Frequent urination or leakage? Pain during intimacy or ED? Here’s How to Heal Pelvic Dysfunction Naturally – Episode

Pelvic Floor Dysfunction (PFD) affects over 1/3rd of all adults, women as well as men. Do you or someone you know experience any of the following; urine or fecal leakage, frequent urination, pain with intimacy, erectile dysfunction, constipation, deep pressure in the pelvic area? Be sure to join us for a helpful discussion with Isa Herrera, the founder of Pelvic Pain Relief. She has great news! We can heal Pelvic Floor Dysfunction (PFD) naturally. You don’t want to miss this one…

Empowering you Organically – Season 5 – Episode 34

Title: Frequent urination or leakage? Pain during intimacy or ED? Here’s how to heal Pelvic Dysfunction naturally.

Hosts: Jonathan Hunsaker & TeriAnn Trevenen

Guest: Isa Herrera, MSPT, CSCS

Description: Pelvic Floor Dysfunction (PFD) affects over 1/3rd of all adults, women as well as men. Do you or someone you know experience any of the following; urine or fecal leakage, frequent urination, pain with intimacy, erectile dysfunction, constipation, deep pressure in pelvic area? Be sure to join us for a helpful discussion with Isa Herrera, the founder of Pelvic Pain Relief. She has great news! We can heal Pelvic Floor Dysfunction (PFD) naturally. You don’t want to miss this one…

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About Isa Herrera

Isa is a licensed physical therapist, as well as an expert in integrative pelvic floor therapies. She developed her expertise in diagnosing and treating pelvic pain, leaking and prolapse by helping over 14,000 women since 2005 at her NYC healing center Renew PT. Isa pioneered the use of integrative modalities like Maya Massage, Cold Laser Therapy, Sound Healing, and Andean Energy Techniques with evidence-based physical therapy in ways that had never been done.

She is also the author of five books on the topic of pelvic floor dysfunction and pain including the newly released international bestseller, Female Pelvic Alchemy.

Isa’s new online school, brings all of her expertise to a global audience, incorporating exercises, self-care techniques, and integrative tools to maximize female healing and professional training.  After suffering from pelvic floor dysfunction, herself after the birth of her daughter, Isa has made it her life’s mission to help 1 million women overcome pelvic floor dysfunction.

What is the pelvic floor and why is it important for optimal health?

  • The pelvic floor includes the muscles, ligaments and connective tissue in the lowest part of the pelvis. It supports your organs, including the bowel, bladder, uterus, vagina, and rectum. The pelvic floor prevents these organs from falling down or out of your body. It also helps the organs function properly.

What’s Pelvic Floor Dysfunction (PFD)?

  • Pelvic floor dysfunction is the inability to correctly contract (tighten) and relax the muscles in the pelvic floor to have a bowel movement. The pelvic floor is a group of muscles in the floor of the pelvic area. These muscles support the organs in the pelvis, and some form a sling around the rectum and vagina.
  • Although embarrassing or sometimes painful, pelvic floor dysfunction is a highly treatable condition. Talk with your doctor about your symptoms to get a proper diagnosis. There are several home remedies you can try before resorting to medication or surgery for treatment.

Pelvic Floor Dysfunction Risk Factors

Life Stage

  • Pregnancy/Childbirth
    • Childbirth can contribute to the development of PFDs, because it can put excessive strain on the pelvic floor during delivery. Vaginal births double the rate of pelvic floor disorders compared to Cesarean deliveries or women who never gave birth.
  • Menopause
    • The pelvic floor muscles often weaken during menopause, which can lead to the development of pelvic organ prolapse (POP).
  • Senior
    • The strength of the pelvic floor deteriorates as women age, which can also lead to the development of POP.


Race & Ethnicity

  • Genetic
    • Some women are born with weaker pelvic floor muscles. This puts them at a greater risk for PFDs. If your mother or sister have a PFD, you are at higher risk of developing one.
  • Race
    • Caucasian women are more likely to develop prolapse and to have urine leakage related to coughing, sneezing and activities. African American women are more likely to have urinary leakage related to urgency.
  • Ethnicity
    • Mexican American women are more likely to struggle with urinary incontinence than other Hispanic/Latino women. However, this difference may reflect a reluctance to seek medical care and/or language barrier.


