The Magic of Mushrooms – Episode

Last week we learned about telomeres and their impact on aging. This week we dive into mushrooms and their impact on our immunity and anti-aging crusade. You may be surprised at the healing and restorative benefits of mushrooms. We were!

Mushrooms are magical! We’ve talked about the amazing benefits of mushrooms before but today we dive deeper into the top 7 mushrooms that support our health. Listen in to learn how chaga, turkey tail, shitake, maitake, cordyceps, lion’s mane, and reishi mushrooms work hard to keep us healthy and our immune systems strong.


Empowering You Organically – Season 7 – Episode 47
The Magic of Mushrooms
Hosts: Jonathan Hunsaker, TeriAnn Trevenen
Guest: None
Description: Mushrooms are magical! We’ve talked about the amazing benefits of mushrooms before but today we dive deeper into the top 7 mushrooms that support our health. Listen in to learn how chaga, turkey tail, shitake, maitake, cordyceps, lion’s mane, and reishi mushrooms work hard to keep us healthy and our immune systems strong.

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Powerful Nutritional Mushrooms, Fermented For Maximum Bioavailability for Powerful Immune System Support

  • POWERFUL IMMUNE SUPPORT:Using centuries-old knowledge of the power of beneficial mushrooms and our breakthrough formulation process, we’ve created a supplement packed with immune- boosting benefits!
  • PROMOTE HEART & LIVER HEALTH:Patented fermented mushroom extracts help keep your heart healthy and live brown seaweed extracts helps support healthy liver function.
  • MAXIMUM BIOAVAILABILITY:Through our unique fermentation process, we’ve created a breakthrough formulation for maximum bioavailability.
  • CERTIFIED ORGANIC:We only use the purest ingredients found on earth and our 7 Mushrooms is made with organic ingredients that are free from artificial flavors, preservatives, colors, yeast, soy protein, sodium, starch and are non-GMO.


What Mushrooms Are In 7 Mushrooms?
Turkey tail, chaga, shiitake, maitake, cordyceps, lion’s mane, and reishi.


  • Chaga has been used for centuries, primarily in the East. It’s known for its immune support and soothing properties.
  • Many traditional healers have used it as a soothing tea for a powerful and natural digestive support.
  • It’s also shown the potential to help maintain healthy blood pressure levels that are already within the normal range.
  • Chaga also has very powerful antioxidant properties that make it a powerhouse on its own.


  • Cordyceps have been shown to help regulate a healthy immune system.
  • They’re also strong inflammation fighters.
  • Cordyceps were at one time so highly-valued that it was only allowed to be consumed by the Emperor of China, who lived 100+ years, and still fathered children into his 100s.
  • Also known for the ability to support sexual health and athletic ability, Cordyceps have been the most sought-after nutritional mushroom in the Orient.

Lion’s Mane

  • Lion’s Mane is known to support brain health, boost cognitive function, and aid against age-related memory loss.
  • It also helps maintain mental focus and function, as well as promoting healthy digestive function through its powerful regulation of bacteria.

Turkey Tail

  • It’s considered one of the best-researched mushrooms on Earth.
  • Its benefits are just as strong as other nutritional mushrooms, such as Reishi, Cordyceps, and Maitake.
  • It contains powerful antioxidant nutrients and high levels of selenium, vitamin D, and vitamin B3, which are crucial for boosting and maintaining immunity.
  • Turkey Tail is so effective, we’ve put it in several of our supplements.


  • The benefits of Shiitake mushrooms for your immune system are some of the most well-documented for any type of nutritional mushroom.
  • Perhaps its greatest influence is in the activity of the tiny cells responsible for protecting your immune system from inflammation.
  • A recent four-week study showed that daily use of Shiitake mushrooms boosted the immune response in young adults. They have the potential to keep your immune cells protected from inflammation and the signs of aging.


    • Lentinan is a polysaccharide extracted from the fruit body of the Shiitake. So, deep within the Shiitake mushroom is Lentinan.
    • Lab studies show that not only is Lentinan effective at supporting a healthy immune system, but it also has cholesterol-lowering properties.


