Does Magnesium Make You Tired the Next Day? Find Out

By Jonathan Hunsaker

Reading Time: 9 minutes

This article discusses emerging/ongoing science and research. It is intended for general informational purposes only. This content is unrelated to products offered by Organixx and does not contain any representations about the performance of such products.

Does magnesium make you tired the next day? This is a question that many individuals with health issues, professionals, and athletes often ask when considering magnesium supplementation. Magnesium plays a crucial role in various bodily functions; however, its impact on energy levels and sleep quality can be quite complex.

In this blog post, we will explore how magnesium supplementation may affect energy levels and sleep quality by looking at its benefits, recommended daily intake amounts for different groups of people, potential side effects of excessive consumption, and natural food sources rich in minerals.

We will also provide information on recommended daily intake amounts for different groups of people, potential side effects of excessive consumption, and natural food sources rich in this essential mineral.

By understanding these factors surrounding “does magnesium make you tired the next day,” readers can make informed decisions about their own personal use of magnesium supplements to optimize their overall health and well-being.

Is Magnesium Making You Tired the Next Day?

If you’ve been including magnesium supplements or magnesium-rich foods in your daily meals, you might be curious if this could be the reason you feel tired the next day. Although magnesium is an indispensable mineral that provides a wide range of health benefits, it might cause sleepiness in some people. To find out why magnesium can make you feel drowsy and learn how to tackle it, let’s take a closer look at the link between magnesium and sleep.

The Connection Between Magnesium and Sleep

Magnesium plays a crucial role in regulating sleep by maintaining healthy levels of GABA, a neurotransmitter responsible for promoting relaxation and deep sleep. As such, having adequate amounts of magnesium in your body can help improve sleep quality and duration.

Some individuals may encounter a feeling of increased fatigue after consuming large amounts of magnesium, likely due to its calming effects on nerves and muscles. This could potentially carry over into the following day, leaving them feeling tired upon waking up.

Finding Your Ideal Magnesium Dosage

To avoid excessive daytime drowsiness caused by magnesium supplementation, finding the right dosage for your individual needs is essential. Start with a lower dose (around 200 mg) before gradually increasing it as needed until you find the optimal amount that promotes restful sleep without causing next-day fatigue.

Tips for Reducing Fatigue After Taking Magnesium:

  • Timing: Take your supplement at least 30 minutes before bedtime so that its calming effects align with your natural sleep cycle.
  • Dietary sources: Add magnesium-rich foods into your diet (leafy greens, nuts, and whole grains) as an easy way to get a steady supply throughout the day, avoiding drowsiness.
  • Hydration: Make sure you’re staying well-hydrated to support optimal magnesium absorption and overall energy levels.
  • Exercise: Regular physical activity will naturally boost your energy levels and promote better sleep.

In conclusion, while magnesium can sometimes cause next-day fatigue due to its calming effects on the body, finding the right dosage and following these tips should help minimize this side effect. Consulting with a medical expert prior to initiating any supplement routine or altering one’s diet is recommended.

Understanding the impact magnesium has on your body and any related side effects should be done before incorporating supplements into your daily life. That being said, there are numerous benefits associated with taking magnesium that may outweigh any negative consequences. 

Magnesium’s Role in the Body

When it comes to staying healthy, magnesium is often disregarded despite its many advantages. This mighty mineral plays a crucial role in over 300 biochemical reactions within our bodies. Let’s dive into some of the most noteworthy advantages that come with incorporating magnesium into your daily routine.

Boosts Energy Levels

Magnesium is necessary for transforming nourishment into energy, thus enabling you to stay energized all day long. It aids in breaking down glucose and fat molecules, providing your body with consistent energy levels.

Supports Muscle Function

If you’re an athlete or simply enjoy staying active, magnesium should be on your radar. This mineral helps maintain normal muscle function by regulating nerve impulses and muscle contractions. In fact, low levels of magnesium have been linked to muscle cramps and spasms, making it even more important for those who engage in physical activities regularly.

Promotes Heart Health

Your heart loves magnesium too. The mineral supports cardiovascular health by helping regulate blood pressure and preventing hypertension – two significant factors contributing to heart disease risk. Research has shown that people with higher intakes of dietary magnesium have a lower risk of developing heart diseases.

