Why Add Collagen to Your Regimen: A Doctor’s Explanation of Benefits

Video Transcript:

I always am so excited to share so many of the amazing benefits of our Clean Sourced Collagens with you and so many of my patients, because collagen is a powerhouse protein that can restore our energy. It can restore our youthfulness. It has great superficial benefits like reducing wrinkles and improving our skin tone and improving any tears and kind of changes in our cellular tissue in our skin. But most importantly, it has extensive benefits inside our body.

If you’re looking to heal and really create a more youthful body from the inside out, collagen has to be at the foundation of your program. I’ll share with you a few reasons.

First of all, we have five of the core collagens in this powdered format. The second reason I really love this is its powdered component allows you to mix it in a hot beverage like a tea or coffee. You can add it to yogurt or a nut yogurt, a smoothie. We even bake with it in my household. You can add this in on the daily to support good, clean cellular turnover of your tissue cells.

A Specific Protein Type That Must be Outsourced

But most importantly, the protein in collagen – collagen is a specific protein type – the protein needed by your body, there’s only certain forms of protein that are accessible for your body to use to create more supple, stronger ligaments, tendons, assorted soft tissue, and even bone, and the collagen protein is what is required. You have to outsource that protein. That means, simply, you have to add that into your daily diet. Some people will add bone broths and others may eat more animal-based organ meats and soft tissue meats or cuisine.

Collagen Supports Soft Tissue

But for many of us, we choose collagen powders as our way to get this very potent form of amino acids with protein that will power up our soft tissue. It helps relieve joint pain. It can repair certain ligament and soft tissue tears, and makes, actually, our tissue more supple and more youthful.

Collagen Supports & Improves Digestive Health

One of the things that we found is that digestively, collagen can help improve IBS. If you think about all of the skin and soft tissue on the outside of our body, as well as on the inside of our body, collagen can benefit all of those tissue types.

If you are dealing with let’s say an ulcer or maybe a hiatal hernia in your stomach, collagen can be beneficial for that because it can help support the tissue of the stomach, the area and the soft tissue in and around that stomach lining. We also see with digestive imbalances, it can help improve the single-cell intestinal lining.

Collagen Benefits Heart Health

We also see epithelial benefits, and that is simply a type of tissue that is in the lining of our vascular channel. We have 26 different types of epithelial tissue types. Well, collagen can benefit that as well.

For individuals who are looking to improve their heart health, that want to have a more youthful appearance, that want to have a more youthful feeling body, that want to have more flexibility in their joints and range of movement and motion, collagen can benefit that.

Collagen Aids in Increased Bone Density and Remineralization

And for many of us, women particularly, who are concerned about osteopenia or osteoporosis – that’s a staging of bone deterioration, osteopenia is the beginning. Osteoporosis and varying stages of bone deterioration, this comes with natural aging. It comes with natural hormonal imbalances.

But one of the things that we see is one of the specialized types of collagen that we have in our collagen powders – we have five different types – that collagen can help increase and support bone density and the bone remineralization, which is amazing. Who would think that a protein can actually do that?

But we need to add this in. It has to be a supplemental component.

Supplementing with a Clean Collagen Source is Key

Either we’re getting it from food and/or we’re getting it from an alternative source like our Clean Sourced Collagens, which leads me to recommend our collagen because it is cleanly sourced. It is a clean form of collagen.

It is not going to be filled with assorted chemicals and laden with assorted harmful ingredients or carcinogens or toxins that are going to pollute your body. Instead, we cleanly source it. We have a whole QC process. We have third-party vendors that check our manufacturing process and it is absolutely clean. Cleanest on the market, in my opinion.

One of the things that we know is that when you put clean things in, you can actually enhance that process of accelerating the bone density and the turnover of cells and the support of our skin tissue and our soft tissue and our internal tissue, because the body is not being burdened with these excess toxins and chemicals.

Who Should Supplement with Collagen and How?

Overall, I recommend our Clean Sourced Collagens to everybody. Especially if you are over the age of 30, it really is important that you add this into your regimen daily.

Now, there are a few different ways to get this into your body. I’ve recommended a few here… in a hot liquid beverage like a coffee or tea, a smoothie, yogurt, nut yogurt, applesauces, assorted kind of blends.