  • Lab studies show that this nutrient-rich wild mushroom is not only effective at supporting a healthy immune system.
  • It can also help regulate blood pressure
  • Support healthy blood sugar
  • Fight off abnormal cell growth
  • Maintain healthy inflammation… and much more! It’s no wonder many cultures around the world use the magical maitake mushroom as a powerful healing tonic and medicinal food.


  • Nicknamed the “Mushroom of Immortality.” It’s not hard to see why Reishi mushrooms have been used in natural health remedies for hundreds of years.
  • It seems every year, science uncovers new uses for this wonder nutrient.
  • It may be thanks to the complex compounds found in Reishi mushrooms that help regulate and support an aging immune system, reduce inflammation, and assist in healthy heart function.

Why Take 7 Mushrooms?

  • You’re going to have a hard time going to the grocery store and picking out all these mushrooms and getting them into your diet.
  • And not only that, but you can buy a lot of these different mushroom products individually, in their own capsule form, in a bottle, and pay $50 for each one in a bottle, or you can get all of these wrapped into one product, a blend of all of these mushrooms that work synergistically together.
  • The reason why I think this product is so powerful and mushrooms are so powerful, our immune system, and we also talked a lot about the gut and the bacteria and the gut health, all of it supports our overall health, not only from the physical perspective, but our emotional perspective.

What Is the Aging Process?

  • It’s all of the functions and systems in our body slowing down, shutting down in a sense, going slower, slower, slower, slower, to the point where you’re just not as healthy as you once were.
  • •But we’re seeing through the research, we’ve talked about today in this podcast, in the last podcast, that we actually can do things to keep ourselves healthier longer.

Supplements Jonathan Recommends Everyone Take



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Episode 47 – The Magic of Mushrooms

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Episode 47 – The Magic of Mushrooms

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Jonathan Hunsaker: Welcome, everyone, to another episode of Empowering You Organically. I’m your host, Jonathan Hunsaker, joined by my cohost, TeriAnn Trevenen.

TeriAnn Trevenen: Hey, everyone.

Jonathan Hunsaker: Today, we’re going to do another quick podcast, again, by popular demand from you, where we’re going to talk more about mushrooms, and we’re going to talk specifically about the mushrooms that are in our 7M+ supplement [now 7 Mushrooms]. We’ve received a lot of questions about it and people asking for more clarity, and really wanting to understand what are all the benefits of the mushrooms that are in our 7M+ [now 7 Mushrooms] and why is it so effective. What’s really interesting is we get a lot of emails that just say, “Hey, this has changed this,” or “This has changed that and my life is amazing. Why? Can you tell me exactly why?” And so, we’re going to break it down a little bit more for you here in this quick podcast.

TeriAnn Trevenen: Yeah, and last week, we talked about telomeres and aging. We talked about how mushrooms really benefit your health as far as anti-aging and not aging as quickly. They’re very powerful when it comes to that. But today, we’re actually going to dive into the seven mushrooms that are in our 7M+ [now 7 Mushrooms] and talk about each of the benefits of those mushrooms, the most important benefits of each of those mushrooms when it comes to your health.

So, we’re going to kick it off today and talk about the Chaga mushroom. So, Chaga has been used for centuries, primarily in the East. It’s known for its immune support and soothing properties. Many traditional healers have used it as a soothing tea for a powerful and natural digestive support. It’s also shown the potential to help maintain healthy blood pressure levels that are already within the normal range. Chaga also has very powerful antioxidant properties that make it a powerhouse on its own.

Last week on the podcast, we talked about antioxidants and how important they are in slowing down the aging process. So, you’ll see with the Chaga, it’s really important when it comes to the antioxidant properties and supporting graceful aging, if you will, natural digestive support, healthy blood pressure level, and it has immune support benefits as well.

Jonathan Hunsaker: Yeah. Let’s move onto the next one. The next mushroom is Cordyceps. Cordyceps have been shown to help regulate a healthy immune system. They’re also strong inflammation fighters. Cordyceps were at one time so highly-valued that it was only allowed to be consumed by the Emperor of China, who lived 100+ years, and still fathered children into his 100s. Interesting facts that we share on this podcast sometimes. Also known for the ability to support sexual health and athletic ability. Cordyceps have been the most sought-after nutritional mushroom in the Orient.

