Inspired Health Journey: TeriAnn Trevenen – Episode

TeriAnn shares her Inspired Health Journey with us today. From literally dragging herself throughout the day to feeling better than she has in 10 years. What was her secret? Tune in to find out how severe mono and irate lymph nodes had TeriAnn fearing a cancer diagnosis and how she turned it all around. You don’t want to miss TeriAnn’s Big 3 Tips for a Healthy Life. She helps us all understand how to find mental, emotional, and physical health secrets for ourselves.

Empowering you Organically – Season 4 – Episode 24

Title: Inspired Health Journey: TeriAnn Trevenen

Hosts: Jonathan Hunsaker & TeriAnn Trevenen

Guest: N/A

Description:  TeriAnn shares her Inspired Health Journey with us today. From literally dragging herself throughout the day to feeling better than she has in 10 years. What was her secret? Tune in to find out  how severe mono and irate lymph nodes had TeriAnn fearing a cancer diagnosis and how she turned it all around. You don’t want to miss TeriAnn’s Big 3 Tips for a Healthy Life. She helps us all understand how to find the mental, emotional, and physical health secrets for ourselves.

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TeriAnn Trevenen As CEO of Organixx, TeriAnn ensures the supplements sold are of the highest and purest quality and leads the Organixx team on a daily basis.

  • Single Mom of two.
  • First step into a healthier life was to move to organic foods.
  • Cut way back on gluten, dairy, and sugar.
  • 2017  marked a year of  hard emotional changes.
  • Increased workload and personal stress led to a weakened immune system.
  • Lymph nodes started to swell and become reactive.
  • Diagnosed with a very severe case of mono in 2017. It took her a year to get healthy again.
  • Thermography showed dental and food allergy issues.
  • Natural protocols and an elimination diet to find food allergies causing inflammation brought her to vibrant health.

TeriAnn Became the CEO of Her Own Body

  • Organic Food
  • High Quality, Whole Food Based Supplements
  • Elimination Diet
  • Whole Food  Diet
  • Juicing
  • Exercise
  • Non-Toxic Home Environment
  • Non-Toxic Personal Care Products
  • Constant research and awareness of natural health advancements.

TeriAnn’s Big 3 Tips for a Healthy Life

  • Put yourself first. You can’t serve others unless you serve (take care of) yourself.
  • Be open minded about the concept of natural health. Know your choices.
  • Reach out to like-minded people. Find you community.



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Episode 24 – Inspired Health Journey: TeriAnn Trevenen

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Episode 24 – Inspired Health Journey: TeriAnn Trevenen

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Jonathan: 00:01 Welcome everyone to another episode of Empowering You Organically. This is a very special episode where we’re going to talk about TeriAnn’s journey to health. She has been looking forward to this all week long.

TeriAnn: 00:14 So looking forward to it.

Jonathan: 00:14 TeriAnn thanks for being here, and we’ve talked a lot that everybody is on their own journey to health, and that’s what a lot of life is. It’s just a journey. I know that you had a very unique journey to health and you had some challenges that came along. I’d just love for you to share like when did it all start? When did being healthy start being a conscious choice for you?

TeriAnn: 00:40 Yeah, it’s a good question. I think it really started for me over the last four years, but I think that I thought I was healthy before that. You know we hear mainstream media and conventional medicine doctors talking about certain things around health, and we think, “Oh we’re being so healthy.” That’s not to say that conventional medicine isn’t accurate or there are things about it that are really good. Just some of the things that I thought were healthy that I know different now and things that I did around my body that I thought were healthy but I know different now. If you would have asked me four years ago and before that about pharmaceuticals and supplements and different things like that, I would have just spouted off answers that I heard in the mainstream that just aren’t accurate. I have very different belief systems around health now because of my journey.

TeriAnn: 01:33 About four years ago I started working for the Truth About Cancer in customer support. It was a random fluke that it happened. I was helping out a friend and at the time was working in education and writing a book around education. Had no idea what I was getting myself into. I ended up watching the Truth About Cancer doc series that you and Ty created together. Initially when I watched it I was like, “These people are nuts. What are they talking about? What is all of this? Do they even know what they are doing?” I had had an aunt who had, had cancer growing up. She actually ended up dying from it. She had melanoma.

TeriAnn: 02:15 I remember when she went through it, she did a lot of conventional, but she also did a lot of natural treatments as well, which looking back now was very interesting to me. Yeah, I remember watching the doc series and hearing some of the things and then being like, “What is this? What are they talking about? Nobody talks about this stuff. This is crazy.” Like the word organic I was like, “Yeah, this is nuts.” Fast forward to now, my life is vastly different. I believe things around health that I would have never imagined before. Worked my way up in the company for the Truth About Cancer. I absolutely loved what they did and loved the mission after being converted to it and changing things in my life. Starting to work with customers and hearing what they were saying. Hearing that their lives were being saved and changed, was changing the way they looked at health, believed in health. That was really what changed me and made me think like, “Maybe I’m the one that’s not right. Maybe I’m wrong,” because of what I was hearing from people.

TeriAnn: 03:26 Like I was getting on the phone with people every day and hearing stories about people’s lives being saved. Hearing about how, “I went through this or I went through that and this information changed my life.” When you hear that so many times over and over and over again, you can’t help but ask yourself, what do I not know? What I’m I missing here? I became very passionate about that movement and it became a huge part of my life. It’s changed my entire life, not only professionally but personally. I put everything I had, other than my kids and what I give to them, I put everything I had into that mission. I really believed what it could do for people’s health, and it was just eye opening for me.

