Magnesium as Glycinate: Uses, Benefits, and Side Effects

By Jonathan Hunsaker

Reading Time: 12 minutes

This article discusses emerging/ongoing science and research. It is intended for general informational purposes only. This content is unrelated to products offered by Organixx and does not contain any representations about the performance of such products.

Struggling with low energy, poor sleep, or anxiety? Magnesium as glycinate might be the solution you’ve overlooked. This unique supplement combines magnesium with glycine, offering superior absorption without the digestive issues common to other forms.

Imagine boosting your magnesium levels while enjoying benefits like improved sleep, reduced stress, and better heart health. Magnesium glycinate does just that, and more.

From health enthusiasts to medical professionals, people are taking notice of this powerful supplement. Want to know if it’s right for you?

In this guide, we’ll explore the uses, benefits, and potential side effects of magnesium glycinate. Read on to Discover how this supplement could be the key to unlocking your optimal health and well-being.

Key Takeaways

  • Magnesium glycinate offers high absorption and gentle digestion, making it ideal for increasing magnesium levels without gastrointestinal issues.
  • Benefits include reducing anxiety, improving sleep, supporting heart health, managing blood sugar, and relieving PMS and migraines.
  • Follow recommended dosages to avoid side effects; consult a healthcare provider for personalized guidance, especially with pre-existing conditions or medications.
  • This supplement supports blood sugar control, blood pressure, stress regulation, and sleep quality enhancement.
  • Combining magnesium glycinate with a magnesium-rich diet helps maintain optimal levels for overall health.
  • Full-spectrum magnesium supplements like Magnesium 7 offer multiple forms of magnesium, potentially providing a broader range of benefits than single-form supplements.

Understanding Magnesium as Glycinate

Magnesium glycinate is created by bonding magnesium with the amino acid called glycine, which results in a form of magnesium supplement that offers both high absorption and the health benefits associated with magnesium and glycine.

It’s also referred to as either magnesium diglycinate or magnesium bisglycinate. Its exceptional bioavailability sets it apart from other forms of this mineral. Because it readily passes through the small intestine, your body efficiently absorbs each milligram you consume.

Magnesium plays various essential roles in the body, such as regulating ion flow across cell membranes, maintaining blood pressure, and supporting bone and muscle function.

This type of supplement has an edge over others like magnesium oxide or citrate due to its gentle impact on one’s digestive system.

Magnesium glycinate does not typically provoke stomach discomfort or diarrhea, unlike these other varieties known for such side effects.

If you are looking for a reliable way to enhance your levels of this essential nutrient without unpleasant gastrointestinal reactions, magnesium might be an excellent option for you.

Health Benefits of Magnesium Glycinate

Relaxing scene with magnesium-rich foods

Magnesium glycinate is known for its array of significant health advantages that can greatly enhance your life. The benefits include the following:

  • Reducing anxiety
  • Improving sleep quality
  • Promoting heart health
  • Regulating blood sugar levels

Additionally, magnesium supplementation has been shown to benefit conditions like depression, high blood pressure, and heart disease, with studies and meta-analyses supporting its potential effects on lowering blood pressure and reducing the risk of sudden cardiac death.

Despite the myriad of benefits, one must exercise caution not to ingest excessive amounts of magnesium glyciliate.

The subsequent sections will provide a comprehensive look into these benefits, shedding light on how dietary supplements such as this one might fit into your overall healthcare strategy.

Alleviating Anxiety and Stress

Magnesium glycinate is recognized for its significant benefits in alleviating stress and anxiety.

It plays an essential role in the regulation of neurotransmitter activities, including that of GABA, which has a soothing impact on the central nervous system.

Through this action, magnesium can effectively diminish anxiety, offering a natural way to cope with stress.

Research underscores the impact magnesium has on mental health.

A 2017 study indicated that consuming 248 mg of magnesium daily considerably eased depressive symptoms among individuals experiencing mild to moderate depression.

Similarly, another research conducted in 2021 found substantial improvement in depressive symptoms following eight weeks of taking 300 mg of magnesium per day by participants with low levels of this mineral.

Although studies are necessary to fully comprehend these beneficial effects, current findings offer optimistic insights into their potential advantages.

Enhancing Sleep Quality

Magnesium glycinate may offer a solution to your sleep troubles by improving the quality of your sleep.

It accomplishes this by lowering stress and anxiety, which often stand in the way of a good night’s rest.

It helps relax muscles, simplifying the process for you to ease into sleep mode and enjoy undisturbed repose.

