Optimal Timing: When To Take Magnesium For Sleep Improvement
Magnesium is an essential mineral that plays a crucial role in the body’s overall functioning. Its benefits are numerous, and one area where it has shown promise is in improving sleep quality. If you’re wondering when is the best time to take magnesium for better sleep, it’s important to understand the role magnesium plays in the body’s sleep cycle and how it can positively impact your rest.
The short answer is, that for those who struggle to get a good night’s rest, magnesium supplementation should be taken around 30 minutes before going to bed to improve sleep quality.

Understanding the Role of Magnesium in the Body

Magnesium is a crucial mineral that plays a vital role in maintaining overall health. It is involved in over 300 biochemical reactions in the body, making it essential for various bodily functions. One of its primary functions is the regulation of nerve and muscle function, ensuring that they work harmoniously. Without magnesium, our bodies would struggle to perform even the simplest tasks. There are so many areas in the human body where magnesium is essential for proper function, outside of sleep health. This is one of the reasons why magnesium supplementation and a push to discover a magnesium deficiency are becoming more and more popular.

The Importance of Magnesium for Sleep

When it comes to getting a good night’s sleep, most people understand how essential it is for their overall health. Whether it be a negative impact in regard to depression symptoms, aggravated sleep apnea, changes in stress and blood pressure, or issues with migraine headaches in our central nervous system, sleep deprivation can wreak havoc on our lives.  Thankfully, magnesium supplementation is just one of the ways to improve sleep quality. Magnesium, which comes in various forms such as magnesium oxide or magnesium glycinate, helps improve sleep by positively addressing issues such as restless leg syndrome, relaxing muscles, and much more! It acts as a natural muscle relaxant, making it easier for individuals to fall asleep and experience deep, restorative rest. In addition to its muscle-relaxing properties, magnesium also promotes the release of certain neurotransmitters that play a crucial role in regulating our sleep-wake cycles. One such neurotransmitter is melatonin, often referred to as the “sleep hormone.” Magnesium supports the production of melatonin, signaling the body to prepare for sleep and helping us achieve a more sleep, whether that be that you fall asleep faster or just have an improved sleep overall.

How Magnesium Affects Your Sleep Cycle

Have you ever wondered how your body knows when it’s time to sleep and when it’s time to wake up? The answer lies in our circadian rhythm, a natural cycle that regulates our sleep-wake cycle. Magnesium plays a vital role in maintaining this rhythm by interacting with the body’s biological clock. By supporting the production of melatonin, magnesium helps synchronize our sleep-wake cycle with the natural light-dark cycle of the day. This synchronization ensures that we feel alert and energized during the day and sleepy at night, promoting a healthy sleep pattern. Moreover, magnesium also plays a role in GABA regulation. GABA, or gamma-aminobutyric acid, is a neurotransmitter that promotes relaxation and reduces anxiety. Both relaxation and reduced anxiety are crucial for achieving restful sleep. Magnesium helps regulate GABA levels, ensuring that our minds and bodies are calm and ready for a peaceful night’s rest. In conclusion, magnesium is not just a simple mineral. It is a powerhouse that supports numerous bodily functions and plays a vital role in promoting a good night’s sleep. From regulating nerve and muscle function to supporting the immune system and maintaining a steady heartbeat, magnesium is truly an unsung hero in our bodies. So, make sure to include magnesium-rich foods in your diet or consider magnesium supplements to reap the incredible benefits they offer for your overall health and sleep quality.

The Science Behind Magnesium and Sleep

Understanding the scientific connection between magnesium and sleep can shed light on why this mineral is crucial for a good night’s rest. It starts with the relationship between magnesium and melatonin. Melatonin is a hormone that helps regulate sleep patterns. It is produced by the pineal gland in response to darkness and helps signal the body to prepare for sleep. Magnesium aids in the conversion of tryptophan, an essential amino acid, into serotonin, which is then converted into melatonin. This process highlights the importance of magnesium in facilitating the production of melatonin, a key component in achieving restorative sleep. But how exactly does magnesium impact sleep disorders?

The Connection Between Magnesium and Melatonin

Melatonin plays a crucial role in our sleep-wake cycle, also known as the circadian rhythm. It helps regulate our body’s internal clock, signaling when it’s time to sleep and wake up. Without sufficient levels of melatonin, our sleep patterns can become disrupted, leading to difficulties falling asleep or staying asleep throughout the night. Research has shown that magnesium supplementation can help increase melatonin levels in the body, promoting a more regular sleep-wake cycle. By ensuring an adequate intake of magnesium, you can support the natural production of melatonin, ultimately improving your sleep quality.