Jonathan: 04:15 It was an amazing time, right? I mean things were moving so fast, we were changing lives. We were saving lives. It’s very interesting and for those that don’t know, I mean you were with the company about two years before you became the CEO of the Truth About Cancer and also the CEO of Organixx. It wasn’t just a journey of doing customer support and that’s where you were. I mean everything in your life had changed, right?

TeriAnn: 04:45 Yeah.

Jonathan: 04:45 You were going to front, you were learning more about business and just climbing the ranks. I think it was an amazing time for everybody, and it changed a lot of lives. What are some of the first things that you started to change health wise as you were learning more and started to implement it into your life? What were some of the first things you started doing?

TeriAnn: 05:11 Eating organic for sure was the first thing I changed. I still get crap from my family about that all the time. I know some of them are going to listen to this, and I’m just going to flat out say, I get crap all the time from my family. They make fun of me nonstop, and I just take it. I love them and nothing bad about my family. It’s funny because it’s taken some time for them to be okay with the concept to the point where they’re not just making fun of me. Like sometimes they’ll buy things, they’re like, “Look, it’s organic.” I do like really appreciate it. It means a lot to me, but I do truly believe that the majority of the food on our shelves now is not real food. We’re literally eating toxins and garbage. It is not nutrition.

Jonathan: 05:53 The food like substance?

TeriAnn: 05:55 Yeah. It’s literally something like in one of those super hero movies where they make these crazy human things or whatever and they’re not real, but they look real. That’s what our food is. It’s like a transformed version of food that’s killing you. People really don’t understand that. They do not understand that pesticides and toxic materials are being used in what we’re growing. That people are creating fake versions of food and making Oreos and Bonbons and Twinkies and all these things that people eat. Even some of the food that’s healthy on the shelves, healthy in quotations is not real food.

TeriAnn: 06:41 At the time I started growing a garden. I bought all organic. I cut out a lot of sugar, dairy, gluten. I shouldn’t feel like that’s what my body needed, and so food was the first thing that was a big change in my life, and a big shift. Let me tell you, it is one of the biggest shifts you can make because organic food is extremely expensive. Cooking organic, especially even four years ago what you can get organic then versus now has changed dramatically. I remember when I first started shopping in the grocery store for organic food it was so hard to find. I mean this is just four years ago.

TeriAnn: 07:25 Now and I actually really attribute the success of that to Costco, I really do. First to small stores who are putting organic foods and supplements and things in their stores. I mean that was the first big movement. Then I remember I loved to shop at Costco and all of a sudden I started seeing all these organic things coming out at Costco. A store with that kind of power changes the way everyone does everything. From the moment they started putting everything organic in Costco it made it more affordable for people. It’s still more expensive, don’t get me wrong, but then you started seeing …

Jonathan: 08:01 It’s starting to lower the gap right?

TeriAnn: 08:03 Oh for sure.

Jonathan: 08:04 The more the other people, you guys probably see memes and see different things about it where you vote with your dollar. You really do. The more that we all spend that little bit extra on organic, the more organic farmers there will be, which will drive the price of organic down to make it more available to more people. I’m with you. I mean companies like Costco and others that are larger companies that get behind it, it’s helping make it more affordable.

TeriAnn: 08:33 For sure. It just validated what I was doing as I saw it go into more and more stores and became a bigger and bigger thing. One of the interviews that really changed my life and made me do that was with Jeffery Smith. I mean he is the expert, and he is the pioneer and the trailblazer in bringing awareness to GMOs. I mean even some of the legal cases that have happened recently around GMOs in Minnesota, you can point back directly to him and thank him for that. Thank him for the way he’s changing the world and his interview changed my life. Like I really listened into that and I was like, I need to change what I’m doing with my food. It mattered because I had kids and I had a family. I was like, what I’m feeding them matters. It impacts our emotional, mental and physical wellbeing. I mean food was a huge game changer and it was a hard thing to change. It was a very hard thing to change.

Jonathan: 09:27 Absolutely. You know it’s interesting you talk about you get crap from your family or things like that. Just think about our parents’ generation or our grandparents and they’re like, “We didn’t have organic, we didn’t need organic because it wasn’t being sprayed with a ton of pesticides back then.” There weren’t genetically modified plants at that time. Everything that you were eating as a kid was organic. In turn talking about my mom’s generation, my grandparents generation, so it’s like they see organic. Now they’re like, “Well why do we need that?” Well that’s just what you ate regularly and look at how much healthier that generation was weight wise in my opinion.

TeriAnn: 10:04 Let me say one more thing too on the food thing. At the time that I changed organic, as a family we were very poor. I mean poverty truly and that was when I was just getting into my professional career I was going to school, I had kids. We did not have hardly any money.

Jonathan: 10:24 When you were working customer support for the Truth About Cancer it was …

TeriAnn: 10:26 Yeah and everything was so, I paid my way through school, it was so tight. To make that shift organic, like I think this is going to resonate with a lot of people, I budgeted my life to afford healthy food for my family. I realized that I was either going to spend money keeping my family healthy or spend money trying to get them well. I realized at that time, that shifted my health, that shifted my thinking, I would rather spend money on really good quality food for my family than anything else. I can tell you without a doubt that it changed my family, how healthy we were, how it impacted our life, our wellbeing. It’s not easy to make that shift. It’s expensive to go organic. It’s expensive to buy foods like meat and vegetables and produce and all of those things. It’s easier to just go buy a dollar box of this here and here and here. That was me before organic and changing how I ate. I can tell you right now, it was so worth it. It was the best sacrifice I could have made for my family financially.

