What Will Happen If I Stop Taking Collagen? Your Questions Answered

The wellness world is all abuzz with collagen and collagen supplements right now. According to recent studies, collagen is not only the key to maintaining healthy skin, joints, and gut but is a big part of aging well. But maybe you’re wondering “What will happen if I stop taking collagen?”

It’s no wonder that this natural protein has become a popular supplement, with people of all ages looking for ways to slow down the aging process. 

But what is the answer to your questions:

To get the answers to the questions you might have, we turned to leading experts in the field of nutrition and aging. Here’s what they had to say about the benefits of collagen and what you can expect if you decide to stop taking it.

What is Collagen?

Collagen is a crucial structural protein that’s found in the human body. It is the main component of connective tissue, such as tendons, ligaments, and skin. Collagen is responsible for the strength and elasticity of these tissues. 

It also plays a role in wound healing. Collagen is produced by cells called fibroblasts. The body’s supply of collagen diminishes with age because our bodies naturally reduce the production of collagen. This is what leads to wrinkles, dry skin, aching joints, and other signs of getting older.

Why Do People Take Collagen?

Collagen supplements have become increasingly popular in recent years, as people look for ways to maintain youthful skin and improve their overall health in the hopes of building the best defense against aging.  

While you can get collagen proteins from foods like bone broth, citrus, and leafy greens, many people find that collagen supplementation is the best way to maintain optimal collagen levels. 

Collagen supplements are derived from animal sources like cows, pigs, or fish, and they contain high levels of bioactive collagen peptides. Bioactive collagen peptides are short-chain amino acids that are derived from hydrolyzed collagen. These peptides have been shown to stimulate collagen production within our body which supports our health and well-being. 

There are many reasons that people add collagen supplements to their health and beauty regimes. Let’s take a look at some of those benefits. 

Studies have shown that collagen supplementation can:

Collagen supplementation has been shown to help offset the loss of collagen proteins our bodies produce as we age by providing the body with the raw materials it needs to produce more collagen.

For many people, taking collagen supplements is an easy way to enjoy the benefits of balanced collagen levels without making major changes to their diet or lifestyle.

What Exactly is in Collagen Supplements?

Collagen supplements are designed to help replenish the body’s supply of this vital protein. Most collagen supplements on the market today come from either bovine or marine sources. 

Bovine collagen comes from cow skin and connective tissue, while marine collagen is derived from fish skin and scales. Both types of collagen are rich in the amino acids glycine and proline, which are essential for wound healing and tissue regeneration. 

Collagen supplements often contain other nutrients like vitamin C, which helps the body to synthesize new collagen. When choosing a collagen supplement, it’s important to consider your individual needs and preferences. 

So how do these supplements work? When you consume collagen, it’s broken down into smaller peptides by your digestive system. These peptides then circulate through your bloodstream and bind to receptors on cells that need repair or regeneration. This process helps to promote the growth of new cells and the production of more collagen. While there’s no guarantee that taking a collagen supplement will completely prevent the effects of growing older, it may help to slow down the process and improve the health 

There are a few different types of collagen supplements on the market, so it’s important to do your research and find one that contains high-quality ingredients. If you have any allergies or sensitivities, be sure to read the label carefully to ensure that this particular supplement is right for you.

Can You Take Too Much Collagen?

Experts say that it’s unlikely that you would consume too much collagen from food sources since our bodies are very efficient at breaking down and using this protein. 

If you’re taking supplements, it’s possible to take more than your body needs. While there are no major side effects of taking too much collagen, you may find your body responds with digestive issues, discomfort, diarrhea, headache, or dizziness. You will also end up wasting your money since your body will simply excrete any excess protein. 

Know your body and watch for any such signs or changes. The solution of course is simply to reduce the amount you are taking. 

Diet VS Supplements

When it comes to improving your collagen levels, there are two main options: diet and supplements. Let’s take a look at the pros and cons of each approach.

Diet is often touted as the best way to improve collagen levels. After all, what you put into your body has a direct impact on your health. Eating foods rich in collagen-boosting nutrients like vitamin C can help increase your body’s natural production of this important protein. 

Consuming foods that contain collagen can help to replenish your stores of this vital substance but, nutrition alone may not be enough to provide adequate collagen levels, especially as you age. Supplementation can help to fill in the gaps and ensure that your body has the raw materials it needs to maintain optimal collagen levels.

Collagen supplements are a convenient and effective way to improve collagen levels because they provide a concentrated dose of nutrients. Supplements are usually absorbed more quickly than food, which means a more immediate effect on collagen production. Ultimately, collagen supplements should be used in conjunction with diet for the best results. 