Cordyceps are interesting. I mean and we—it’s why we’ve included it in our 7M+ [now 7 Mushrooms]. I also, in my health journey, started going to the gym a lot more, and I’m lifting a lot more. I take our 7M+ [now 7 Mushrooms], but I also take a separate Cordyceps supplement as well, just to really help my body be able to repair, be able to perform at its optimum. So, Cordyceps are phenomenal mushrooms.

TeriAnn Trevenen: Yeah. Well, and our body needs to repair and heal in a lot of different ways. And so, Cordyceps can benefit you from that aspect.

Lion’s Mane is the next mushroom, one of the more interesting mushrooms coming from the ancient East. Lion’s Mane is known to support brain health, boost cognitive function, and aid against age-related memory loss. It also helps maintain mental focus and function, as well as promoting healthy digestive function through its powerful regulation of bacteria.

So, first of all, let’s just dissect that. Powerful regulation of bacteria is so important. We’re learning more and more about our gut health and our microbiome, and it’s so critical that we have healthy bacteria, we have enzymes in our diet. We talk a lot about probiotics and things like that, that help aid in all that. Lion’s Mane helps to regulate the bacteria in your body, which is super critical and important when it comes to immune health, when it comes to gut health, which are all tied together.

And we’re learning more and more that the gut is the center of our health in our body. It just regulates and controls so many things that come to our—come into play when it comes to our health. So, that’s really important, when it comes to Lion’s Mane.

But even more importantly, it talks about—we’re talking about brain health. And we’re seeing this trend with brain health, where we—our health is impacting our long-term function of our brain. So, being able to focus, keep our memory long-term, just all of the cognitive function that goes on in our brain, all those things that we need to think clearly, to have that healthy brain function throughout our life.

We’re seeing a lot of issues coming into play with Alzheimer’s and dementia, and what we’re learning, and we’ve even talked about this in podcasts prior to this one, is that we can actually do things to benefit our brain health. We don’t just have to succumb to this belief that Alzheimer’s and dementia are happening to everyone. [0:05:02]

We can actually have things in our nutrition, in our daily nutrition, through supplementation, through our health, that benefit our long-term brain health, and Lion’s Mane is one of those, and it’s why we have that in our 7M+ [now 7 Mushrooms]. It’s so powerful when it comes to our overall brain health.

Jonathan Hunsaker: Absolutely. I mean in the bio-hacker community, right, nootropics are a big thing. And a nootropic is really anything that’s going to stimulate the brain, your brain function. Caffeine is considered a nootropic. Believe it or not, nicotine is considered a nootropic. There are all these different things, and trust me, I’m not saying to consume nicotine, but—or to use it in any way, but there are all these different nootropics that really help our brain function better.

And Lion’s Mane is phenomenal for that. So, I would—yeah, I would highly recommend it. If you’re looking to improve your brain health, if you’re looking to be sharper, to be faster, and also, to help your brain from deteriorating, so to speak, to make sure you’re having Lion’s Mane tea, Lion’s Mane something, or take some 7M+ [now 7 Mushrooms] and get your Lion’s Mane that way.

TeriAnn Trevenen: Absolutely.

Jonathan Hunsaker: The next mushroom, we could not have a mushroom blend without it. It is Turkey Tail. It’s considered one of the best-researched mushrooms on Earth. Its benefits are just as strong as other nutritional mushrooms, such as Reishi, Cordyceps, and Maitake. It contains powerful antioxidant nutrients and high levels of selenium, vitamin D, and vitamin B3, which are crucial for boosting and maintaining immunity.

Turkey Tail is so effective, we’ve put it in several of our supplements. We put Turkey Tail in with our 7M+ [now 7 Mushrooms]–I’m sorry, with our Turmeric 3D, obviously, it’s in our 7M+ [now 7 Mushrooms]. It’s just—again, when something is that highly-researched, and we know the benefits of it, we should be consuming it on a daily basis.

TeriAnn Trevenen: Absolutely. The next mushroom is Shiitake. The benefits of Shiitake mushrooms for your immune system are some of the most well-documented for any type of nutritional mushroom. Perhaps its greatest influence is in the activity of the tiny cells responsible for protecting your immune system from inflammation. A recent four-week study showed that daily use of Shiitake mushrooms boosted the immune response in young adults. They have the potential to keep your immune cells protected from inflammation and the signs of aging.