Jonathan: 11:32 I think that’s a lot of times the feedback that you get is, “Well I’m on a budget or I can’t spend on this or I can’t spend on that.” It’s true, you may not be able to get everything right away organic. You may not be able to make that shift, but making small changes. If you start eating a certain type of food just your meats, start getting your meats more organic and antibiotic free, is going to make a difference. You may not be able to change everything at once, but it’s also about priorities.

Jonathan: 12:03 You hear people all the time saying, “Well I don’t have time to do this. I don’t have time to do that.” Yeah you do. You’ve got plenty of time to do it, you just haven’t made it a priority. It’s the same thing when it comes to your food. Are you going to Starbucks every day and buying a $5 latte? Well, consider not doing that and put that $5 towards the piggy bank of buying organic food. What are the other things that are being purchased that you may make a pivot? I get it.

Jonathan: 12:30 Listen, I mean there is some delicious tasting food-like substances out there too. Twinkies and Starbucks and things like that, that are cheap. I have to encourage, the more that we all spend on organic, the cheaper organic will become.

TeriAnn: 12:46 Yeah, that’s so true. Yeah, and you know what, I grew with that wholeheartedly, and I’m living proof that you can be on a very tight income, and you can make it work. It’s possible and it’s essential. The healthy you are the more you can provide for your family. It’s going from a scarcity mindset to an abundance mindset. That’s not easy to do when you’re in the thick of it and you have all these things against you. I think it’s weird to say this, but I think changing to organic food and having more of an abundance mindset and giving back to our bodies and giving back to ourselves is what allowed me to be more successful down the road.

Jonathan: 13:23 Absolutely. You’re getting toxins out of your body, toxins that affect the way you think, how alert you are. Are you more tired because you’re filling yourself with junk and sugar and all of that? Are you able to operate at a higher speed, a higher capacity? Absolutely, all day long. Listen, I’ve never met somebody that’s worked harder than you or that works harder than you.

TeriAnn: 13:47 Thank you.

Jonathan: 13:48 The amounts of energy that you put in to the businesses then and now is phenomenon and being a mother of two. Something definitely happened there, whether it was just going organic or what, you’re definitely working your tail off to make it all happen. You switch to organic, started feeling healthier. What happened next? Did you start adding any exercise in yet? What was the next …?

TeriAnn: 14:16 Exercise has been a bigger thing for me in the last two years. I believed in being healthy, getting off the couch, not sitting around and watching TV all day. The next big thing for me was supplementation for sure. I mean I had started supplementing before Organixx even became a thing. Then Organixx became a thing and that’s another place where it’s like I’ve grown exponentially as a person to understand what supplementation really is and how it impacts you, deficiency in your body and what you need in your body. Understanding what clean supplements are, like that’s been another journey of health for me. In growing a business and loving that business and loving what we did there and changing people’s lives it also changed me.

TeriAnn: 14:59 I think food was first and that came with the Truth About Cancer. I think food is one of the most critical and most essential elements of our health and our lives. What works for one person doesn’t work for another person. It’s different for everyone and then supplementation came and that was a game changer for me. I definitely felt my health improve and I felt better than I felt in a long time, especially once we started developing and creating supplements that were really clean and that people could trust. Putting that into your body just makes a huge impact in how you function and how your overall health or just how healthy overall I should say.

Jonathan: 15:41 Yeah, and we have a little advantage right, because running the supplement company, owning the supplement company we’re allowed to have a lot of input for what do we want in the supplements and how do we want to create them. That is a slight advantage that we have. The good news is we made things only that had to be good for our standards, which made them higher than anybody else’s out there and makes it great for everybody else.

TeriAnn: 16:06 Yeah. Well and I think something that will really help people understand our supplement line too is, when we started with the Truth About Cancer and people started asking what do you do for this, what do you do for that? How do you find good sources of this and this, I mean they just wanted answers to everything for natural health. Then the supplement line was born out of that. We created supplements that were really impactful in a sense that it was like blends and multiple benefits in one product. Really treated specific things in the body that everyone deals with, so inflammation, gut health, all of those things.

TeriAnn: 16:46 When you start taking supplementation for the most essential elements of your health and things that your body really needs, things that all of us are deficient in, or all of us struggle with. That’s not every single person, but the majority, that’s where our supplement line comes from. Imagine where I hadn’t done supplementation before I kind of started playing with it before even Organixx was born and then Organixx happened. I mean I went from feeling really good to like really, really good, because I was getting things that I just needed in my body that I hadn’t been getting before.

Jonathan: 17:22 First you went all organic, then you started adding supplements and you started feeling really good. Then you had a pretty big scare and you had some challenges with your health. Please share.

TeriAnn: 17:36 Yeah. I went through some very stressful things in my life about two years in to working with the Truth About Cancer. This was about two years ago, I had a lot of family trauma. I had a lot of personal trauma. I was running companies, which is a lot of work. I loved it and it’s what’s really fueled me and been a passion for me now for four years. I absolutely love it and I’ve spent hours and hours growing businesses and learning about business and I’ve had to take a lot of time out of the business to understand business, especially in the internet marketing space. It just all took a toll, it took a huge toll.