At the end of the day, both diet and supplements can play a role in improving collagen levels. The best approach is always to focus on eating nutritiously that contains plenty of collagen-boosting nutrients while also taking a supplement designed to support optimal collagen production.

What Happens When You Stop Taking Collagen?

We know that there are many benefits to taking collagen supplements but perhaps you find yourself asking: what will happen if I stop taking collagen? 

First and foremost, experts assure you that there’s no need to worry! You won’t experience any withdrawal symptoms or other adverse side effects when you stop taking your collagen supplement regardless of how long you have been taking it. 

That being said, your skin might not look as good as it did when you were taking the supplement. That’s because collagen is great for your skin, hair, and nails. It helps to keep them strong and healthy. Without collagen, you may start to see more wrinkles, dryness, and sagging skin. Your hair may become dry and less lustrous and your nails more brittle. 

Because collagen is so beneficial to the health of our joints, you might notice that your joints may not be as healthy as they were when you were taking collagen. You may notice increased joint pain when you stop taking collagen. Collagen helps to keep them lubricated and prevents the breakdown of cartilage. 

Since collagen plays an important role in bone health, without enough of it, bones can become weaker and more prone to fractures. This is due to the fact that your collagen levels do indeed affect your bone density. 

It’s also possible that your gut health may suffer when you stop taking collagen. Collagen is great for gut health and helps to keep your digestive system functioning properly. This is why stopping your collagen supplement may have an effect on your digestive system. 

If you’re thinking about stopping collagen supplementation, or have already done so, be sure to watch for any of the above-mentioned signs. Should you experience any of them, it’s important to talk to your healthcare professional to ensure that stopping collagen is or was the right decision for you.

The Bottom Line

Collagen supplements are a great way to maintain or improve your overall health especially as you age. Do your research and understand your health concerns and possible needs you might have so that you can age well. 

Aging is a process and staying as healthy as possible throughout that process takes effort. An informed person is one who is equipped to be their healthiest right now and as they age. We encourage you to check out the many resources and articles available on our Health BLOG. There you will find all that you need and more to live your best healthy life. 

To also help you understand and be informed about supplements and health products be sure to check out our collagen product page

Your health matters and we’re here for you!

Organixx Clean Sourced Collagens blend contains five types of collagen from four sources. What’s more, it’s combined with targeted nutrients such as zinc, vitamin C, and vitamin B6 which specifically enhance the bioavailability and potency of collagen. Clean Sourced Collagens is formulated from the ground up to enhance and support your body’s natural ability to heal and rebuild itself from the INSIDE out.

Organixx Clean Sourced Collagens
Exploring What Vitamins Are In Collagen For Health

When it comes to understanding what vitamins are in collagen, there’s more than meets the eye. Collagen is a multifaceted protein that serves an essential purpose in many bodily operations, from skin healthiness to bone fortitude.

In this post, we’ll delve into the specific vitamins present in collagen and their importance. We’ll also explore how these vitamins contribute to overall health and wellness.

We’ll give insights on how to get these key nutrients from natural sources and explain the most effective way of including them in your diet for the greatest gain. Furthermore, we will touch upon the potential side effects of ingesting collagen peptides or taking oral collagen supplements.

What Vitamins Are in Collagen?

Collagen, the protein superstar, not only keeps your skin looking fabulous and your joints feeling great, but it also packs a punch of essential vitamins. When looking to add collagen supplementation into your routine, you’ll want to make sure it’s got these essential vitamins and minerals in the mix:

A Word About Bioavailability…

In the world of nutrition, bioavailability is the name of the game. It’s all about how much of a nutrient your body can actually use. Ensure that you are taking in the right stuff your body can actually process for optimal gain. With quality supplements like those from Organixx, you’ll get the maximum benefits and optimal utilization.

Benefits of Collagen Vitamins

Collagen, the protein that keeps our skin elasticity just right and our hair sleek and shiny, also does wonders for our bones and blood vessels. No wonder collagen supplements are all the rage; boosting healthy collagen production does amazing things for our bodies!

Boosting Wound Healing and Bone Health

Found in the connective tissues of both humans and animals, collagen helps our bodies heal from wounds and keeps our bones strong. For those with joint problems, collagen can help reduce pain and joint inflammation. Additionally, it can be used as a supplement for bone health, primarily in the form of gelatin.

Improved Hair and Skin Quality

It’s no secret that collagen is beneficial to hair and skin. With regular supplementation, you can expect healthier-looking hair and skin that appears younger over time. Collagen helps to smooth out wrinkles and keep skin hydrated, making it look more supple and vibrant.

Stronger Nails

Collagen also helps maintain nail strength as well as keep them strong enough so they don’t break easily. Brittle nails are not only unsightly but can be incredibly frustrating. With a collagen supplement, you can rest assured that your nails will be stronger and less prone to breakage.