Magnesium’s Impact on Sleep Disorders

Sleep disorders, such as insomnia and restless leg syndrome, can significantly impact an individual’s quality of life. Insomnia, characterized by difficulties falling asleep or staying asleep, can leave you feeling tired, irritable, and unable to function at your best during the day. Restless leg syndrome, on the other hand, is a condition that causes uncomfortable sensations in the legs, often leading to an irresistible urge to move them. This can disrupt sleep and make it challenging to achieve a restful night’s sleep. Research has shown that magnesium supplementation may be beneficial in managing these sleep disorders. By addressing magnesium deficiency, you may experience improvements in sleep duration and quality. Magnesium helps relax the muscles, reducing the likelihood of muscle cramps or spasms that can disrupt sleep. Additionally, magnesium’s calming effects on the nervous system can promote a sense of relaxation, making it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep throughout the night. The science behind magnesium and sleep is fascinating. Magnesium plays a crucial role in the production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates our sleep patterns. By ensuring an adequate intake of magnesium, you can support the natural production of melatonin and improve your sleep quality. Furthermore, magnesium supplementation may be beneficial in managing sleep disorders such as insomnia and restless leg syndrome. So, if you’re looking to enhance your sleep, consider incorporating magnesium-rich foods or supplements into your daily routine.

Determining the Best Time to Take Magnesium

Now that we understand the role magnesium plays in promoting better sleep, it’s important to consider the best time to take it for optimum results. Magnesium, a vital mineral for our overall health and well-being, has been found to have a significant impact on our sleep quality. It helps regulate neurotransmitters, relax muscles, and support the natural release of melatonin, the hormone responsible for promoting sleep. However, the timing of magnesium intake can vary from person to person, depending on various factors.

Morning vs. Evening: When to Take Magnesium

While there is no one-size-fits-all answer, some factors can help determine the best time to take magnesium. Many experts suggest taking magnesium in the evening, as it can help relax muscles and prepare the body for sleep. This is especially beneficial for individuals who struggle with insomnia or have difficulty falling asleep. Taking magnesium in the evening, allows the body to absorb and utilize the mineral during the night, promoting a more restful and rejuvenating sleep. Additionally, taking magnesium in the evening can support the natural release of melatonin, aiding in a more restful night’s sleep. Melatonin is a hormone that regulates the sleep-wake cycle, and its production is influenced by the presence of magnesium in the body. By taking magnesium in the evening, you can help optimize the production and release of melatonin, ensuring a smoother transition into sleep. However, everyone’s body is unique, and for some individuals, taking magnesium in the morning may yield better results. This is particularly true for those who experience muscle cramps or spasms during the day. Taking magnesium in the morning can help relax muscles and alleviate any discomfort or tension, allowing for improved mobility and reduced pain throughout the day.

Factors Influencing the Timing of Magnesium Intake

Several factors can influence the timing of magnesium intake. The severity of sleep disturbances, personal preferences, and other medications being taken should all be considered. For individuals with mild sleep issues, taking magnesium in the evening may be sufficient to improve sleep quality. However, those with more severe sleep disturbances may benefit from splitting the dosage and taking magnesium both in the morning and evening. Personal preferences also play a role in determining the best time to take magnesium. Some individuals may find it more convenient to take it in the morning, while others prefer to incorporate it into their evening routine. Experimenting with different timings and observing the effects on sleep quality can help determine the optimal schedule for magnesium intake. Furthermore, if you are taking any other medications, it is crucial to consider their potential interactions with magnesium. Some medications may interfere with the absorption or effectiveness of magnesium, so consulting with a healthcare professional is always recommended. They can provide personalized advice based on your specific needs and circumstances, ensuring that magnesium supplementation aligns with your overall healthcare regimen. While there is no definitive answer to the best time to take magnesium, considering factors such as sleep disturbances, personal preferences, and medication interactions can help guide your decision. It is essential to listen to your body and work with a healthcare professional to determine the most suitable timing for magnesium intake, ultimately promoting better sleep and overall well-being.

Different Forms of Magnesium and Their Effects on Sleep

When it comes to improving sleep quality, it’s important to consider the different forms of magnesium supplementation available. While magnesium citrate and magnesium glycinate are two popular options known for their sleep-promoting properties, understanding their specific effects can help you make an informed choice.