I don’t know if you know this, but we kind of have this running theme of immune system. 7M+ [now 7 Mushrooms] is a powerful, powerful tool when it comes to boosting your immune system. We have all these other properties and benefits that we’re talking about, but you’re going to continue to hear about the immune system and aging, and how mushrooms benefit you from that perspective. It’s why we have so many mushrooms in this product, to boost your immune system and to help with signs of aging.

TeriAnn Trevenen: So, I’m just going to go ahead and do Lentinan as well, because Lentinan and Shiitake are not the same, but they’re connected to one another in the sense that Lentinan is a polysaccharide extracted from the fruit body of the Shiitake. So, deep within the Shiitake mushroom is Lentinan. [0:09:57] Lab studies show that not only is Lentinan effective at supporting a healthy immune system, but it also has cholesterol-lowering properties.

So, Shiitake is the outside, Lentinan’s found deep within it, and they have different properties and benefits that can benefit you, which is why we have both of them in 7M+ [now 7 Mushrooms].

Jonathan Hunsaker: Excellent. Our last mushroom is Reishi. Nicknamed the “Mushroom of Immortality.” It’s not hard to see why Reishi mushrooms have been used in natural health remedies for hundreds of years. It seems every year, science uncovers new uses for this wonder nutrient. It may be thanks to the complex compounds found in Reishi mushrooms that help regulate and support an aging immune system, reduce inflammation, and assist in healthy heart function.

I mean it’s—we have the recurring theme here, as we’re talking about all the different mushrooms. And this is why we made a mushroom blend. This is why we developed 7M+ [now 7 Mushrooms], because all of them are so powerful at supporting a healthy immune system. They’re so powerful at—

And we talked about in the last podcast, about your immune system can be directly related to the length of your telomeres and your aging. And so, how they affect the length of our telomeres, or the reduction of length, or shortening I should say, of our telomeres. A lot of the mushrooms reduce inflammation, which we talked about affects the length of telomeres.

And so, really, I mean you can get all of these different mushrooms on their own and as standalones, but why? Right? Why take 6-7 pills? And that’s why we combined it together. I mean there are very potent, high levels of each of these mushrooms in 7M+ [now 7 Mushrooms], in the daily dose, and you cover all of your bases.

It’s our very first product that we ever launched, in, I want to say February or March of 2016.

TeriAnn Trevenen: January.

Jonathan Hunsaker: Was it January? 2016.

TeriAnn Trevenen: Yep.

Jonathan Hunsaker: And it is always in the top 2 or 3 best sellers ever since. I mean it’s the one that people rant and rave about. It’s the one that we get written in about a lot, like our Turmeric 3D. It’s such a phenomenal supplement.

TeriAnn Trevenen: Well, and I mean you’re going to have a hard time going to the grocery store and picking out all these mushrooms and getting them into your diet. And not only that, but you can buy a lot of these different mushroom products individually, in their own capsule form, in a bottle, and pay $50 for each one in a bottle, or you can get all of these wrapped into one product, a blend of all of these mushrooms that work synergistically together.

We formulated them to do that, and they are so powerful. I love getting feedback on this product. We get powerful, powerful feedback on this product from our customers all the time. And what we hear most often is, “I stopped taking 7M+ [now 7 Mushrooms] for like 2 weeks, and I got super sick, and I wasn’t sick for like 6 or 7 months. Then I stopped taking it, and all of a sudden, I got sick.”

And something I want to point out, from what we talked in our podcast last week, with the aging process and slowing that down, and then also, talking about, in this podcast, all of the benefits of the mushroom. The reason why I think this product is so powerful and mushrooms are so powerful, our immune system, and we also talked a lot about the gut and the bacteria and the gut health, all of it supports our overall health, not only from the physical perspective, but our emotional perspective.

So, mushrooms have all of these benefits, and all of these powerful, powerful benefits that impact our health, and this aging process, thinking about this aging process, reverse aging. What does that really mean?