Better Digestive Health

The gut is the gateway to our overall health, and collagen helps keep it functioning properly. It aids in digestion by calming inflammation in the digestive system and improving gut microflora. This helps keep our bellies in shape and can prevent uncomfortable digestive issues.

Improved Brain Health

Collagen has been known to help improve cognitive function, reducing the risk of conditions such as Alzheimer’s or dementia. Studies have also shown that collagen supplements can boost concentration and focus, making it a great supplement for those who want to stay sharp.

These are just a few of the many benefits that collagen can provide. Whether you’re looking to improve your hair, nails, or skin, or if you want better digestive health and brain function, collagen is a great supplement for improving overall health and well-being. What’s more, it has very few side effects, making it safe to take on a regular basis. Try adding collagen supplements to your daily routine and see how they can benefit you!

Sources of Collagen Vitamins

There are plenty of ways to incorporate collagen into your lifestyle. Let’s dive into the best sources:

Foods Rich in Collagen Vitamins

Get your collagen fix from these tasty treats:

Supplements: An Alternative Source

For an easy and convenient way to get your collagen, taking a supplement is the way to go. Look for products that contain hydrolyzed collagen or amino acid matrixes like glycine, proline, and lysine. These components are essential for producing collagen in the body.

How to Take Collagen Vitamins

Taking collagen vitamins isn’t as simple as popping a pill and crossing your fingers. There’s a method to the madness that can maximize their benefits and make your investment in health worthwhile.

First things first, take collagen vitamins with food to optimize absorption. Empty stomachs can lead to tummy troubles, so it’s best to pair them with a meal.

But what kind of meal? Some experts suggest adding vitamin C-rich foods like oranges or strawberries to your collagen routine. Why? Because vitamin C helps with collagen synthesis, potentially boosting the effectiveness of the supplement.

Here are a few other factors that come into play:

Possible Interactions With Other Supplements/Medications:

If you’re taking other medications or supplements, especially those affecting digestion, speak up. Certain combinations could affect how well both substances work. Discuss potential interactions with your healthcare provider.

A Note On Quality:

Don’t forget about quality. Not all products are of the same standard. Choose reputable companies like Organixx that prioritize clean, organic ingredients. You want pure, effective nutrients without any unwanted additives.

Side Effects of Collagen Vitamins

Collagen vitamins, like any other supplement, can have some side effects. No need to fret—generally, the effects are not too severe. Just keep these things in mind before you start up a new supplementation routine.

Potential Side Effects

So, what can happen when you take collagen vitamins? Some folks might feel queasy, have headaches, become lightheaded, or even suffer from tummy issues like bloating and the runs. But don’t panic. These symptoms usually go away once your body gets used to the new addition.

Now, here’s the rare part. Be aware of potential allergic reactions if you’re sensitive to shellfish or eggs, as collagen supplements derived from these sources can cause skin rashes, itching, or swelling in the throat. Watch out for skin rashes, itching, or swelling in the throat.

Risks and Precautions

If you’re expecting a little bundle of joy or breastfeeding, it’s best to talk to a healthcare pro before starting any new supplement routine. Better safe than sorry, right? And if you have liver disease, be cautious too. Be aware of your protein intake as it can have an adverse effect on the liver.

Don’t go overboard with the collagen vitamins. Stick to the recommended dosage unless your doctor says otherwise. Trust me, your kidneys will thank you for not overworking them.

Tips on Reducing Side Effects

Collagen is an essential part of our body found in our connective tissue and plays a key role in maintaining our overall health. If you want to make sure your body is getting enough collagen, taking collagen supplements can help. However, it is important to understand that not all vitamins are created equal, so make sure to consult with your healthcare provider before starting any new supplement regime. With the right knowledge and plan in place, you can easily boost your collagen levels and get the most out of these essential vitamins. So, start today for a stronger tomorrow.

Organixx Clean Sourced Collagens blend contains five types of collagen from four sources. What’s more, it’s combined with targeted nutrients such as zinc, vitamin C, and vitamin B6 which specifically enhance the bioavailability and potency of collagen. Clean Sourced Collagens is formulated from the ground up to enhance and support your body’s natural ability to heal and rebuild itself from the INSIDE out.

Organixx Clean Sourced Collagens
Collagen Before And After Hair: A Remarkable Journey

Collagen, a naturally occurring protein in the human body, has been hailed for its profound impact on hair health and growth. This article delves into the transformative journey of using collagen for hair enhancement, shedding light on its benefits, the science behind its effectiveness, and the tangible changes one can expect before and after its consistent use. Whether you’re grappling with hair thinness, dryness, or simply seeking to boost your hair’s health, this exploration of collagen’s role could be the key to unlocking your hair’s full potential.