Magnesium is vital in enhancing melatonin synthesis—the hormone that governs our circadian rhythm—thus playing an important role in regulating our cycle of sleeping and waking up.

By maintaining sufficient magnesium levels within your body with supplements like magnesium glycinate, you are supported both physically and psychologically towards achieving sounder and more recuperative sleep cycles.

Supporting Heart Health

Magnesium glycinate acts as a powerful agent in supporting heart health by controlling the movement of ions within cardiac muscles. This control is vital for ensuring your heart operates effectively, which is critical to maintaining cardiovascular well-being.

Magnesium glycinate may lower blood pressure, offering advantages to those dealing with hypertension. It also assists in averting blood clots, thereby enhancing heart health.

Although there are varied findings about its impact on sudden cardiac death and heart disease conditions, the promising benefits suggest it should be thoughtfully included as part of a regimen that promotes a healthy heart.

Managing Blood Sugar Levels

Magnesium glycinate plays a crucial role in regulating blood sugar, as insufficient magnesium can compromise the body’s capacity to sustain stable levels of blood pressure and glucose.

It assists in turning on insulin receptors, thus aiding in the transport of glucose out of the bloodstream and into cells for energy creation.

Specifically, those suffering from type 2 diabetes may find magnesium glycinate particularly advantageous.

Research conducted in 2018 established that daily supplementation with 250 mg of magnesium enhanced both insulin amounts and sensitivity in individuals with this form of diabetes.

By facilitating sugar breakdown and potentially reducing resistance to insulin, magnesium glycinate proves to be an essential asset for controlling diabetes management.

Improving Bone Health

Magnesium is instrumental in preserving bone health, with magnesium glycinate significantly aiding in this function. It assists in the control of body calcium levels that are vital for the development of robust bones and staving off osteoporosis.

Magnesium is critical for:

  • The renewal process of bone where new tissue supplants old
  • Enhancing overall bone well-being
  • Minimizing the likelihood of fractures and diseases linked to bones.

Relieving PMS Symptoms

Magnesium glycinate serves as a substantial aid for those suffering from premenstrual syndrome (PMS), offering notable relief. This supplement enhances PMS management by:

  • aiding in muscle relaxation
  • contributing to mood stabilization
  • diminishing pain
  • boosting sleep quality

Such improvements can significantly ease the discomfort experienced during the days preceding menstruation.

Individuals afflicted with PMS typically face symptoms that include:

  • Anxiety
  • Exhaustion
  • Disturbances in sleep patterns
  • Pain

By targeting these concerns effectively, magnesium glycinate proves to be an essential component of one’s health care regimen.

Regular inclusion of this supplement could lead to reduced complications associated with PMS and promote improved well-being overall.

Preventing Migraines

Magnesium glycinate is acknowledged for its role in staving off migraines.

As a natural muscle relaxant, it aids in controlling neurotransmitters, thus potentially decreasing both the frequency and intensity of migraine headaches.

Those who endure chronic migraines may find that adding magnesium glycinate to their daily regimen substantially improves their overall quality of life.

Who Should Consider Taking Magnesium Glycinate?

Magnesium glycinate supplementation is highly beneficial, especially for those experiencing gastrointestinal issues or chronic conditions that lead to magnesium deficiency.

Healthy adults can also gain from the health benefits of regularly taking magnesium glycinate supplements as part of their daily regimen to maintain overall wellness.

It’s important to seek advice from a healthcare professional before starting magnesium glycinate supplementation to ensure its appropriateness for your specific health needs and compatibility with other medications you might be taking.

Individuals with Gastrointestinal Issues

Magnesium glycinate stands out as an optimal selection for people grappling with gastrointestinal conditions because of its superior absorption and the low incidence of adverse reactions.

In contrast to other forms of magnesium supplements that may lead to diarrhea or digestive discomfort, magnesium glycinate is mild on the digestive tract.

It’s a fitting supplement for those suffering from inflammatory bowel disease or various disorders affecting the digestive system.

People with Chronic Conditions

People suffering from long-term ailments like fibromyalgia, osteoporosis, or inflammatory bowel disease might experience relief through the use of magnesium glycinate.

It has benefits that include muscle relaxation, pain reduction, and stress reduction. Hence it plays a significant role in the treatment regimen for these health issues.

Maintaining bone integrity is essential for individuals with osteoporosis. In this context, magnesium glycinate acts as a supportive element for preserving skeletal strength.