TeriAnn: 18:18 I went through a divorce and that was really, really hard. Just all the things that go around that. There was a lot of stress and there was a lot of pressure. I was still eating organic and I was still trying to be relatively healthy. We don’t talk about enough with health is that your emotional wellbeing directly impacts your health. It’s so critical, getting enough sleep, being emotionally well, being emotionally balanced. I can look back on the last two years and it’s been a journey back to my emotional wellbeing and health. As I got more and more stressed and I was taking more and more on, there was more pressure and I was trying to juggle all these balls, I started feeling really, really sick. Like when I would explain it to people, I felt crazy. I was like, people think I’m insane. They think I’m that person, like the hypochondriac, like just what is she talking about? I was so tired.

TeriAnn: 19:19 I would get up in the morning, even if I would sleep seven hours, I would get up in the morning and I’d be like, I want to go back to bed. It wasn’t a normal like I’m just a tired mom and I’m working, I’m so tired. It was like I could literally go back to bed and sleep for seven hours. I’m so tired. By halfway through the day, I felt like I couldn’t keep going. The energy was just gone and it impacted me emotionally. When you’re that tired, you just can’t think straight. You’re just stressed and then also another symptom of what was going on with me was my lymph nodes. They started getting really inflamed in my neck, under my arms, sometimes like different places and my legs would feel really weird. Around like my hip area was really inflamed and I started getting really worried. I could feel them. I could feel my lymph nodes. It was like, you know when you’re kind of thinking you’re a little bit crazy, I was like I’m not going to the doctor. I’m crazy, I just need to sleep more, I’m stressed. It’s okay.

TeriAnn: 20:21 It finally got to the point that it was happening every day that I would wake up and I was hurting. I was tired, my lymph nodes were inflamed. I was talking with some really close friends about it, I was so worried. I was having a hard time sleeping, but then I wake up and like I was so tired. Then I tried to take naps and I couldn’t sleep. Everything was just so out of whack and I was still trying to maintain supplementation and eating organic, and just nothing, there was nothing that was helping it. I started throwing around the word like cancer, lymph nodes. Lymph nodes are a sign that tell us that something’s wrong with our body, but they were so big and so inflamed. I was like I’m really worried.

TeriAnn: 21:03 I went to the doctor and she started checking me and feeling my lymph nodes and she’s like, “Your lymph nodes are huge.” I was like, “Yeah I know.” It’s like tell me something I don’t know. I was like, “I know they are huge.” We were going through all the stuff, what’s going on here and we just couldn’t figure out exactly what it was. We did blood work and sent it off for testing. Did the full work up and I waited for about a week and finally she called me back. I had mono and it doesn’t sound that bad, but she called me on the phone and she’s like, “I think this is probably one of those worst case of mono I’ve ever seen. Like with your lymph nodes being so inflamed and you’re so tired,” she’s like, “it can wipe you out.” She’s like, “It can actually get really dangerous if you don’t take care of it and take care of your body.” I was like, “Mono, isn’t that the little kid kissing disease, like what is this? How do I have this?” She’s like, “It actually can get pretty severe and if you’re already beaten down, you’re already worn down, you’re already stressed, it can be really, really bad. Really bad until the point where you can’t even function.”

TeriAnn: 22:07 She’s like, “If you don’t take care of it, it can get worse.” I was obviously grateful to hear that it was mono and not cancer, but it just tells the story of like our bodies and our health are so critical. I could not function at the time and it was so, so hard. It really scared me and I was trying everything I could do to get healthy. After finding out that was what had happened, I actually reached out to you, to Ty and to some people that we worked with and asked like what can I do for this? It’s so bad. I ended up getting thermography done, which was a life changing experience for me. I had never had it done before and I did full body thermography. The woman who read my results actually found other issues that were going on in my body, like food allergies that I didn’t know about that were also causing my inflammation and making it 10 times worse. Which is probably why my lymph nodes were so big, even though that’s a symptom of mono. Then one of the individuals that we worked with Dr. Robert Scott Bell prescribed some naturopathic remedies. To me I took [inaudible 00:23:21].

TeriAnn: 23:22 There’s a boy on a product that I took and I can’t remember the name right now and then liquid silver. Liquid colloidal silver. These are things I’d never taken before and so I was kind of like, is this going to work? I started taking those everyday multiple times a day. Sleeping a lot, still eating healthy and I started supplementing with other things too. I upped my intake of Turmeric 3D and just a few other things I talked to some other doctors that we worked with about as well. After a very long year of being very, very sick, it took me about six months to get healthy again. After six months I got back to being healthy again. Again, a lot of people are going to hear like, “Mono, that’s not that bad.’ It was horrible.

Jonathan: 24:09 How long do you feel like you had that?

TeriAnn: 24:12 Really severe, like being really, really sick with it?

Jonathan: 24:15 Yeah.

TeriAnn: 24:15 I think I had mono for about a year. I think it got really bad for six months. Then it took six months to get well again, and there were days I was so sick and I hurt so bad. I was so afraid not knowing before what it was that I would just cry, like how can I get better? I’m doing everything I can. Then there were days after being diagnosed that were still really hard too, being diagnosed with the mono. Yeah, I turned to natural medicine to get better. It’s the only thing that worked for me, and so eating healthy. I started exercising after about a month or two of really resting my body, I started exercising again. That also contributed to me getting better. I had to be smart about it, but my body needed that. Again it was ready. Doing all of the natural remedies, eating healthy and then the exercise just pushed my body back into health, but it was a long journey. My body was really, really deficient in some things and really struggling. It takes time to heal a sick body.

Jonathan: 25:14 Give me an idea because all of us have experienced different health challenges throughout our lives. What was the pain level on a day to day basis of your lymph nodes? On a scale of one to 10, 10 being the worst?