We will guide you through a collagen peptides supplement journey that promises healthier shiny hair, wrinkle-free skin, and much more. Let’s embark on this fascinating exploration of collagen before and after hair transformations together.

Get Healthier Hair With Collagen Before and After

Collagen is a critical component of the hair’s structure, providing the necessary strength and elasticity to sustain healthy locks. When you experience thinning or dullness in your tresses, it’s often due to a lack of collagen production. For many people, simply adding more collagen—be that collagen powders, liquid collagen, or other collagen supplements—into their daily routine can be enough to restore its vibrancy and shine.

Before you start your journey to healthier hair with collagen, it’s essential to understand the science behind how it works. Collagen molecules are made of amino acids which are easily absorbed by the body. When added into a topical solution or ingested in powder or pill form, they can interact with cells in the scalp for maximum benefit. By helping to rebuild damaged proteins in the hair’s structure, collagen is able to repair and strengthen locks from root to tip.

But what’s the secret behind collagen’s hair magic? Let’s dive into the science:

With all these benefits in mind, it’s no wonder that collagen has become one of the most popular ingredients in natural hair care routines. Whether you’re looking for an instant hair transformation or gradual, long-term improvements, collagen is the perfect way to make your tresses shine with strength.

Improve Hair Strength With Collagen

Seeking a solution for brittle hair that breaks easily? Look no further than collagen. These vital proteins are your hair’s ultimate savior. Collagen helps to nourish the scalp and increase hair elasticity. By restoring moisture to your tresses, it reduces the potential for breakage due to dryness or splitting ends.

Let’s take a look at just how taking collagen supplements works:

Enhance Shine and Elasticity With Collagen

Collagen is packed with essential amino acids that are vital for healthy hair growth and maintenance. Collagen also helps to retain moisture in the hair shaft, which can lead to shinier locks. And when your strands have more elasticity, they are less prone to breakage.

In addition to taking collagen supplements, there are other ways to increase the strength of your mane. Proper hygiene and nutrition are essential for maintaining healthy hair. Make sure you’re getting plenty of water throughout the day, as hydration is key in keeping your locks looking luscious. Eating a balanced diet with plenty of leafy greens and proteins will also help add that extra bounce to your tresses.

Lastly, be sure to keep up with regular trims every 6-8 weeks. This will help get rid of split ends and ensure that your hair is looking its best. And don’t forget to use the right products for your hair type!

Collagen is a powerful nutrient that can help you achieve strong, healthy hair. By incorporating collagen into your daily routine, you can help promote scalp and hair health, boost shine and elasticity, and keep those locks looking luscious all day long. So say goodbye to dull hair days and hello to salon-worthy locks!

Incorporating Collagen into Your Routine

Ready to give your hair the collagen boost it deserves? Here are some tips to get you started:

FAQs About Collagen For Your Hair

When Should You Take Collagen for Hair?

Collagen supplements are most effective when taken daily, so start by adding one scoop of powder to your morning routine and see the results for yourself. With consistent use, you can really maximize the benefits that collagen has to offer.

How Often Should I Take Collagen?

For best results, you should take collagen supplements on a daily basis. This will ensure that your body is getting the proper nutrients to support hair growth and health. If you are unsure how much or how often to take collagen, consult your healthcare provider for advice.

How Long Does it Take for Collagen to Work on Hair?

Results can vary, but generally you should begin to see an improvement in the health of your hair within a few weeks. With regular use and a balanced diet, your hair should start to feel softer and stronger in no time!

Collagen can be an effective way to help support healthy hair growth and strength. By including a daily dose of collagen in your routine, you can help keep your hair looking and feeling its best. For maximum results, make sure to pair collagen with a balanced diet and regular use of topical products that are packed with this magical nutrient. With these tips, you’ll be on your way to stronger, healthier hair in no time!

Organixx Clean Sourced Collagens blend contains five types of collagen from four sources. What’s more, it’s combined with targeted nutrients such as zinc, vitamin C, and vitamin B6 which specifically enhance the bioavailability and potency of collagen. Clean Sourced Collagens is formulated from the ground up to enhance and support your body’s natural ability to heal and rebuild itself from the INSIDE out.

Organixx Clean Sourced Collagens
What’s The Best Collagen For Men? The Expert’s Advice

When considering collagen supplementation, one can quickly become overwhelmed with all the different brands and types of collagen on the shelves. Where do you start? What are all the differences? Are some for specific health concerns, or do they all do the same thing? What’s the best collagen for men?