  • Obesity
    • Overweight or obese women have increased pressure on the bladder and often lack strength in their pelvic muscles. They are at an increased risk of developing POP and urinary incontinence (UI).
  • Smoking
    • Women who smoke increase their risk of developing POP and UI. If you smoke, quit now. Smoking is generally not good for bladder health. It also can damage connective tissue in your body, including the tissue in your pelvic area.
  • Diet
    • When there is not enough fiber or water in a woman’s diet, bowel movements are more likely to be hard or irregular. Processed foods can lead to constipation. Certain foods also can irritate the bladder, making women feel like they have to urinate. Bladder irritants include caffeine and alcohol.
  • Heavy Lifting/Exertion
    • Certain occupations, usually those that involve heavy lifting or exertion can increase the risk of developing PFDs. Repetitive strenuous activity is also a risk. For some women, stair climbing can cause leakage.

Health Problems/Medical History

  • Constipation/Chronic Straining
    • Straining with constipation puts significant pressure on the weak vaginal wall and can further thin it out. This increases the risk for prolapse.
  • Pelvic Injury/Surgery
    • Loss of pelvic support can occur when the pelvic floor is injured from falls, car accidents or surgery. Hysterectomy and other procedures that treat pelvic organ prolapse can sometimes cause further prolapse.
  • Lung Conditions/Chronic Coughing
    • Chronic respiratory disorders can cause increased pressure in the abdomen and pelvis, which increases the risk of POP.
  • Sexual Dysfunction
    • Pelvic floor symptoms are significantly associated with reduced sexual arousal, infrequent orgasm, and painful intercourse (known in medical terms as dyspareunia).

Emotional Impacts

When women, or men, come to Isa, typically they’re at the end of their rope. Many of them are depressed, many of them feel like their bodies have betrayed them.

  • Lost connection with their loved one.
  • Internalize their struggle and feel something is deeply wrong with them.
  • Suffer in shame and in silence.




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Episode 34 – Frequent urination or leakage? Pain during intimacy or ED? Here’s how to heal Pelvic Dysfunction naturally.

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Episode 34 – Frequent urination or leakage? Pain during intimacy or ED? Here’s how to heal Pelvic Dysfunction naturally.

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Jonathan: Welcome everyone, to another episode of Empowering You Organically. I’m your host, Johnathan Hunsaker, joined by my co-host, TeriAnn Trevenen.

TeriAnn: Hey, everyone.

Jonathan: We have a very, very special guest today: Isa Herrera. TeriAnn, tell us a little bit more about Isa.

TeriAnn: Of course. Isa, thank you for joining us today.

Isa: Thank you, I am so super excited. Thank you, TeriAnn and Johnathan.

TeriAnn: Isa is a licensed physical therapist as well as an expert in integrative pelvic floor therapies. She developed her expertise in diagnosing and treating pelvic pain, leaking and prolapse by helping over 14,000 women since 2005 at her New York City healing center, Renew PT. Isa pioneered the use of integrative modalities like Mayan massage, cold laser therapy, sound healing and Andean energy techniques with evidence-based physical therapy in ways that had never been done before.

TeriAnn: She’s also the author of five books on the topic of pelvic floor dysfunction and pain, including the newly released international bestseller Female Pelvic Alchemy. Isa’s new online school,, brings all of her expertise to a global audience incorporating exercises, self-care techniques and integrative tools to maximize female healing and professional training.

TeriAnn: After suffering from pelvic floor dysfunction herself after the birth of her daughter, Isa has made it her life’s mission to help 1 million women overcome pelvic floor dysfunction. So, Isa, I think that’s a really good place to start. Tell us a little bit about your journey and your story with pelvic floor dysfunction, what happened with you and how you got to the point where you are now, helping other women.

Isa: Sure, sure, great question. Thank you, TeriAnn. You know, they say when lightning strikes it can just strike you down, right, and strike you down really hard. And I was a physical therapist and PT school and I had been a personal trainer for almost, I don’t know, probably a decade before I had my daughter, but I knew nothing about what could happen to your body after you had a baby. Even in PT school, it wasn’t covered. It wasn’t covered to any of my classes, so when I had my daughter it was absolutely shocking what happened to my body.

Isa: I went over and over again to many different kinds of dysfunction and doctors, what I call the doctor roadshow, you know, and no one was really well versed in pelvic floor dysfunction. After going through tons of work and tons of things, I decided that I was going to pivot my entire life and dedicated my life to helping women. Because honestly, what I went through was so harsh and so terrible, I just really didn’t want another woman suffering like I did.

Jonathan: Can you tell me more about pelvic floor dysfunction? For me, I’m not going to understand it as much, but I want to make sure that all of our listeners really understand. How did you know something was wrong? What’s the pain like?

