Youthful Skin Secrets: Top 10 Reasons to Use a Vitamin C Serum in Your Skin Regimen – Episode

Are you wondering why we’re so excited about our new vitamin C serum, Restore? Aside from the purity of this amazing elixir for your face we’re diving into the top 10 reasons you want, really really want, a vitamin c serum in your daily skincare regimen. And just wait until you hear the BONUS reason.

Empowering you Organically – Season 7 – Episode 58

Title: Youthful Skin Secrets: Top 10 Reasons to Use a Vitamin C Serum in Your Skin Regimen

Hosts: Jonathan Hunsaker, TeriAnn Trevenen

Guest: None

Description:  Are you wondering why we’re so excited about our new vitamin C serum, Restore? Aside from the purity of this amazing elixir for your face we’re diving into the top 10 reasons you want, really really want, a vitamin c serum in your daily skincare regimen. And just wait until you hear the BONUS reason.


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Ready for a little vocabulary lesson?

senescence  –  / suh·neh·sns/ [link to pronunciation]


Used in: BIOLOGY

the condition or process of deterioration with age.

loss of a cell’s power of division and growth.


When it comes to our skin, we spend an inordinate amount of money battling – because it feels like a battle sometimes – the telltale signs of aging, but how effective are the products?


This is something we’ve been curious about and we researched. Boy, did we research. In episodes 55 and 56 we discussed the Top 12 Ingredients to Avoid in your personal care products. This week we do a deep dive into the anti-aging of our skin and shine the spotlight on Vitamin C Serums.


What’s a vitamin C serum?

If you are over 30 and actively trying to combat the signs of aging, you’ve likely heard of vitamin C serum.


Essentially, vitamin C serum is an oil- and water-based liquid that contains highly concentrated amounts of vitamin C.


Serums are different from cremes and other products with vitamin C because of the significantly higher concentrations, which allow people to get the most out of the product and see more noticeable results.


Vitamin C is touted as one of the best anti-aging ingredients on the market — and the key to maintaining a smooth, even, and glowy complexion.


Although you’re probably getting vitamin C in your diet, there’s no way to guarantee that it’s going straight to your skin. Using serums and other topical products is the most direct way to reap these benefits.


Not All Serums Are Alike

First, let’s take a look at what basic characteristics an ideal Vitamin C serum should have:

  1. It needs to have 15% to 20% Vitamin C.
  2. Has to be Paraben-free and contain no colorants or fragrances in order to protect the efficacy of the Vitamin C.
  3. Be combined with Vitamin E to achieve the best results.
  4. Contain Hyaluronic Acid, Ferulic Acid, or preferably both to make the serum super effective.
  5. Be manufactured in protective packaging in order to delay the oxidization of the serum.

Another point that we’d like to make has to do with the size of the Vitamin C serum bottle. Most common sizes are at 1oz. Based on personal experience, usually one can go through 75% of the 1 oz bottle before it starts to oxidize. Purchasing a 2oz or a 3oz bottle means you’re throwing your money down the drain!


