Collagen For Broken Bones | Your Key To Recovery

Ideally, we want to do everything we can to prevent the possibility of broken bones by maintaining our bone health. However, should you incur a bone fracture, the key to recovering from a broken bone is the right combination of treatment and healing, such as considering collagen for broken bones.

Whether you’re recovering from a broken bone or simply trying to build more strength and flexibility to prevent such an occurrence, exploring the relationship between collagen and bones is information you’re going to want. Join us as we take a deep dive into collagen and broken bones. 

What is Collagen, Exactly?

Collagen is an incredible protein that’s found in abundance in our body, providing support and structure to our skin, bones, joints, muscles, and tendons. It works like a scaffolding of sorts inside the body, giving stability while also promoting elasticity and strength. 

As well as helping keep our body in shape by supporting bone formation, supple joints, and glowing skin, it also helps maintain healthy arteries.

Collagen helps guide essential components of connective tissue that strengthen our heart health and keep cholesterol levels under control.

Collagen is naturally produced by the body but production declines as we age. With the onset of this decline, we begin to see skin aging (fine lines and wrinkles), as well as joint stiffness or pain. 

This vital protein is so essential to the healthy functioning of our bodies that when we notice these signs of decline, we should consider adding a collagen supplement to our daily routine.

Types Of Collagen

While there are many types of collagen found in the human body, there are five types that are most prominent.

Type I collagen is found in the skin, tendons, bones, cartilage, and connective tissue.

Type II includes joint-cushioning cartilage and lenses in the eyes.

Type III is a higher abundance of elastic fibers and muscles.

Type IV is concentrated in organ linings and around vessels and lastly Type V, which assists with cell-to-cell connections.

Understanding how each type works together can help provide greater insight into overall maintenance for joint and bone health, healthy skin, tissues, and critical organs associated with everyday life activities and functions.

How Does Collagen Support Bone Health?

Collagen plays a crucial role in supporting bone health. This natural component of the human body acts as building blocks for bone tissue.

In addition to providing overall bone structure and support, collagen has also been linked to improving bone strength, increasing bone mineral density, and reducing the risk of fractures.

Collagen also ensures that calcium is properly absorbed by the bones. This helps to prevent osteoporosis and other bone-related diseases. 

Integrating this powerful protein into your daily diet can help to ensure your bone cells are receiving all the nutrition they need to keep bones healthy and strong, warding off issues associated with aging bones.

What to Eat After You Break a Bone

Eating healthy foods after suffering a broken bone is crucial for the healing process. During the first few weeks after diagnosis, getting enough nutritious food into your body should be a top priority.

An ideal diet consists of lean proteins, whole grains, and plenty of fruits and vegetables. Keeping an adequate level of protein and calcium intake is key.

Fatty foods such as fast food should be avoided since they lack vital minerals and vitamins that help build strong bones.

Eating small meals throughout the day can even help manage pain while ensuring you are receiving all the essential nutrients required to make a full recovery.

Keep reading for more tips on what to eat to boost the healing process after experiencing a bone fracture.

Collagen-Rich Foods

When you break a bone, it’s important to focus on recovery. What most people don’t know is that collagen-rich foods can help kick-start it!

Not only does eating such foods help strengthen your bones, but they also promote new tissue growth, which helps mend and repair the injured area.

Many holistic healthcare practitioners believe that the anti-inflammatory properties of collagen-rich foods help reduce pain and stiffness associated with healing bones.

Plus, they’re loaded with vitamins and minerals that are essential in repairing damaged cells. 


Bone healing is a process that involves new bone growth, so providing your body with plenty of protein is a must for this.

Not sure where to start? Start by adding items like beans, lentils, dark leafy greens, whole grains, nuts, and seeds into your diet as these contain both collagen and protein!

For an extra boost, turn to other collagen-rich protein sources such as bone broth, salmon, or shellfish, as well as organ meats such as liver; these are particularly powerhouses of bone-healing nutrients.