If you’re a man considering collagen supplementation, you’ll want to know if there is the best collagen for men out there sitting on those shelves. We’re here to help you decipher the world of collagen and let you know what the experts have to say about collagen for men.

What Exactly is Collagen?

First things first. Before you can decide on a collagen supplement, you really need to understand what collagen is. In a nutshell, collagen is a vital protein that the body naturally produces. Both men and women produce collagen for the body’s health and functionality.

Collagen is found pretty much throughout the entire body, from connective tissues to bones, organs, and even blood. Collagen is needed for the many systems within the body to function such as digestive, cardiovascular, respiratory and even our nervous system.

Unfortunately, as we grow older, natural collagen production begins to decline. You’ll know when this is starting to happen. You’ll notice a few fine lines, wrinkles and joint pain or stiffness. With the onset of these signs of aging, it’s a good time to start considering collagen supplements.

Without enough collagen, our body will begin to experience a lot more concerns than simply a few wrinkles and a bit of stiffness.

Types of Collagen Supplements

Collagen supplements come in many different types and forms. One is quickly overwhelmed when thinking they’ll just run to the store and quickly grab a collagen supplement. 

You’ll be relieved to know that we’ve done the research for you, making it somewhat easier to narrow down your choice of collagen supplement.

Collagen Peptides

These vital proteins, collagen peptides, are simply fragments of the collagen protein molecule that have been broken down into smaller pieces. This makes the collagen more bioavailable, meaning that it can be more easily absorbed by the body. 

Collagen Powders

Collagen powder is a dietary supplement made from collagen protein found in the skin, bones and connective tissues of animals.

Collagen powder tends to be the most popular form of supplement as it’s easy to use–add a scoop to your favorite smoothie, oatmeal, yogurt, or even morning coffee. It’s that simple.

Dosage can also be easily adjusted. When beginning collagen supplementation, it’s recommended to begin with a lesser dose and gradually increase to the full recommended dosage to give your body time to adjust and accept the collagen peptides being added daily to your diet.

Collagen Capsules

Collagen capsules are typically made from bovine or fish collagen. The collagen is enzymatically hydrolyzed, which means it has been broken down into smaller peptides for better absorption by the body. These collagen peptides are then encapsulated in a vegetable starch or gelatin capsule.

There are a few reasons why you might want to take collagen capsules rather than another form of collagen supplement. Capsules are easy to take and won’t leave you feeling bloated like some powders can.

Capsules are absorbed more efficiently by the body, so you’ll get more bang for your buck. Finally, many people prefer the convenience of taking a supplement in pill form.

Liquid Collagen

Liquid collagen is a particularly easy to use and effective form of collagen supplement. Unlike collagen powder or capsules, liquid collagen is already in a form that our bodies can easily absorb. Often, liquid collagen contains other nutrients that support collagen production, such as vitamin C. 

Liquid collagen is simply collagen that has been dissolved in water. Because it’s in liquid form, it’s more easily absorbed by the body than other forms of collagen, such as pills or powder.

You might enjoy that liquid collagen typically comes flavored, making it more palatable than other forms. Just be wary of the ingredients. Flavored collagens sometimes have added sugar from the flavorings, and that might not be something you want.

No matter what type of supplement you choose to take, when adding a collagen supplement to your wellness routine, be assured that you’re taking steps towards improving your health!

The Benefits of Collagen Supplement

Ongoing research on the benefits of collagen supplements continually reveals just how beneficial collagen supplementation is. Unfortunately, people hear the word collagen and think of skin care and beauty. This is only a very small percentage of collagen usage.

Experts will now tell you that collagen is no longer just for skin care and beauty, and that more and more men are turning to collagen supplements for their overall health. Men also want to age well.

Collagen May Help With Hair Loss

Collagen peptides are composed of amino acids that are the building blocks of collagen. This is vital for hair, skin, and nails.

When taken as a supplement, collagen peptides help to boost collagen production in the body. This can in turn help to improve the health of hair follicles, resulting in less hair loss.

Taking a collagen supplement can help to improve overall hair health, resulting in more luscious hair. As new collagen production is stimulated, existing collagen fibers are preserved.

Collagen peptides contain high levels of amino acids that are essential for healthy hair growth. Glycine amino acid promotes collagen production and supports healthy hair follicles. Glutamine amino acid helps to repair damaged hair follicles and prevent cell death.

Collagen Supports Bone and Joint Health

Your bones and joints are constantly under stress, whether you’re engaging in physical activity or simply going about your everyday life. Over time, this can lead to joint pain and stiffness.

Collagen is a major component of cartilage, the tissue that cushions your joints. Taking collagen can help to replenish the collagen in your body, reducing joint pain and improving joint mobility.