TeriAnn: Yeah, but before that, even before that, like let’s set the context of what is the pelvic floor and when can go wrong with it?

Isa: Oh yeah, let’s do that.

Jonathan: Sure.

Isa: The pelvic floor is like the cradle of your being, right? They’re your vaginal muscles. They’re the muscles that hold everything up. They support your organs. They have a primary function in sexuality, stability. These muscles are like any other muscle in the body. They need to be exercised, they need to be massaged. They need to be strengthened. When these muscles go crazy or when there’s an issue with them where they’re too tight or too weak, you can get issues like urine leaking when you cough, sneeze or laugh; you can have pain with intimacy; you can have pain when you’re sitting; you can suffer from defecation; you can suffer from having to go to the bathroom all the time.

Isa: Sometimes women have this deep pressure in the pelvis, and that can be a pelvic organ prolapse because the muscles are not holding things up like they should, right? So, the thing with pelvic floor dysfunction is it could almost mean anything, right, because the pelvic floors are the conduit between the upper and the lower body. They’re like essentially located like the first chakra, 70 meridian lines. I mean, when they go wrong or something’s happening with them, it can be like so many different symptoms, but the ones that I described are the most common ones.

Jonathan: Does it generally just occur after childbirth? Could it just happen over time? Your pelvic floor, pelvic muscles get weaker and weaker and then issues get worse and worse? I mean, I know with my sisters, I know with others, after having a baby they don’t even want to go jump on the trampoline, right?

Isa: Exactly.

Jonathan: It’s like, “Oh no, I’m going to leak out,” or different things like that. Help us understand when it can happen, how it happens, all of that.

Isa: You want to hear a crazy statistic, Johnathan, that really took me back? Is that 37% of collegiate athletes suffer from leaking and incontinence. Sometimes urinary incontinence, sometimes fecal incontinence, and that was really shocking to me because I always thought that it was a new mom’s issue. But it’s really not. It’s a human issue, it really is. It affects men, too, by the way. But with women it can happen at any time when there’s a big dramatic change in their lives, either a hormonal change or there’s been surgery or there’s been a change in activities or there’s been some trauma to the pelvis, or there’s even been some psychological trauma, too, because these muscles do have a big, deep effect when something goes wrong or when there’s been some trauma.

TeriAnn: You talked a little bit about some of the issues that women can fact with this. Talk about the emotional side of it, because you know, we talked about all these ways to having optimal health, but it’s not just the physical side of it, but what have you experienced in your work with women? As you’ve been talking, I’ve been thinking about how does this really impact people? Yes, it’s a physical impact that impacts the body but talks about the emotional impact you’ve seen in both women and men from having this issue and how it impacts their life.

Isa: Oh, the impact is so dramatic. I mean, it’s so dramatic. When women come to me, typically they’re at the end of their rope. Many of them are depressed, many of them feel like their bodies have betrayed them. They’re losing their connection with their loved ones, sometimes, not only just with the partner because there’s an issue of connection, not being able to have sex or maybe sex is too painful. But then they start to internalize everything and feel like there’s something very deeply wrong with them, right. Because we don’t teach about public health in schools. We don’t teach about it. Now it’s becoming a little bit more mainstream, but these types of things, there’s something very deeply wrong with you, so many of them are depressed. A lot of them suffer in shame and in silence. Even in my community, in my programs, women say, “Oh, I don’t want to go on Facebook. I don’t want anybody to know.” Because I have small communities where they can come in and we can just bond and talk to each other. And they’re like, “Ooh, don’t mention my name,” and I say, “This is part of the problem.”

Isa: There’s so much shame around it that we’re like, “I don’t want to tell anybody,” but I think the more we talk about it, which is why I’m so grateful to be on this podcast, because I know it’s going to reach a lot of women and let them know that just because it’s common, right, 30 million women in the US have sexual pain, doesn’t make it normal. There’s something that you can do about it. There’s always hope, right? You just got to take that power back.

TeriAnn: Yeah, and there’s a community out there, too. I think sometimes we think you suffer in silence, but you’re not alone. More people to talk to about it, more people to support it. I think when you realize more people have this issue, there’s a sense of humanity in it that you’re not alone, there’s other people around, there’s other people to support you, which really supports the emotional side of it, which I think is super important.

TeriAnn: Really quickly, you talked about a few of the symptoms that people might see, but let’s really go through the list. What are the signs and symptoms that women or men can see to know that this may be an issue in their life, to actually put a name to the problem that they’re facing?