If you’re not a fan of organ meats and seafood, try adding in grass-fed beef or Greek yogurt instead. Meals featuring any of these ingredients provide your bone cells with essential building blocks for healing and growth. 


When it comes to healing a broken bone, incorporating calcium into your diet is extraordinarily beneficial.

Calcium helps your bones rebuild themselves and can even improve muscle contractions that are affected by the break.

Dairy products like milk, cheese, and yogurt are excellent sources of calcium, along with some nuts, beans, and fortified foods such as cereals and juices.

Eating foods rich in vitamin D along with calcium can further increase its positive effects on bone health.

Although any type of exercise after a break is essential for recovery, weight-bearing exercises help stimulate bone growth faster by increasing the amount of pressure placed on the bones.

By consuming adequate daily amounts of calcium and participating in weight-bearing activities during the healing period, you’ll be giving that bone tissue the best chance to mend itself properly!

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is amazing for promoting the healing of a broken bone because it helps the body repair tissue, form new bone cells, and strengthen bones.

Vitamin C provides anti-inflammatory aid, thus making it a great asset in rehabilitating a fractured bone.

Foods like oranges, grapefruits, lemons, red peppers, kiwi fruit, tomatoes, kale, and brussels sprouts are deliciously high in vitamin C. 

Consider making vitamin C-rich smoothies or smoothie bowls with oranges or any other of the previously mentioned fruits or vegetables for an easy way to make sure your body has an adequate supply of this essential micronutrient for healing purposes.

Collagen, Broken Bones, Supplements, & Natural Food Sources

While our bodies naturally produce collagen, certain lifestyle factors like aging, diet, and nutrition can impact the amount we produce—making it necessary for us to consider secondary sources like dietary supplements and natural food sources.

Let’s take a closer look at how collagen and bone strength are linked and why it’s beneficial to consider adding collagen-rich foods into our diets. With this knowledge, we can ensure our bones stay strong and healthy.

Collagen + Bone Strength

Collagen is responsible for aiding in bone formation, providing structure and support, and strengthening the tissues that surround your bones.

A lack of collagen can lead to weak or brittle bones, which can increase the risk of developing diseases or injuries such as bone fractures.

Collagen Supplements

Collagen supplements rich in amino acids help keep your bones strong and promote healthy growth while protecting them from fractures or damage.

The three main types of collagen supplements are Bovine (cow), Marine (seafood), and plant-based. 

There are also options to suit your lifestyle. Use powdered collagen supplements to mix into other food and drinks or take capsules if you’re looking for an easy-to-consume option on the go!

Collagen in Natural Food Sources

Eating natural food sources that contain collagen can do wonders for strong, healthy bones.

Collagen helps to promote bone health by supplying many crucial minerals and vitamins such as vitamin C, calcium, and zinc. These three alone work together in providing anti-inflammatory properties, aiding bone formation as well as connective tissue, and stimulating the production of cartilage.

Natural foods like salmon, fish, eggs, and berries are all excellent sources of collagen which are rich in amino acids. These are essential for maintaining robust structure and strengthening our bones. When these nutrient-dense foods become part of your daily diet, bones become stronger and healthier over time. 

Tips For Speedy Fracture Recovery

You now have a better understanding of the healing process when it comes to collagen + broken bones. Here are a few extra tips you can use to help speed up the healing process:

Don’t Underestimate the Power Of Rest

Rest is an integral part of fracture recovery and should never be underestimated. Though it may be tempting to push yourself too soon, rest allows your body the time and space it needs to heal from the trauma of a fracture.

Those who are well-rested experience reduced stress levels; when combined with regular exercise and a healthy diet. This is key for speeding up healing.

So, don’t forget: take care of yourself by resting throughout the day and getting plenty of sleep at night.

Take Collagen Powder

Studies show that consuming collagen powder supports healthy bones and may help reduce the healing time of broken bones.

Not only can it help add structure to damaged areas and reduce scarring, but studies have shown that using collagen as part of a tasty smoothie or shake can also help improve mobility and relieve joint pain in the long run.

