Please understand that Organixx is not responsible for incorrect shipping addresses. It is the responsibility of the customer to ensure that all shipping information is correct before placing the order. During order fulfillment, it is very hard for us to change an address. Once an order has shipped, only the customer has the ability to change or alter any address with the courier. Organixx will not contact a courier on your behalf.

If a package is undeliverable due to a bad address, you will be responsible for paying new shipping charges for it to be reshipped once it has been returned to us. Please make certain the following fields are updated and correct BEFORE placing an order:

  • Address/PO Box
  • Apartment Number (if applicable)
  • Zip Code
  • City, State
  • Country
  • Phone Number

Please send address change requests to email to Please include in the subject line “change” along with your order number and email address used to place the order. You may also call us at 877-750-6455 during business hours. We cannot guarantee that we can change the address on your order, but we will do our best to accommodate your request.

Please note that Organixx is not responsible for orders not delivered due to an incorrect address.

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