Enzymes 201: P3E The NEW Powerful Proteolytic Enzyme – Episode

Join Jonathan and Wade Lightheart dive deeper into understanding how enzymes are critical to your health and vitality. We really help you understand what you are looking for in an effective enzyme supplement. Tune in to understand what proteolytic means, the various enzymes needed in your digestive tract, the powerful punch of AstraZyme™, and why cultured enzymes matter. (Note: P3E is now called Enzyme 17)

Empowering You Organically – Season 9 – Episode 74

Title: Enzymes 201: P3E The NEW Powerful Proteolytic Enzyme

Hosts: Jonathan Hunsaker

Guest: Wade Lightheart

Description: Join Jonathan and Wade Lightheart dive deeper into understanding how enzymes are critical to your health and vitality. We really help you understand what you are looking for in an effective enzyme supplement. Tune in to understand what proteolytic means, the various enzymes needed in your digestive tract, the powerful punch of AstraZyme™, and why cultured enzymes matter. (Note: P3E is now called Enzyme 17)



ENZYME 17 - Advanced Enzyme Formula

  • Contains a proprietary blend of 17 of the best digestive enzymes that help your system extract more nutrients from the foods you’re eating
  • Exclusive tri-phase protease (proteolytic enzyme formula) works at every stomach pH level so all the protein you eat is broken down into usable building blocks
  • Uses cultured enzymes which can be 100 to 1000 times more powerful than food enzymes
  • Designed to enhance digestion for ALL types of foods and diets from plant-based to carnivore. Helps repair damaged intestinal walls and increases absorption of certain vitamins and minerals
  • Improves digestive balance and reduces acid reflux, constipation, gas, and bloating
  • Boosts energy by increasing metabolism of carbs, fat, and protein for fuel
  • Vegan digestive enzymes that contain no dairy, soy, GMOs, chemical fillers, or binders

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About Wade Lightheart

3-Time Canadian All Natural Bodybuilding Champion who competed as vegetarian, former Mr. Universe Competitor, host of The Awesome Health podcast, Wade Lightheart is one of the world’s premier authorities on Natural Nutrition and Training Methods. Having majored in Sports Science at the University of New Brunswick, he has authored numerous books on health, nutrition and exercise which have sold in over 80 countries.

Wade also serves as an advisor to the American Anti-Cancer Institute.

He’s been in the health industry for over 25 years, coached thousands of clients, and
is sought out by athletes and high-performance oriented individuals worldwide for his
advice on how to optimize their health and fitness levels.


What Are Enzymes?

ENZYME – noun


  1. a substance produced by a living organism which acts as a catalyst to bring about a specific biochemical reaction.
  • There are approximately 25,000 different enzymatic functions in the body
  • The number of enzymes that you have present in your body is directly proportion to the amount of chemical reactions that you can engage in in the body.
  • The difference between stones, plants, and people is enzymes, the amount and the role of those enzymes.
  • They are the most critical component to all metabolic transactions.


Enzyme Bank

It’s like having a bank account. In other words, your ability to write metabolic checks, to build, to repair, to heal, to digest your food, to make your hormones work, to break down the smallest chemical reactions, to make your skin nice, you name it, requires an enzymatic pathway.


What is a PROTEOLYTIC enzyme?

  • also called protease, proteinase, or peptidase, any of a group of enzymes that break the long chainlike molecules of proteins into shorter fragments (peptides) and eventually into their components, amino acids. Proteolytic enzymes are present in bacteria, archaea, certain types of algae, some viruses, and plants; they are most abundant, however, in animals.
  • The two major groups are the exopeptidases, which target the terminal ends of proteins, and the endopeptidases, which target sites within proteins.


What to Look for in an Enzyme Supplement

  • Loaded up with proteolytic enzymes
  • Make sure it covers the various pH levels of digestion; 3.0, 4.5 & 6.0
  • Contains amylase to break down your carbohydrates
  • Contains alpha galactosidase, which will help break down some of the sugars that you will find in food
  • Contains glucoamylase, another one that’ll cover the different range of sugars that you might consume inadvertently
  • Invertase, maltase, to help with hidden sugars that cause interruptions and metabolic problems and blood sugar issues
  • Contains lipase to break down fats
  • Contains phytase to break down plant fibers
  • Contains hemicellulose and the cellulase, which will actually break down those difficult proteins that are actually a fibrous protein
  • Contains lactase for people that can’t digest milk (it’s because they don’t produce lactase)
  • Contains AstraZyme™ to bolster all the benefits
  • Enzymes are cultured


What is AstraZyme™

We studied Chinese medicine and found out there is a particular root, called the astragalus root, that is used in almost every single Chinese compound. When we found out why it was used, that it turns out that that particular root actually activates and accelerates, it increases the potential of the enzymatic response. So, we took that extract through this into that formulation as well and precise dosages. And that gave a 30 to 60% boost depending on the enzyme and its effectiveness.