Eat a Balanced Diet

Eating smart includes loading up on fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins for maximum nutrient absorption. Incorporating these foods into your daily meals helps give your body the energy and materials needed to repair itself.

Taking care of yourself by fueling your body with a balanced diet is one of the best steps you can take for an optimum healing process.

Final Verdict

Collagen + broken bones—reading this is either a great first step to recovery or the information you need to put your body on the right track for healthy bones!

Ready to find the collagen supplement just right for you? Head over to our collagen product page where only quality products await.

For more great information, check out our Health and Nutrition BLOG! Being informed gives your health the boost it needs! 

Organixx Clean Sourced Collagens blend contains five types of collagen from four sources. What’s more, it’s combined with targeted nutrients such as zinc, vitamin C, and vitamin B6 which specifically enhance the bioavailability and potency of collagen. Clean Sourced Collagens is formulated from the ground up to enhance and support your body’s natural ability to heal and rebuild itself from the INSIDE out.

Organixx Clean Sourced Collagens
Is Collagen In Bones: How to Get More Collagen for Healthy Bones

Collagen is an important component of our bodies. But, do we really understand what collagen is, what it does for us, or how to make sure our bodies are getting enough? Is collagen in bones?

Let’s explore the amazing effects of collagen on our everyday lives and discover the best ways to get more of it into our systems.

Dive into this fascinating subject with us and learn about this powerhouse protein with remarkable health benefits. The key to a healthier you is within your grasp. 

What is Collagen and What Does it Do?

Collagen is often referred to as the “glue” that holds us together. It’s the essential structural protein found throughout the body, particularly in connective tissues such as skin, cartilage, muscles, and bones. It’s what gives those tissues their strength and resilience.

Collagen synthesis is part of a wide range of biological processes such as joint health, smooth skin, improved digestion, strong hair and nails, healthy metabolism, heart health, and more! 

Collagen protein, the most abundant protein in our body, is naturally produced, but as we age collagen production declines.

As we begin to see signs of skin aging and experience joint stiffness or pain, our body is letting us know that our collagen levels are low. This is when we should seriously consider collagen supplementation to maintain our health.

Is Collagen in Bones?

Collagen plays an important role in the health of our bones. It shouldn’t surprise us then that collagen is actually found in our bones.

As a major component of our connective tissue, collagen fibrils provide structure and strength, making up roughly one-third of all bone tissue and bone mineral density. 

A diet of collagen-rich foods paired with adequate vitamin D can ensure healthy growth and repair of bone matrix, leading to greater bone density and enhanced overall health.

Should our diet be lacking or we’re noticing fine lines, wrinkles, or changes in our skin health, we may be in need of a quality collagen supplement full of collagen peptides and amino acids to maintain the integrity of our bones.

Medical and Cosmetic Uses

Collagen has become a popular option for a variety of medical and cosmetic treatments. From skincare to joint problems, collagen is being used more and more.

Whether you’re looking to reduce fine lines, reduce inflammation within joints, or heal wounds faster, collagen can do the job.

Collagen helps your body regenerate itself and gives it the building blocks needed to restore damaged areas. It can improve your hair, nails, and digestive health.

Collagen has become a powerful tool for those wanting to have a naturally healthier, younger-looking appearance.

With its versatility in both medical and beautification treatments, collagen is an all-in-one solution for today’s modern individual!

Skin Fillers

Collagen-based skin fillers are a fast, convenient and effective alternative to surgical procedures such as Botox.

You can go in and out of the doctor’s office within minutes with minimal post-treatment downtime and see amazing improvements to your appearance.

This treatment helps minimize wrinkles and lines, as well as add volume and fullness to your skin. It’s suitable for all skin types and tones, so you don’t have to worry about any adverse effects on your complexion.

The results are stunning, natural-looking, and most importantly, long-lasting—up to six months or longer!

Collagen fillers can be tailored to fit your own personal skin needs and address specific issues you may have.

