4 Cardiovascular Risk Factors Doctors Aren’t Talking About

Video Transcript:

Happy Heart Health Awareness Month! I am going to share with you today four very important cardiovascular risk factors to be aware of that your doctors are not detailing fully that can literally change your life and can prevent heart disease, heart episodes like heart attacks, stroke, and all of the other assortment of imbalances in your heart health.

1. Too Much Sugar

So, the first cardiovascular risk that nobody’s really zeroing in on is that your sugar intake from both a dietary perspective and or your body’s natural production like insulin, is one of the greatest risks or risk factors that leads to breakdown of your cardiovascular health. And you might ask, “Dr. Melissa, how is that possible? I thought salt was the thing we’re supposed to be aware of,” and actually sugar is the worst. Out of any other element that influences the heart health, sugar is a direct leading source of cardiovascular imbalances. And I would gauge to state that it’s one of the number-one factors in terms of individuals who might be experiencing pre-diabetic states or consuming your standard American diet that have insulin imbalances.

So, if you are looking to get control of your heart health, be preventive, or reverse some of the staging of heart disease and heart cardiovascular imbalances, really understanding your blood sugar levels and your daily hourly insulin levels is going to be critical.

You might see a lot of people now have these patches that they put on their arm and it connects up to their phone where they can literally track after I eat a meal, insulin either spikes or stays maintained. Everybody’s biochemistry is different and so it’s really important to be able to track your blood sugar as well as the insulin on a not just morning fasting basis like we usually see in lab tests, but throughout the day. And there are influences, and particularly number four in this video for you is going to highlight this further.

2. Magnesium Deficiency

So number two, the second cardiovascular risk is deficiencies in magnesium. Last year, I talked about magnesium, our Magnesium 7, and the connection to heart health, but it’s really, really important to know that over 95% of individuals here on earth are lacking in some degree of magnesium.

There are different types of magnesium. There are certain forms of magnesium that are better for your heart health. There are others that are more productive for minimizing fluid retention, which can be really helpful if folks have chronic vascular insufficiency or have assorted fluid retention related to heart failure.

But there’s also other magnesiums that are really good for your heart tissue. Magnesium, most importantly, when it comes to your overall cardiovascular health, when we have optimal, not just normal in the middle range, but optimized high level, in the range but optimized magnesium, we minimize the body’s accumulation of plaque, particularly bone matter in our cardiovascular system.

For anybody who’s had a family member that has suffered from arterial sclerosis, that’s a thickening or hardening of the arteries. The thickening and the hardening that narrows the walls of that artery, it’s bone matter, and so magnesium minimizes calcium from getting into your cardiovascular system. That is absolutely critical.

3. Not Exercising Every Day

Number three, as far as cardiovascular risks, are individuals who are not doing daily cardio. This is really important. Exercise is important. 30 minutes minimum of cardiovascular effect where you’re getting your heart rate, you’re getting a sweat on – brisk walking, swimming, even rebounding for 30 minutes is really great. But not doing that every day is a risk factor.

So, I have a lot of folks that are fitness enthusiasts, they’re in the gym, and individuals that may be only lifting weights and not doing cardio or they’re not doing the HIIT and the intensity, getting the blood pumping that might not qualify as cardio specifically.

4. Neglecting Stress Levels

Now number four, this is really important. The really, really key critical factor for minimizing both stress levels in your body, the cortisol hormone, as well as minimizing the spikes of insulin or imbalances in blood sugar, is getting control of the stress hormone. So, high blood pressure, elevated heart rate, high cholesterol, and even elevations in triglyceride levels, all are contributed to an increased cortisol level.

So, cortisol is our stress hormone that our adrenals produce. This is a fight-or-flight stress response mechanism. And cortisol is a natural, innate hormone that helps us either get our bodies ready to fight or flight, to run, and that activity naturally requires a spike of energy. So, insulin increases, which is bad for the heart, talked about that first, but it’s also going to trigger a central nervous system response, elevation in blood pressure, elevation in heart rate and cortisol is clogging and overwhelming to your liver, which leads to increases in triglycerides and cholesterol.