Top 10 Reasons Your Skin Wants a Vitamin C Serum

    1. It’s safe for most skin types
      1. Many people opt for topical vitamin C as opposed to other chemical serums and skin care products because vitamin C serum is completely natural. There is no concern about how your skin is going to react because there are no harsh chemicals or other questionable ingredients. As a result, vitamin C serums are formulated and infused to be gentle enough for everyday use. The same simply cannot be said of many other skin care products on the market.
    2. Promotes collagen production
      1. We did an episode on collagens, Episode #15, and it’s been extremely popular. We think it’s partly due to the fact that the bane of any woman’s existence are fine lines and wrinkles. But rather than give into the abyss of aging, the regular use of vitamin C products can combat their very appearance because of their concentrated levels of antioxidant-rich vitamin C, which helps boost collagen production, filling in fine lines and wrinkles. As a result, you may find that you have more youthful looking skin without the need for any expensive and potentially risky cosmetic work! Top that by adding our Clean Sourced Collagens into your daily diet and you have a one-two punch!
    3. Protects skin from sun damage
      1. In addition to its anti-aging benefits, topical vitamin C is also great for protecting your skin from damage—especially from the sun’s UVA and UVB rays. That’s because vitamin C is an antioxidant, so it naturally helps to strengthen your skin and repel things that could damage it. Of course, topical vitamin C should not be considered an alternative to wearing sunscreen, but when combined with regular sunscreen application, it can really work wonders for your skin.
    4. Reduces under-eye circles
      1. Vitamin C has also been found to help even out skin tone and reduce the appearance of under-eye circles. This is great for those who are tired of trying to conceal the dark circles under their eyes and want to enjoy a more youthful, bright, and vibrant appearance.
    5. Speeds up healing
      1. Studies have also found that high levels of Vitamin C can help to speed up the body’s natural healing processes. This makes it ideal for use on the face and other areas of skin, as it can help to heal small cuts, acne scars, and other blemishes more quickly and effectively.
    6. Reduces skin discoloration
      1. If you suffer from skin redness or other discoloration of the skin, then a quality vitamin C serum may also be able to help you achieve a more uniform skin tone and better complexion. Specifically, vitamin C is great for reducing embarrassing redness. With just a few uses, you may find that you have a more even skin tone.
    7. Keeps skin looking and feeling younger
      1. No matter what your age, it’s always a good idea to be preemptive about avoiding wrinkles, sagging skin, fine lines, and other signs of aging. Vitamin C can help your skin look younger for longer, not only by stimulating collagen production, but by evening out your skin tone and brightening your complexion as well.
    8. Improves hydration and moisture
      1. If you suffer from dry skin, vitamin C is a must. This is especially true if you have tried using moisturizers and cremes in the past, only to find that your skin is still dry and flaky. With topical vitamin C products, you can enjoy the high concentration of vitamins that your body truly needs to improve moisture content and overall hydration.
    9. Creates brighter, healthier skin
      1. In addition to improving your skin’s overall complexion, vitamin C can brighten otherwise dull skin, allowing it to look healthier and more vibrant. Strong concentrations of this vitamin leave the skin looking and feeling replenished and revitalized.
    10. Reduces Inflammation
      1. It has also been found that vitamin C, in high enough concentrations, has inflammation-reducing qualities. This is ideal for people who tend to wake up in the morning with unsightly puffiness around the eyes or other areas of the skin/face. A little bit of vitamin C serum can go a long way here.

BONUS Benefit! Because who doesn’t like a bonus?!

  • Speeds Up Healing of Sunburns
    • in addition to protecting your skin from sun damage, vitamin C can also be effective in helping to speed up healing of sunburns. Apply some after you have been sun burned, and the vitamins will help to promote faster healing so you can get rid of redness and find relief from itching, burning, and other symptoms associated with sunburn.

These are just some of the many benefits of vitamin C as it pertains to your skin and face. And while it’s easy to go out and find lotions, cremes, and other moisturizers at your local drug store that claim to contain vitamin C, it’s important to realize that your skin needs a very high concentration of this vitamin in order to see results. This is why you’re encouraged to use concentrated serums rather than a basic creme or lotion.


Where Can You Get A Good Vitamin C Serum?

  • The reason that we went down this rabbit hole is that we got a lot of emails asking about skincare, and just like supplements, once we started investigating, the truth was disturbing. And so, we felt inspired to go down that rabbit hole as far as we could and actually create our own vitamin C serum that followed all of our guidelines.  We made sure that it had zero preservatives, has more vitamin C, and a clean, organic vitamin C than anything else out on the market.  Hyaluronic acid.  It has amazing ingredients inside of our vitamin C serum that you’re not going to find anywhere else.


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 Jonathan Hunsaker: Welcome, everyone, to another episode of Empowering You Organically. I’m your host, Jonathan Hunsaker, joined by my cohost, TeriAnn Trevenen.


TeriAnn Trevenen: Hey, everyone.