Those with Magnesium Deficiency

Experiencing symptoms such as numbness, muscle cramps, and heart palpitations can be indicative of a magnesium deficiency.

It is crucial to seek medical advice if you suspect low magnesium levels to discuss the possibility of taking magnesium glycinate supplements.

Such supplements are remarkably potent in boosting your body’s magnesium levels and play a key role in sustaining normal cardiac rhythm and promoting general well-being.

Proper Dosage and Usage

It is crucial to adhere to the recommended dosage and instructions for magnesium glycinate usage in order to avoid any hazards associated with overdosing and to guarantee its safe intake.

Taking magnesium glycinate daily is typically regarded as safe, provided that one always abides by the supplement’s packaging guidelines regarding dosage.

Especially for individuals suffering from high blood pressure or those who have kidney or heart issues, seeking advice from a healthcare professional before starting supplementation is advisable.

Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA)

Recommended dietary allowances (RDA) for magnesium are determined by factors including age, gender, as well as whether a person is pregnant or breastfeeding.

Adults need between 310 and 420 mg of magnesium daily.

During pregnancy, the requirement increases to about 350 to 400 mg per day, while lactating individuals require between 310 and 360 mg each day.

It’s crucial to ensure that your total intake of magnesium — from both food sources and any supplements you might be taking — aligns with these RDA guidelines in order to satisfy the body’s needs for this mineral.

How to Take Magnesium Glycinate

It is essential to follow the precise dosage recommendations indicated on magnesium glycinate supplements for proper and secure consumption.

Ordinarily, ingesting magnesium glycinate alongside meals can lessen the likelihood of gastrointestinal discomfort.

Distributing your dosage over several intervals in a day rather than taking it all at once may enhance absorption and decrease any possible adverse reactions.

Potential Overdose Risks

Understanding the risks associated with magnesium toxicity is important, even though it’s rare in those who are healthy. Overdosing on magnesium can lead to symptoms such as:

  • decreased blood pressure,
  • feelings of nausea,
  • episodes of vomiting,
  • reddening of the face,
  • and arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat).

Consuming too much magnesium can also result in serious side effects, so it is crucial to stick to the recommended dosing and consult with healthcare providers.

In extreme situations, this may escalate to a cardiac arrest.

Additionally, taking too much magnesium glycinate can lead to possible toxicity and side effects, and it may interact with medications or affect individuals with specific health conditions.

To steer clear of these detrimental outcomes, adhere strictly to the recommended daily amount of magnesium intake and seek advice from a medical professional should any doubts arise.

Possible Side Effects of Magnesium Glycinate

While magnesium glycinate typically has a good tolerance profile, it may still provoke side effects such as diarrhea and stomach discomfort.

Consuming high or repeated doses can exacerbate the risk of more serious adverse reactions, including muscle weakness and an irregular heartbeat.

It’s important to closely observe how your body reacts to this supplement to mitigate potential negative outcomes.

Common Side Effects

Typical adverse reactions to magnesium glycinate include feelings of nausea and experiences of stomach pain.

These side effects are minor and can be controlled by altering the amount taken or consuming the supplement alongside meals.

Should these issues continue, it is advised to seek guidance from a medical professional to confirm correct administration of the supplement.

Severe Side Effects

Though uncommon, serious adverse reactions to magnesium glycinate require urgent medical intervention. Signs that should alarm you include:

  • pronounced low blood pressure,
  • heart failure,
  • bradycardia (slowed heart rate),
  • profound sleepiness,
  • vertigo or lightheadedness,
  • bewilderment,
  • muscular debility,
  • and fainting.

These symptoms are critical and call for an immediate response.

Should you exhibit any of the above manifestations, it is crucial to obtain medical assistance without delay.

Interactions with Medications

Certain medications may experience absorption issues when taken in conjunction with magnesium glycinate.

This supplement can attach to bisphosphonates, thyroid drugs, and quinolone antibiotics, which hinders their complete absorption.

Products that contain magnesium might have interactions with antacids, laxatives, and various vitamins.

It’s advisable to seek medical advice if you are using antibiotics or different medications before adding magnesium glycinate into your regimen.

A healthcare professional can provide insight into possible drug interactions and the proper way to include this supplement safely in your daily routine.

Choosing the Right Magnesium Glycinate Supplement

When choosing the right magnesium glycinate supplement, consider multiple aspects.