So, the traditional model is to combat cholesterol by giving you a statin drug. But what that doesn’t address is the source, which is stress hormone called cortisol. I do a lot of cortisol testing with my patients. We actually do saliva-based testing. You can get a four-panel snapshot throughout the day, gives us a really good idea of this ideal cycle, very much like our circadian cycle, but cortisol management and keeping cortisol calm and in the levels we need at certain times of the day can really turn around the state of your heart health.

So, those are four powerful risk factors that many people, especially your clinicians, are not discussing that I know will literally change the state of your heart health, will help prevent heart disease, and might save you or maybe a family or friend’s life. So, I’m excited to share this information with you today.

Magnesium deficiency is linked to stress, diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis, chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, anxiety, trouble sleeping, sore muscles, migraines, and many more debilitating health conditions.

If your body needs magnesium, you want the most beneficial kind your body can actually absorb. Organixx Magnesium 7 gives you seven (7) of the very best, most bioavailable types of elemental magnesium available.

Magnesium Supplement
Doctor-Recommended Supplements for Heart Health

Video Transcript:

I’m so excited to share with you today four of our favorite, best resources here at Organixx for improving your heart health.

1. Collagen

Number one is collagen. Our Clean Sourced Collagens are amazing for helping muscle and soft tissue repair. Our assortment, five different types of collagen, it’s very powerful. These collagen types are helpful at supporting the turnover of the cellular process of your heart health, as well as muscle health, and your vasculature. So, overall, collagen is a good repair agent for supporting the functionality of your heart and cardiovascular health.

2. Turmeric 3D

The second supplement that I love is our Turmeric 3D, or T3D. It’s very turmeric-forward, and turmeric is a powerful herb for supporting our heart health. One of the overwhelming benefits of turmeric is that it’s an anti-inflammatory. So, when we’re talking about heart health, and heart disease risks, and risk factors behind stroke and heart attack, and that kind of vascular inflammatory disorders, turmeric is very helpful at lowering overall systemic inflammation, and it also serves to function as a natural diuretic.

Now, quick warning on this, if you are taking any kind of blood-thinning medication like a warfarin, you want to be very cautious of taking also turmeric. So, turmeric is kind of the nature’s natural alternative to a warfarin or a blood thinner, and that’s the other powerful benefit that turmeric provides, is it does thin your blood and helps to move your blood.

So, folks that have been diagnosed with thicker blood or notate a little bit higher elevations of LDL being transported through the blood, that would be a very powerful resource.

3. Magnesium 7

Now, third is honestly one of my favorites, and it’s our combination, or multi-form magnesium, or Magnesium 7. So, magnesium, overall, is going to be one of the most powerful minerals for your heart health. And simply put, magnesium is like a cardiovascular bouncer. It helps to keep out calcium from all aspects of your vasculature.

So, it will help minimize the buildup of hard, kind of gunky bony plaque, which is simply from calcium that is not being articulated and remineralized in other areas, like our bone or our teeth. So, when we’re talking about magnesium in the function of supporting our heart health, calcium blocking is the core powerful function magnesium provides for your heart health.

Now, magnesium, again, this is all different forms, we’re giving you seven different forms of magnesium. Some forms of magnesium are going to be more functional and helpful at moving your bowels, and that is very powerful at helping lower cholesterol levels, keeping things moving. There’s also a lymphatic function where we get the lymphatic fluid moving, which helps minimize the arterial pressure. This is really complex, but basically, there’s this connectivity between our blood vessels and our lymphatic system. It’s how the blood gets rid of toxicity, and it also is the way that it moves the lymphatic system. And there’s this pressure, there’s this kind of interweaving of vessels where there’s a transport mechanism and there is a pressure. It’s pressurized. Well, magnesium helps to get things moving out and through your blood, your lymphatic system.

So, when we’re talking about, maybe you’ve got some congestive heart failure, or edema, or swelling of the ankles, or even maybe are dealing with gout, all of those things can influence the fluid levels and constrain your heart health. Magnesium is great for helping excess fluid that is in the interstitial space, the kind of open space in our vasculature and in around our body. It helps articulate it and move it out. That is very helpful for reducing the overwhelm the heart has in pushing the volume of blood and other fluids in our body.

