when dealing with ongoing health issues or currently prescribed pharmaceutical drugs, to ensure safe and effective usage without causing adverse reactions due to potential interference between compounds involved in respective treatment plans.

Common Medication Interactions with Magnesium Supplements

Before taking magnesium for anxiety, it’s important to be aware of the possible drug interactions. Some examples include:

  • Antibiotics: Certain antibiotics like tetracycline and fluoroquinolones may have their effectiveness reduced when taken alongside magnesium supplements. To avoid this issue, take the antibiotic at least two hours before or four to six hours after taking the magnesium supplement.
  • Bisphosphonates: These medications are used for treating osteoporosis and can also interact negatively with magnesium intake. Make sure there is a gap of at least two hours between consuming these medicines and your magnesium dose.
  • Diuretics: Diuretics like Lasix (furosemide) might increase the risk of developing a magnesium deficiency. If you’re on diuretic therapy, consult your doctor about whether additional monitoring or adjustments in dosage are necessary.
  • Blood pressure medications: Calcium channel blockers such as verapamil and diltiazem may have their effects enhanced by the concurrent use of magnesium supplements. This combination could potentially lead to excessively low blood pressure, so be sure to discuss this with your healthcare provider.

Consulting Your Healthcare Provider Before Starting Supplementation

Before beginning any supplementation, it’s essential to consult a healthcare provider in order to ensure there are no interactions with existing medications or health conditions. This is particularly important if you’re already taking prescription medications or have existing health conditions. 

In addition to discussing possible medication interactions, consulting with a healthcare provider will also give you an opportunity to address any concerns about magnesium toxicity, which could occur if excessive amounts of the mineral are consumed over time. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Taking Magnesium During the Day Help with Anxiety?

Taking magnesium during the day can help alleviate anxiety symptoms. However, absorption rates vary depending on the form of magnesium taken and individual factors. 

How to Take Magnesium for Anxiety?

To take magnesium for anxiety, choose an appropriate form such as magnesium glycinate or citrate, which are known for their calming effects. Follow recommended dosages based on age, gender, and medical history. It’s essential to consult your healthcare provider before starting magnesium supplementation.

Does Taking Magnesium at Night Help with Anxiety?

Taking magnesium at night can be beneficial for both sleep quality and anxiety relief due to its natural muscle-relaxing properties. Magnesium helps regulate melatonin production and promotes relaxation by supporting GABA function in the brain.

What Time of Day is Best to Take Magnesium?

The optimal time of day to take magnesium depends on personal preferences and desired effects. Daytime intake may aid in stress reduction, while nighttime intake supports better sleep quality. Consult your healthcare provider about specific recommendations tailored to your needs.

When taking magnesium supplements, it’s important to be aware of potential side effects, such as magnesium toxicity, which can occur with high doses. Different magnesium compounds work differently in the body, and some may be more suitable for certain individuals than others. Magnesium-rich foods, such as leafy greens, nuts, and whole grains, can also help increase magnesium intake.


Magnesium can be a helpful supplement for reducing stress and anxiety as it plays an important role in neurotransmitter production, and deficiency has been linked to increased anxiety symptoms. The best time to take magnesium for anxiety depends on personal preference and lifestyle factors, such as when you experience the most stress or physical activity. 

If you’re looking for high-quality magnesium supplements from a reputable source, check out Organixx. They offer a variety of organic supplements that can help support overall health and wellness, including their popular Magi-Complexx formula, which contains four different forms of highly absorbable magnesium.

Magnesium deficiency is linked to stress, diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis, chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, anxiety, trouble sleeping, sore muscles, migraines, and many more debilitating health conditions.

If your body needs magnesium, you want the most beneficial kind your body can actually absorb. Organixx Magnesium 7 gives you seven (7) of the very best, most bioavailable types of elemental magnesium available.

Magnesium Supplement


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