Jonathan Hunsaker: On today’s episode, we are going to talk about something really important.  We’re going to talk about skincare.  It’s really interesting.  We talk about vitamin C a lot and how healthy it is to ingest it in our bodies, but what’s really interesting is how healthy vitamin C is topically for your skin, and we’re going to talk specifically about vitamin C serums and the top 10 reasons why you should be using one every day.


TeriAnn Trevenen: Absolutely.  We’re super excited to talk about this today, too, because I think that we don’t talk enough about the products we’re putting on our body.  We just did a podcast about this.  Now, we’re going to use some information on things that you can put on your skin to help with the aging process and keep your skin looking fresh and young.


So, we’re going to talk about a word today, a little vocabulary lesson for our listeners – senescence, which is used in biology, the condition or process of deterioration with age, loss of a cell’s power of division and growth.  When it comes to our skin, and we spend an inordinate amount of money battling, because it does feel like a battle sometimes, the telltale signs of aging, but how effective are your products?


We spend a lot of money in the cosmetic skincare industry, and again, if you want more information on what you should be looking for, go listen to our podcast from last week, but we spend a lot of time and money on our skin, on our bodies, on a lot of different things, and we have to be educated on what that looks like, what the best road is for us as far as healthy, clean products.


Jonathan Hunsaker: Well, and that’s the main point, is we still have to stay clean here, right?  So, it’s not just the food that we eat needs to be clean, it’s not just the supplements that we take needs to be clean, it’s the products that we use on our body need to be clean, and eventually, we’ll do a podcast about the products in your home that you clean with need to actually be clean as well.


All of them are putting additional toxins in our body, really some of them, poisons in our body, especially when it comes to skincare.  Most people don’t realize, I mean yes, we know it’s the biggest organ of our body, but it is absorbing everything that you’re putting on it, and it’s going into your bloodstream, it’s going into your body.


You have to detox it out.  And so, yes, you might see some advertising that says this thing makes you look younger, but if it’s using a poison or toxin to do it, it’s really aging you differently.  It’s aging you on the inside, which is going to age you faster on the outside ultimately.


So, you might get some short-term benefit of your skin looking a little bit smoother or tighter, but it’s really, it’s aging you much more.  So, that’s why it’s really important to be clean, and that’s why we wanted to do this episode today, to really talk about vitamin C serums, and talk about the benefits of it and what it’s really going to do for your body and your skin.


TeriAnn Trevenen: Absolutely.  This is a topic we’ve been very interested in here at Organixx for the last little while, and we’ve done a lot of research on products that go on your skin, products you’re using in the cosmetic industry, because as always, we’re looking for ways to bring topics around health to your attention and give you information to help you on your health journey.


So, today, we want to talk a little bit about one of the products in the cosmetic industry that is a very hot topic, a lot of people are talking about, a lot of people are using, vitamin C serum.  So, if you are over 30 and actively trying to combat the signs of aging, you’ve likely heard of vitamin C.  Essentially, vitamin C serum is an oil and water-based liquid that contains highly concentrated amounts of vitamin C.


Serums are very different from creams and other products with vitamin C because of the significantly higher concentrations, which allow people to get the most out of the product and see the most noticeable results, which you want, right, when you’re paying for a very expensive product that should be helping, not hindering.


Vitamin C is touted as one of the best anti-aging ingredients on the market, and it is key in maintaining a smooth, even, and glowing complexion and just overall, allowing your skin to look fresh and youthful.  You’re probably getting vitamin C in your diet in different ways, but there’s no guarantee it’s going straight to your skin, so using serums and other topical products is probably the best way to get that benefit.


Again, we talked before in the past about how supplements help your body internally, and of course, they can impact your skin and other things.  But again, the best way to get a benefit when it comes to your skin is going to be putting it on topically.  So, we want to talk today a little bit about serums, looking at serums in the industry and what that looks like, things you want to be looking for, because there is so much information out there, there are so many products out there, and just like supplements, we want to educate the marketplace on what you should be looking for when it comes to products you’re putting on your skin.