4. 7 Mushrooms [formerly 7M+]

Now, our fourth, and just powerhouse, is a functional mushroom that you’re going to find in our 7 Mushrooms [formerly 7M+] product. And the functional mushroom here is called chaga. Chaga is one of my favorite adaptogenic functional mushrooms. Adaptogenic, meaning it helps your body adapt to everyday stressors. So, if you are studying and doing a lot of reading and are doing mental work, it helps you adapt to that mental work. If you, later on in the day, are doing a lot of physical activity, it helps your body process and recover and repair after that physical activity.

Chaga also has some really powerful heart-healthy benefits, and I highlight this in another video here this month. I’d have you reference that, but specifically, chaga is great for lowering your elevations of LDL, and it’s an anti-inflammatory.

So, overall, these four supplements, our collagen, our Clean Sourced Collagens, T3D, our MAG7, and our 7 Mushrooms [formerly 7M+] functional mushroom blend that’s chaga-forward. They’re great. So powerful for helping support your heart health.

And if you are looking at being proactive and reducing your heart health risk and helping reduce the inflammation levels in your body systemically, that is a powerful thing to do to reduce your risk of heart disease, strokes, and heart attack. So, I hope you check out these four items in our catalog here at Organixx. They are great for heart health.

One easy way to keep your health on track? Consider subscribing to the supplements you take regularly to help maintain consistency. Organixx Subscribe & Save makes it simple and stress-free for you to receive automatic, ongoing shipments of best-in-class supplements right to your doorstep… and you’ll always get 15% off the price, free shipping, priority stock, and you’ll never run out when you choose this option.

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Do I Need a Magnesium Supplement? Can I Get Enough Through Eating Healthy?

Video Transcript:

One of the most common questions that I get from my patients is should I take magnesium? And what forms of magnesium should I take? What dosing should I take? How do I even know if I need magnesium?

So, I want to really go into a deep dive with you in terms of understanding, what does magnesium do? What are the assorted forms? How do they function? How might they be beneficial to your health? And then also to give you some recommendations of how to consume magnesium on a daily basis.

Diminishing Magnesium Levels

So, first off, let me share with you an assortment of benefits that your body is going to experience by adding a daily magnesium supplement. Before we go into these benefits, it’s really important to know that about 98, 99% of us experience some degree of sub-optimal magnesium levels and this comes from an assortment of reasons.

One, our water sources are deficient in magnesium. Where we used to drink mineral-dense water, our waters are now mineral lacking or are filtered. The minerals are filtered out and we’re not getting that in our water.

Then, the second thing that we see is that our fruit and vegetables, the plant-based nutrients that used to be plentiful in fruits and vegetables, we’ve seen a significant decrease in the magnesium levels in our soil that’s getting absorbed from our food sources.

So often, people think, “Oh, if I eat more fruits and veggies and maybe add some seeds and nuts, I’m going to increase my magnesium level.” But that is just not the case. And we know that science supports this in terms of assessing mineral levels and hair samples. And we can see it in soft tissue and even blood draws where we are not optimizing our magnesium.

Benefits of Optimal Magnesium Levels

So, the benefits of magnesium… we want to optimize magnesium because it is a critical compound that is needed and involved in over 600 different enzymatic reactions within your body. Some simple and some complex reactions, but all require optimized magnesium levels. And if we are in a deficient state, we’re just not able to achieve those enzymatic reactions, thereby creating deficiency within your body. Magnesium is one of seven essential macro minerals, so we need to make sure that we have that balanced and optimized.

Reduces Stress & Promotes Relaxation

And then, this is really one of my favorites, as far as benefits, magnesium actually positively affects our neurotransmitters and it really enhances and increases GABA, one of the most important neurotransmitters to reduce stress levels and promotes relaxation.

So, if you’re stressed out, magnesium is going to increase your GABA, calming your body down, but it’s not just your state of feeling emotionally balanced. You’re also going to get an actual balance between your parasympathetic and your sympathetic nervous system. That GABA enhancement will balance out our central nervous system. And so, if you’re dealing with any anxiety or panic attacks or elevated heart rate, that can really be powerful.