What is a Cultured Enzyme?

A cultured enzyme means this is an enzyme grown on a very specific medium that allows you to increase the potency over a normal enzyme from 100 to 1000 times. This process takes about eight weeks to get that kind of potency. So just like if you were fermenting beer or wine or something, you’ve got to let it work for a period of time before you get that premium spirit. It’s the exact same process inside of the enzyme formula. We’re fermenting and creating a specific medium and then extracted enzymes.  No chemicals are used in the extraction process. So, you just get the pure working enzymes to deliver an incredible result.


What happens if I don’t have the protease in my body to break down all the protein that I’m ingesting?

  • Gas
  • Bloating
  • Skin problems
  • Brain fog

The reason? Because you’re feeding bad bacteria that are producing a variety of endotoxins inside the body that are interrupting your natural activity.


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Jonathan:         Welcome everyone to another episode of Empowering You Organically. I’m your host, Jonathan Hunsaker, joined by my good friend Wade Lightheart. Wade, thanks for joining me sir.

Wade:              Great to be here. Thanks for having me.

Jonathan:         So, listen, Wade is an expert on digestion and specifically on enzymes and we just wrapped up another podcast that I continue to learn more and more every time I talk to Wade. If you have not listened to that podcast, go listen to it. But we wrapped up that podcast talking about enzyme supplements and Wade has helped consult to us on the new formula of our new proteolytic enzyme. So, I just wanted to have Wade on here to talk about it because he is way smarter than I am in this. It’s why I went out and consulted with Wade and we’re having him on the podcast and it’s what I do, right? I’m not a doctor, I’m not a scientist, I’m not an academic. But I do go find the smartest people in the world for those different areas and Wade is that guy. So, thanks again, Wade for being here.

Wade:              Thanks for having me, my pleasure.

Jonathan:         So, let’s talk for a second about a proteolytic enzyme, right? And what is the importance here? Because I think when most people think about an enzyme, they go to the store, they get a broad-spectrum enzyme that’s out there. But let’s talk for a second why an enzyme needs to be very proteolytic or why that needs to have the protease enzymes in there that makes it proteolytic. And then let’s talk about the cost of creating those other kinds of enzyme supplements versus what you’ve helped us create here.

Wade:              You got it. Thank you very much. So, we have to people, when you’re talking about enzyme supplementation, the most important enzymes that are relative to human function for recovery and growth and repair, means you have to convert protein into amino acids. And the only way that you do that is if you have a full spectrum proteolytic enzyme blend that works in the variance, the pH inside your stomach. Because when the food hits your stomach, hydrochloric acid is released about 30 to 60 minutes after and what happens is as the pH change, certain proteins will get broken down to a amino acids at the different pH levels. Enzymes will become activated at some levels and deactivated at other pH levels. So, there’s one in a hundred companies that are actually addressing the pH conditions around proteolytic enzymes. And that’s why so many formulations actually suck.

Wade:              And I understood this because in order for me to compete as an athlete, as a bodybuilder whose primary function was to convert the protein, I was eating into amino acids to recover from my insane training. And I had to have a proteolytic enzyme in order to do that. And so, I dove deep into the science years and years and years ago. And what we came up with is we found out that if you’re doing an enzyme formulation, you’re going to need something in the range of 80 to 1000 huts. That’s the unit that it takes to break it down and you need it to make sure that you had enzymes that covered the pH ranges at three at four and a half and at six.

Wade:              Actually that rage will actually go from a boat to two about nine in the pH level, which will break down virtually every amino acid inside the body into a usable state, so when it gets to your digestive track, you’re not having gas and bloating and acid reflux and indigestion. You are just converting that protein into the amino acids that are going to transport for the building blocks for the neurochemicals to run your brain. All of that stuff is critical to proteolytic production and that’s why you need protease inside the body.