So, the basic characteristics of vitamin C serum specifically, it needs to have a 15-20 percent vitamin C, or have 15-20 percent vitamin C in the product, has to be paraben-free and contain no colorants or fragrances in order to protect the efficacy of the vitamin C.  We talked in our podcast last week, and the week before, about fragrances.


I’m not even going to go down that rabbit hole today, but fragrances are toxic, poisonous, they are not good for your health, they are not good for the environment.  They are one of the worst ingredients you can have in your cosmetic products, in your household products, in the products you’re putting on your skin and body.


Also, it needs to be combined with vitamin E to achieve the best results.  So, we’ve talked about this a lot in the past with our supplements, with food, with your gut.  There are things that can offset the products you’re taking and make them less beneficial, there are things that you can take that make products more beneficial, there are things that are paired together that make them more powerful.


Vitamin C and vitamin E go hand-in-hand and work together to benefit your skin and benefit the health of your skin.  Also, vitamin C serum should contain hyaluronic acid or ferulic acid, probably both, to make sure they’re super effective.  Both acids have multiple benefits, a lot of value when it comes to your skin and to your health.


Number five, we manufacture it in protective packaging in order to delay the oxidization of the serum.  So, it’s something you really want to look at, and make sure that the way your product is being manufactures and packaged, that it is being done really well so that your product is good when you receive it and it will last longer and that it keeps all of those benefits in the product that you purchased when you’re looking at different serums and using them.  So, one other thing that I want to mention when it comes to vitamin C serums is preservatives.  I’m just going to touch on this for a minute.


 Jonathan Hunsaker: I was just about to cut you off and go to preservatives, so I’m glad you’re bringing it up.


TeriAnn Trevenen: Yeah, so great minds think alike.  I just want to say really quickly, and we’ll probably talk about this multiple times, but I can’t say it enough, that there are ways to manufacture or formulate/create products that do not use preservatives or use cleaner preservatives.  The best way to have a product is to not have a preservative.


However, if a product has to contain a preservative, there are different levels of preservatives as far as clean to toxic.  Preservatives allow a product to last longer so that you can have a longer period before it expires.  This is why so many people in the cosmetic, the skincare, the supplement, the food industry are putting preservatives in their products, but preservatives can have negative benefits when it comes to your health.


Again, some of them are toxic and poisonous.  There are ways to create vitamin C serums, and beyond vitamin C serum, other products where you don’t need to use preservatives.  What does this mean?  It means that your product may not have as long of a shelf life, but this is not something to be afraid of.  This is something that you should be looking for.


You do not want the product you’re putting on your face to last three years on your shelf before it starts going bad, and I would venture to guess that some of the products out there last 15-20 years before they start looking like they’re going bad, because they have preservatives in them.  So, think about food.  If your food lasts on your shelf for 20 years, think about what’s in that food for a minute.  Just let that roll around in your head.


Jonathan Hunsaker: Let’s first not call it food.


TeriAnn Trevenen: It’s not food.


Jonathan Hunsaker: Because it is not a food.


TeriAnn Trevenen: Okay, well, true.  Touché, not a food.  But think about that with your skincare products.  How many makeup and skincare and household products do you have in your house that you’ve had for 5 years, 10 years, 15 years, 20 years?  I know there’s people listening who are like, “Yeah, yeah.”


Preservatives keep those things in a state where they don’t appear to be going bad, they don’t look like they’re going bad, but think about the preservatives and what’s in the preservative to make it appear as if that product is still good.  You want to be very careful when it comes to preservatives in your product, that if there’s a preservative in your product, it’s extremely clean, and the product’s shelf life, the amount of time before it expires, is very short.


Jonathan Hunsaker: Well, and let’s talk for a second about why there are a lot of manufacturers putting preservatives in all kinds of things, whether it’s food, whether it’s skincare, whether it’s supplements.  And we learned this, I mean it’s really so that it can last longer on the store shelf before it gets sold to you, right?


And what that means is now they can make larger batches of products.  So, if I use preservatives, I can create 20,000 bottles of a supplement or a skincare, and it’s okay.  It can sit in my warehouse, it’s 130 degrees in Arizona, and it will sit there for two years, and then finally, Target calls and wants some more of it, and I can ship it out to them and it’s no big deal.