Supports an Overall Healthy Body

The other thing that is really impactful with magnesium is that it is an absolute necessary element to keep our body overall healthy. And it’s because it is a macro mineral, because it is utilized in over 600 enzymatic reactions. If you are deficient, any degree of deficiency in magnesium, you’re not really operating within a healthy body.

Manages Fluid Levels & Optimizes Digestion

Magnesium is also an electrolyte. And as an electrolyte, it is a critical compound to maintaining the right fluid balance. As a lymphatic therapist, I work with a lot of folks that are inflamed, holding fluid, and deal with lymphatic impairment. The magnesium has this amazing capacity to take fluid that’s sitting in what we call the interstitial space – that’s fluid in amongst our cells in between soft tissue and organ and glandular matter. And it can help articulate that, pulling that fluid out where it should be harboring itself and flushing that into the digestive process, which also supports our healthy bowel movements and process of our digestion. So, magnesium is really an underlying element in promoting your lymphatic system, as well as optimizing your digestive processes.

Promotes Metabolic Health & Better Sleep

The other thing that’s really, really important to understand with magnesium is magnesium will protect your metabolic health. This comes in the way of helping balance out neurotransmitters. It also comes in the way of supporting your nerve function, and actually aids in balancing the central nervous system, helping you sleep better, which promotes good, healthy metabolic health by promoting the lymphatic system – the detoxing of our brain, and keeping our brain optimized.

Helps Offset Protein Deficiency & Supports Bone Health

We also find that magnesium can offset protein deficiency and any type of oxidative stress on your body that might be causing subtle changes to your DNA or causing changes to your bone density. So, magnesium will help build up the protein stores in your body. These are metabolic proteins, we sometimes call them systemic proteins or systemic enzymes, proteolytic enzymes. Magnesium is needed for your body to naturally make serrapeptase and nattokinase and certain really powerful metabolic proteins.

We also see that magnesium can support the articulation of calcium to our bones and our nails and our teeth. If you experience any type of weakness in your nails, or you noticed you maybe have more dental carries, dental cavities from a lack of remineralization. Or maybe you’ve been diagnosed with osteoporosis or osteopenia, which is the scaling, you start with osteopenia, and then it progresses into osteoporosis. Both of those are reversible and can be greatly enhanced by adding magnesium into your body.

Enhances Muscle & Nerve Function

And the last and final thing that’s really important to understand with magnesium and some of the benefits that, overall, support your body is it can help enhance your muscle function and your nerve function. And there are certain forms of magnesium where we see this being more powerful.

Helps Key Nutrient Absorption & Assimilation

Here at Organixx, we have magnesium orotate added to our Mag 7 Complexx. And what I love about the orotate, that form of magnesium, is it is very helpful in helping your body enhance and convert the nutrients that you’re consuming and also producing in your body. It helps enhance your B12 and folic acid absorption and assimilation.

Magnesium can sometimes be the reason… I see some of my patients in what we’d say, or label as a subclinical anemia, or maybe they’re presenting with an inability for their body, the cells, to absorb iron effectively. So, if you are in an iron-deficient state or even notice your B12 levels are always low, it’s likely caused, the underlying element here, is that magnesium, the orotate form, is not in the most optimal levels.

A Full-Spectrum Magnesium Supplement Works Synergistically to Impact Multiple Body Systems

And this is where I want to highlight… one of the benefits that I love about our Magnesium 7 is you’re going to get seven assorted magnesium forms that are all going to work synergistically in different ways.

For instance, our malate, the magnesium malate, helps to promote digestive process and helps to enhance that electrolyte balance, which helps maintain our fluid levels. The other thing that we see is magnesium taurate is wonderful for blood sugar balance and promotes our heart health.

And so those are things just to think about when you are looking at purchasing or using a magnesium. You just don’t want a magnesium citrate, because you’re only going to be affecting the digestive process. You want a full spectrum of magnesium that will target assorted body systems as well, like magnesium glycinate. That has the most impact in increasing those GABA, the GABA neurotransmitter levels and helps balance our central nervous system, calming stress and easing the state of anxiety and restlessness.

When and How Much Magnesium to Take?