Enhances Sleep Quality

Struggling with sleepless nights? Magnesium might just be your new best friend. It plays a role in regulating the body’s natural sleep-wake cycle and can help you fall asleep faster and enjoy deeper, more restorative sleep. No more counting sheep.

Supports Bone Health

While calcium often steals the spotlight when it comes to bone health, magnesium deserves some credit too. Magnesium adds to bone formation and studies show that higher magnesium levels are associated with a reduced risk of osteoporosis.

As you can see magnesium is essential to the body,  so ensuring healthy levels is important! While we generally focus on deficiency, it is possible that too much is also a problem 

How Much Magnesium Should I Take?

If you’re wondering how much magnesium you should take to reap its benefits without experiencing fatigue the next day, we’ve got your back. The recommended daily dosage of magnesium is contingent on aspects such as age, gender, and overall health.

  • Adult men: 400-420 mg/day
  • Adult women: 310-320 mg/day
  • Pregnant women: 350-360 mg/day
  • Breastfeeding women: 310-320 mg/day

Note that these recommendations may vary for individuals with specific health conditions or athletes who require higher amounts of magnesium due to increased physical activity, so check with your doctor before starting supplements.

Finding Your Ideal Dosage:

To find the ideal dosage for yourself, it is best to start with a lower dose and gradually increase it until you notice improvements in symptoms like muscle cramps or sleep quality. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) suggests dividing your total daily magnesium intake into two or three doses taken throughout the day rather than consuming it all at once. This approach helps maximize absorption while minimizing potential side effects like diarrhea or stomach upset.

Magnesium Supplements:

If getting enough magnesium from your diet proves to be a challenge, consider adding a high-quality magnesium supplement like Organixx’s Clean and Organic Magnesium to your daily routine. Organixx’s Clean and Organic Magnesium is formulated for maximum absorption, allowing you to get the magnesium your body needs without feeling overly tired or experiencing any adverse effects.

Remember that it’s essential to listen to your body and adjust your magnesium intake accordingly. If you’re feeling tired the day after taking magnesium, consider decreasing your dosage or trying a different form of magnesium.

Key Takeaway: In order to dodge exhaustion the following day, it is essential to recognize how much magnesium you should be consuming. The recommended daily intake varies depending on factors such as age and sex, but starting with a lower dose and gradually increasing it can help find your ideal dosage without exceeding the recommended amount. 

Are There Side Effects of Taking Too Much Magnesium?

It’s important to be aware of the potential side effects that can be experienced with too much magnesium and, though generally mild, these side effects include:


One of the most common side effects of excessive magnesium intake is diarrhea. This occurs because excess magnesium attracts water in your intestines, causing loose stools. To prevent this unpleasant experience, stick to the recommended daily intake (RDI) guidelines or consult with a healthcare professional before increasing your dosage.

Stomach Cramps and Nausea

Taking too much magnesium may also lead to stomach cramps and nausea due to its laxative effect on the digestive system. Again, adhering to RDI guidelines will help minimize these symptoms. If you’re experiencing discomfort after taking supplements, consider reducing your dose or trying a different form of magnesium that might be gentler on your stomach.

Irregular Heartbeat & Low Blood Pressure

High levels of magnesium can lead to arrhythmia or hypotension, so be mindful if you have kidney problems or are taking medications that affect potassium. Consult a healthcare professional before beginning any supplement regimen if you have existing health issues or take medications that can affect potassium levels. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen if you have existing health concerns.

Kidney Problems & Toxicity

For individuals with kidney problems, excessive magnesium intake can lead to magnesium toxicity. This is because the kidneys are responsible for filtering out excess magnesium from your body. If kidney function is impaired, an accumulation of magnesium can occur, posing a potential health hazard. Before taking supplements, seek advice from a medical professional if you have any existing kidney issues or other health concerns.

How to Avoid Side Effects

  • Stick to the recommended daily intake guidelines for magnesium.
  • Consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen, especially if you have existing health concerns.
  • If experiencing side effects after taking supplements, consider reducing your dose or trying a different form of magnesium that might be gentler on your stomach.
  • Eat a balanced diet rich in foods containing magnesium (see section 5).