If you’re searching for a safe way to help reduce the signs of aging without going under the knife, collagen fillers provide an ideal solution.

Wound Dressing

Collagen-based wound dressing is one of the most reliable and beneficial dressing options available. A naturally occurring protein, collagen has been a trusted healing agent for centuries!

When applied to a wound, collagen interacts with the tissue and forms an ideal environment for growth, regeneration, and healing; associated inflammation is often lessened significantly too.

Its unique antibacterial properties make it perfect for treating all kinds of wounds, even those that are difficult to heal. 

Guided Tissue Regeneration

When it comes to tissue regeneration, collagen plays an important role in the process. Collagen, an abundant protein found in our bodies, serves as the building blocks for healthy tissues.

Guided tissue regeneration is an advanced dental technique that uses collagen to help create replacements for lost or damaged periodontal tissues inside the mouth.

During this process, strands of collagen fibers are placed into areas where there has been destruction from gum and periodontal diseases or trauma.

The body’s healing response is then triggered, resulting in the rebuilding and regenerating of new tissue around the collagen insertion site.

When successful, patients can enjoy improved aesthetics and structural integrity of their teeth and gums.

Treatment Of Osteoarthritis

Collagen has recently become a revolutionary tool in the treatment of osteoarthritis! Collagen is known to enhance joint health, slowing down the rate at which cartilage degenerates due to pressure and reducing the amount of discomfort associated with it.

Recent studies have found that this essential structural protein can aid in strengthening areas prone to developing osteoarthritis.

With an increase in collagen intake, patients are experiencing fewer symptom flare-ups, enjoy improved mobility, and considerable reduction in existing joint pain.

If you or someone you know is living with osteoarthritis, whatever your level of arthritis discomfort might be—mild or severe, talk to your doctor about incorporating collagen into your routine.

Skin Revitalization

Skin revitalization is the key to aging gracefully. One of the most overlooked aspects of skin health and vitality is the abundant proteins responsible for giving it elasticity and strength—collagen.

There is a wide variety of collagen supplements available in the market that can help restore age-related deficiencies in collagen. Regular intake of these supplements will let you experience smoother, softer skin, improved skin elasticity, and overall enhanced skin health.

It’s important to note that it may take some time for one to notice the visible changes, as it requires consistency and patience when taking collagen supplements to make sure you obtain optimal skin benefits from them.

Interested in Collagen Supplements For Skin Health?

Are you looking to improve the look and health of your skin? Collagen supplements may be the perfect way to achieve the glowing complexion you’ve been dreaming of. 

Adding collagen supplements to your diet is a safe and convenient way to protect your skin from the aging process, pollution, lifestyle choices such as smoking or tanning, and other external factors.

Keep reading for a more in-depth look at how the collagen peptides and amino acids of collagen supplements enhance this abundant protein your body naturally produces, including stimulating your body’s declining collagen production.

May Improve Skin Health

Collagen provides essential amino acids that contribute to skin elasticity, hydration, and nourishment. It can help reduce wrinkles, improve skin texture, reduce blemishes and even tighten sagging skin for a smoother appearance.

This amazing protein gives skin a more youthful appearance by increasing its hydration and helping to smooth creases. Collagen works hard to strengthen your skin structure, making it better equipped to hold onto moisture.

Collagen promotes the production of new cells and slows down the breakdown of existing ones due to environmental damage from free radicals. This helps to prevent dullness, dryness, and thinning of the skin.

By replenishing collagen levels through topical treatments or supplements, you can improve your skin’s natural firmness, tone, and suppleness. 

May Prevent Bone Loss

Collagen can help prevent bone loss by providing essential building blocks that keep bones strong and flexible.

By including collagen supplements in your daily wellness regime, you will obtain the amino acids required to form a connective network that helps strengthen the surrounding tissues.

The presence of collagen promotes proper calcium absorption, which is essential for strong and healthy bones. This in turn helps slow down the process of age-related bone loss.

According to multiple studies conducted by renowned research institutions, collagen has been medically proven to reduce both the rate and amount of mineral loss within our bones, which prevents further damage due to conditions like osteoporosis.