Now, when it comes to how much should I consume? That’s always a question. What I like to say is I want you to look at not so much the quantity, but when you’re consuming it. So with magnesium, because it’s needed in over 600 enzymatic reactions. One dose in the morning or one dose in the evening is just not going to be optimal. We want to have a steady stream of magnesium delivery so that your body at night and during the day can pull those nutrients and use that for the assorted enzymatic reactions that’s needed by your body in that day.

So, I recommend taking two capsules. That’s the dose that we recommend in Magnesium 7. Take two capsules when you wake up in the morning, you can take it with food or without food, either one is fine. And then, right before bed or right after dinner. So, have an AM dose, two capsules in AM, two capsules in the PM.

Now, for instance, let’s say you’ve had your magnesium tested and you are really low-level in magnesium, where there’s a ratio of magnesium that is low or imbalanced to another one of the macro minerals. Then it’s not a bad idea to do what I’d call a micro-dose in the middle of the day. And it might not be two capsules, it might just be one.

So, it’s important to assess, test, don’t guess where your magnesium levels are, but then also make sure you’ve got a steady flow of magnesium that you’re adding into your diet.

Doctor-Recommended, Critical Supplement

Magnesium overall, in my book, as a naturopathic physician, it is a foundational nutrient. It’s a foundational macro mineral, and it’s foundational to so many different body reactions and body systems that it is really one of the most critical supplements that you can add into your daily diet as a supplement, but then also is necessary even when you’re eating or juicing organic and you’re more plant-based, we still need magnesium.

So, across the board, hands down, my recommendation is that every individual who is alive, even little kids, we all need magnesium and we need a full-spectrum form of magnesium.

So, I’m so excited to share all of the amazing benefits and reasons why you should and I hope you will consider taking Magnesium 7. And one of the amazing things here at Organixx is our magnesium is very clean. We have a good blending of the assorted forms that help to balance out all of our body systems. So, we give you the most optimized, synergistic magnesium that you’ll find.

Magnesium deficiency is linked to stress, diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis, chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, anxiety, trouble sleeping, sore muscles, migraines, and many more debilitating health conditions.

If your body needs magnesium, you want the most beneficial kind your body can actually absorb. Organixx Magnesium 7 gives you seven (7) of the very best, most bioavailable types of elemental magnesium available.

Magnesium Supplement
Why a Full-Spectrum Magnesium Supplement is Essential for Optimal Wellness

Video Transcript:

Are you feeling stressed, fatigued, maybe slightly constipated, or notice after you work out, you still have sore muscles and, just, there’s tension, or even holding fluid in your body? Maybe you’ve experienced heart palpitations or an increase in your blood pressure.

I’m going to share with you an amazing solution that I recommend to all of my patients, regardless of their age or gender, and it is a full-spectrum magnesium. We call it Magnesium 7 here at Organixx, and magnesium is a powerhouse. It’s honestly one of the most essential macro-minerals that you need to be consuming on a daily basis.

One of the things that makes magnesium so critical for keeping you and your body and your health and wellness optimized is magnesium is involved in over 600 enzymatic reactions that help your body run efficiently and optimally. And one of the things that we know through scientific research is that magnesium is absolutely critical, optimizing those levels to keep your body healthy.

It not only functions as an electrolyte, which helps maintain your fluid balance, but it’s also the second most critical intracellular element, which means it is really, really important that you consume a magnesium on a daily basis, to help support your bone health, your heart health, and even your neurotransmitter health.

Magnesium for Stress Reduction & Sleep Support

So, let’s talk about if you are feeling stressed, or you notice maybe you’re not sleeping well, magnesium – simply adding magnesium into your body in a full-spectrum supplement like the Magnesium 7 – there are magnesium types that we offer you that can literally increase one of the most stress-relieving neurotransmitters called GABA. What we find is that the magnesium that you can get in Magnesium 7, the magnesium glycinate is the most efficient and most effective magnesium form to promote relaxation and a reduction in your stress levels.

Now, many people might experience an elevation in blood pressure or heart palpitations, or just notice they’re not sleeping well and even the digestive process slows down when we’re under stress.

Maybe you’ve taken cortisol tests and you know that your cortisol is elevated or you’ve got basement level cortisol because we have the stress response mechanism in your body that is imbalanced. That affects all aspects of your body. And where magnesium and its involvement in over 600 enzymatic reactions in your body, magnesium helps to support muscle and nerve function, which is so optimal.