And so, they’re able to make these mass quantities for a lot cheaper.  And this is the disturbing fact that we found as we went in the supplement space is how many corners are being cut just to save a few pennies here, save a few pennies there?  And we found the same thing when we went down the rabbit hole with skincare, that it’s the same process.


People are loading them full of toxins, chemicals, preservatives so they can make larger batches, so they can save $0.20 per bottle, so they can increase the profit margins.  And the reality is, that is not what’s good for you, that’s not what’s healthy for you.  And you can get stuff with a high-quality company that doesn’t have preservatives, and if you need it to last a little longer at home, put it in the refrigerator, right?


Cooling it is always going to make it last a little bit longer.  But really, I mean when we’re talking about vitamin C serums, they’re generally in a one-ounce bottle anyway, so it’s a small bottle, you’re going to be using it within a month to two months’ time anyway, so it shouldn’t have preservatives, in my opinion.


TeriAnn Trevenen: Not only are you going to be using it in a month to two months’ time period, you want to be using it in a month to two months’ time period, because you want that benefit of the ingredients fresh, you want that product on your skin as soon as possible, so you’re going to want to use it over a one to two-month time period because you’re going to get the best benefit from the ingredients and the product using it like that.


Just like you would be buying your greens and your veggies, your fruits from the store, you want to use them in a quick time period.  If they go bad, you no longer want to consume that product.  It’s the same thing with a clean, pure skincare product.  You’re going to want to use it fairly quickly because you’re going to get the best benefit out of those fresh, pure, clean ingredients they’re putting in the product.


Jonathan Hunsaker: Well, and once you start using it, it introduces oxygen, and so, it starts oxidizing and starts deteriorating.


TeriAnn Trevenen: Yeah.


Jonathan Hunsaker: And so, in my opinion, your vitamin C serum shouldn’t even be a two or three-ounce bottle.  It should only be a one-ounce bottle to ensure that you’re using it quick enough.


TeriAnn Trevenen: Yep, absolutely.  So, we want to give you top 10 reasons your skin wants a vitamin C serum.  Yes, we talked to your skin and it told us.  So, here are your top 10 reasons.


Number one, it’s safe for most skin types.  Many people opt for topical vitamin C as opposed to other chemical serums and skincare products because vitamin C serum is completely natural.  There is no concern about how your skin is going to react because there are no harsh chemicals or other questionable ingredients.  As a result, vitamin C serums are formulated and infused to be gentle enough for everyday use.  The same simply cannot be said of many other skincare products on the market.


Jonathan Hunsaker: So, number two is it promotes collagen production.  We actually did an episode on collagens.  It was number 15 I believe, if my notes are right, and it’s been extremely popular.  And it’s really interesting, as when you listen to that podcast, we really talk about your body needs vitamin C, adequate enough amounts of vitamin C, to produce collagen.


Collagen is that number one protein in your body that works like a glue.  It’s what holds it all together.  So, when your skin starts sagging, when your joints start hurting, all of that, it’s because your collagen production has gone down.  And a lot of people are so quick to run out and take a collagen supplement, they start adding scoops to their smoothies and drinking it.


“Hey, it’s not doing anything for me.”  Well, you’re probably deficient in vitamin C.  And if you’re deficient in vitamin C, not only will your body not make more collagen on its own, but it can’t absorb collagen on its own.


So, simply having a vitamin C serum puts vitamin C into your body and it gives you the optimum chance to create the collagen that you need, and if you’re taking a collagen supplement, you’re going to absorb more of that as well.  You’re going to see a lot more of the effects across the board.


TeriAnn Trevenen: Absolutely.  And I think one of those benefits is that, you know, having that collagen in your skin and actually helping your skin to produce more of that, you’re going to stay away from that temptation to go and get some procedures done to skin and your face to make it look younger, because you’re naturally putting things on your skin that will make your skin age slowly, it will help it to look younger and more fresh, glowing.


