The Best Oil for Skin? 5 Good Oils for Face & Body (Even if You Have Oily Skin)
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You’ve likely heard a lot lately about how beneficial consuming healthy oils can be for your body. But what about the best oils for skin when applied topically? Read on to discover five oils that can each help your skin in unique ways. When combined, these oils even work together synergistically to help you achieve younger, smoother, and healthier skin.
5 Outstanding Oils for Healthy Skin
The outer layer of the skin is called the epidermis. Its job is to protect your skin from outside elements while at the same time absorbing nutrients that skin cells, as well as the whole body, can utilize. Take a look at the ways in which these five best oils for skin do just that.
1- Jojoba Oil for Skin
Found primarily in the American Southwest and Mexico, jojoba “oil” is technically not an oil at all; it’s actually a “plant wax” that comes from jojoba seeds. Jojoba is a common base ingredient for massage oil blends because it is mild, light, and non-toxic for most people.

What you may not know is that jojoba also has many healing properties in and of itself, besides being a great “carrier” for essential oils. It contains plant esters and omega-9 fatty acids that are proven anti-inflammatory agents. According to a 2012 Iranian study, jojoba can help with skin infections and wound healing and can also slow down the general aging of the skin [1].
Normally oils aren’t recommended for sunburn, because oil tends to trap heat in. However, natural “waxes” like jojoba can be very beneficial for soothing sunburn and for burn healing in general.
A 2011 Italian study found that jojoba accelerates wound healing through its ability to enhance collagen synthesis. The authors of the report published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology hypothesized that a solution of just 1% jojoba oil “could be used in the treatment of wounds in clinical settings [2].”
2 – Olive Oil for Skin
Unlike jojoba, olive is a true oil. It’s a powerhouse substance that most know about as a sprinkle for salads, fish, and other foods. Pure olive oil has a high nutrient load, including vitamins D, E, K, and A as well as omega-3 fatty acids.

According to a study conducted at Rutgers University, olive oil also contains a substance called oleocanthal, which can rupture part of the membrane walls of cancer cells. This makes olive oil potentially cancer-protective as a food [3].
All the “good stuff” you get when you consume olive oil can be a boon for your skin as well. A 2016 investigation conducted by researchers at Thailand’s Chiang Mai University suggests that olive oil can moisturize the skin.
“With its heavy consistency, [olive oil] is a great choice for an all-body application,” says Dr. Rajani Katta in a recent article [4]. Katta is a board-certified dermatologist and the author of seven books [5].
Dr. Katta also explains that while olive oil is usually very mild and does not trigger reactions in most people, it is wise to always choose organic, extra-virgin varieties for both internal and topical use.
3 – Avocado Oil for Skin
Research has long proven the skin benefits of avocado oil. It is an oil found in many moisturizers, creams, and even sunscreens because it consists mostly of monounsaturated fatty acids. The lipids found in avocado oil have been connected to heart health and anti-inflammatory benefits for years.
Avocado oil also contains many types of vitamins and minerals including vitamins E, D, C, B6, and A, along with potassium, iodine, calcium, lecithin, oleic acid, phenolic acid, and magnesium [6].

Recent studies have connected avocado oil to benefits for specific skin conditions. For example, a 2013 report in the journal Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine detailed significant anti-inflammatory effects of a 50% avocado oil solution when compared to a control group in an in vivo study. The researchers also found that there was an increase in collagen density in the group that was using avocado oil [7].
The authors speculated that when avocado oil is used naturally or in pharmaceutical mixtures, it “can promote increased collagen synthesis and decreased numbers of inflammatory cells…and may thus be considered a new option for treating skin wounds [8].”
Other research has found that avocado oil is not only be great for clearing up acne, it can also benefit the scalp, hair, and nails too.
4 – Apricot Kernel Oil for Skin
Apricot kernels contain a compound called amygdalin. This is a phytonutrient that has been associated with its anti-cancer effects for decades.
Its discovery has an interesting history. In the 1930s, an Irish adventurer and military man, Major-General Sir Robert McCarrison, discovered a tribe in the Middle East called the Hunzas. McCarrison was impressed by their almost perfect health and wrote about it in his journal.
In the 1950s, the biochemist Dr. Ernest Krebs read McCarrison’s account and decided to investigate. He discovered that the Hunzas’ long life span and resistance to disease had to do in large part with diet, which consisted of bone broth, fresh grains and vegetables, the occasional meat or dairy product and, you guessed it, apricot kernels.
Later, Dr. Krebs discovered the “secret ingredient” in the kernels which made them so healthy. It was the glycoside amygdalin as well as key enzymes that acted like catalysts for amygdalin.

While many have written about the internal disease-fighting benefits of amygdalin, some have also done research on how it can help the skin. Amygdalin in the form of apricot kernel oil can be an amazing moisturizer.
It can exfoliate the skin and can significantly help clear up acne, since it prevents the buildup of “sebum” in the glands. Sebum build-up is usually the cause of “oily skin.” Apricot kernel oil has been shown to help balance sebum production.
This oil is also a dandruff-reducer. Because of its high antioxidant content, it helps protect against oxidative stress. It has anti-aging properties and can help to reduce age spots as well.
But that’s not all. According to several studies, apricot kernel oil can also clear up inflammation that can lead to psoriasis. A 2016 Chinese investigation found that the same apoptotic effects that target cancer cells also make apricot seed kernels effective against cellular pathways which lead to this condition [9].
5 – Vitamin E Oil for Skin
Finally, there’s vitamin E, which is perhaps the most well-known natural oil for skin health. Vitamin E is a necessary nutrient for your body as a whole, too. It plays a key role in the immune system since it helps with cell regeneration. It’s also vital for the cardiovascular system and neurodegeneration (the creation of new brain cells) [10].