Magnesium Citrate and Sleep

Magnesium citrate is a form of magnesium that is well-known for its laxative effects. While it can help relax the muscles and promote better sleep, it is often recommended for those experiencing constipation or irregular bowel movements, rather than solely for its sleep benefits. When taken as a sleep aid, magnesium citrate may have a dual effect on the body. On one hand, it can help relax the muscles, allowing for a more restful sleep. On the other hand, its laxative properties may lead to increased bowel movements during the night, potentially disrupting sleep patterns for some individuals. It’s worth noting that while magnesium citrate can be beneficial for those with digestive issues, it may not be the ideal choice for individuals solely seeking sleep improvement. However, it’s always best to consult with a healthcare professional to determine the most suitable form of magnesium supplementation for your specific needs.

Magnesium Glycinate and Sleep

Another popular form of magnesium that is widely used as a sleep aid is magnesium glycinate. This form of magnesium is known for its calming effect on the body, making it particularly beneficial for individuals experiencing anxiety or muscle tension, which can contribute to poor sleep quality. Magnesium glycinate is believed to enhance sleep by promoting relaxation and reducing the levels of stress hormones in the body. By calming the nervous system, it can help individuals achieve a deeper and more restorative sleep, leading to improved overall well-being. Furthermore, magnesium glycinate is often well-tolerated by individuals, even at higher doses, as it is less likely to cause digestive discomfort or loose stools compared to other forms of magnesium. While magnesium glycinate is generally considered safe and effective for sleep improvement, it’s important to remember that individual responses may vary. It’s always advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplementation regimen. Both magnesium citrate and magnesium glycinate have their own unique effects on sleep. While magnesium citrate is primarily recommended for its laxative properties and may have mixed effects on sleep quality, magnesium glycinate is known for its calming effects and is often preferred for its sleep-promoting benefits. Understanding the differences between these two forms of magnesium can help you choose the one that aligns best with your specific sleep needs.

Potential Side Effects of Magnesium Supplementation

As with any supplement, it’s important to be aware of potential side effects. While magnesium is generally safe when taken in appropriate amounts, excessive intake can lead to gastrointestinal issues, such as diarrhea. If you experience any adverse effects, it is recommended to consult with a healthcare professional.

Overdosing on Magnesium: Symptoms and Risks

Consuming too much magnesium can result in symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and abdominal cramping. In rare cases, it can even lead to more serious complications. It is crucial to follow the recommended dosage guidelines and consult with a healthcare professional if you have any concerns.

Interactions Between Magnesium and Other Medications

Magnesium supplements can interact with certain medications, including antibiotics, diuretics, and medications that affect calcium levels. If you are taking any medications, it’s important to inform your healthcare provider before starting magnesium supplementation to avoid any potential drug interactions. Magnesium plays a significant role in promoting better sleep. Its impact on the sleep cycle, interaction with melatonin, and ability to aid in muscle relaxation make it an essential mineral for achieving restful sleep. While the best time to take magnesium may vary from person to person, understanding individual needs, preferences, and factors that influence timing can help determine the most appropriate schedule. Additionally, considering the form of magnesium being used and being aware of potential side effects and drug interactions is crucial for safe and effective supplementation. By harnessing the power of magnesium and incorporating it into your daily routine, you may experience improved sleep quality and overall well-being.Magnesium for Better Sleep: Does it Help & What Type Do You Need?

If you’re someone who has trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, you likely already know that breaking the cycle of poor sleep can be difficult and frustrating.

There are things you can do, of course, to help improve your sleep quantity and quality. You could try abstaining from caffeine in the afternoon and evening. You could stick to a sleep schedule and stop all screen time an hour or two before bed. But these adjustments don’t help everyone. If you’re among those who have tried countless sleep “remedies” and not felt any benefits… what then?

There are multiple studies showing that the majority of American adults don’t consume enough magnesium [1]. Being magnesium deficient puts you at a higher risk for sleep disorders [2] and many other serious health issues. If your body is deficient in magnesium, you may find that supplementing with magnesium for better sleep is just the answer you’ve been looking for.

Read on to discover 4 important reasons why magnesium is important for helping you get better sleep and tips for finding the best type of magnesium for sleep.

Magnesium for Better Sleep: 4 Ways Magnesium Can Support You

Magnesium is one of the most prevalent minerals in the human body and every single cell and organ in your body requires it for performing hundreds of functions [3]. For example, more than 325 biological enzymes are dependent on magnesium, many of which are located in the nervous system [4].


Sleep promotion is one of the processes with which magnesium is intimately associated. Almost 50% of older adults suffer from insomnia. Not surprisingly, magnesium deficiency is also more prevalent in older adults.