All those things that people pay a lot of money for, there’s actually ingredients out there that are inexpensive compared to procedures you can get done at a doctor’s office or a dermatologist, where you can help your skin to stay healthier longer.  By the way, episode number 15 is one of our most popular podcasts, and it gives you all the information on collagens and what to look for in a clean collagen supplement.


Not only is vitamin C good to put on topically, but taking collagens is extremely beneficial for your skin when you’re taking it in a supplement product.  It’s one of the hottest products in the industry right now, and you really need to be educated on it.  So, I’m just going to put that plug.  You can go back to episode number 15 and hear what we talk about there when it comes to collagens.


Number three, vitamin C serum protects skin from sun damage.  In addition to its anti-aging benefits, topical vitamin C is also great for protecting your skin from damage, especially from the sun’s UV-A and UV-B rays.  That’s because vitamin C is an antioxidant.  It’s a powerful antioxidant when it comes to your skin, so it naturally helps to strengthen your skin and repel things that could damage it.


Of course, topical vitamin C should not be considered an alternative to wearing sunscreen, but when combined with regular sunscreen application, it can really work wonders for your skin.  And I’m just going to put a plug, since we’ve been talking about clean products for your skin, make sure you’re using a sunscreen that is extremely clean.


The research and the reports are showing that toxic sunscreen actually causes cancer, so make sure you’re using a clean product.  It’s like using vitamin C to make your skin healthy and useful, and glowing and young, and then going and putting garbage on your skin for sunscreen is just counterproductive to what you’re trying to do.


Jonathan Hunsaker: Yeah, I mean the argument is still out.  Is it the sun that’s really causing all of that skin cancer or is it the new sunscreen that we’re using and the toxins in it?  And sure, the sun can, with too much of it, so obviously, making sure that you’re not overdoing it.  But consider that yet, everything that you’re putting on your body’s just as important as what you’re putting in your body.


TeriAnn Trevenen: Absolutely.


Jonathan Hunsaker: Number four, reduces undereye circles.  Vitamin C has also been found to help even out skin tone and reduce the appearance of undereye circles.  This is great for those who are tired of trying to conceal the dark circles under their eyes, want to enjoy more youthful, bright, and vibrant appearance, for those of us that don’t get enough sleep, for those of us that show under our eyes, vitamin C serum is wonderful to that.


TeriAnn Trevenen: I always get 10 hours of sleep.


Jonathan Hunsaker: Do you now?


TeriAnn Trevenen: I wish.  Alright, number five, speeds up healing.  Studies have also found that high levels of vitamin C can help to speed up the body’s natural healing process.  This makes it ideal for use on the face and other areas of skin, as it can help to heal small cuts, acne scars, and other blemishes more quickly and effectively.


So, I just want to say, if you’ve had issues with skin, if you’ve had issues with acne, if you’ve had scarring, definitely, vitamin C is something to try and something to use to see what kind of benefits you get from it, a natural way to try and heal those.


Jonathan Hunsaker: Absolutely.  Number six, it reduces skin discoloration.  If you suffer from skin redness or other discoloration of the skin, then a quality vitamin C serum may also be able to help you achieve a more uniform skin tone and better complexion.  Specifically, vitamin C is great for reducing embarrassing redness.  With just a few uses, you may find you have a more even skin tone.  And that’s what makes it interesting, is that it works for all skin tones, right?  And it really just helps smooth it out, it helps balance it out.


TeriAnn Trevenen: This is one of the biggest complaints from women, I think, is discoloration of their skin as they age.  It’s just something that happens, I think, for most women, and this is something that you can use to try and offset that.  I know most women wear makeup because they have discoloration, because they don’t have this even skin tone complexion, all of those things, and vitamin C can really help with that as far as benefits to your skin and having even skin tone and not having that discoloration.


So, number seven, vitamin C keeps skin looking and feeling younger.  No matter what your age, it is always a good idea to be preemptive about avoiding wrinkles, sagging skin, fine lines, and other signs of aging.  You don’t want to wait until you have all of that to try and correct and fix it.  There are things you can be doing now to try and prevent that.