Isa: Okay. If you’re looking for Mr. Good Bathroom everywhere you go, every five minutes, that’s a pelvic floor issue. There’s something going on. That’s a message your body’s communicating with you. Sometimes menstrual cramps, definitely. With men sometimes it’s frequent urination or erectile dysfunction or things are not getting as hard as they used to. For women, sometimes it’s weak or poor orgasm or no orgasms at all. Sometimes constipation. Back pain. Back pain and pelvic floor dysfunction, they’re like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. They love each other. One’s pissed off, the other one gets pissed off. What else? Oh my God, there are so many things. Hip pain, sciatica is deeply connected because the pelvic floors are connected to everything, right? They’re connected to your back, to your hips, to your thighs. So if there’s an issue in any other body, the pelvic floor is the one that takes the brunt of it, which is why it has to be really strong and flexible and supple and open, not just like doing this all day long.

Jonathan: And just that, and I would imagine you’re talking about Kegels.

Isa: Yes, I am.

Jonathan: Okay. We’ve probably all heard about doing that, do the squeeze, right?

Isa: Yeah.

Jonathan: So, are Kegels, is that the right thing to do? Are Kegels good? Does that solve all the problems?

Isa: You know, I wish that I can solve everyone’s problems with the Kegels, the Kegels, however, you want to say them, but I can’t because what happens with Kegels is this thing, it’s called Kegel tension syndrome. That’s when women are constantly tightening their vaginas because why? There’s a head game that’s played on us that we have to feel that we have to have really tight vaginas. That we have to have it tight so we can please our partners, but this is not true. When you’re tight, you become more dysfunctional because the pelvic floor muscles have to be supple and open. So if you do a Kegel, if you’re contracting and squeezing that you have to do the reverse Kegel, which is something that I coined about 12 years ago, and you have to open and release, because these muscles are all about receptivity. They’re about opening and receiving, right, and they’re also about creativity because of the first chakra if you believe in all that energy stuff, and I do. So I mean, wow, that’s a lot of what it involves, you know.

TeriAnn: Talk a little bit about that for listeners who may not know. I’m actually familiar with that but talk about it for people who don’t know from your experience and your perspective of first chakra and explain that for our listeners who may not be educated on that.

Isa: Perfect. So, the first chakra is the pelvic floor. It’s like the basement for all the other chakras, right? Whether you believe there’s 7, 21, there’s many different philosophies, but it has meridian lines running through it so it’s got a lot of energetics, and it’s the seat of creation. A lot of people believe that’s where you got really creative and you can like write a novel if your vagina’s like singing like a bird and it’s so happy. Or if something goes wrong with that chakra, then we guard, we are distrustful. We don’t believe. You know, especially with all the trauma that happens to women. All we have to look as the Time’s Up and the MeToo movement and we know, right, that there’s been trauma, and these muscles, they hold onto trauma. And so, women basically close themselves down and they lose that connection, not only to themselves but to their families and their partners.

Isa: So I think when that chakra, when the pelvic floor muscles are humming and they’re singing and they’re fantastic and they’re strong, then a woman … You ever see like these women, they walk in the room and you’re like, “Damn, she’s got to have a good pelvic floor.” You know? I look at people I’m like, “Oh, that’s that [crosstalk 00:37:59].”

Jonathan: Those are the exact words that go through my head. I’m like, “That pelvic floor.”

Isa: And I’m looking for symmetry in the pelvis, right, because the pelvis, and I’m looking for like a … Because I can analyze the body really simply by looking at it. So I’m like, “Oh yeah, yeah, definitely.” Or I can say, “Ooh, problem there.”

TeriAnn: That’s so awesome. It’s almost like a second gut. That’s what I was thinking about when you were talking about it, it’s like a sense in the body.

Isa: Yes.

TeriAnn: You know, you even talked about women holding onto trauma there, but if men suffer from this as well then it’s an issue for them, too. Think about that, and your emotional energy and your energy in your body, and it’s not just a women’s issue. It’s a men’s issue as well. Yeah, I can’t say that I ever see a guy walking by and I was like, “Look at his energy. That’s a pelvic floor.” But it’s the same thing for them too, right?

Isa: It’s the same thing, you know, and you’re like, “Oh, he’s hot,” right?

TeriAnn: Yes. [inaudible]. It just sounds to me in my head, like that gut instinct, those things that really fill you up, those things that you just innately know about yourself and the world or the people around you. So it’s just a really powerful, a very powerful concept.