TeriAnn: 25:31 Yeah, so that was what was so scary. That’s what made me worry. It was something so much worse. For people who have had really severe mono they’re all going to be shaking their head like, “I know what you’re talking about. It’s so bad.” There were days that my lymph nodes were like a seven or an eight, and those were the days like I’d get up and cry.

Jonathan: 25:48 They were sore to the touch right, I mean you couldn’t even touch your arms?

TeriAnn: 25:52 Yeah. Hurt so bad and it was really, really scary. In fact, since then now that I understand my body more, when I do something to my body that it doesn’t like, the first response is my lymph nodes. That’s why they were so inflamed. I mean it’s an immediate response for me. When I eat something that my body doesn’t like or something I’m allergic to, my lymph nodes get inflamed. So because my body was so sick and I was dealing with the mono, and then I also found out some other things that I was doing wrong with my body through thermography and some other testing. My lymph nodes were very unhappy and it was very painful.

Jonathan: 26:33 What were somethings you were doing wrong that you found out through thermography?

TeriAnn: 26:33 Food allergies were one of them. I had some issues with dental work and I since had that corrected. They could see from my thermography some of the issues with my teeth. They could see some of the areas where I needed to fix things there.

Jonathan: 26:50 Was it just old fillings that were in there that has high metal counts? I mean what?

TeriAnn: 26:55 Root canal.

Jonathan: 26:56 Okay.

TeriAnn: 26:56 Yeah, and right now it’s fine, but I have been monitoring it with my dentist who does conventional dentistry, but he also does holistic. Right now it’s under control, but when I was really sick it was one of the things that was really impacting my health too. My mouth hurt a lot and it was the root canal. It was like all the inflammation response in my body, so yeah. I’ve learned more about dentistry since going on this journey of health and what you should and shouldn’t do. There’s a lot of things you can research out there, but yeah. Dental work and then in my thermography they could see it was red in my ascending and descending colon.

TeriAnn: 27:38 After all this time of the doctor reading thermography reports and charts and things like that, she has learned that when you see issues with the ascending and descending colon, you have issues with being allergic to certain types of food, which I didn’t know. I had an idea that I was allergic to possibly coconut, but there’s other things since that I’ve realized through elimination diet that I’ve had issues with as well.

Jonathan: 28:08 Talk to me about the elimination diet. We are good friends, we work together closely, so I’m fairly familiar with all the things that you did. It was impressive and fascinating, a lot of these stuff that you did. I want to make sure that the audience gets to hear, because I guarantee there’s others out there, now may not be mono, but they’re dealing with other health scares, health problems, health things, allergies all sorts of stuff. I’m going to pry until you give us all the details.

TeriAnn: 28:44 Yeah, so I’ve said this many times on the podcast before and I know it firsthand because of my own experience. All of our bodies are different in what they need. Some of us are deficient in some things, some of us are deficient in others. Some of us overproduce in some things that others need. It’s just our bodies are all very unique. I think most importantly they are unique in food. What works for you is not going to work for me and vice versa.

TeriAnn: 29:14 I have to first of all thank my friend Joni for turning me onto an elimination diet and helping me take on an elimination diet. It is no small task. It’s huge. I started out pretty much cutting everything out, it was insane. Dairy, sugar, gluten and I went down to like starting out with one type of meat and certain types of vegetables and I would just eat that for a few days and see how I felt. I’m like, okay I’m good with this. Then I would add another type of meat in. I cooked with oil for a while and then I was like I’m just going to add a little bit of butter, of course organic and see how that goes.

TeriAnn: 29:58 Then I had an idea, the idea that I might be allergic to coconut, I tried cooking with coconut oil, I tried putting it in my smoothies. That was the first thing on my elimination diet, I was like two or three weeks in and it was like I felt it. Itchy throat, swollen throat, lymph nodes went crazy, and I’ve even had some allergy related issues. Like for one a task eating coconut, I did it with the oil because I just used a little bit, but yeah, putting the coconut in like I instantly felt something after eating it. Took that out. Then I started adding in more fruits and vegetables, one thing at a time. I was drinking water and adding in just one thing at a time. It was very, very hard and I’d go out to eat with people. It’d be like, sometimes I couldn’t even find things to eat on the menu with what I was doing with the elimination diet.

TeriAnn: 30:54 Then I started adding things like nuts in. I found out that almonds make my throat scratchy, they make my lymph nodes inflamed. I was using almond flour to cook things, and thinking it’s so healthy, it’s so good for you. For some people it is, for me I can’t do it. I can’t touch it. Now I’ll eat almonds from time to time, but I know that if I eat a lot or I’m using consistently or I’m doing almond flour it’s going to impact me. I just don’t, so there’s little things like that. I actually think too I could go and get even further testing, I haven’t done full blown allergy testing. The elimination diet definitely like taught me that there are some nuts and then coconut that I just can’t touch.

TeriAnn: 31:34 Not only that but when I did the elimination diet, my body detoxed so much crap out of it. All of the toxins, all of the garbage because I was eating so clean. Organic grass fed beef, wild caught fish, organic fruits and vegetables and I was eating a lot of it.

Jonathan: 31:54 You were eating like very few vegetables right? Like I mean you weren’t even eating a wide variety?

TeriAnn: 31:59 Well, overtime I added more and more in.

Jonathan: 32:01 Right, but there in the beginning when you were detoxing I mean there was only …

TeriAnn: 32:04 Like spinach.

Jonathan: 32:05 Yeah.