It’s part of the process of aging, it’s a natural part of the process, but you can definitely help your skin in looking younger longer by using something like vitamin C, not only is it stimulating collagen production, but by evening out your skin tone and brightening your complexion as well when you’re using it the vitamin C.


So, it’s combatting wrinkles, it’s producing more collagen, which helps to fight the sagging, it helps to keep your skin more tight and firm, and then that bright skin tone and evening out your complexion, so many benefits there when it comes to looking and feeling younger.


Jonathan Hunsaker: You’re never too young to start using a good vitamin C serum.  I mean if you’re 30 and older, start using it now.  And at the same time, if you’re 50, 55, 60, it’s a great time to use it.  I mean there’s benefits across the board, and if you’re using a clean product, it’s just going to help across the entire spectrum.


TeriAnn Trevenen: Absolutely.


Jonathan Hunsaker: Number eight, improves hydration and moisture.  If you suffer from dry skin, vitamin C is a must.  This is especially true if you have tried using moisturizers and creams in the past only to find that your skin is still dry and flaky.  With topical vitamin C products, you can enjoy the high concentration of vitamins that your body truly needs to improve moisture content and overall hydration.


This is interesting for me, since doing the last two podcasts, because I use a lotion every day, and I have for quite a while.  And I will admit it on the podcast, I use Suave, and then after going through and seeing what the toxins are and the cleanliness and all of that, it was like it was a big eye-opener to go and check myself on what do I use.


And so, I stopped using all that to start using the vitamin C.  Doing the research around the vitamin C serum is realizing that using a lotion is likely drying out my skin even more, and it’s making me have to use it chronically, and having to use it day after day, where I’m just now starting to see the effects of the vitamin C serum, not feeling like I need it on my face as often and feeling like I’m actually producing the hydration and getting the hydration that my skin needs.


TeriAnn Trevenen: Yeah.  And let me say just a couple things on that really quickly.  So, I know we’re talking about vitamin C today, but we talked again last week about all of the ingredients that are in your skincare products that are toxic and poison to your skin, to your body, and I think lotion is probably one of the biggest places where you’re getting that nasty benefit of a product that’s really not benefiting you.


We talked about how the ingredients in lotion are causing acne scarring, dry skin, and beyond, and it’s actually having a reverse effect on your skin to what you think it’s doing for your skin.  And so, vitamin C is a great substitute for that, and also, just the toxins that are getting into your body through that lotion that you don’t want in your system.  So, vitamin C is a great thing to swap out when it comes to using your lotion every day.


Number nine, vitamin C creates brighter, healthier skin.  In addition to improving your skin’s overall complexion, vitamin C can brighten otherwise dull skin, which is awesome, right, because a lot—again, a lot of people, especially women, are wearing makeup to cover up dull skin, uneven skin complexion, and I think if women had a brighter, more even skin tone, they’d wear a lot less makeup.


And so, it’s allowing your skin to look healthier, more vibrant.  Strong concentrations of the vitamin leave the skin looking and feeling replenished and revitalized, which who doesn’t want that?  Everybody wants that.  It’s such a beautiful thing to have skin that is glowing and pretty.


Jonathan Hunsaker: I do.  I’m raising my hands over here.


TeriAnn Trevenen: Awesome.  I love it.


Jonathan Hunsaker: Number ten, reduces inflammation.  It’s also been found that vitamin C, in high enough concentrations, has inflammation-reducing qualities.  This is ideal for people who tend to wake up in the morning with unsightly puffiness around the eyes or other areas of the skin and face.  A little bit of vitamin C can go a long way here.


And if you’re waking up with the puffiness, too, I mean consider what your hydration the night before, are you detoxing enough, are you eating healthy enough, are there other things that are causing that inflammation?


TeriAnn Trevenen: What food are you putting into your body?


Jonathan Hunsaker: But the reality is, is we’re not all perfect.  Not every day’s going to be a perfect eating day.  And so, if you wake up that morning and you’ve got a meeting, you’ve got a presentation, you’ve got something a little puffy, vitamin C is a definite go-to, to put on your face on those mornings.