Collagen contains hyaluronic acid, which helps to lubricate your joints and reduce inflammation. By taking collagen regularly, you can help to keep your bones and joints healthy and pain-free.

Collagen Helps Muscles Recover Faster

The body naturally produces collagen to give connective tissues, including muscles, their strength, and elasticity. As collagen synthesis deteriorates, this can lead to weaker muscles and greater potential for muscle injury when muscles are overworked or stressed.

Taking collagen supplements can help offset this concern by providing our bodies with the building blocks it needs to produce more collagen. Since collagen helps to repair and rebuild connective tissue, it can also help muscles recover from exercise faster.

Collagen Helps to Age Gracefully

Skin aging is something both women and men struggle with. Who doesn’t want to keep a youthful and healthy appearance as long as they can?

Collagen supplements can help to counteract skin aging by increasing the level of collagen in the body. Collagen supplements are rich in hyaluronic acid levels, which helps to keep skin hydrated and plump. Both of these factors result in improved skin elasticity.

By taking collagen, you are allowing yourself to age gracefully by providing your skin with the much-needed amino acids to keep it looking healthy and radiant.

Collagen Can Improve Metabolism and Energy

Experts will tell you that taking collagen supplements can have some pretty amazing benefits for your metabolism and energy levels. That’s right, taking collagen can give your metabolism a boost, helping you to burn more calories. This means you can maintain or lose weight more easily.

A quality collagen supplement can increase energy levels, making it easier to get through your day. So, how does collagen improve metabolism and energy? Well, it all comes down to the amino acids found in collagen. These amino acids help to stimulate the production of enzymes that are responsible for breaking down fat cells. These enzymes also help to increase the number of mitochondria in cells–the powerhouses that produce energy. 

Collagen Supports a Healthy Gut

There are so many ways that collagen supports a healthy gut and digestive system. Low collagen levels can actually lead to the deterioration of the gut lining. The gut is lined with a layer of cells known as the epithelium, which acts as a barrier to protect the body from harmful substances.

Like a domino effect, the deterioration of the gut lining can lead to increased inflammation and a greater risk of leaks in the gut. This is dangerous to our health as it can allow toxins and bacteria to enter the bloodstream.

Taking collagen supplements helps to support a healthy gut by providing the body with the raw materials it needs to produce collagen. Collagen supports the production of beneficial bacteria in the gut, which are essential for digestion and absorption of healthy nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. Vitamin C is needed for collagen production.

Collagen helps to reduce inflammation and supports the growth of new cells. So, taking collagen can reduce your risk of developing leaks or other even more serious digestive related problems.

How to Choose the Best Collagen Supplement

Choosing the best collagen supplement can seem like a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be! There are a few key things to keep in mind when selecting a supplement. First, consider what type of collagen you want to take. 

There are three main types of collagen: Type I, II, and III. Each type has different benefits, so it’s important to select the one that’s right for you. Type I collagen is the most common and is found in the skin, bones, and tendons. It’s responsible for skin elasticity and strength, and it also helps with joint pain relief. 

Type II collagen is found in cartilage and is critical for joint health. It can help to reduce inflammation and pain associated with arthritis. 

Lastly, Type III collagen is found in connective tissue and is important for wound healing. If you’re not sure which type is right for you, ask your healthcare provider for guidance.

Once you’ve decided on the type of collagen you want to take, there are a few other factors to consider that will help narrow your selection down. 

Look For Quality Ingredients

Once you’ve considered the type of collagen that will best target your goals, the next step is to choose a product that’s high quality and from a reputable source.

This means that you should look for supplements that are certified organic and hypoallergenic. Be sure to check the label to ensure that the product contains no fillers or artificial ingredients. The only additional nutrients should be things like vitamin C or various other minerals and vitamins that are known to boost our immune or health. 

Collagen can be derived from either animal or plant sources. Animal-based collagen typically has a higher bioavailability than plant-based collagen. Some people prefer to use plant-based collagen because it is vegan or because they have allergies to animal-based products.

Choose a Transparent Brand

When you are considering taking a collagen supplement, it is important to pick a trustworthy and transparent brand. “Transparent” in this context means that the company openly shares information about their product, including the sourcing of their ingredients, manufacturing process and third-party testing.

A truly transparent brand will have nothing to hide and will be happy to answer any questions you may have about their product. Furthermore, they should use high-quality ingredients that are backed by scientific research. When you choose a transparent collagen supplement, you can be confident that you are getting a safe and effective product.

Third-Party Quality Testing

Another significant consideration for your choice of supplementation is whether a manufacturer takes part in third-party quality testing. Third-party quality testing is an independent evaluation of a product to verify that it meets certain quality standards.