Jonathan:         Why do most supplements out there… why is 99 out of a hundred. Why don’t they do that or why do they just add one protease enzyme in there?

Wade:              Well, you and I are well versed in this situation that’s happening in what I would say, the natural health products face and that is unfortunately there’s maybe 5% of the companies out there that are people like yourself who are driven by passion, by purpose, and are on a mission. Not for profits but for performance. And the thing is is what happens… I’ll give you an example here, right? I’ve got a magazine here, right here, which is on the store shelf, which is talking about gut health and talking about probiotics and enzymes that you’d get at the checkout counter.

Wade:              So, what happens is a company will see whatever trend comes out of the New England Journal of Medicine or whatever shows up in Time magazine. They’re going to create a me-too product. Yeah, we got enzymes. Yeah, we got probate. Whatever it happens to be, whatever the hot topic is that they’re going to throw in here. And right now, gut health is the big topic of du jour in the health community because it’s such a crisis right now.

Wade:              And so, what happens is somebody with a bunch of dollars says, “hey, how can I get some protease in my product? I want the cheapest possible stuff that you get.” They have no basis in medical science, they don’t care about the mission or purpose. They’re riding a trend for profits. They build out a company, they slap a name on it, throw a label on it, turn it out on the store shelves through a distribution model because that makes that store enough money, and guess what? Who pays the price? The consumer. The consumer pays the price. And then the doctor will say to them, well that stuff doesn’t work because 95 times out of a hundred people are buying a supplement that doesn’t work.

Wade:              It’s not custom engineered and designed to actually work and function. And if you’re going to do that, it’s the difference between buying a used car at the junkyard or buying the latest and greatest premium brand automotive with a completely sealed engine. That’s the variants that you’re having in products today. And so, it’s only the people that are driven by passion, that are by purpose, that are driven to on a bigger mission that actually make the products that are going to deliver and that’s why we’re on this call. And that’s why I’m taking this because I know you’re one of those guys.

Jonathan:         Absolutely, thank you. Yeah, it was quite disturbing when I started going down the rabbit hole and just started reaching out to manufacturers and people that could create stuff and, and we said, “hey, this is a formula we wanted to create with some of our early products. And they came back and they said, well, if you don’t ferment it, if you don’t use organic, if you don’t mix all these things and then we can make it for $2.50 a bottle and you can still sell it for $50 a bottle, right? And so, it was a rude awakening in that context, but that’s when I knew I was on… that’s what I knew I needed to do this, right? Was to change that, and you talk about the trends. I mean, we’re going to see this with-

Jonathan:         What’s the kind of change that. And you talk about the trends, I mean we’re going to see this with CBD, right? I mean I went to Expo West last year. It’s one of the biggest natural health expos in the world, and everybody and their brother had CBD and I was next to CBD and nobody’s talking to me about, Hey, let’s go create a CBD product. The problem is CBD can be effective, but 95% of what’s going to be out there is just going to be junk CBD, just it has that label on there. And I want to just relate that to people that are listening so that they can actually see what we’re talking about with these current trends. What happened? CBD is everywhere. You’re likely not going to see a good effect from it unless you buy it from a good reputable company that has a history of standing, like you said, for the mission, for the passion, not just for the profits.

Jonathan:         So away from CBD. Back to enzymes. Let’s talk, because you helped us create P3E (now called Enzyme 17). I’ll hold up a bottle of it just right here. Tell me, I mean, you’re so brilliant at all of this. Tell me about all of the different enzymes that we put in here and why it’s so effective and why it trumps everything else on the market.

Wade:              Well, first and foremost, that formulation that you’ve done, you went in, all in, all the bells and whistles, and I love the passion that you have and said, look I just want to make a great formulation that works. And it’s loaded up with over 55% of that product contains proteolytic enzymes. It contains the 4.5, the 3.0, the 6.0, and the peptidase. So, it’s got a full spectrum proteolytic blend that will break down virtually any protein from any food, any product, plant-based, animal-based, from Mars, it’ll break this stuff down. When it comes to whatever you’re eating from a protein side. But you know, what was beautiful about that is you said, no, I want the next level, I want something that deals with whatever the diet is. And that’s where the whole blend actually contains 17 different enzymes.

