Supplementation: You’re Never Too Young To Start!
Video Transcript:
Today’s Ask the Doctor question is from an individual who asks, “My girlfriend and I are 21 years old. We are both food science majors and understand nutrition. We exercise daily and eat healthy. What is something we should start doing to remain healthy? Any supplements we need to take?”
That is an excellent question. I’m so excited to hear that you two, in your early twenties, are cognizant of your health and wellness because this is such a great time to lay the foundational health that will support you in your thirties, your forties, your fifties, and beyond.
Is Your Food Letting You Down Nutritionally?
For 21-year-olds, what I recommend supplement-wise is I want to make sure you’re getting a good multivitamin, you are optimizing your vitamin D3 levels. That’s great for mental health. It’s great for mental acuity. It’s also really important for energizing your body. It’s very powerful at helping keeping hormones balanced and supports your immune system.
The other recommendation I have is to make sure you are getting minerals into your daily diet. So, I always recommend for anybody, across the board, is that you remineralize your water. So, if you’re consuming water every day, like a lot of us are drinking lots of good water, we’re hydrating, what I recommend is adding liquid minerals into each of the glasses of water that you’re taking. Because back in the day, we used to have mineral density in our water, and we’re seeing depletions in the water minerals, and we’re also seeing depletions in the minerals in our fruits and veggies. So, it’s always good to support that.
How To Support Over 600 Enzymatic Reactions
On top of that, it’s not a bad idea to grab Magnesium 7. This is a very full spectrum, powerful, seven multi-forms of magnesium that helps enhance the functionality of your body by supporting over 600 enzymatic reactions in your body. So, that’s definitely something I recommend. On top of that, it’s not a bad idea for the female and the male separately to consume specific nutrients that are going to help support healthy hormone balancing.
Young Women & Men Have Different Needs
For women in their early twenties, I always recommend adding Shatavari. That’s an Ayurvedic herb. It’s both an adaptogen and a good hormone balancer, so that helps keep menstrual cycles regular. It just helps enhance that hormone cycle.
And then for young gentlemen, I always recommend adding things like Rhodiola, which is an adaptogen that helps power up mental and physical stamina, and that also helps balance stress response mechanism, which in your early twenties are sometimes the sort of stressors like school and work and life changes as a young adult.
I want to applaud both of you for putting your health as a priority. I’m excited to hear that we have some really engaging health professionals coming up in the future. You two are going to have a great future ahead of you as you’re asking the best questions and are pursuing a life of health and wellness. Thank you for asking these specific questions. I hope it’s helpful, and I’m excited to hear your thoughts. Hopefully, we’ll see you in the future here at Organixx. Please ask more questions in the future.