Breaking Through the Blood-Brain Barrier

There are actually three forms of magnesium that can break through the blood-brain barrier and you’re going to find those here in our Magnesium 7. So, that’s really important when we’re looking at, how do we keep you youthful? How do we keep your body and cells optimal, and optimizing, and efficient? How can we support the stress response mechanism and lower your body’s reactivity to stress?

And also, how do we help optimize your body’s transport of essential minerals, thereby increasing your energy production?

Magnesium can do all of that and more.

Magnesium is an Essential Macro-Mineral

Magnesium is an essential mineral, macro-mineral, that can help make protein. So, your body can actually make critical proteolytic, or what we would consider metabolic enzymes, that support bone density – enhancing the remineralization of your bones – as well as enhances your DNA from any oxidative stress.

So, if you are looking to protect your cells, protect your DNA, and to also support your heart health, improve your digestive process and balance your stress response mechanism, magnesium is one of the best minerals, in a full-spectrum form, meaning multiple forms.

When to Take a Full-Spectrum Magnesium Supplement

We have seven different types of magnesium in Magnesium 7. That’s going to be really critical for addressing assorted deficiencies, like the symptoms of imbalanced sleep, constipation, anxiety, and even depression, bone loss. Those are all going to be signs of some magnesium deficiencies.

So, powering up your body on a daily basis with magnesium, you’re going to notice a difference. And in fact, my patients, when I recommend they take a magnesium in the morning and in the evening – so, a dose of Magnesium 7 would be, we have on the supplement facts, two capsules. Take two capsules in the morning. Two capsules in the evening. So, you’ve got kind of a sandwich. Start of the day and end the day with magnesium. You’re going to get a steady stream of enzymatic support to help enhance your muscle and nerve function, as well as lower your stress response mechanism. You’re going to notice it within 24 hours.

I’m so excited to share the amazing capacity, the healing capacity that magnesium can deliver to you. So, I hope you will put a Magnesium 7 in your cart today, and I can’t wait to hear all the great results that you experience in adding this absolutely critical powerhouse of a supplement into your daily life.

Magnesium deficiency is linked to stress, diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis, chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, anxiety, trouble sleeping, sore muscles, migraines, and many more debilitating health conditions.

If your body needs magnesium, you want the most beneficial kind your body can actually absorb. Organixx Magnesium 7 gives you seven (7) of the very best, most bioavailable types of elemental magnesium available.

Magnesium Supplement
Are There Contraindications When Taking Calcium & Magnesium Together?

Video Transcript:

Today’s question comes from one of our viewers who wrote in saying this, “I am older and I have osteoporosis. I have 1200 milligrams of calcium that I take at night. When should I take Mag 7?” (The Magnesium 7 that we have here at Organixx.) They also write, “I’ve been told too much magnesium is contraindicated to take with calcium.”

So, this is a great question. And I first want to clarify that calcium and magnesium are very powerful when taken together.

Understanding Calcification of the Cardiovascular System

Particularly, calcium that is not matched with magnesium can actually be harmful. So, I’m not quite clear on who maybe highlighted that they shouldn’t be taken together or there’s contraindications in taking calcium with magnesium. But the reality is that if you do not have a calcium that accompanies, or you take an additional supplement like Magnesium 7, what’s happening is you are just delivering calcium into your body. And if you are in a deficient state, which about 95-98% of us are deficient in magnesium, you now have no blocking mechanism for calcium in its delivery and transport into the vascular channel.

So, you can actually be causing more calcification of your cardiovascular system. Meaning that the calcium, when it enters, because it’s not blocked by magnesium. Magnesium is like the bodyguard. If the nightclub is your vascular channel, magnesium is the blocker, the night guard, and it makes sure that calcium is articulated in the right place, the right location, (i.e., bone and teeth). And when that doesn’t occur, calcium can get into your vascular channel, and implant along the walls of your vascular system.