And to drive this home, not only from the last podcast, but this podcast, if you’re reversing the aging process, if you are slowing down the aging process, it means that your immune system is strong. It means that your body is firing correctly across the board. It’s doing what it’s supposed to do. It’s healing itself; it’s supporting you, it’s being strong, it’s all of those things.

Mushrooms are so powerful because they help our body to heal, repair. They reinforce and strengthen our immune system. They reverse this aging process, and all the things that go with it.

What is the aging process? It’s all of the functions and systems in our body slowing down, shutting down in a sense, going slower, slower, slower, slower, to the point where you’re just not as healthy as you once were.

But we’re seeing through the research, we’ve talked about today in this podcast, in the last podcast, that we actually can do things to keep ourselves healthier, younger. We talked—or longer. We talked about people being in their 80s but having a biological age of 60.

So, it’s interesting. I said in the last podcast, the fountain of youth really isn’t really, but are mushrooms really the fountain of youth for us in keeping ourselves healthier longer, keeping ourselves happier longer, because it’s helping our body to stay strong and healthy throughout our lives? [0:14:59]

This is why 7M+ [now 7 Mushrooms] is such a powerful product. This is why mushrooms are so critical to our overall health and why it’s so important that we have them in our nutrition or through supplementation, and why mushrooms are such a beautiful part of nature and something that we should be consuming on a daily basis.

Jonathan Hunsaker: Absolutely. It’s one of the core supplements in my opinion. People always ask me, “Well, what should I take? What should I take?” Well, everybody’s different, and it’s hard for me to say, “Take this, or take that.” But the three things that I can confidently tell everybody to take is our Multi-Vita-Maxx, our daily multivitamin, our Turmeric 3D, and our 7M+ [now 7 Mushrooms]. Hands down, those are the three bare essentials in my opinion.

TeriAnn Trevenen: Agreed.

Jonathan Hunsaker: And I’m just telling you, from the thousands of emails that have come in, the thousands of reviews, you will feel a difference on 7M+ [now 7 Mushrooms]. It’s—my sister, Katrina, makes our recipes. A lot of you have probably seen her doing that. She loves it. For her kids that are in school, she can tell when she runs out, because everybody starts getting the sniffles, starts getting sick.

You can open up these capsules, you can pour the powder directly into a smoothie, you can pour it into a tea, you can do all kinds of things with it. There’s several ways, rather than having to always swallow a lot of capsules.

I hope that this hasn’t turned into too much of an infomercial podcast.

TeriAnn Trevenen: No, I was going to say, as always, and we say this every time on the podcast, whether you buy our products or not, we’re delivering the information. So, we have a solution for you through 7M+ [now 7 Mushrooms], but guess what? If you’re not into supplements and you’re not into taking the 7M+ [now 7 Mushrooms], at least you know now how mushrooms can benefit and impact your health and you can look at ways to get them into your nutrition plan and get them into your body so that you can be healthier, stronger, happier, throughout your entire life, and reverse that aging process, slow it down so that you can enjoy a long and healthy life.

So, no matter what you get out of this, it’s going to be different for each person, but just know how powerful mushrooms are when it comes to our health and what benefits they can have when it comes to your body.

Jonathan Hunsaker: Absolutely. Thank you, everybody, for listening. If you want to get the transcripts, see the show notes, go to

Please subscribe on iTunes, and you will not miss a single episode.

And check out our 7M+ [now 7 Mushrooms]. I think that you will feel an amazing difference using it for just a couple months.

And quick plug, in case you don’t know, everything that we offer is backed by a one-year moneyback guarantee. And you can send all the bottles back at the end, and we’ll give you a full refund. This is how much we stand behind our products, it’s how much we stand behind our formulations.

It’s why we do this. We’re not just out here trying to sling some supplements. We want you to be healthier. We want you to feel the difference. Some things take a couple months before you feel the difference. And so, why have a 30-day moneyback guarantee when you can’t even use it long enough to feel the difference?

So, try 7M+ [now 7 Mushrooms]. I think you will feel amazing, like all of us do, and like hundreds, if not thousands of others do as well.

Thank you for listening, and we’ll see you on the next podcast.

TeriAnn Trevenen: Thanks, everyone.


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Episode 47 – The Magic of Mushrooms

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