You can also cook with it. We have a wonderful recipe on the back of our collagen bags that also gives you another alternative. Do check out the ingredients there and the mixing instructions. But importantly, it is critical you at least get it once a day.

For some of my patients that are in the post-surgical category or are dealing with any type of bone or joint damage, maybe it’s from a particular autoimmune disorder or aging or after injury from several decades ago. You might want to add in a second dose.

Play around with how you can add this into your daily regimen. There’s a lot of versatility, but just know the benefits are numerous. Often collagen gets billed as a resource that just has superficial benefits. We see those starting in two weeks, the reduction of fine lines and wrinkles, and a really healthy, youthful appearance.

The same thing happens inside. In two to four weeks, you’re going to start to see and notice and feel an amazing difference by adding Clean Sourced Collagens into your daily regimen.

Organixx Clean Sourced Collagens blend contains five types of collagen from four sources. What’s more, it’s combined with targeted nutrients such as zinc, vitamin C, and vitamin B6 which specifically enhance the bioavailability and potency of collagen. Clean Sourced Collagens is formulated from the ground up to enhance and support your body’s natural ability to heal and rebuild itself from the INSIDE out.

Organixx Clean Sourced Collagens
Collagen for Skin: Benefits and Risks To Know About

“Collagen dipeptides that were taken over 56 days in a study by Inoue et al. also resulted in significantly more improvement in skin moisture, elasticity, wrinkles, and roughness for the subjects that received 10 mg per day in comparison to study participants who received 0.5 mg per day or placebo.”

Nutrients, A Collagen Supplement Improves Skin Hydration, Elasticity, Roughness, and Density: Results of a Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Blind Study

Collagen is one of the main proteins that’s present in your body and it helps with many functions which includes building muscle, preventing bone loss, alleviating joint pain and dryness, and improving skin health by reducing wrinkles and dryness.

Collagen supplements are a popular option for those looking to boost their natural production and combat these signs of aging that show up as collagen production lessens over the years. 

One of the main benefits of taking a collagen supplement is the effects it has on your skin. Whether you’re looking to reduce wrinkles, smooth out any bumps or blemishes, or just looking to maintain that healthy, youthful glow, collagen supplements may be for you! 

So, what do you need to know about collagen and how it affects the skin? Here are 6 facts that will help you understand collagen and its benefits to keep you radiant and glowing!

What is collagen, exactly?

Collagen is the most prevalent protein in your body. It’s involved in a wide range of connective tissues, including tendons, ligaments, skin, and muscles.

Collagen also provides structure and strengthens your bones, among other things.

There are 28 distinct types of collagen, with the four most common ones being as follows:

Collagen supplements have grown increasingly popular in recent years. The majority of them are hydrolyzed, which means the collagen has been broken down to make it more absorbable.

Collagen-based supplements are available in a variety of forms, including powder and capsules. Collagen found in supplements comes in a variety of types, with some containing just one or two kinds and others containing up to five.

Collagen-rich foods

Collagen is a protein that is found in the connective tissues of the body. It helps to provide strength and support to these tissues. Collagen-rich foods can help to promote healthy skin, nails, and hair.

Some good sources of collagen include beef, pork, chicken, fish, eggs, dairy products, and certain fruits and vegetables. Supplementing with collagen can also help to improve the health of these tissues.

Animals have collagen in their connective tissue as well, and so many people believe that consuming animal products is the best way to get collagen into your diet.

However, there are some vegetarian and vegan sources of collagen as well. These include certain types of algae, some sprouts, and some beans.

Certain cooking methods can also help to increase the amount of collagen in food. For example, stewing or slow cooking can help to break down the collagen in meat and make it more bioavailable. Pressure cooking can also help to increase the collagen content of food. 

Vitamin C is also important for collagen production. Foods that are high in vitamin C can help to promote collagen synthesis. These include citrus fruits, tomatoes, bell peppers, broccoli, and brussel sprouts.

Digestive enzymes break down the collagen in meals into individual amino acids and peptides. Collagen from supplements, on the other hand, has already been broken down or hydrolyzed, which is why it’s assumed to be absorbed more readily than collagen from meals.

Collagen supplements have many health benefits

Collagen supplements have a wide range of health advantages. Let’s take a look at just a few of those benefits: 

1. Improve the health of your skin.

Collagen has several beneficial effects on the skin. It helps to keep skin firm, flexible, and hydrated. Collagen is essential for healthy-looking skin as you age since your body produces less of it with time.