Vitamin E has anti-inflammatory and anti-aging properties and is high in antioxidants which can help with blood circulation. It can assist in clearing up acne and can lessen the effects of scarring. This is why most over-the-counter skin creams contain vitamin E oil, or alpha-tocopherol.
Finally, studies show that when it comes to clearing up “blotchy” skin and more serious conditions such as melasma, or hyperpigmentation, pairing vitamin C together with vitamin E can be very effective.
A randomized, double-blind trial of over 50 women who had melasma conducted by the Research Institute for Tropical Medicine in Manila concluded that oral administration of vitamins A, C and E “proved to be safe and effective among Filipino women with epidermal melasma [11].”
Choosing the Best Oil for Skincare: Use Oils Wisely for the Health of Your Skin
We cannot emphasize enough how important quality is when finding a moisturizer, eye cream, or serum that utilizes the benefits of healing oils.
When it comes to the healthy oils listed above, the only way to truly benefit from their anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and blemish-defying properties is to go organic all the way.
The vitamin E content in Organixx’s Skin: Restore Vitamin C Serum comes from 100% organic, high-quality sources only. Because it is paired with high-quality, organically sources vitamin C, you get the evidence-based benefit of both of these vitamins together in one formula.
Moreover, Organixx Renew Eye Cream contains avocado oil, olive oil, apricot kernel oil, and jojoba oil. All of the oils are also organic and work synergistically to create an amazing, age-defying effect for youthful, healthy, glowing skin at any age.
Looking for an all-natural, toxin-free eye cream that can reduce wrinkles, nourish skin from the inside out, and help keep you looking young… longer? Introducing Renew Eye Cream – the most powerful and synergistic all-natural eye cream on the planet!

Article Summary
What are the best oils for skin? Each of these 5 oils can help your skin in unique ways. When combined, these oils work together synergistically to help you achieve younger-looking, smoother, and healthier skin.
Jojoba Oil. Jojoba is a common base ingredient for massage oil blends because it’s mild, light, and non-toxic for most people. Jojoba also has many healing properties in and of itself, besides being a great “carrier” for essential oils.
Olive Oil. Pure olive oil has a high nutrient load, including vitamins D, E, K, and A as well as omega-3 fatty acids. It moisturizes the skin and is great for all-body application.
Avocado Oil. Avocado oil also contains many types of vitamins and minerals including vitamins E, D, C, B6, and A. It’s good for inflammatory conditions, wound healing, clearing up acne, and can benefit the scalp, hair, and nails.
Apricot Kernel Oil. Apricot kernel oil can exfoliate the skin and help clear up acne by helping to balance sebum production. It’s also shown to be beneficial for inflammatory skin conditions.
Vitamin E Oil. Vitamin E is perhaps the most well-known natural oil for skin health. It has anti-inflammatory and anti-aging properties and is high in antioxidants. Vitamin E can assist in clearing up acne and can lessen the effects of scarring.
The only way to truly benefit from the anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and blemish-defying properties of these oils is to use organic forms of them either alone or in high-quality products. For example, Organixx Renew Eye Cream contains organic avocado oil, olive oil, apricot kernel oil, and jojoba oil.
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I was just reading about sea buckthorn oil. Do you recommend it?
Hi there,
I have been using Armani seed oil on my skin which has been badly sun damaged from years of unprotected UV exposure. I find it strong but it is working wonders! Any information about this oil for long time use?
And also I wondered if it would be safe for my young daughter to use?
Hi Michele, thank you for your question.
Unfortunately, we do not have any information nor materials about Armani Seed Oil.
By any chance, did you mean "argan oil"?
Originally from Morocco, argan oil is made from argan tree kernels. The oil contains loads of vitamin E, helps repair skin, protects skin from sun damage, is deeply moisturizing, naturally anti-aging, anti-inflammatory, and anti-fungal. It reduces sebum so great for acne. Argan oil is also beneficial for aging, dry skin, atopic dermatitis, and for preventing or reducing stretch marks.
Here is the link to the article that discussed about essential oils and skin care that mentioned the argan oil:
Since every skin is different, please consult your trusted skin specialist prior to using any essential oils for your skin.
Thank you for being here with us. Wishing you a great day!
I noticed Argan oil was not listed...I use it and love it. Do you recommend it?
Hi Marion, thank you for your question.
Originally from Morocco, argan oil is made from argan tree kernels. The oil contains loads of vitamin E, helps repair skin, protects skin from sun damage, is deeply moisturizing, naturally anti-aging, anti-inflammatory, and anti-fungal. It reduces sebum so great for acne. Argan oil is also beneficial for aging, dry skin, atopic dermatitis, and for preventing or reducing stretch marks.
Here is the link to the article that discussed about essential oils and skin care that mentioned the argan oil:
Since every skin is different, please consult your trusted skin specialist prior to using any essential oils for your skin.
Thank you for being here with us. Wishing you a great day!
I have been cleansing my face with Hemp Oil with just a wee bit of castle soap. Somewhere I read that Hemp Oil is like a natural sunscreen. I used it all last summer on my face and never burned. However, I do not find it very hydrating. I also put hemp oil and aloe vera on my face after cleansing. Any thoughts?
Hi Lisa, thank you for your question.
Hemp seed oil is high in omega-3 and -6 fats so incredibly nourishing for the skin. It reduces the appearance of wrinkles and protects skin from the damaging rays of the sun. Good for all skin types, from sensitive to oily to super-dry. It rejuvenates the skin, provides long-lasting moisture, calms irritated skin, and balances oily skin.
Here is the link to the article that discussed about essential oils and skin care that mentioned the Hemp Seed Oil:
Since every skin is different, please consult your trusted skin specialist prior to using any essential oils for your skin.
Thank you for being here with us. Wishing you a great day!