So, meaning the walls of your veins, your arteries, and even sometimes in your heart. So that can be problematic when we’re looking at an exorbitant amount of calcium, 1200 milligrams, I’m not quite clear on what type or form of calcium you’re taking. That’s a lot. And because it’s unchecked, meaning we don’t have the balancer blocking it from being articulated into the vascular channel, you’d want to take magnesium with that dose. And because we’re looking at a high dose of calcium, I would probably do two or three doses of Magnesium 7. And again, it depends on the form of calcium. Some calciums are going to be more caustic to the vascular channel than others.

Plant-Based Calcium Is Best

So, always read your labels and you want to try and go as plant based as you can with calcium. There’s a likelihood of it being absorbed properly and articulated because a lot of times plant-based calciums will have a natural accompaniment of magnesium. But Magnesium 7, here at Organixx, is powerful at minimizing any type of further-down-the-road risk of arterial sclerosis, which is the leading cause of heart disease, heart attacks, and stroke. And it all comes back to the fact that we are overloading our bodies with calcium and we’re in a deficient state of magnesium and it’s not matched.

So, I hope that’s helpful. Just know magnesium is an absolutely essential mineral and it is necessary in over 600 different body reactions. And because of that, we need to get that into your body. And this is definitely one where you can microdose – take magnesium in the morning, take it in the evening. And that helps keep your digestive process flowing and helps to minimize any calcium from building up in places where it does not need to be, like your arteries and your veins. So, I hope that’s helpful. Let us know if you have any more questions and we appreciate you for being a valued customer here at Organixx. Have a great day.

Magnesium deficiency is linked to stress, diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis, chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, anxiety, trouble sleeping, sore muscles, migraines, and many more debilitating health conditions.

If your body needs magnesium, you want the most beneficial kind your body can actually absorb. Organixx Magnesium 7 gives you seven (7) of the very best, most bioavailable types of elemental magnesium available.

Magnesium Supplement
3 Proven, Powerful Ways to Reduce Heart Issues in Men

Video Transcript:

Today, I want to talk to you about heart health for men, specifically any of the fathers, grandfathers, uncles, or gentlemen seeking to support their heart health. I’m going to share with you three really powerful supplements to add to your daily regimen that have a ton of clinical research and are proven to be helpful in minimizing the inflammation of heart disease. They are great at supporting the heart tissue and will also target the reduction in the overall accumulation of calcium, which calcium is one of the leading reasons for heart disease and heart attack and arteriosclerosis. But calcium that is not blocked appropriately in the body can go rogue. And so I’m going to share with you a supplement we have here at Organixx that’s going to be extremely powerful for reducing that. So, make sure you stay with me through this whole video.

Address Systemic Inflammation: The Leading Cause of Heart Disease

So, number one, let’s talk about inflammation. Inflammation. Systemic inflammation is a leading source of the cause of heart disease. This ranges from high blood pressure and blood sugar, metabolic imbalances, and all the way through to arteriosclerosis and strokes and heart attack. So, targeting inflammation and the inflammatory markers, cytokines – these are certain cells that are inflammatory producing and trigger a whole bunch of other inflammation in the body – targeting that is going to be really critical in reducing your propensity or likelihood to develop heart disease, have a stroke, or have a widowmaker heart attack.

So, Magi-Complexx is my favorite go-to. It’s a three-herbal blend that has the most potent forms of anti-inflammatory herbals in them. The combination of turmeric and frankincense and myrrh – these are the gifts of the Magi, that’s why we call it Magi-Complexx. It is so wonderful for reducing inflammation in the body. Turmeric is amazing at not only reducing inflammation, it supports the lymphatic system. So, this helps support the detox process of not only the heart tissue, the overall body, and the glymphatics, that’s a lymphatic system of our brain.

The Magi-Complexx is something that you can use for pain. It can be used for inflammation of the joints. But also deeper, systemically, it can target inflammation in the cardiovascular system. And free radical damage tends to be this leading source of the body’s creation of cholesterol, and reducing inflammation targets those free radicals. So we can reduce free radical damage by reducing inflammation in the body, thereby limiting the amount of cholesterol your body’s having to produce to heal open wounds in the vascular channel.

Repair Damaged Heart Tissue with Coenzymes

Now, the second thing that I love to recommend is a supplement that is a more recent modern find. This was back in the 1970s, the Japanese discovered the amazing potency of ubiquinol. And now we have the mitoquinols, an even more potent form of a coenzyme our body naturally produces.