However, several researchers have suggested that collagen peptides or supplements containing collagen may help reduce skin aging by reducing wrinkles and dryness.

According to one analysis of numerous research papers that focused primarily on women, taking 3–10 grams of collagen per day for an average of 69 days improved skin elasticity and moisture.

Collagen synthesis may be stimulated through the use of these supplements. 

Collagen supplements may also aid in the development of other proteins that contribute to skin structure, such as elastin and fibrillin.

Collagen supplements have a long history of being used as anti-aging therapies. There are also many anecdotal claims that collagen supplements help with acne and other skin disorders, but these have not been proved by science.

2. Joint pain may be relieved.

A diet high in collagen helps to keep your cartilage, which is similar in structure to rubber, from crumbling.

As the amount of collagen in your body decreases with age, you are at a greater risk of developing degenerative joint diseases like osteoarthritis.

Collagen supplements have been shown to help reduce joint pain in some patients with osteoarthritis.

Supplemental collagen has been shown to accumulate in cartilage and stimulate your tissues to produce collagen, according to researchers. 

As a result, this can help decrease inflammation, improve joint support, and reduce pain.If you want to take collagen supplements for the sake of pain relief, most studies suggest that 10 grams per day will provide a beneficial result.

3. Reduce the risk of bone loss by slowing down the aging process.

Bones are mostly composed of collagen, which gives them structure and strength. Bone mass degrades at the same rate as collagen in your body with age. This might lead to osteoporosis, which is characterized by low bone density and an increased risk of fracture.

According to reports, collagen supplements may aid in the prevention of bone deterioration that can lead to osteoporosis. In a 12-month research, women received either a calcium supplement containing 5 grams of collagen or one that didn’t.

Those who took the calcium and collagen supplement had significantly lower blood levels of proteins that promote bone breakdown at the study’s conclusion than those who only took the calcium.

4. It has been shown to improve muscle mass.

Collagen is a significant component of skeletal muscle since it is the most common protein in the body. 

According to studies, collagen supplements help increase muscle bulk in people with sarcopenia, the deterioration of muscle mass that comes with aging.

In a 12-week study published in The British Journal of Nutrition, 27 male patients with this condition were given 15 grams of collagen while following a daily exercise program. 

The patients gained significantly more muscle and strength than men who exercised but didn’t take collagen, according to the researchers.

The said study suggests that the supplemental collagen may stimulate muscle growth after exercise and promote the synthesis of muscle proteins such as creatine. 

However, collagen protein isn’t any more effective than whey protein at increasing muscle or strength. That’s because, unlike whey protein, collagen is low in necessary amino acids — especially leucine — which are essential for muscle growth.

5. It may be beneficial to one’s heart health.

Collagen supplements have been linked to a reduced risk of heart disease, according to a study published in the British Journal of Nutrition. 

Collagen gives structure to your arteries, the blood vessels that transport blood from your heart to the rest of your body. Arteries may become less flexible and elastic if there isn’t enough collagen.

High cholesterol levels can boost your chances of developing heart disease and stroke. This, in turn, can cause atherosclerosis, a condition in which the walls of your arteries become narrowed. Heart attack and stroke are two possible outcomes.

6. Other health advantages

Collagen supplements may have additional health advantages that have not been investigated extensively. These include: 

Despite the promising possibilities, further study is required before definitive judgments may be made. That being said, many people swear by adding collagen supplements into their daily lifestyle. 

Potential Negative Effects of Collagen Supplements

Collagen supplements are generally well tolerated and cause few, if any, adverse effects. However, some substances are manufactured from typical food allergens such as fish, shellfish, and eggs. Collagen supplements prepared with these components should be avoided by individuals who are allergic to them.

Some people who began taking collagen supplements have experienced nausea and bloating, but these reactions weren’t caused by the nutrients. 

Collagen supplements can also cause gastrointestinal side effects such as heartburn and feelings of fullness. These supplements, however, appear to be healthy for the majority of users.

But what kind of results can you expect to see?

Collagen turnover is a sluggish process. As a result, you won’t notice any changes in your skin until at least 8 to 24 weeks after beginning collagen therapy.