Many supplement manufacturers have their products tested by independent labs to make sure they meet purity and potency specifications. This type of testing can give you peace of mind that you’re getting exactly what the label says you are. When it comes to supplements, quality matters!

Taking collagen can have many benefits, but it’s important to choose a supplement wisely. By keeping the above tips in mind, you can be sure to find a product that will help you achieve your health goals.

The Bottom Line

If you’re looking for the best collagen for men, you can now make a confident and informed decision about collagen supplementation. Whether you choose a collagen powder full of collagen peptides or a liquid or a collagen capsule, your health is going to be positively affected. Looking for more helpful health tips, be sure to click on our Health BLOG where you will find a wealth of information to live your best health. To be sure you are getting the best quality supplements, head on over to our collagen product page, where you are guaranteed to find only first-rate supplements and products. Watch your health improve as you age!

Organixx Clean Sourced Collagens blend contains five types of collagen from four sources. What’s more, it’s combined with targeted nutrients such as zinc, vitamin C, and vitamin B6 which specifically enhance the bioavailability and potency of collagen. Clean Sourced Collagens is formulated from the ground up to enhance and support your body’s natural ability to heal and rebuild itself from the INSIDE out.

Organixx Clean Sourced Collagens
Collagen + Your Hair: What You Need To Know!

We all know that collagen is good for your skin, preventing wrinkles, and other skin aging issues, but what does collagen do for your hair? If you’re looking for the answer to that question, you’ve come to the write site! This article is all about collagen and your hair and what you need to know to keep your hair healthy.

Collagen’s Role in the Human Body 

Collagen, a key protein that our bodies naturally produce, has a very important role to play in the human body. In fact, not only is it responsible for our overall health but without collagen our bodies could not function.

Collagen is found in all of the connective tissues of our bodies: skin, tendons, ligaments, muscles, organs and bones. It also provides structure, elasticity, strength, and hydration. All these things are vital to our well being and our bodies’ ability to work properly.

When Does Collagen Production Begin to Slow?

Our bodies ability to produce collagen naturally begins to decline as we reach adulthood. Experts believe it can begin as early as our 20’s. Of course there are various factors that can impact when the decline actually starts such as health, lifestyle, diet, exercise and sleep patterns as well as environmental stressors.

How to Increase Your Natural Collagen Production

A question we hear often is: “Is there a way to increase my natural ability to produce collagen?” The answer to that question is yes there are a few different ways to give your body assistance when it comes to collagen synthesis.

Diet, lifestyle, sleep, and exercise would be the most natural of ways. Adding collagen supplements to your wellness regime would be another great option. Implementing all these options together will work to give your body the best collagen stimulation and boost possible.

Not sure what foods or collagen supplements to go with? Keep reading!

High-Protein Foods

Collagen is a protein. It makes sense that to make a protein, you need protein. Not only does collagen production require protein but eating protein actually has been proven to stimulate our bodies ability to produce collagen. So what foods are considered to be the best protein-rich foods?

Bone Broth

Bone broth is a protein-rich, nutrient-dense food that has numerous health benefits. Bone broth is made by simmering bones and connective tissues in water for an extended period of time. This process releases amino acids, minerals, and collagen. 

Collagen is a key component of bone broth that makes it so beneficial. Collagen and the amino acids present in bone broth provide the necessary building blocks for collagen synthesis.

The high concentration of nutrients makes bone broth an excellent protein-rich food.


Gelatin is a protein-rich substance that is actually derived from collagen. Gelatin has a very high content of the amino acids glycine, arginine and proline which complements the collagen richness of gelatin improving not only our collagen production but also our overall health.

Gelatin has been shown to improve joint health, aid in digestion, and boost the immune system because it is such a great source of dietary protein-rich collagen. 

Leafy Greens

Leafy greens are a powerhouse of nutrients and offer a host of health benefits. They are an excellent source of vitamins A, C, and K, as well as folic acid.

Leafy greens are a good source of minerals such as iron, calcium, and magnesium. But what makes leafy greens particularly special is their protein content. While most vegetables contain very little protein, leafy greens are a rich source of this essential nutrient. 

Citrus Fruits

Did you know that citrus fruits are not only a great source of vitamins and antioxidants, but they’re also a good source of protein? That’s right, those juicy oranges, tangy grapefruits, and zesty lemons are packed with amino acids, the building blocks of protein.

So why are citrus fruits so rich in protein? Well, it all has to do with their unique composition. Unlike other fruits, which are mostly made up of carbohydrates, citrus fruits contain a significant amount of fiber. This fiber is actually made up of a type of protein called pectin, which helps to give these fruits their characteristic texture. Pectin also contains other types of proteins that are essential for proper cell function.


Now that we have looked at protein-rich foods and how they are very beneficial in boosting our collagen production, let’s take a look at collagen supplementation and the various forms of collagen supplements.