A century ago, the average daily intake of magnesium for an adult was 475-500 mg. These days, typical magnesium intake is closer to 175-225 mg daily, which is nowhere near enough to satisfy your body’s requirements.

Magnesium works in four major ways to improve sleep quality:

#1. Magnesium Promotes Relaxation of the Brain & Nervous System

A brain that’s too busy will certainly not help you get to sleep. We don’t need studies to tell us that if we want to sleep well, we need to be able to relax at bedtime. This is where magnesium can help.

Probably the most important function magnesium has with regard to sleep is its ability to help calm down the central nervous system. This in turn helps the brain to power down for sleep. It also helps to keep the brain functioning at a calmer, more relaxed state throughout the night.

Curious about how that happens? Magnesium is believed to help promote relaxation by these 4 mechanisms:

#1. Magnesium activates the part of the nervous system that is necessary for resting and digesting – the parasympathetic nervous system [5].

#2. Magnesium is required for the regulation of certain neurotransmitters – chemical messengers that send signals throughout the brain and nervous system. In particular, magnesium increases the availability of gamma-amino-butyric-acid (GABA), which is a calming, relaxing neurotransmitter. When GABA levels are low, the brain has a much more difficult time quieting down enough for sleep [6,7]

#3. Magnesium promotes the secretion of the hormone melatonin, which helps regulate circadian rhythm and synchronizes sleep-wake cycles. In so doing, melatonin facilitates the transition to sleep and promotes more consistent and better sleep-wake cycles [8].


#4. Emotional and physical stress can deplete the body of magnesium. In fact, studies have shown that the higher our magnesium levels, the lower our cortisol levels. Cortisol is a hormone released in response to stressful situations and stressed thinking, and too much of it can keep you from sleeping well… or at all [9]. Magnesium has been shown to reduce cortisol levels [10].

#2. Magnesium Helps Improve Sleep Quality

There are two studies, in particular, that have shown that magnesium can be beneficial for helping to achieve a deeper and more relaxing state of sleep.

In a small 2012 double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial (considered the gold standard of trials) [11], 46 elderly adults were given either 500 milligrams (mg) of magnesium or a placebo, for eight weeks. At the conclusion of the study, the group receiving the magnesium reported having a better quality of sleep. Researchers found they also had higher levels of melatonin and renin (another hormone that helps regulate sleep).

A 2011 study by Italian researchers [12] investigated elderly people with insomnia. The study participants received a supplement containing a combination of magnesium, melatonin, and zinc. The study participants reported:

#3. Magnesium May Help Improve Mental Health

Anyone who has suffered from depression or anxiety will tell you that it absolutely can and does have a negative impact on sleep. Fortunately, recent research on magnesium shows it can benefit mental health.


Researchers have found that people with magnesium deficiencies often suffer from depression, anxiety, and a lack of ability to concentrate [13].

A 2015 American study [14] found that having low magnesium levels was significantly associated with depression – especially in younger adults.

Can magnesium supplementation help people who have depression and anxiety? A 2016 review of research [15] investigating magnesium and depression concluded:

“The mood-improving potential of magnesium compounds have been confirmed by the results of numerous pre-clinical and clinical studies. It seems that magnesium supplementation is well-tolerated and enhances the efficacy of conventional antidepressant treatments, and as such could be a valuable addition to the standard treatments for depression…”

A 2017 review of research [16] on magnesium and its effects on subjective anxiety in humans had mixed findings. Researchers stated that although the studies were fairly poor in design and more well-designed randomized controlled trials were required, the evidence thus far suggested a beneficial effect from magnesium for those suffering with anxiety.

#4. Magnesium May Provide Pain Relief

Pain is another reason why many people sleep poorly, and magnesium may have a role to play here as well.

Magnesium Eases Post-Op Pain

For instance, a 2013 meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials [17] investigating postoperative pain in surgical patients suggested that administration of magnesium to patients prior to surgery eased postoperative pain.

Magnesium for Migraines & Fibromyalgia


Migraine sufferers were found to benefit from magnesium [18], and those with fibromyalgia may also benefit from supplementing with magnesium [19]. While only preliminary studies have investigated the use of magnesium for fibromyalgia sufferers, this group has also been found to have magnesium deficiencies.

While it may be too soon to conclude whether magnesium is a viable treatment for chronic pain, the preliminary studies using magnesium supplementation either orally, transdermally (through the skin), or intravenously for fibromyalgia and other forms of chronic pain certainly suggest its potential.