And keep in mind, everyone reacts differently to medications and supplements, so keep an open mind and be patient. If you’re not experiencing the results you expected, try slowly upping the dosage as long as it’s safe to do so. You always want to consult your physician in these cases.

There are a number of excellent alternatives to collagen.

The collagen protein composition differs from other proteins, thus the choices are restricted. There are no vegan collagen supplements on the market right now considering collagen comes from animals, so if you have any vegan restrictions to your diet, collagen peptides may not be the right choice for you. 

However, there are collagen-boosting supplements available that include the three fundamental amino acids needed in collagen synthesis: glycine, lycine, and proline. Vegan supplies are used to make some of these amino acids.

Hemp seeds are high in GLA, which has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. They also include vitamin C and hyaluronic acid, which keeps your tissues hydrated and lubricated.

Keratin, a structural protein in hair, nails, and skin, has been proposed as an alternative to collagen but there is no data to support keratin products for anything except topical application on the skin and hair. It’s important to note that Keratin is not vegan because it’s produced from the feathers, wool, and horns of numerous animals.

In Conclusion

Collagen supplements are believed to promote several health advantages, as well as few known hazards. The nutrients in supplements may help you build muscle, prevent bone loss, alleviate joint pain and dryness, and improve skin health by reducing wrinkles and dryness.

Collagen is present in several foods, although it’s unclear whether they provide the same health advantages as supplements.

Collagen pills are generally safe, easy to acquire, and worth a try if you’re looking for ways to maintain or improve the health of your skin, joints, and more! 

Organixx Clean Sourced Collagens blend contains five types of collagen from four sources. What’s more, it’s combined with targeted nutrients such as zinc, vitamin C, and vitamin B6 which specifically enhance the bioavailability and potency of collagen. Clean Sourced Collagens is formulated from the ground up to enhance and support your body’s natural ability to heal and rebuild itself from the INSIDE out.

Organixx Clean Sourced Collagens
Marine Collagen: What is it & Why you need it!

” Studies on humans have also shown that marine collagen can reduce wrinkles, improve skin elasticity, and enhance the overall structure and appearance of skin.”

Marine Collagen: A Promising Biomaterial for Wound Healing, Skin Anti-Aging, and Bone Regeneration

Hey ladies, tired of trying out new skincare products with no results? Marine collagen might just be what you need!

This new supplement trend is all the rage and for good reason. If you’re looking to up your beauty game, marine collagen has got you covered.

From fighting fine lines to giving you a radiant glow, we’re breaking down all the marine collagen benefits of this magic ingredient.

Trust us, your skin will thank you. So why not give it a shot and see the difference for yourself? Let’s dive into the world of marine collagen!

What Is Marine Collagen?

A lot of people think that collagen is made from fish skin, but this isn’t true. Fish skin contains a different type of collagen than human skin does. To get the right kind of collagen, you need to eat fish. 

There are two kinds of collagen in fish; one is called marine collagen and the other is called fish collagen. Both types of collagen can be found in the same foods so if you want to get the right kind of fish collagen, you should eat more seafood. You can also buy collagen supplements that come from fish skin. These supplements will contain both types of collagen.

Fish collagen is used to help people who want to get rid of wrinkles, it does this by promoting the production of new skin cells. This makes the skin look younger and smoother. In addition to its anti-aging effects, fish collagen has also been shown to be effective in treating joint pain, osteoporosis, and other degenerative diseases.

The second type of fish collagen is marine collagen. Marine collagen is used to help people who want to get rid of scars. It can also help people who have burns. Marine collagen is also effective in treating skin diseases such as psoriasis and eczema.

Both types of collagen are also good for your hair. Fish collagen can help make your hair stronger and less likely to break. Marine collagen can help make your hair grow faster and look healthier.

Is Marine Collagen Safe?

Yes, marine collagen is safe. Marine collagen is a natural protein that is found in fish skin. It’s not made from fish bones or scales. Marine collagen is also not made from any other animal products.

As with most supplemental products, it’s all about taking it correctly. If you take too much, you may experience some side effects such as an upset stomach. However, if you take the recommended dosage, you shouldn’t have any problems. When you begin a new supplement journey, it’s always best to start out small. If, after several weeks, you’re not seeing the results you were expecting, you can always slowly increase your dosage.

How is Marine Collagen Different From Bovine Collagen?