  • Seek out supplements that have undergone third-party testing to confirm their quality and the correctness of what’s on the label.
  • Evaluate the form of dosage since there can be a substantial difference in how much magnesium is contained within supplements, often ranging from 100 mg to 150 mg per capsule.
  • The cost should also be taken into account as it may differ depending on brand, potency, and product composition.

An educated decision regarding your choice will ensure you maximize the benefits from your supplementation with magnesium glycinate.

Magnesium 7: A Comprehensive Magnesium Supplement

While magnesium glycinate offers numerous benefits, some individuals may benefit from a more diverse approach to magnesium supplementation.

Magnesium 7 is a full-spectrum daily magnesium supplement that combines seven forms of elemental magnesium with important co-factors.

This unique formulation aims to provide a comprehensive approach to magnesium supplementation, potentially offering a broader range of benefits than single-form supplements.

Ingredients and Potential Benefits:

  1. Magnesium Chelate: May support muscle recovery.
  2. Magnesium Glycinate: Associated with sleep, anxiety reduction, and brain health.
  3. Magnesium Aspartate: Potentially beneficial for mood, anxiety, and depression.
  4. Magnesium Malate: Linked to brain and nervous system health.
  5. Magnesium Orotate: May support heart health and exercise performance.
  6. Magnesium Taurate: Possibly helpful for blood pressure, relaxation, and calming nerves.
  7. Magnesium Citrate: Potentially beneficial for cardiovascular and intestinal health.

Additional components include Vitamin B6 and Manganese Citrate, which may enhance the supplement’s effectiveness.

Product Features:

  • Each capsule contains 250mg of magnesium.
  • Includes co-factors (B6 and manganese) to potentially aid absorption.
  • Chelated forms for potential improved bioavailability.
  • Free from magnesium oxide, chloride, hydroxide, sulfate, and stearate.
  • Non-GMO and free from fillers, preservatives, or additives.

Magnesium 7 is designed to offer a broad-spectrum approach to magnesium supplementation. While it may provide various potential benefits, it’s important to note that individual results can vary.

As with any supplement, it’s advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before adding Magnesium 7 to your regimen, especially if you have pre-existing health conditions or are taking medications.

Natural Sources of Magnesium

Enhancing your dietary regimen with magnesium-rich foods. Taking magnesium glycinate supplements can be beneficial for your health. Notable sources of this vital mineral include:

  • ½ cup boiled spinach (providing 78 mg),
  • ½ cup cooked black beans (supplying 60 mg),
  • ½ cup cooked edamame (offering 50 mg),
  • fortified breakfast cereals,
  • plain low-fat yogurt,
  • pumpkin seeds,
  • almonds,
  • and cashews.

By integrating these nutrient-dense items into your meals, you can help ensure that you are consuming an adequate amount of magnesium.

Ensuring the inclusion of these nutritional options within your diet is key to naturally sustaining optimal levels of magnesium.


Magnesium glycinate, recognized for its extensive range of health benefits including anxiety relief and enhancement of sleep quality, as well as promoting heart health and regulating blood sugar levels, must be consumed at the appropriate dosage to prevent possible side effects or medication interactions.

Optimal magnesium levels can be achieved by integrating this potent supplement into your regimen along with a diet rich in magnesium-containing foods, thereby bolstering your general health.

If you are seeking a more comprehensive approach, consider trying Magnesium 7, a full-spectrum supplement offering seven forms of magnesium in one formula. Explore the potential benefits of this innovative option to support your overall magnesium needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best time to take magnesium glycinate?

The best time to take magnesium glycinate is with food to minimize the risk of stomach upset.

Can I take magnesium glycinate every day?

Certainly, it is permissible to consume magnesium glycinate daily provided that you adhere to the suggested dosage guidelines indicated on the packaging of the supplement.

Are there any foods that can naturally boost my magnesium levels?

Certainly, to enhance your magnesium levels, consider incorporating foods like spinach, black beans, edamame, almonds and cashews, as well as fortified cereals and pumpkin seeds into your diet.

Yogurt is also a good source of this mineral. Consuming these nutrient-dense foods can assist in keeping your magnesium levels optimal.

Who should consider taking magnesium glycinate?

Should you be experiencing gastrointestinal problems, enduring chronic illnesses, or suffering from a deficiency in magnesium, it might prove advantageous to consider the intake of magnesium glycinate.

What should I do if I experience severe side effects from magnesium glycinate?

Should you suffer from serious adverse reactions to magnesium glycinate, such as significant hypotension or challenges in breathing, it is imperative that you obtain urgent medical care.

It’s important not to delay in seeking assistance.


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