Incorporating an appropriate amount of magnesium into your lifestyle through Organixx’s clean and organic supplements will help ensure you reap its many benefits without encountering unwanted side effects. Remember: moderation is key.

Key Takeaway: Excessive magnesium intake can result in adverse reactions such as abdominal distress, queasiness, and looseness of the bowels. In rare cases, it may cause irregular heartbeat or low blood pressure which are potentially dangerous conditions. To avoid these side effects, stick to the recommended daily intake guidelines for magnesium and consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen especially if you have existing health concerns.

What Foods Contain Magnesium?

If you’re aiming to increase your magnesium consumption with a diet, we’ve got the perfect list of nutrient-rich foods for you. We’ve compiled a list of magnesium-rich foods that are not only delicious but also easy to incorporate into your daily meals. So let’s dive in and explore these nutrient-packed options.

Leafy Greens

Dark leafy greens like spinach, kale, and Swiss chard are excellent sources of magnesium. These versatile veggies can be added to salads, smoothies or even sauteed as a tasty side dish.

Nuts and Seeds

Munching on nuts like almonds, cashews, and Brazil nuts is an easy way to increase your magnesium levels while enjoying a healthy snack. Additionally, seeds such as pumpkin seeds (pepitas), sunflower seeds, and flaxseeds pack quite the nutritional punch with their high magnesium content.

Whole Grains

Say goodbye to refined grains and hello to whole grains. Whole grains like brown rice, quinoa, barley, and oats contain more nutrients than their processed counterparts – including our star mineral: magnesium.


Oily fish such as salmon or mackerel offer numerous health benefits due in part by being rich in omega-3 fatty acids and, you guessed it – they’re great sources of dietary magnesium too.

Bananas & Avocados

You might already know about bananas’ potassium power but did you know they also contain a good amount of magnesium? Similarly, avocados, the beloved creamy fruit that has taken the world by storm, are also rich in magnesium. So go ahead and enjoy your avocado toast or banana smoothie guilt-free.

Dark Chocolate

Last but certainly not least, dark chocolate lovers rejoice. For those who favor dark chocolate, it’s an excellent source of magnesium – just make sure to keep the cocoa content at 70% or higher and enjoy it in moderation. Just remember to consume it in moderation as it can be high in calories.

Frequently Asked Questions Does Magnesium Make You Tired the Next Day

Can magnesium make you tired the next day?

No, magnesium does not typically cause tiredness the next day. In fact, it is known to promote relaxation and improve sleep quality when taken before bedtime. However, excessive intake of magnesium can lead to side effects like lethargy or fatigue.

Can magnesium cause fatigue?

Magnesium deficiency can contribute to fatigue, as this mineral plays a crucial role in energy production within cells. On the other hand, taking too much supplemental magnesium may also result in feelings of lethargy or weakness due to its relaxing effect on muscles and nerves.

How long before magnesium makes you sleepy?

The time it takes for magnesium to induce sleepiness varies among individuals but generally occurs within 30 minutes to an hour after consumption. Magnesium’s calming effects are attributed to its ability to regulate neurotransmitters, which help maintain healthy sleep patterns.


In the end, it is critical to recognize that magnesium can influence your energy levels on the following day. It is essential to be aware of the potential risks of overconsumption when taking magnesium supplements, as well as how much you are consuming. 

Additionally, incorporating foods high in magnesium into your diet can help ensure adequate intake while avoiding any potential risks associated with supplementation. If you still find yourself asking “Does magnesium make me tired the next day?”, talk to a healthcare professional for more information before beginning any supplement regimen.

Try Organixx‘s natural magnesium supplements to help you stay energized and alert without the risk of feeling tired the next day. Our clean and organic ingredients provide a healthier lifestyle choice for your daily needs.

Magnesium deficiency is linked to stress, diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis, chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, anxiety, trouble sleeping, sore muscles, migraines, and many more debilitating health conditions.

If your body needs magnesium, you want the most beneficial kind your body can actually absorb. Organixx Magnesium 7 gives you seven (7) of the very best, most bioavailable types of elemental magnesium available.

Magnesium Supplement


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