Wade:              It contains amylase to break down your carbohydrates. It takes alpha galactosidase, which will help break down some of the sugars that you will find in food. It’ll have glucoamylase, another one that’ll cover the different range of sugars that you might consume inadvertently. Invertase, maltase, another one, these hidden sugars that cause interruptions and metabolic problems and blood sugar issues and stuff. It cracks out all those. Then it gets into the plant fibers. A lot of people have a hard time eating plants, so they need the phytase. They need the hemicellulose and the [inaudible 00:38:24], which will actually break down those difficult proteins that are actually a fibrous protein that it’ll actually break that down. So, people, if you’re eating vegetables and you don’t feel good or you can’t have that big salad and even though you need those nutrients, well the product that you’ve put together here, P3E will actually break all of that down.

Wade:              It also contains lactase for people that maybe the most famous enzyme in the world, people that can’t digest milk it’s because they don’t produce lactase. And about a third of the population are in that category. And so, it contains that as well. And on top of, if that wasn’t all, you also added in AstraZyme. And so basically what AstraZyme is, we studied Chinese medicine and found out there is a particular root, called the astragalus root, that is used in almost every single Chinese compound. When we found out why it was used, that it turns out that that particular root actually activates and accelerates, it increases the potential of the enzymatic response. So we took that extract through this into that formulation as well and precise dosages. And that gave a 30 to 60% boost depending on the enzyme and its effectiveness.

Wade:              So even if someone came up with a product that said it’s exactly the same as the one that you’ve produced, Jon. Guess what? It’s not because the AstraZyme just pushes that over the top by turbocharging all of the enzymes into the formulation. There’s really nothing quite like it for absorbability, utilization, and regardless if you’re on whatever diet, paleo, if you’re on a vegetarian, if you’re on a ketogenic, it doesn’t matter. This product is going to break down the diet that you’re currently on and make a big difference in your life. And that’s really cool.

Jonathan:         Awesome man. Yeah, I was so excited when we developed this and everything that you suggested to put in there and all that to do like I’m just, I’m so excited for our audience to start using it because I know they’re going to feel a difference right away. Talk to me for a second because another thing that you stressed was that they were cultured enzymes and the difference there and why that’s so important.

Wade:              Yeah, so enzymes come in a lot of different formulas. So, there’s animal-based enzymes. So this is enzyme 101 for the general public. There’s animal-based enzymes which are only usable in a very limited pH range. Okay. So then there is plant-based enzymes, so enzymes that would just be extracted directly out of your food. People will take a papaya or bromelain, or pineapple and stuff and you’ll get a little bit of enzymes from that stuff. Then there is synthesized enzymes, and then there is what’s there’s also called systemic enzymes. Those are enzymes that might be used to just break up scar tissue that you wouldn’t actually eat as food. That you would have to eat those only on an empty stomach like a peptidase or [serrapeptase 00:41:25] is one of those that’s been used for scarring inside the body. And then there is what’s called cultured enzymes.

Wade:              Now a cultured enzyme means this is an enzyme grown on a very specific medium that allows you to increase the potency over a normal enzyme from 100 to 1000 times. This is highly secretive guarded information that only a handful of producers actually share. It’s really hard to get this. It took me years to get accessed to the people to learn how this process works, and it’s obviously proprietary information, but the bottom line is you’re able to punch out an enzyme and it takes weeks. You can extract food enzymes from food and do that in a week or two. This process takes about eight weeks to get the kind of potency. So just like if you were fermenting beer or wine or something, you’ve got to let it work for a period of time before you get that premium spirit. It’s the exact same process inside of the enzyme formula. Obviously you’re not fermenting alcohol, you’re actually fermenting and creating a specific medium and that extracted enzymes and no chemicals used in the extraction process. So you just get the pure working enzymes to deliver an incredible result.

Jonathan:         Yeah, I just love it when you share that because that’s the difference a lot of people don’t always understand. When you’re using a fermented ingredient, it starts that breakdown process. It makes it more potent. When you make sure that you’re using a sprouted ingredient, different things like that that we do in a lot of our other products because it just increases that potency, increases the bioavailability. And so I love there’s a solution for that when it comes to enzymes as well. Now talk to me just for a second about why it’s important to take enzymes. For those who didn’t listen to our last podcast, and I hope that they do, but for those that don’t, maybe they’re on a quick schedule. Talk about the enzyme bank that you’ve shared with me before and talk about why it’s important, especially in our later years in life, forties, fifties, sixties, why it’s so important to take enzymes with every single meal.