First of all, they are both types of collagen, but they come from different animals; bovine collagen is made from cow skin while marine collagen is made from fish skin. 

Bovine collagen is the most common type of collagen and it can be found in many different types of supplements. Bovine collagen has been found to be effective in treating joint pain, osteoporosis, and other degenerative diseases.

Marine collagen is not as common as bovine collagen, but it is gaining popularity due to its unique benefits. Marine collagen has been shown to be effective in treating scars, burns, and skin diseases such as psoriasis and eczema.

Both types of collagen are perfectly safe and offer great benefits to an aging body. It’s really up to your personal preference which type of supplement you want to take.

What Are the Health Benefits of Marine Collagen?

The greatest advantage of marine collagen is that it’s the most bioavailable form of all other collagens. This indicates that it helps to digest food faster and more easily, at a rate of 1.5 times greater than other collagens. Another benefit is that, when wild-caught, it’s the cleanest type of collagen available.

It’s crucial to research for the cleanest and best supplement available because it will be absorbed directly by your body. Wild-caught marine collagen is commonly regarded as the safest and finest kind. Some businesses don’t make the highest-quality goods, so do your homework and know what you’re buying. Always read the labels and if you’re still unsure, ask a medical or nutritional professional for some advice. 

Marine collagen is used as a treatment for wrinkles, but it doesn’t work very well for them. Common over-the-counter collagen is too big to penetrate the skin. Collagen peptides are smaller than collagen, and they do their best to help with wrinkles.

Collagen peptides help protect skin from harmful free radicals and inflammation. Marine collagen powders improve wrinkles, reduce them by 35%, and increase skin elasticity, hydrate, and firmness. Because of this, marine collagen is a popular ingredient in anti-aging products.

In addition to its benefits for the skin, marine collagen has been shown to improve joint health, increase muscle mass, and help with weight loss.

As a side note, it’s good to know that there’s no ‘fishy’ taste or odor as you might expect of a fish-based product, and it mixes in with beverages, water, coffee, and pretty much everything else.

Here are some other great benefits from taking marine collagen:

1. Supports the effect of your workout

Collagen is a concentrated source for the amino acid glycine. Glycine helps your body make creatine, which helps you perform better during workouts. Proline is an antioxidant that protects cells from damage. This in turn helps keep your muscles healthy, allowing you to achieve the best results from your workout.

In addition, marine collagen has been shown to improve joint function and reduce inflammation, meaning you’ll suffer less from DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) after a strenuous session at the gym. So if you’re looking for an extra edge in your fitness, you may consider marine collagen!

2. Promotes bone strength

Marine collagen benefits for the bone quote.
Image Source: Marine Collagen: A Promising Biomaterial for Wound Healing, Skin Anti-Aging, and Bone Regeneration

The importance of bone strength can not be understated. As we age, our bones become more brittle and break more easily. Marine collagen can help prevent this by keeping bones healthy and strong.

Marine collagen contains many nutrients, including vitamin K2, magnesium, zinc, copper, manganese, iron, and selenium. These nutrients are used by the body to make healthy bones. Collagen also helps the body absorb other important vitamins and minerals.

3. May reduce inflammation and fight bacteria!

Fish collagen also has a more pleasing sound to it, doesn’t it? Here’s another advantage! Bioactive peptides are present in hydrolyzed fish collagen, which have antioxidant activity.

Fish collagen has the ability to reduce reactive oxygen species, which are unstable molecules containing oxygen that contribute to tissue aging and elevate cancer risks. Fish collagen can provide antioxidants, which may help combat the formation of reactive oxygen species by boosting the immune system and reducing inflammatory responses throughout the body.

Bioactive peptides contained in fish collagen also have antibacterial effects. These polypeptides, especially the collagen found in, may help to prevent the formation of infections and disease-causing bacteria.

4. May stabilize your blood sugar!

Fish collagen, in particular, has higher levels of glycine than any other kind of collagen. The glycine in fish collagen may aid blood sugar control.

Low levels of glycine in the body have been linked to insulin resistance, which can lead to diabetes. Indeed, according to a 2016 research by the Alberta Diabetes Institute, people with type 2 diabetes had low amounts of glycine in their bodies.

Therefore, supplementing with glycine-rich fish collagen may help stabilize your blood sugar levels and prevent insulin resistance.