Isa: I love it.

TeriAnn: So, let’s talk a little bit about when someone may think that they’re having an issue with their pelvic floor, you know, just like anything else I’m sure there’s all these people out here who know about it and all these people out there who don’t know about it. So, what would be the first step? If they’re listening today and they’re like, “Okay, I deal with that, and that and that. Some of these things that she’s been talking about,” and they go out and research it. What’s the first step? What step should people take as far as action and correcting this in their health? What would you recommend to people?

Isa: Oh, there are so many things because they’re so deeply connected. I mean, you can do yoga, you can do meditation. You can do foam rolling. But you always want to rule something out organically wrong, right? Like something that’s not right in the body. So you can go see a functional medicine doctor. Because I believe that with the pelvic floor dysfunction, you need a team. You’re the master and you’re the captain of your own team and you don’t want to give that away to anyone, right? So, the most important thing is to have a good team behind you, but also-

Isa: To anyone, right? So the most important thing is to have a good team behind you, but also you may want to check to rule out there’s an infection, right? You know, and then you want to, you know, I’m really big on natural healing, so I’m not big on meds or things over the counter to put on your vagina or anything like that, you know, because I’ve seen situations where these medications they have so many side effects and instead of making things better, they make things worse, right?

Isa: So the thing is like how do you want to treat it? Right? I’m big on only natural therapies because I know that massage, Kegels, reverse Kegels, foam rolling, yoga, abdominals, everything works. Because this is a physical issue. With pelvic floor dysfunction is not … Like a lot of women think, “Oh, there’s something wrong with me.”

Isa: Right? They start to internalize it. Like there’s something really deeply wrong with you. But actually, it’s a physical condition. It’s not a psychological disorder. It’s not an emotional disorder. It’s really a physical condition. It can be treated naturally with great, great success. And actually, the National Institute of Health Says first line of defense is natural therapy, not these surgeries that you go and you hear about what these doctors with the meshes and the Botox injections into the vagina, et cetera. I mean there’s so many things right now.

Isa: So you can always check out a pelvic floor physical therapist. You can always take a program like mine that awakens your inner queen, so you know how to do your self-care on yourself. It really depends but my thing is. Always check on, make sure there’s nothing organically wrong. You’re not organically missing something in the system. And then after that just really consider it a muscle like any other muscle in the body. Like if you had knots here, what would you do? Trigger point release. You would massage it. You would stretch it. Same principles apply to the pelvic floor.

Jonathan: And that’s what’s going through my head and I was going to ask you next that you covered is it seems like it’s a place to hold stress, right? And so you know, it’s one way right, that it might appear just like the stress, that I carried a lot in my shoulder blades and in my neck and on my face.

Isa: Totally.

Jonathan: T hat’s where I carry stress. And so it’s very interesting that what triggered that is you said, meditate, right? Which meditation, you know, we know is really to calm the stress, the mind, the body, all of that really get that deep relaxation.

Jonathan: Yeah. I mean, I love hearing about this. So, for the men that are listening or for the husbands of the women that are listening, talk about how the pelvic floor affects erectile dysfunction and things like that. Because to me, it’s the same psychological thing, right? If he’s not performing to his tops well then it instantly gets into my head and now I’m thinking about it and that certainly doesn’t help the situation. Right?

Jonathan: So what if that’s a … How can men do the same thing? Is it the same thing as Kegels and reverse Kegels and rolling it out or are there different things that men can do?

Isa: You know, that’s a great question because when I started my practice on Madison Avenue, I was, I always thought it was going to be like all women. You know what I mean? It was just going to be a lot of women coming in and I was never going to see a man, but what I was really wrong. I have 40% of men in my practice.

Isa: I had to write a book for them because I couldn’t even keep up at the volume. And erectile dysfunction is a big issue that they come to see us. As, you know, with men, typically something has to be falling off before they go see a doctor. Right? You know, so erectile dysfunction, but some of the men have pain with sitting or they can’t sit through the business meeting because they constantly have to go to the bathroom or they’re trying to bring down their PSA, prostate levels.

Isa: And sometimes in the pelvic floor muscles it can skew, you know, it can change those numbers. So we do the same thing. Internal pelvic floor massage. We do different types of trigger points on the penis. You know, we go into the peritoneal body cause these muscles are the same in men and women. There’s really no, you know, they’re basically the same except for the organs. Right?

Isa: So they’re very, very … If you know, if you can, if you read my female book you can still use it to treat a man.