It’s been discovered that our heart and our gum tissue is primarily comprised of coenzyme Q10. And quinols and the mitoquinols, that category of enzymes, coenzymes, are known to directly target the turnover and the restoration of our heart cells and ultimately our gum cell, gum tissue.

So, if you may have had a heart attack or maybe have had a stint or CABG procedure or any type of heart-disease-related surgery, maybe from a heart attack or arterial blockage, and maybe the heart is also dealing with congestive heart failure, CoQ10 or a mitoquinol, a very potent form of CoQ10, is extremely powerful at adding this into your daily regimen. I use it with my patients. There’s massive amounts of research. Particularly in Japan, they use the quinols to reverse heart disease and recover and repair damaged heart tissue.

I promise you, I’ve seen it in my own practice. I have had gentlemen who’ve had near widowmakers and have been awaiting surgery. And we put them on massive doses of coenzyme Q10 or mitoquinol. And we actually see their heart tissue repair, where cardiovascular doctors have said, “There’s no way we’re going to see change in the heart damage and the heart tissue. It’s impossible for it to repair.” Within a year, sometimes as little as six to nine months, we see a reinvigoration and a change in that cellular tissue.

And the reality is, is that our cells are constantly evolving and changing. By adding a mitoquinol, which you can find in my supplement store, actually. This is a more potent form of coenzyme Q10, and you can only get it through licensed professionals. We have mitoquinol that you can use on a daily basis. And it’s as small as 10 milligrams or 20 milligrams, but it gives you a massive potency to heal the heart and also any periodontal disease or gingivitis. It’s great for gum tissue. And gum tissue is very… it mirrors the heart tissue. So, if you’re dealing with any type of gum dental issues, likelihood, we might be also seeing some heart imbalances or heart tissue imbalances. So, mitoquinols are great for heart and gum tissue.

Manage Your Body’s Calcium Production

Now the last and final, let’s talk about calcium production in the body. There is a very special mineral, a very important mineral that is needed in over 600 different enzymatic body reactions. This mineral is often going to be in a deficient state with all of us. We calculate about 85% to 90% of the population globally has a deficiency in magnesium.

And magnesium in the body is like a bouncer for the nightclub. So, if the nightclub is our heart or a vascular channel, magnesium functions to keep calcium out. Calcium’s like a firecracker inside the vascular channel. So it is bouncing, it’s keeping the magnesium out or calcium blocker. And it’ll help push the calcium to the bones instead of getting into the vascular channel. And ultimately, arteriosclerosis is a disease where our body is putting bone matter, calcium, into the vascular channel. And we see a hardening, an actual calcification, a “bony” vascular channel. That is something we need to avoid for improved… and for our longevity, we need to see better balanced vascular health that is deficient in calcium accumulation.

And the way to minimize calcium accumulation is to add Magnesium 7. This is our multi-blend magnesium. This is wonderful. Adding it as a powder into smoothies. You can even add it into a tea or a coffee in the morning. So, we have capsules you can break open that are really great to add into your daily regimen. But magnesium functions as a natural calcium blocker. And a lot of individuals, particularly men that might be on calcium-blockers or beta-blockers, calcium is a factor for enhancing the state of our blood pressure. It can also lead to conditions like congestive heart failure, arterial blockage, and can ultimately lead to the need for surgeries and additional medications and therapeutics. So, adding Magnesium 7 right now to your daily regimen is going to be something that will help support your overall vascular health.

So, I’m excited to share these three items with you. Because overall, this is a powerful way to enhance your heart health. And this is not just for men, but for women. But for men, we see a lot of heart attacks being a leading source of fatalities. And so we can avoid and lower inflammation, power up the heart cells, lower the exposure of the vascular channel to calcium, then we can create a more supple, flexible, dynamic vascular channel that helps support you through the aging process.

Magnesium deficiency is linked to stress, diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis, chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, anxiety, trouble sleeping, sore muscles, migraines, and many more debilitating health conditions.

If your body needs magnesium, you want the most beneficial kind your body can actually absorb. Organixx Magnesium 7 gives you seven (7) of the very best, most bioavailable types of elemental magnesium available.

Magnesium Supplement