Wade:              Yes, so enzymes are responsible for everything from thinking to blinking in your body. And you have what’s called, Dr.Hal put in his book Food and Enzymes for Health and Longevity. If people want to really dive in deep, I highly recommend that book. Especially if you want to live long and strong because it’s directly the component that contributes to longevity. In other words, he said that the more enzymes that you have in your body, the longer that you will live. And he’s proven this over and over again. Now, the thing is, by the time we’re 40 years old, we have less than 30% of the enzymes that we had at birth. And if we’ve been eating a lot of, maybe in our past, a lot of the farm foods that has herbicides, pesticides, and fungicides, we probably have less than that.

Wade:              Pregnant women who’ve gone through pregnancy oftentimes find they have a hard time getting back their bodies and their metabolism after that, especially some after the first, many after the second, and almost all of them after the third. And that’s because they gave up a big chunk of their enzyme bank account to the child, to grow the child. And so they’re struggling to get back to their weight. They’re struggling to get back up because they don’t have enough enzymes in the bank account that says, you know what, I’m sorry, you don’t have to fit into a size two. Right? Because I don’t have the enzyme to do it. I’d rather keep your brain going and your heart going. But eventually you hit that what I call the critical component. When your enzymatic pool slips below the essential metabolic process. This is when you start getting diabetes.

Wade:              This is when you start having heart disease. This is when you start can’t remembering, where did I put my keys this morning? All of those little things are tiny symptoms that are adding and piling up over and over-sharing with you that, hey, there’s something wrong with your metabolism. And here’s the thing, this is called common, but common doesn’t mean normal, and it’s not normal for us. It’s just it’s become common because of the food production and food distribution mechanism that’s added enzyme inhibitors to it. Herbicides, pesticides, fungicides, preservatives and dyes stripped away the enzyme content that is naturally occurring in the food and amplified this was an array of chemicals in agents that are interrupting our digestive process of leading to 12% of the emergency hospital visits. People going to hospitals in an ambulance related to digestive issues cause they don’t have the enzymes to break down their food.

Wade:              If you can’t break down your food, you can’t feed your brain. You can’t feed your body, you can’t have the energy that you want. And when you get to those ages, when you start adding this into your life like I have for the last, Oh my God, almost going on 20 years now, I’m still in the gym hitting weights that I was when I was in my twenties. I require less sleep. I’m not saying this to brag, but I’m watching as my, as people in my age group are falling apart, and I’m still going strong and as is my clients and the people that understand this message such as yourself. We were just commenting about how great you look since the cultivation of this product and how you’re hitting the gym and doing all these things. I mean the testament is right there in front of me and you can see I and every single person I know that gets on that program as something you take before every single meal.

Wade:              You’re preserving that bank account and you’re adding dollars. It’s like a savings account that you’re adding cause your body will, when you consume the products that you have made here, the P3E (now called Enzyme 17), when you consume that you’re actually, it’s like putting the deposit in your bank account. You’ll actually convert that into other things. You’ll make it into systemic enzymes. You’ll make it into energy enzymes. You’ll make it for brain functioning enzymes. And you’re just going to be a lot healthier than you would be if you didn’t.

Jonathan:         And that was my next question. Does it restock the bank account by taking extra enzymes or is it only going to help break down that meal?

Wade:              That’s a great question and here’s where I’ve street tested this. I’ve literally taken 1000 capsules in the day and then we would check the stool because if you take any single nutrient, whether it’s vitamin C to like magnesium or whatever, anything, if when you hit a certain component, you break what’s called the GI barrier. This was developed by an orthomolecular nutrition in the 70s by Dr. Linus Pauling and Hoffer and Hawkins, these super geniuses, so who ushered in healing the body using nutrition. The cool thing about enzymes is even at 1000 capsules a day, when we check the stool, no enzymes present in the stool. That means the entire thousand capsules that I now, I’m not suggesting everybody go do that, was actually absorbed and utilized by my body.

Wade:              I also experimented while fasting and would do 10 day fasts. I’m actually in my third day of a fast right now. Haven’t eaten anything, hadn’t had a drink of water, hadn’t had a piece of like, all right, just drink water. It’s all I drink. I just drink my water and that’s it. What happens is that enzyme now will start working in a systemic way. It’ll start repairing tissues, it’ll start repairing muscles, it’ll start reconnecting the dendrites in my brain during that process and making the neurotransmitters, and the more that I can pump into my system, the faster the recovery. And now that’s been shown.