Jonathan: Well we had Susan Bratton on so she was very clear in describing the inny and the outy. But it’s the same thing, right?

Isa: Yeah.

Jonathan: Same subject, just represents itself differently.

Isa: Yeah. Totally.

TeriAnn: For sure. So one other thing that you talk about that I am interested in, the connection I talked about [inaudible 00:44:27] sounding a lot like the gut, but you know what’s there … There really is a connection there, you know, digestion and the gut go hand in hand. Right? So tell us about the pelvic floor and digestion. You talk about this quite a bit but share with our listeners about that connection there.

Isa: Yeah, that’s a great question, TeriAnn. Because sometimes you can have the best nutrition, taking the best supplements, doing everything right. And everything is like, you’re like wondering what’s going on? There’s something like, I can’t go to the bathroom or I’m going to the bathroom too much. Or maybe there’s a hesitation in urination, which happens or you feel like there’s something always in the bladder and it typically is because the pelvic floor muscles are too tight, too weak or a combination of.

Isa: So we’re thinking, oh, we’re constipated. And we’re like, “Oh wow, it’s got to be my nutrition.” But I would say maybe it’s because the pelvic floor muscles are too tight and in order to defecate and urinate, you have to really open up and release, right, and let go.

Isa: So that’s the big connection there that I think can be some confusion for individuals who are just doing everything so perfectly fine, but maybe they still have digestive issues.

Isa: Also, the microbiome, you know, in the digestive area does affect the pelvic floor, right? So a lot of women are yeasty or they’re burny or they have a lot of like sensations or discharge. And so if the microbiome is off, it’s going to affect the pelvic floor. So you have to heal both simultaneously. I’m a big believer in gut healing for pelvic floor healing and pelvic floor healing for gut healing because they have this synergistic relationship. Right?

Isa: And so I think treating both at the same time maximizes the success and the results for women and men, you know?

TeriAnn: Oh, interesting. You know, we’ve heard time and time again now on the podcast from so many people that we’ve spoken with how much the gut impacts, whatever they’re talking about, you know, the gut impacts this, the gut impacts this. Like the gut is truly a powerhouse for our body. And you know, it doesn’t really surprise me to hear you say that because the more and more I learn, the more and more I talk with people, the more and more research I do. It’s like the gut. If the gut is healthy, everything else is healthy. And you know, it’s just fascinating that in this conversation, the pelvic floor and you’re thinking there’s no connection there.

TeriAnn: And it ties back to the gut. Once again, it’s just a common recurring theme that we talk about here on the podcast. And you know, I just don’t think we can say it enough, people. Now here we are talking about the pelvic floor and gut health and the microbiome. Like, get your gut health right. It’s going to fix so many issues in your life including this. So it’s really powerful.

Jonathan: Yeah. I mean one of the things that as you’re talking like I probably know too much about some people, but knowing that they’re constipated and then I think back to are they tight there? And they can think how maybe the relationship is unhealthy, right? Or something’s happened there. And so there’s tightness like you said, to protect yourself and to not let in or be vulnerable. Right.

Jonathan: And so it’s in the pelvic floor is not something I, prior to doing this podcast, is not anything I’ve ever thought of, you know? And really paid much mind to. And it’s … You said earlier, these are conversations that people don’t want to talk about, they’re shy about it.

Jonathan: But it’s our flawed culture. In the sense that, don’t talk about religion, don’t talk about money. You know, don’t talk about politics, don’t talk about sex. Those are all the things we should be talking about. Right?

Isa: I agree.

Jonathan: If you don’t talk about it. Start talking about it. So you don’t talk about it. Start talking about it. And so I’m loving this. I know our listeners are loving it because it’s not a conversation that’s being had it out in the open.

TeriAnn: Yeah, for sure. And the beautiful thing is you said that you’re doing so much work behind the scenes and out in the open, you know, you’re constantly putting things together, constantly working on things to help people give them resources and information to benefit them in their lives when it comes to this specific issue. Tell us a little bit about some of the things that they can go for information that you have that can help them and aid them in their journey in this particular aspect of their health.

Isa: Well thank you so much for asking that. You know, my mission is to heal one million women. Or to help them heal themselves. ‘Cause I’m not the guru, I’m none of that. But I do master classes and I have one that’s coming up. So definitely what I do there is I provide beautiful content. Like I give you everything. It’s called five steps to happier lady parts. And I do, I just give you everything. I’ll give you a beautiful book if you join and then I ask women to join me on a journey if they’re up to it and they want to join my program. Then I give them an invitation also so they can go to that.