TeriAnn Trevenen: Absolutely.  So, 10 amazing benefits to vitamin C serum, but we have a bonus benefit, because who doesn’t like an extra bonus?  Vitamin C speeds up healing of sunburns.  So, in addition to protecting your skin from sun damage, which we talked about earlier, vitamin C can also be effective in helping to speed up the healing of sunburns.


Apply some after you’ve had a sunburn and the vitamins will help to promote faster healing so you can get rid of redness and find relief from the itching, burning, and other symptoms associated with sunburn.  I mean overall, you shouldn’t be getting a sunburn.  It’s so bad for your skin, such a bad thing to get a sunburn, and you don’t want all the negative effects of that.


But if you do find yourself with a sunburn, you can try using vitamin C to help heal it faster and to help your skin to heal in a way where it’s not going to age as much from that sunburn, which is a huge negative effect from getting sunburns, is it ages your skin faster, gives you sun spots, discoloration, uneven skin tones.  Yeah, it just—really, you should avoid sunburn.  But if you find yourself with one, try vitamin C and see what it can do for your skin and the healing process.


Jonathan Hunsaker: Absolutely.  So, I know those of you listening are probably now going to ask the question, like “Where do you go to get a good vitamin C serum?”  “Jon, TeriAnn, what do I do next?”  I’ll answer that for you.  The reason that we went down this rabbit hole is because we got a lot of emails asking about skincare, and just like supplements, once we started investigating, the truth was disturbing.


And so, we felt inspired to go down that rabbit hole as far as we could and actually create our own vitamin C serum that followed all of our guidelines.  We made sure that it was—had zero preservatives, has more vitamin C, and a clean, organic vitamin C than anything else out on the market.  Hyaluronic acid.


It has amazing ingredients inside of our vitamin C serum that you’re not going to find anywhere else.  I don’t want this to feel like a plug podcast, so just to go  You can click on the links there, and there will probably be at as well, to go check it out.  But we did this because of the high demand for something clean, something to put on your skin.  And so, we went out and created it ourselves.


TeriAnn Trevenen: Absolutely.  Even some of the products that are out there saying that they’re the cleanest products on the market, you have to be looking at things as far as ingredient formulation, what’s in the product, preservatives and beyond, some of the very things we’ve talked about today.  And so, as we go down this road, we’ll continue to educate you more.


And today, we just wanted to talk about something that can help benefit your skin and help you when it comes to aging as far as how your skin looks and how it ages.  So, next week, we’ll be excited to talk a little bit more about our vitamin C serum and why it’s so important and give you more information on what ingredients we use and why we use them.


Jonathan Hunsaker: And as always, we create this podcast, we write the articles to share the information with you so that you’re educated.  Whether you buy Organixx products or not, that’s your decision, but at least you’re educated enough when you go to the drugstore, when you go to your grocery store, when you go wherever you buy your supplements or skincare, at least you know what you’re looking for, right?


If it’s Organixx, wonderful.  If it’s not, I hope you’re still getting clean, organic products, because it is going to make a world of difference in your health, in your body, your happiness and overall quality of life, in my opinion.


TeriAnn Trevenen: Absolutely.


Jonathan Hunsaker: So, thank you everybody for listening.  As always, for all of the amazing show notes.  We just heard that we have some of the best show notes in the industry.  So, if you haven’t seen them, go to, check out our show notes.


You can get the transcripts, links to anything that we’ve referenced.  If you want to watch this again on video, we’re always there ready for you.  And like us, subscribe on iTunes and on Spotify.  The more that you like us and subscribe and give us positive feedback and five-star reviews.  The more that those companies show us as a recommended resource to others listening to similar podcasts, the more that we’re shared as a recommended resource, the more people can be educated on the efficacy of clean organic living, which we truly feel education is the number one key, it’s why we do this.


The more people that we educate, the more we can actually create the change that we want to see in this world.  So, with all that said, thank you, TeriAnn.  Thank you, those at home, for listening.  And we’ll see you on the next podcast.


TeriAnn Trevenen: Have a great day, everyone.



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