TeriAnn: 32:05 Like mixed greens and then I would add in green beans and see how that went. Yeah, I mean even with fruits and vegetables I did the elimination diet. Yeah, I would encourage everyone to do it. It’s super hard, it’s a lot of work. It’s very time consuming and it’s a daunting task. It’s incredible what I know about my body now and all and what foods I can and cannot eat and how they’re going to impact me. When I have those stupid moments of like I’m just going to eat this because I want to eat it, I know immediately after like I knew that was going to happen. Why did I do that?

TeriAnn: 32:45 Yeah, and this went on for four or five months straight, elimination diet. Yeah, it was one of the most interesting experiences of my life. It happened around the time I was getting better after being diagnosed with the mono, I kind of added the elimination diet in too. I also attribute my health getting back to where it is because I did that.

Jonathan: 33:08 Excellent. Tell me where you are now, what is your current routine look like? You’ve been sharing with me lately that you’ve never felt better and things like that. What are you doing right now that has you feel better than you did 10 years ago? TeriAnn: 33:27 Yeah, I’ve been telling everyone in my life, that will listen, that I feel better now than I’ve felt in my entire life. Even as a kid, I look back and think about when I was a kid and being tired and lethargic and emotional sometimes and little things. I look back now and I’m like, I know why. I know why I felt this way or that way or this way, because I can see how my body feels now and I can compare the two. It’s so interesting to me. I’m healthier now than I’ve ever been. I feel better now than I’ve ever been or ever have in my life. I attribute it to quite a few things.

TeriAnn: 34:06 We just did an interview with the woman and I loved what she said. She said, we did it for the podcast. She said, “You have to be the CEO of your own body.” I loved how she said that, it’s like building a business, building your body. I’ve had to figure out things that I’m deficient in. There’s a lot of testing you can do for things like that. I have not specifically done testing for things like that, but I did know from my blood works some of the things that she brought back to me like, “You know you have issues here. You have issues there.” From the thermography I learned some things, but I know people can also do a lot of testing to figure out where they are with their body. That’s some of the next steps for me too is I really want to get more in tuned with my body. My heart rate, my blood work, you can do hair tests. There’s all these things you can do, but right now my life looks like getting seven to eight hours of sleep at night. I’m not perfect at it, but I try really hard to be.

TeriAnn: 35:01 Part of that is it’s a ritual and it’s a routine. If you go to bed and you’re watching TV, you’re probably not going to sleep seven or eight hours. You’re probably not going to fall asleep. I typically read before I go to bed and I try to relax, listen to music, calm down. Sometimes I practice gratitude. Seven to eight hours of sleep and I will do anything to get that. Like with my kids even I’ve had to work really hard to get them in good routines so I can be in a good routine. You cannot put a price, you cannot overestimate the power of getting enough sleep in your life. That’s the first thing.

TeriAnn: 35:38 The second thing is I work out every day. There are a few days that I take off but for me emotionally, physically and mentally working out keeps me sane. It keeps me healthy and it keeps my emotions in check. I am a far happier person when I exercise and I typically workout in the morning before everyone else is up, because it’s quiet. I can think, I can do what I need to do. I run right now four to six days a week. I never thought I was a runner, but now I’m running and I love it. I’m doing circuit training and then I’ll usually do like kickboxing videos, different things like that.

TeriAnn: 36:17 My next step in health for me in fitness is to actually get into lifting and get my body really strong. Really toned, really powerful. That’s going to be a whole new level of health for me and it’s just part of my health journey and it’s where I want to be. I also I’m going to be working on getting my heart rate into really optimal places. There’s so much around that and your health that people aren’t aware of and I’ve been reading more and more about it. I think people would definitely benefit from understanding their heart rate better.

Jonathan: 36:46 Yeah I’ve been doing a lot of heart rate training myself [crosstalk 00:36:50].

TeriAnn: 36:49 Yeah, I know you have. Yeah it’s made me read more about it. It’s fascinating.

Jonathan: 36:54 It is, it really is. Really quick because you’ve said that you’re doing a lot of things and I want the listeners to understand, I mean you’re doing all of this at home with two kids that are upstairs sleeping when you’re doing it or maybe just waking up. You said circuit training. Can you expand? I mean do you have a full gym at your house?

TeriAnn: 37:20 Nope.

Jonathan: 37:21 What are you doing?

TeriAnn: 37:21 I don’t. No, if I want to do, I mean going to the gym is one thing, doing it at home is another. A lot of times I’m doing circuit training at home. I have weights at home. My circuit training’s like cardio, weights, abs, repeat over and over again.

Jonathan: 37:35 Are you following a program?

TeriAnn: 37:39 I do, I go through different programs. At one point in my life I did P90X I loved it. That one’s really hard. That’s not for the faint of heart. There’s Beach Body puts programs out, other things. There’s women who are totally ripped off of beach body videos and following a protocol and a program there. Then I would absolutely recommend like to anyone, you should get a trainer at the gym. Even if it’s one day a week to teach you how to work your body out right, it’s something that I need to be more diligent about. Yeah, I just think there’s so much you can do there. That’s me. Sometimes when I do my runs I do circuit training too. Like on days I’m only meant to run in mind, how I’ve planned it out, I’ll go outside and like I’ll run a mile and then I’ll do like 50 pushups. Then I’ll do burpees and then I’ll do crunches and then I get up and run more. Lots and lots of circuit training.

Jonathan: 38:32 Excellent. You sound like a beast.

TeriAnn: 38:35 No.

Jonathan: 38:36 A savage. Tell me about your, so that’s your morning routine with working out. What does your morning look like diet wise? I know you have a pretty strict routine around your morning diet.