8 Conditions That Can Create Magnesium Insufficiency

As you can see, having low levels of magnesium can either contribute to or cause sleep disorders and a number of other problems that can interfere with a good night’s sleep.

So, what are some of the causes of low magnesium levels? Here are 8 of the most common:

  1. Digestive diseases like Crohn’s disease, inflammatory bowel syndrome, leaky gut syndrome. These can impair your body’s ability to absorb magnesium properly.
  2. High carbohydrate diets can increase the elimination of magnesium.
  3. Certain medications including (but not limited to) laxatives, diuretics, and acid reducers whisk magnesium out of the body.
  4. Diabetes and insulin resistance. A magnesium deficiency has been observed with both conditions.
  5. Heavy use of alcohol. A magnesium deficiency is common among those who drink heavily.
  6. Poor diet devoid of green leafy vegetables and other magnesium-containing foods can cause magnesium deficiencies.
  7. Stress. Whether it be mental or physical stress, prolonged periods of stress really chew through the magnesium. Chronic stress is well known for depleting the body of magnesium, leading to a magnesium deficiency.
  8. Age. Many older adults have insufficient magnesium in their diets which is compounded by less efficient absorption of magnesium.

With over half the population being magnesium deficient and not sleeping as well as they could be, it’s not hard to see why magnesium for better sleep is becoming a go-to for many people.

Which Form of Magnesium Is Best for Sleep?


If you’ve determined that magnesium supplementation is something you want to try to see if it improves your sleep quality… how do you then go about choosing the best type of magnesium for sleep?

In case you’re not already aware, there are multiple types of magnesium available on the market. Some types include chelate, glycinate, citrate, malate, taurate, aspartate, orotate, oxide, chloride, carbonate, and sulfate, to name just some.

To make it even more confusing, you can purchase magnesium in many different formats such as capsule, tablet, liquid, cream, etc. With all of these choices… how do you know which kind will work best for you?

First off, we highly recommend consulting with your healthcare provider to determine if magnesium supplementation will be beneficial for you. More doctors than ever are becoming aware of the dangers of magnesium deficiency and the various health conditions that can be improved from sufficient magnesium intake [20].

The Best Magnesium for Sleep

When it comes to the best type of magnesium for sleep, we recommend looking for types of magnesium that are known to be highly bioavailable. This means that your body is actually able to absorb the mineral and send it where it needs to go.

Many types combine essential magnesium with amino acids or other chemical compositions since magnesium works best when it “binds” with other substances. This is what’s referred to as “chelated” magnesium.

Some of the best (most bioavailable) chelated types of magnesium include:


Magnesium citrate is often touted as the best type of magnesium for sleep, as is glycinate, malate, and taurate. But really, any type of magnesium that your body is able to easily absorb to help counter a magnesium deficiency is likely to do the job.

When to Take Magnesium for Sleep?

Another question people usually have when it comes to magnesium for sleep, is what time of day to take it? Magnesium isn’t like taking a sleep aid such as melatonin or a sleeping pill. In other words, you don’t need to take it a certain time before going to sleep in order to gain value from it (although if you find that helps you, then carry on).

The primary benefit of magnesium supplementation is reversing a magnesium deficiency. Therefore, even taking it in the morning can still benefit your sleep at night. Many people like to split their dose of magnesium and take half in the morning and half before bed. As with all new supplementation, consult with your healthcare provider and listen to your body to determine what schedule works best for you and your body.

New Organixx Magnesium 7 Contains Seven of the Best Types of Magnesium

Most magnesium supplements only contain a single type of magnesium. A few brands include two or more types, but very few contain multiple forms. Many of these multi-forms of magnesium also rely on one or more of the cheap kinds of magnesium or undesirable filler ingredients such as magnesium stearate.

New Organixx Magnesium 7 contains equal amounts of seven of the very best types of magnesium for sleep (and other health issues), along with two co-factors for better absorption and utilization… all with no stearates, fillers, or other junk ingredients. Magnesium 7 is a premium, broad-spectrum magnesium supplement that supplies 120% of the RDA of magnesium in each 2-capsule serving.

Magnesium deficiency is linked to stress, diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis, chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, anxiety, trouble sleeping, sore muscles, migraines, and many more debilitating health conditions.

If your body needs magnesium, you want the most beneficial kind your body can actually absorb. Organixx Magnesium 7 gives you seven (7) of the very best, most bioavailable types of elemental magnesium available.

Magnesium Supplement