Wade:              We have documentation showing that athletes in combat sports, when it would take them two weeks to suffer for, to recover from a bruise, they add the proteolytic enzymes, they are recovered in two days. When they weren’t able to fit for exercise and competition for 10 days, they’re coming back and three. And the reason is they have more workers, more of these little enzymes to go in there and accelerate these repair tissues. And so when you apply this to any day person in real life, they start to see the results over time. There’s a compound effect, 30, 60, 90 days. You want to do a high course for 90 days and then titrate down so that number one, it’s not even just about eliminating the digestive issues. That’s goes way in 30 days. Sixty days you start to notice, hey, I’m sleeping less, my skin starting to get a little better. And by 90 days it’s like, okay, I’m an unstoppable machine. I get it. I understand why. I wonder if I understand why Jon and Wade are so passionate about this program because I can write checks that I didn’t think I could anymore and I’m talking energy checks.

Jonathan:         Absolutely. Yeah. And so one last question because you kind of alluded to it and I just want to make sure the audience understands it is, and we do this with our collagens right? We suggest if you haven’t been taking a collagen supplement or anything like that, load up for the first 30 to 60 days. Right? Triple the dose. Help fuel your body with a lot more of this collagen and then you can go to a maintenance. Of just a scoop a day. It’s the same thing with enzymes as well, correct? I mean you really, especially if you haven’t been taking them, load up for the first 90 days.

Wade:              A hundred percent, and I always call it, I created what I call the bucket theory of nutrition and the foundation is based on what we talked about, orthomolecular nutrition. If you have a deficiency in any particular product, number one, what happens is it’s like you have a hole in your soul. Let’s say the total pool is the bucket and you have a hole in that bucket and you’re trying to fill up. Now, if it was water in the bucket, the water’s running at a certain base, depending on the hole. The whole, that’s your lifestyle. Right? Now if you had a stressful period in your life, that whole is going to increase. Maybe you got financial trouble, maybe you went through a divorce, maybe you had an illness. Right? So we’re not living in optimal pristine conditions all the time that we want. And the thing is, if that bucket is never been filled up, you don’t know what it’s like to have a full bucket of that nutrient, of that vitamin, of that enzyme.

Wade:              And so by taking a course where you’re taking a lot in that first 90 days, you fill up the bucket, so now you’re operating from a full bucket. You only have to adjust how much you’re putting into the system based on the hole in the bottom of the bucket, which is your lifestyle. And then you can, if you’re going through an extra stressful time, you acquire energetic requirements, you can up the dosage of that enzyme. And if everything’s pristine and you’re knocking it out of the park perfectly, you can titrate down on that.

Wade:              But if you do this with virtually every single supplement, you can go get a spectrum analysis to see what nutrients you’re deficient in. You can target specific nutrients, specific supplements, load up on them and go through this process. But with enzymes, what’s the beauty of enzymes is there doesn’t seem to be a ceiling on how many you take, the dosage that you take, or for how long you take it. And I’ve been taking what I would call super physiological dosages for almost 20 years and I’m doing things that I never thought possible at this age and and that’s why I’m so passionate about this subject.

Jonathan:         Yeah, man. You’re brilliant. You’re brilliant. You’re passionate. I’m just so glad to know you. I so appreciate you consulting us to make sure we put together the best product on here. Thank you for taking time to explain with our audience. I’ll have you back on for future podcasts because I’ve got 50 million questions that I want to ask you and I know we don’t have time for today. For those of you listening, if you want to learn more about P3E (now called Enzyme 17), you can go to organixx.com. We have a three bottle and a six bottle package that we’ve highly discounted. For those that do want to have that load up phase, so to speak, you really want to heal yourself and then you can go into a maintenance phase of just a bottle a month. Feel free to check that out. Again, they’re highly discounted, organixx.com.

Jonathan:         If you want to watch this podcast again, listen to it again. Check out the show notes, the transcripts, go to empoweringyouorganically.com. As always like us on iTunes. Subscribe. You won’t miss a single episode where we have more brilliant people like Wade, come and share for free all of the information they’ve learned for 20, 30, 40 years. Wade you’re badass man. Thank you for joining me on the podcast.

Wade:              My pleasure. Anytime, Jon.


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