By replacing lost minerals, the risk of fractures is greatly diminished—allowing us to enjoy active lifestyles well into our later years with minimal worry. 

May Boost Muscle Mass

Your muscles are made up of collagen fibers that give them structure, strength, and flexibility. Consuming collagen regularly helps keep these collagen fibers strong and healthy.

The amino acids found in collagen also help with muscle metabolism, as well as increasing nitric oxide production, which can help improve circulation and boost muscular endurance and strength.

When consumed before or after a workout, collagen helps reduce any inflammation so the workout can be more effective.

May Promote Heart Health

Heart health is an important part of a healthy lifestyle, and collagen has been shown to be beneficial to it in a variety of ways.

Collagen helps to improve blood pressure by increasing the elasticity of your arteries and veins. This makes it easier for your heart to pump blood throughout your body, aiding in digestion and circulation.

Studies have found that those who supplement their diet with collagen may also be protecting themselves from age-related hardening of the arteries, further promoting heart health.

Finally, evidence suggests that individuals who get enough collagen have improved triglyceride levels, which can increase overall cardiovascular protection.

Incorporating collagen supplements into your daily routine is one of the easiest ways to keep your heart strong!

The Final Word

Well, you now know the answer to the question “Is collagen in bones” is yes. Not only is this abundant protein found in our bones, but it’s a key component of all our connective tissues. 

You’ll find the quality collagen supplements your body is craving on our collagen product page. For additional health tips and resources, be sure to stop by our Health and Nutrition BLOG regularly. You have the key, go unlock your health! 

Organixx Clean Sourced Collagens blend contains five types of collagen from four sources. What’s more, it’s combined with targeted nutrients such as zinc, vitamin C, and vitamin B6 which specifically enhance the bioavailability and potency of collagen. Clean Sourced Collagens is formulated from the ground up to enhance and support your body’s natural ability to heal and rebuild itself from the INSIDE out.

Organixx Clean Sourced Collagens
Is Collagen or Calcium Better for Bones?

A strong and healthy skeleton is no doubt vital for humans throughout every stage of life. We often hear about the importance of calcium for maintaining healthy bones, but did you know that collagen is just as vital? This begs the question: Is collagen or calcium better for bones?

Whether you’re looking for better health or just curious about collagen vs calcium, keep reading to find out which of these key nutrients is best for your skeleton!

Should I Take Collagen?

Collagen is a popular supplement, and a good choice if you are looking to support healthy skin, hair, and joint health. It’s an important component of the body’s connective tissues that help provide structure, firmness, and elasticity in bones, muscles, cartilage, and skin.

Although collagen synthesis is a natural process in our body, as we age, collagen production declines. Should you take collagen? Are you noticing the early signs of collagen decline? This would include such signs as fine lines, wrinkles, dry skin, joint stiffness, or pain.

If you’ve noticed any of these early signs of aging, your collagen levels are most likely not adequate enough. Without replenishing these levels by increasing your collagen intake, you may be negatively impacting your bone health, your digestive and heart health, and more.

Collagen supplementation full of collagen peptides would be quite beneficial to your health.

Collagen Highlights

Collagen supplements offer many incredible health benefits. One of the biggest highlights of taking collagen supplements is improved skin health.

Aging can cause wrinkles and skin damage, but taking collagen can help to reduce or even eliminate those effects.

Increased collagen levels can help firm up sagging skin and give it a more youthful look. Additionally, collagen peptides and their amino acids are wonderful for joint health and pain relief.

They help to lubricate joints by rebuilding cartilage, which leads to improved mobility and flexibility.

Collagen also provides energy, aiding in appetite and metabolism regulation. When taken routinely as part of a healthy lifestyle, collagen supplements can be one of the most effective strategies for long-term overall wellness.

How Does Collagen Give Strength to Bone?

When you think of bones, you might think of something hard and sturdy. But did you know that much of that strength comes from the collagen in the bones?