TeriAnn: 38:49 Yeah, I want to go back to something too, because part of my journey to health has been my emotional health. Working through the stuff that happens in our lives, and our emotional health is one the hardest things we can do to be healthy, but it’s so critical. In the mornings I read almost, not every morning, but I really try to read every morning. Then I do, I practice gratitude. The way I practice gratitude, I learned this from Tony Robbins and you can actually look it up on the Tim Ferris podcast, I’ll never forget the first time I did it and I listened to it. He walks you through this exercise and he said, “Feel your heart, feel the blood pumping through your heart. Feel your body. Feel your body. Feel gratitude for your body.”

TeriAnn: 39:31 Then he talks about hurt experiences in our lives and he talks about feeling gratitude despite those hurt experiences. Like think about hurt experience, now think about things in your life that you’re grateful for. The best moments, the best things. Don’t just think about them, feel them. I remember the first time I did it this was when I was putting the pieces of the puzzle together. Like my emotional health is so tied to my physical health, it became more and more clear to me over the last few years. I will never forget the first time I did that. I just sat in my car listening to it and did it. My girls were in gymnastics and I cried. I just cried and cried and cried. It’s become a practice that I do regularly in the mornings or at night just depends on the day and what happens. In the morning it’s definitely best, even before I get up and run, and I feel gratitude for things in my life. Not just think it, feel it.

TeriAnn: 40:23 I would definitely recommend anyone to go and listen to that exercise with Tony Robbins, that changed my life. If I could thank him in person I would. It’s changed how I see gratitude. Then after running and getting my girls off to school and all of that, I typically juice. I’ve talked about that, you can go back and refer to our juicing podcast I talked a lot about it. I juice every single day. If I don’t make my juice, I juice. I was even just traveling for the last 15 days, I found a juice or a substitute for juice every single day without fail. I have felt the significant change it’s made with my health, my energy, my skin, my hair, my nails. How I feel and I just don’t feel like I can go without it. Juice every day gets a lot of nutrition into my body. I drink a bone broth smoothie right after that, so bone broth, banana, organic peanut butter, ice and water every day, every single day and collagens. Has collagens in it, scoop of bone broth, scope of collagens. Then I eat berries with that every morning, so blueberries, raspberry, strawberries, I mix it up so I get different berries.

TeriAnn: 41:36 Then for lunch I typically eat a protein, a clean protein. Chicken, beef, fish and then a lot of vegetables and typically an avocado, lots of vegetables. Right now I’ve been playing around with, I’ve posting it on like our Instagram and my personal Instagram. I’ve been playing around with doing one vegan meal a week which has been so fun. I cook all of my food. I prep all my food. I cook all my food unless I’m traveling and then I still try and find extremely healthy food. I get meat separated out and I’ll cook like a piece of chicken and all the veggies in the pan at lunch. I’ll take a break from work or I’ll do online calls and I’ll cook it at lunch at eat it. Then I do the same thing for dinner.

TeriAnn: 42:20 I typically don’t snack a lot, but if I snack it’s organic healthy snacks. Usually veggies or nuts that I can eat. Sometimes I snack on peanut butter and then I typically don’t eat very often after 7:30 or 8 and if I’m really, really hungry I’ll make another bone broth or I’ll snack on something really healthy. Sometimes I’m known at night when I’m really hungry before I hit that 8 or sometimes even 8:30 mark, I’ll like throw veggies on a pan, put them in the oven, cut up an avocado and eat that. Then I drink a lot of water, a lot. That’s been a huge change in the last probably six months, five to six months for me. I take a water bottle with me everywhere I go and I’m drinking water constantly. I drink a lot of tea. I drink tea typically three and four times a day.

Jonathan: 43:14 What kind of tea do you drink?

TeriAnn: 43:15 Chai, chai tea. It’s really good for digestion. When I drink it I typically and other things. It’s yogi chai tea, it’s organic. I absolutely love it and I usually drink it after I eat food, because it helps with digestion. Then the other thing I’ll mention is supplements. I supplement a lot. Specifically from our line, but I do use other supplements. I do with my kids, I use a lot spray supplements. Like my kids in the morning take Vitamin C, B and D. They take liquid silver. They also take our supplements as well. Yes, my kids do, even my kids. I do turmeric, I do [inaudible 00:43:55] and I do Multi-Vita-Maxx regularly, Clean Sourced Collagens every day, Bone Broth Protein every day. Iodine every couple of days. I don’t really feel like I need that every day, but I do feel a difference when I take it, just not a daily ritual for me. A couple of times a week and then I’ll mix other things up in our supplement line. Yeah, so those are my dailies and I also take the daily liquid sprays that my girls take, C, D, B, liquid silver. Then we do all natural remedies and things like that when we get flu and cold and other things.

Jonathan: 44:30 Excellent. I think you’ve given just a lot of good tips, a lot of good pointers. I loved hearing about your routine, what you’re eating now. I’m glad that you’re really focused and that you talked more about the emotional impact on our health. I don’t think that that gets enough attention, especially the stress and managing the stress. It’s something that we’re diving into more of our podcast now. It’s something that we just need to be a lot more conscious of is what’s our emotional stress. We just did an interview with somebody that I’m excited for when that airs, that talks about Blue Mind and talks about how to control your emotions with that.

Jonathan: 45:18 It’s a question we like to ask a lot, do you have three top pointers that you would like to give people to wrap up this episode?