One of the most popular forms of collagen supplements is collagen powders. This is because it is an easy and convenient way to add collagen peptides to your daily routine. It can be added to your coffee, tea, smoothies, yogurt or soup, sauces or any type of liquid. 


Collagen capsules are a great way to increase your collagen levels for several reasons. First, they are a convenient option. You can simply take them with water once or twice per day.

Second, they provide a very high concentration of collagen, which can help to maximize the benefits.

Lastly, easily absorbed by the body, you can be sure that you’re getting all the intended benefits.


Hydrolyzed collagen is great for boosting your collagen levels for several reasons. It’s very easily absorbed by the body. Unlike other forms of collagen, which can be difficult for the body to break down and use, hydrolyzed collagen is already in a liquid form that the body can easily assimilate.

This form of collagen supplementation is a rich source of the amino acids glycine and proline, which are essential for the production of new collagen fibers.

How Collagen Helps Your Hair

So, you now have a good understanding of collagen, collagen supplementation and natural ways to boost collagen production. But, what does collagen do for your hair? Let’s find out!

Provides Essential Amino Acids

Collagen is a major structural component of our hair. As we age, our bodies produce less collagen which can lead to dry, brittle hair that is prone to breakage.

Collagen is made up of a variety of amino acids, including glycine, proline, and hydroxyproline. These amino acids are necessary for the formation of new hair strands as well as keeping existing strands strong and healthy.

Fights Damage to Hair Follicles

As a structural protein, collagen helps to keep hair follicles strong and healthy. When hair follicles are damaged, they are unable to grow new hair. Collagen provides strength and elasticity which helps to repair damage to hair follicles while encouraging new, healthy hair growth.

Collagen adds nutrients and moisture to the hair follicle, keeping it hydrated and preventing the hair from becoming dry and brittle. As a result, collagen plays an important role in keeping hair follicles healthy and preventing damage that can lead to hair loss.

May Prevent Hair Thinning

While collagen may not directly prevent hair thinning, it does help to promote hair growth and overall hair health. Collagen does this by providing the hair with the nutrients it needs to grow.

Collagen also helps to keep the hair moisturized, which can prevent hair breakage. By protecting the hair from damage caused by free radicals, collagen does indirectly prevent hair thinning by promoting hair growth and hair health.

May Help Slow Graying

Collagen affects the overall health of our hair, keeping it lustrous, full, healthy and hydrated. So, collagen plus the amino acids that collagen is made up of is why experts believe our collagen levels greatly affect the natural pigmentation of our hair as we age. More collagen, less graying.

Should I Take Collagen Supplements for My Hair?

It stands to reason that collagen is very important for the health of our hair. If our collagen production declines as we age, why wouldn’t we want to add collagen supplements to our daily routine?

Potential Side Effects of Collagen Supplements

Generally speaking, collagen supplements are safe for everyone with very little side effects or concerns.

If you are allergic to fish or shellfish, collagen supplements may cause severe allergic reactions as many contain marine products. Check the label, now what the supplement ingredients are.

Too much collagen may cause digestive issues such as bloating, gas or diarrhea. All of which can be controlled by beginning with a smaller dose and gradually increasing as needed. 

More Health Benefits of Collagen Supplementation

There are numerous health benefits of collagen supplementation. Because we have been looking at “what does collagen do for your hair?”, let’s consider the benefits to our skin, nails and joints.

Smoother Skin

Collagen is a structural protein which means that it is needed for skin elasticity and support. As our collagen levels decline we end up with dry skin, wrinkles/sagging skin.

Collagen supplements give our skin back its plumpness, hydration and structural support.

Stronger Nails

By supplementing with collagen, we can help to reverse the effects of aging on our nails. Not only does collagen supplementation make them stronger, but it can also make our nails more hydrated and less likely to break or chip. 

Healthier Joints

Collagen supplementation helps to reduce the signs of aging by giving the body the amino acids it needs to produce more collagen. This is important for the health of our joints, their strength and elasticity. Less collagen equals stiffness and inflammation.

The Bottom Line

We hope you have found our guide “Collagen + Your Hair: What You Need To Know!” informative. Don’t stop here! Be sure to check out our Health BLOG and collagen product page because an informed decision is the best decision! 

Organixx Clean Sourced Collagens blend contains five types of collagen from four sources. What’s more, it’s combined with targeted nutrients such as zinc, vitamin C, and vitamin B6 which specifically enhance the bioavailability and potency of collagen. Clean Sourced Collagens is formulated from the ground up to enhance and support your body’s natural ability to heal and rebuild itself from the INSIDE out.

Organixx Clean Sourced Collagens