Isa: That’s And then I think you guys can put a link on it too.

TeriAnn: We will. Sure, sure.

Isa: Yeah. Perfect. And so that’s one of the things that I do. I do a lot of Facebook lives that you can always catch me on Facebook live. I just did one talking about the hot topic, right? That’s going to bring like to me is about okay, how do I help women get courage around this topic, which is so you know, shrouded in shame. Right?

Isa: That makes us feel less than. So I just go out there and I’m always talking about the pelvic floor and what you can do to protect yourself. So Facebook is a great thing. Go to my website, you can see all my programs there, you know, and I mean that’s all I got. My stuff is simple.

TeriAnn: Yeah. Simple is good. People need simple when it comes to their body, it’s sometimes just knowing the simple information that can be such a big change. It can be so much more powerful for people. So I love that. And let me just be clear, you said this earlier in the podcast but you said if men are suffering from this issue as well, I know it’s mostly a lot of women talk about it, but men are suffering from it as well. They can also benefit from the master class and do some of those same things.

Isa: Oh absolutely. I invite everyone to come to this master class, everyone because remember that we just like, “Oh men are so much different than we are.” No, right, we’re just humans. With the same muscles and the same things, you know? And like I have a lot of students, I train a lot of students and doctors and stuff and they’re like, “Oh my God, it’s so different. The pelvic floor of a man from a woman.” I’m like, “No it’s not.”

Isa: This is just your hang-up. You bring your hang-up into this. You know? So I invite everyone to come to the master class ’cause it’s, you know, it’s going to give you tools that you can do very actual tools right away. It can awaken something, it can spark something to create, you know, this journey into healing that I believe that all women are queens and all women need to control and rule their queendom right?

Isa: And the Queendom begins with the pelvic floor, then everything else is going to come out of that, you know? So, yeah.

TeriAnn: Love it. So powerful. So let me ask you the last question today. I love, I’m starting to ask this of everyone who comes on the podcast. What is the one thing, if you could tell the world and everyone could hear it about your mission and what you’re passionate about, what is the one thing you would say to people today when it comes to their health?

Isa: Wow. I think the one thing … That’s an amazing question. The one thing that I would say is that you hold the key for your own inner healing. That no one is above you, that no one … That you must … That I think when we listen to our gut and to our intuition and when we trust ourselves to be able to make the right choices for us, then that is the medicine, right?

Isa: The medicine is to be able to come in and be like, yeah, I got this. I know what to do to help myself. And so I believe in relentless self-care because when you have that, then you take your power back and self-care is not an indulgence or selfish. It’s really an … It’s an act of political warfare. I mean this is where we’re at right now. You know? With everything that is happening in the world. So I think that I would like to let everybody know that they hold the keys to their own healing.

TeriAnn: So beautiful and so powerful. Self-care is not selfish. It is the greatest gift we can give to ourselves. I learn that more and more every single day. We can do more. We can be more impactful in the world. We can take our missions like your beautiful mission of what you’re doing and take it out to the world when we’re right with ourselves first with our health, with our bodies, with our minds, with our emotions. Self-care is so incredibly powerful in being able to live our very best life and be super healthy through our entire life. So I love that message. I think that’s so powerful.

Jonathan: Well, I mean we hear it all the time, right? You can’t love somebody else until you love yourself. Right? Yet we’re also confronted from a child of that age. Always share, don’t be selfish, don’t keep onto that. And so we grow up with these belief systems that we shouldn’t be selfish and we should give, give, give.

Jonathan: And the reality is, is that’s what burns you down. That’s where disease comes from in a lot of ways, is not caring for yourself, not putting yourself first. There is nothing selfish about going to the gym, about working out, about eating healthy, about telling your kids to stay in the other room for 30 minutes so you can meditate, right? All of that stuff makes it so that you can take care of everything else better, right? And everything else in your life becomes better when you take care of yourself.

Jonathan: And so I love the message. I think the other thing too is, is your response … Like when you said you’re responsible for your body, it’s on you. Get everything, put together a team of people. This is your body right? Be the … and I know TeriAnn’s used this reference before, but be the CEO of your body.

Isa: Yes.

Jonathan: Gather your executive team, right? So I’ve got my natural path. I’ve got, you know, I’ve got my physical therapist or massage therapist. I have somebody that’s going to help me in all these different ways. My yoga teacher, my personal trainer, I’ve got … You build … You’re the CEO, you own your body and if you don’t take that ownership, then where do you expect your business to go? Where do you expect your body to go? What’s going to happen?