Collagen is a special protein that helps give bones strength, elasticity, and flexibility. With enough collagen in your bones, you can have strong, healthy joints that can support your everyday activities.

Collagen ties together calcium and other substances to form strong, stable alignments that offer us protection from bone fractures and other serious impairments, and even aid in bone remodeling and bone metabolism.

Collagen’s primary role in the skeletal system is to act as both a medium for calcium absorption and a supportive framework for mineralization. Our bone density depends on collagen!

Thanks to collagen’s strength-giving properties, our bones can stay strong and resilient as we grow older. Without adequate collagen, we suffer bone loss as we age. This alone should make a dietary supplement such as collagen supplementation a priority!

How Can We Maintain Healthy Collagen?

Taking care of our bodies is crucial for many reasons, and one often overlooked aspect is collagen health.

So, how can we maintain healthy collagen levels? It starts with eating a balanced diet that includes plenty of fruits and vegetables, as well as collagen-rich protein sources like bone broth, beef, chicken, fish, eggs, or plant-based proteins.

Avoiding excessive sugar intake is essential, as sugar molecules can attach to collagen fibers and damage them over time.

Regularly engaging in exercise will help maintain collagen levels too. Just be sure to avoid overstressing your body!

Taking collagen supplements or specifically designed supplements to promote collagen production, such as vitamins A and C plus omega-3 fatty acids, can also play an important role in keeping your collagen healthy.

Additionally, taking vitamin D supplements or getting enough protected sun exposure helps the body absorb the collagen proteins it needs from food. 

Believe it or not, lifestyle can be a factor. Taking steps to reduce burnout or stress (especially if it’s chronic) and getting adequate rest will go a long way in protecting your collagen health.

Calcium For Better Bones

Good calcium intake is also necessary to ensure your bones stay healthy, strong, and resistant to potential breaks.

Ensuring that you’re getting the recommended amount of calcium daily can help maintain bone strength with advancing age and make them more resilient to stress fractures during physical activity.

Bone turnover is an important process for optimal health. It’s the natural cycle of breaking down and reforming bones, which helps build new tissue and maintain state-of-the-art bone integrity. Having enough calcium is key to promoting healthy bone turnover.

There are many supplements available that offer an abundant source of dietary calcium. Not only will taking care of your bones now prevent many medical complications down the line but it also has a huge range of immediate benefits such as better posture and muscle function.

With the right calcium consumption, you can make sure not just your bones stay healthy, but your entire body too!

Can You Take Collagen and Calcium Supplements Together?

With the increasingly growing popularity of collagen and calcium supplements, many people may find themselves wondering if they can take these supplements together. The answer is yes!

Collagen supplements are rich in amino acids that support skin health, joint health, and digestion. Calcium is one of the main mineral components of bones, so it’s equally important for joint and skeletal health.

Combining collagen and calcium supplementation offers an effortless way to boost nutrient intake to help ensure your overall well-being.

Taken together, collagen and calcium provide an added benefit to protect your bone cells from becoming weak or brittle, ensuring good bone mineral density. These two nutrients work synergistically to deliver optimal results for your body so don’t hesitate to make taking both a regular part of your daily routine.

How to Increase Your Calcium Intake

Increasing your calcium intake is one of the best ways to ensure your bones and teeth are strong and healthy.

It can be easy to think that dairy products such as milk, cheese, and yogurt are the only way to get the calcium you need, but that’s not the case!

You can find calcium in nuts such as almonds and hazelnuts, seeds like sesame and chia, legumes including white beans and chickpeas, leafy greens like kale or spinach, and even oranges. Don’t care for milk or can’t tolerate it? Try adding almond milk to your diet.

Eating a variety of these delicious items can help ensure you’re getting enough calcium in your diet.

Not confident that your daily calcium intake is adequate? Adding a calcium supplement is an easy and convenient option for providing an extra boost.

Quality supplements don’t have added ingredients like sugar, so you don’t have to worry about compromising your diet. 

Do Calcium Supplements Work?