TeriAnn: 45:28 You’re putting me on the spot. You know the first is, is that you can’t serve other people when you can’t even serve yourself. If you’re not healthy and mentally, emotionally, physically, financially, that’s a self-thing. You have to take care of those things yourself. If you’re not taking care of those and putting those things first in your life and at the very top thing for me in that list is health, I’ve said this before on the podcast. When my health is where it is right now, I mean my life has never been better, because I’m able to do all the things that I need to do and be where I need to be and feel how I need to feel to function in life. The optimal level of health, it’s been amazing.

TeriAnn: 46:14 Yourself, putting yourself first is not a selfish thing, it is not a selfish thing. We’ve got to get out of that mentality. Putting yourself first allows you to do what you need to do for everyone else. That will be my first takeaway. The second one is be open minded. I don’t think that people stay open to the concept of natural health enough. They don’t look into it enough and they just listen to what they are told and they just do what they’re told. We have choice, we have choice in our health. We have choice in our bodies. We have choice in what we’re putting in our bodies. I can’t say it enough, take control of your life. Take control of your health.

TeriAnn: 46:58 The last thing would be is to reach out to like-minded people. I have learned more from other people on this journey of health than I can even take in. I feel gratitude for it in my life every day. My journey of health has changed my entire life, starting with the Truth About Cancer and then Organixx, all the people I’ve met, all the people who have shared their stories with me. When people tell me, “You’ve changed my life,” I just put it right back at them and say, “You’ve changed mine.” Because of this mission that we’ve been on, because we’ve connected with so many people, my life will never be the same. If you’re struggling with your health, if you’re struggling with your life, reach out to people, that is the most important thing you can do.

TeriAnn: 47:45 Through reaching out to other people, I’ve learned how to live a better life especially when it comes to my health. It’s been one of the most valuable lessons I will take with me in life is how to live my best life through my health.

Jonathan: 47:58 Awesome. What an amazing interview. Thank you for sharing. I know that you are a very private person, that generally does not like to open up and share. I think the more that we all share our struggles and our hardships and the lessons that we learn, the more that we can help others. The more we can inspire others. I know that there’s takeaways for me from just doing this interview. There’s a lot of people listening they’re going to get takeaways, so thank you for doing that.

TeriAnn: 48:31 Yeah. Can I say one more thing too. I just want to say to people who are listening, I know we have a lot of female and women in our audience they know that there’s a lot of people who are out there struggling, who are listening. Not only emotionally, but health wise. I just want people to know that they are not alone. When I going through my struggle with health, I thought I was crazy. I thought other people are going to think I was crazy. I just want people to know that there are so many resources out there to help you on your journey to health. I just want to say that I just feel really strongly like we’re not in this journey alone. We have so many people to help us. I just want people to remember that.

Jonathan: 49:06 I think it’s a valid point. Even if somebody is not facing a health scare, a lot of times the journey to health is a lonely one. We talked about this with Dr. Susan Pierce Thompson when you go to a party or you go to a family gathering, and they’re pushing pumpkin pie on you and you want to say no, it’s like you’re looked at as the crazy one. What’s wrong with you, you don’t eat pie and it’s like you’re just trying to get healthy. You’re on this journey to health, working out sometimes can be a lonely journey. When I go running every morning and I run alone. Making choices to eat healthy can feel lonely, so one, I love your third recommendation to find community. There’s a lot of community to be had and you can find that even through social media. I think community in person is even more powerful. Finding that support group, finding like-minded people that feel the same way as you, believe the same way as you. Will encourage you. Can imagine that you can find some lifelong friends with people that have those same values.

TeriAnn: 50:16 Yeah, it makes me emotional while you’re talking about it. I’ve actually gotten a little bit emotional while you’re saying that because I think through my journey of health I’ve developed the deepest and most profound relationships of my life through people who we’ve impacted. Through the businesses, through friendships, through people who have saved my life. People say who that we’ve helped saved theirs. Yeah, the journey of health is a beautiful one and it’s brought some of the greatest joy and the greatest friendships in my life.

Jonathan: 50:45 For those of you who are listening at home, I just encourage you to share your story, share your story with others. Find a community and share your story. Share your lessons learned. Ask for help, find out what other people have done if you’re having struggles, if there’s things that you’re trying to accomplish. Far too often do we get divided through political and religion and even diets that you eat and all of that. It’s such a disservice for us as people, human beings, experience in life. Where we can much more powerfully come together and inspire each other, help each other, share trivial knowledge which I’m going to be talking a lot about. It’s one thing that I want this podcast to turn into is sharing a lot of just knowledge from other people and trivial knowledge so that we can all learn from it and we can all grow. We can all just become better people, healthier people, live longer, inspire our kids. I mean all roses and unicorns at some point, right?

TeriAnn: 51:50 Yeah.

Jonathan: 51:52 TeriAnn thank you so much for sharing. It was an amazing story. I’m glad to see that you’re healthy. I’m glad to see that you’re feeling better.

TeriAnn: 52:00 Thank you, me too.

Jonathan: 52:01 For those of you listening at home make sure you visit for all the show notes. Please, please, please subscribe on iTunes. If you like what we’re doing leave us a review on iTunes. Give us however many stars you feel we deserve. Give us an honest review on iTunes. It helps us reach more people, it tells iTunes that people are listening and they give us more exposure and put us in front of more listeners which hopefully will inspire them to live longer, healthier lives as well. Thank you everybody, thank you TeriAnn.

TeriAnn: 52:33 Thank you.

Jonathan: 52:33 We’ll see you on the next show.

TeriAnn: 52:34 Have a great day everyone.


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Episode 24 – Inspired Health Journey: TeriAnn Trevenen

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