TeriAnn: Yeah. And I have to give that credit to Julia who was on our podcast was actually the one who said that, but she, you know, she overcame all of these issues to regain her health and she said that like, be the CEO of your own body. You know, take back control of your life. Only you can do it, you know? And so it’s … And it’s so funny I was working with, right now I’m working with a personal trainer. I was working with him this morning and he said, “Everybody wants to [inaudible 00:54:44]. No one’s just going to give it to you. You have to go and take it.”

TeriAnn: Just like you, he said we live in this day and age with all this information and you’re putting all this information out there to help people and what you said here at the end is to people around their health. We live in a day and age where there’s no excuse for not taking care of your body. The information is just out there everywhere. The people like yourself who are putting things together benefit people from their health. We have a wealth of knowledge like we never had before, and I just think it’s really, really powerful. So thank you for sharing that with us today. I really appreciate it.

Isa: Thank you. Thank you. Thank you both. So beautiful. I’m so excited. I love you guys.

TeriAnn: Oh, thank you.

Jonathan: Yeah, it’s a great conversation. I mean, and I love that we’re having it. It’s been so awesome to have you on. I really want to make sure that people understand too when they go to your website, there is tons of free information, right? So when you go to, you’re not just instantly having to pull out your credit card and go buy a bunch of stuff. There’s tons of free content on there.

Jonathan: There’s tons of information. We deliver this podcast for free. We don’t benefit other than for the sake of spreading knowledge, spreading information so others can get healthy. And that’s what you’re doing, right? You’re putting it on your website.

Isa: Yeah, totally.

Jonathan: People can go there and learn a lot and start healing themselves without any kind of financial commitment or anything like that. Correct?

Isa: 100%. I mean, listen, I mean, I’m like this big giver, maybe because I’m Latina, you know, just want to give, you know, I’m Puerto Rican. But I have this thing about like what the energy that you put out there in the universe is what you get back. And when you give for the sake of giving, right? I mean, that’s what it’s all about, right?

Isa: I mean, of course, I want to make money. Everybody does. And that’s not the issue. But I believe that first I have to be loyal to my mission and I have to be authentic to what I want to do in the world. Right. And so, I mean, there’s so much, there’s like the Pelvic Starter Kit, there’s the Kegel list. I mean, I give it all away, all of it. And I know that it creates this forward momentum where women have this sofa where they can trust themselves again and then they can say, “Yeah, I can do that technique. She explained it well, I can do that for myself. I can help myself.”

Isa: And it’s like the spark that creates the fire that then unleashes the inner queen. Right? So for me it’s kind of like, yeah, why not do that? Why not have this beautiful podcast where you bring these dynamic people in here and do it for the sake of doing it?

TeriAnn: Absolutely.

Jonathan: Yeah. I couldn’t agree more. So if you’re listening, again, it is If you’re listening in your car or somewhere, you know where you don’t have time to go through it, plug it into the URL and you know, pull it over, put it into your web browser on your phone. That way you come back to it another time because it’s affecting a lot of people and people can be a lot happier and healthier if they follow a lot of the suggestions that you give them.

Isa: Yeah, totally. And with this particular master class it’s pretty fantastic ’cause I really covered things that are not covered. I say, oh, how can I make this even better than before? So I cover things that are like you can actionable, but a lot of people don’t know about. It’s going to blow some people’s minds. It’s going to be good. It’s going to be good.

TeriAnn: Love it. Awesome.

Jonathan: All right. We’re going to wrap this up. For those listening, if you want to see the show notes, the transcripts, watch the video, go to As always, subscribe on iTunes to our podcast. You’ll never miss an episode, and we have just so many more dynamic interviews that are coming up.

Jonathan: People like Isa that are on, that are changing the game, that are having conversations that other people don’t want to have. We’re having them right here on this podcast, so subscribe at iTunes, We’ll have all of the links to Isa’s, websites, some of her different books. All of that will be linked on our website as well. And Isa, I just couldn’t thank you enough. It takes a lot of bold courage to have the conversations you’re having and have them with the world and you’re making the world a better place. So thank you for that.

Isa: Well, thank you. Thank you both. I really appreciate that. You guys are making the world better place too. Namaste.

TeriAnn: Thank you. You’re awesome.

Isa: You guys are awesome.

TeriAnn: Awesome. Great.

Jonathan: Thanks everybody for listening.

TeriAnn: Have a great day everyone.


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