What to look for when you’re choosing your marine collagen supplement

Collagen is found in bones, tendons, muscles, cartilage, ligaments, and other connective tissues. Marine collagen helps keep these tissues strong and flexible.

But when on the hunt for it in supplement form, keep in mind not all marine collagen is created equal. You must find a product that has been tested by a certified third-party organization. Quality is what you are looking for here. To get the best results, you’re going to want to make sure you’re taking the best product. 

What’s the Bottom Line for Marine Collagen?

Here are a few key takeaways when it comes to marine collagen: 

There are plenty of collagen options on the market today as the protein supplement has become increasingly popular. When looking to begin taking these supplements, ensure you do your research and find the product that’s going to work best for you and help you achieve what you’re looking for. 

Supplementing with marine collagen has a number of potential health benefits. It can help improve joint function, reduce inflammation, promote bone strength, and stabilize blood sugar levels. It’s important to choose a quality product that has been certified by a third-party organization. Doing so will ensure you’re getting the most out of your marine collagen supplement!

Organixx Clean Sourced Collagens blend contains five types of collagen from four sources. What’s more, it’s combined with targeted nutrients such as zinc, vitamin C, and vitamin B6 which specifically enhance the bioavailability and potency of collagen. Clean Sourced Collagens is formulated from the ground up to enhance and support your body’s natural ability to heal and rebuild itself from the INSIDE out.

Organixx Clean Sourced Collagens
How Collagen Improves Skin Health and Firmness

Collagen is a real “buzzword” in health and beauty circles these days. A lot of the interest centers around the anti-aging effects that collagen is reported to have on the skin.

So, are these claims too good to be true? Can taking collagen actually help skin appear younger and smoother? To find out, you have to go more than “skin deep” into the science of how collagen works in the body and for healthy skin. Let’s dive in…

What Is Collagen and What Does it Do for Your Skin?

Collagen is a protein and is one of the most abundant substances in the body. It makes up about a third of all the protein in your body. It shows up in dozens of places: bones, muscles, tendons, internal organs, and the largest organ in your body – your skin.

The many types of collagen in the body are what keeps us together, literally. Collagen holds connective tissue strongly in place and creates cartilage between joint bones. Its gel-like texture even forms hair strands and helps create healthy eyes [1].
African American woman doing yoga stretch on mat

At the same time that it ensures strong connections between bones and other body parts, collagen is also responsible for maintaining flexibility. This translates into free-moving, healthy joints and, of course, skin elasticity.

While it would be misleading (and actually pretty ridiculous) to suggest that boosting collagen production can make you go from looking 60 to 20 overnight, current science does definitely support the notion that maintaining adequate collagen production and synthesis can help you prevent (and sometimes reverse) wrinkling, sagging skin in the long run.

Unfortunately, science has also proven that natural collagen production decreases with age [2]. Lack of collagen is the main cause of wrinkles as men and women get older, caused in part by changes in human growth hormone (HG) levels [3].

A 2017 French study [4] is one of many to analyze the aging process by looking specifically at collagen synthesis, production, and “cross-linking.” [Note: synthesis refers to how something is created, or the process by which it is made.]

Aging is often first noticed in the wrinkles of the skin, and this has everything to do with collagen production or lack thereof. Many experts state that after around age 30, collagen levels drop an average of 1-2% per year. This means that by age 50 unless we are taking specific action towards replenishing collagen and living a healthy lifestyle in general, our collagen stores may be depleted by as much as 40% in only 20 years.

Two Ways to Boost Your Body’s Natural Collagen Production (+ 5 Tips)

The good news is that you can absolutely do something about it! Specifically, you can reverse the “normal” tide of decreased collagen levels in your body as you age in two ways.

First of all, you can up your own body’s ability to produce and use collagen endogenously (i.e. your body’s natural production). Secondly, you can take collagen supplements. And, of course, you can also do both of these things at the same time for maximum effect.

First, let’s talk about the collagen that your body produces naturally. While we might not be able to stop the decline completely, you can to turn up the volume on collagen production as well as how effectively it is utilized in the body.

5 Tips for Boosting Collagen Products

The following five collagen production tips will not only improve your skin but also help your body as a whole.

#1. Eat foods rich in vitamin C.

Collagen is formed through the binding of certain amino acids like proline, glycine, and arginine. Vitamin C is needed for this process, which is called collagen synthesis [5]. Vitamin C is so important for collagen synthesis in the skin that it resides in abundance in both the epidermis and the dermis of the skin. This is for synthesizing Collagen Type I and III, the most abundant kinds of collagen in the body.

Knowing all this, you can see why consuming more vitamin C-rich foods like citrus, peppers, kale, and parsley strengthens and fortifies the skin by boosting collagen. Not surprisingly, there is also evidence that vitamin C can help protect the skin from UV damage [6].
couple at beach under umbrella

#2. Get the right amount of sun exposure.

As with a lot of health-related information, advice about sun exposure can be confusing. Basically, when it comes to the sun and skin health, a little exposure is a great thing. A lot is not.

Besides taking supplements, the sun’s ultraviolet B rays are pretty much the only way your body can produce vitamin D. Everyone is different when it comes to safe amounts of sun, however. According to the nonprofit Vitamin D Council, “(y)ou don’t need to tan or burn your skin to get vitamin D. You only need to expose your skin for around half the time it takes for your skin to begin to burn. How much vitamin D is produced from sunlight depends on the time of day, where you live in the world, and the color of your skin [7].”

Over 20 years ago, scientists were discovering how too much UV light from the sun can affect collagen in the skin. Your skin becomes “sun-damaged” when it starts to burn. This is when trouble can arise since collagen is often replaced with elastin in this situation.

Although elastin is important in the second layer of skin (called the dermis), when too much elastic accumulates, this can weaken the skin. Elastin is not as strong and hardy as collagen; elastosis, the overproduction of elastin, is often prevalent in many skin conditions.

A 1993 study by Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York found that “the total collagen content of sun-damaged skin was 20% less than nonsolar-exposed skin [8].”

#3. Stop Smoking.

We all know that smoking causes cancer and is just bad news in general. But did you know that there is a direct link between smoking and decreased collagen effectiveness?

According to research published in the British Journal of Dermatology, cigarette smoking interferes with vitally-important type I and III collagen synthesis [9]. This leads to early wrinkling and sagging, along with a whole host of other non-skin related issues. If you won’t quit smoking for your health, maybe you’re willing to do it so you’ll get fewer wrinkles.

#4. Get plenty of sleep.

As it turns out, there is truth to the concept of “beauty sleep,” and it has everything to do with collagen production! The importance of adequate sleep is part of conventional medical wisdom for health because of its role in immune system function. Part of the health of your immune system is collagen synthesis. In fact, studies indicate that sleep deprivation can hinder the normal function of skin as the largest protective and detoxification organ in the body [10].
couple having good night's sleep

As it turns out, collagen supplementation may also help some individuals sleep.

In animal models, the amino acid glycine (found in abundance in collagen) can increase serotonin release in the brain [11].

Serotonin is a feel-good hormone that has healing effects. Clinical trials on humans have indicated that glycine can greatly improve sleep quality with no side effects [12].

#5. Reduce stress levels.

Finally, if you want enough collagen to maintain healthy skin, you need to make efforts to reduce your stress. The link between major stress and skin conditions (i.e. hives, rashes, acne, etc.) has always been known, although the mechanisms for why this is so have remained somewhat of a mystery until now.

Researchers studying the “brain-skin connection,” however, have found a connection between adrenaline (or epinephrine) and collagen production.

Adrenaline is produced in abundance when under stress and is often depleted in people with long-term chronic stress. Chronic stress throws the delicate hormonal balance off in the body and this affects everything, including collagen production.

Does Supplementing With Collagen Boost Skin Health?

A third way to boost collagen production is through supplementation – and there’s scientific research to back this up. Here are just a few studies that demonstrate the many ways collagen supplementation may contribute to beautiful skin:

If you are considering collagen supplements to improve your skin, above all else consider quality. In addition to a healthy lifestyle and diet, super high-quality collagen supplementation can be a sound choice for improving your skin health at any age!

Organixx Clean Sourced Collagens blend contains five types of collagen from four sources. What’s more, it’s combined with targeted nutrients such as zinc, vitamin C, and vitamin B6 which specifically enhance the bioavailability and potency of collagen. Clean Sourced Collagens is formulated from the ground up to enhance and support your body’s natural ability to heal and rebuild itself from the INSIDE out.

Organixx Clean Sourced Collagens