Studies have found that adding calcium supplements to your wellness regime can reduce the risk of bone fractures and hip fractures in people aged 50+.

Keep in mind that not all supplements are created equally. Do your research and ensure you’re getting a quality supplement that’s free of fillers.

It’s also very important that you’re getting enough vitamin D to ensure absorption of the calcium being taken in.

There are many studies that show increased bone strength in people who take calcium supplements, highlighting their effectiveness in providing extra nutrition for your bones.

If you’re considering a calcium supplement, why not discuss with your doctor about having a bone mineral density test to determine your bone health? With those results, your doctor can recommend the type of supplement and dosage right for you.

With the right lifestyle choices and supplementation, you can better ensure strong and healthy bones for years to come!

Women, Men, and Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis impacts both men and women. Osteoporosis affects more than 200 million people worldwide, with women far more likely to suffer from its symptoms.

This is especially true for postmenopausal women who are already dealing with declining levels of estrogen.

While men are less likely to be diagnosed with osteoporosis, they often still experience its effects, particularly after age 70. 

Osteoporosis is an inflammatory condition that weakens bones and impacts bone density, making them more susceptible to bone fractures and breaks.

Osteoporosis Prevention

Both men and women can take action to reduce their risk of developing osteoporosis.

Eating a diet rich in both calcium and collagen, maintaining a healthy weight, avoiding smoking, getting regular physical activity, reducing or eliminating alcohol consumption, and talking with your healthcare provider about finding the right daily dose of vitamins, especially vitamin D are all key parts of prevention or management for this condition.

Talk to your healthcare provider about your specific risk factors for developing osteoporosis and develop an appropriate plan to keep your body strong throughout life!

The Bottom Line: Is Collagen Or Calcium Better For Bones?

So to answer the question: “Is collagen or calcium better for bones?” your skeleton needs both! Bone turnover and the health of our bones are dependent on both collagen and calcium. 

If you’re looking to have your best health as you age, you’ll enjoy all the health tips and resources found on our Health and Nutrition BLOG.

For quality supplements that will give you the best results for your health goals, head on over to our product page

Organixx Clean Sourced Collagens blend contains five types of collagen from four sources. What’s more, it’s combined with targeted nutrients such as zinc, vitamin C, and vitamin B6 which specifically enhance the bioavailability and potency of collagen. Clean Sourced Collagens is formulated from the ground up to enhance and support your body’s natural ability to heal and rebuild itself from the INSIDE out.

Organixx Clean Sourced Collagens
Is Collagen Good For Bones? What The Pros Have To Say!

Collagen is a popular supplement. It can make people look younger and enable us to run farther. So, is collagen good for bones?

Well, collagen can hydrate your skin, lubricate your joints, and relieve arthritis pain. You can supplement with powders, capsules, gummies, and liquids.

Collagen powders can be added to beverages or taken orally. It’s one of the most effortless supplements to take, with a whole host of benefits.

But do the reports live up to their hype? Is collagen the proverbial fountain of youth? And is collagen good for bones, among the many other benefits it seems to boast?

It helps to understand how collagen is formed in the body and what functions it supports. Then you can decide whether changing your diet or adding supplements is right for you.

What is Collagen?

Collagen is the most abundant protein in your body. It is the building block of your cells and tissues.

Collagen makes up one-third of your body’s protein and nearly three-quarters of your skin composition. Your joints, connective tissue, skin, hair, nails, gut lining, and arterial walls are all made of collagen.

Collagen is made up of amino acids called proline, glycine, and hydroxyproline. It is produced naturally in your body by combining these three amino acids.

For your body to produce collagen, it needs building blocks. These can come from the foods you eat. For example:

These foods help the body synthesize these amino acids:

A lack of any of these nutrients impedes the production of collagen. Choose organic, locally sourced items whenever possible. Grass-fed and wild-raised fish have countless other health benefits besides excellent collagen.

Collagen Uses

Collagen is produced naturally in your body, but as we grow older, production slows. Fibroblasts are connective tissue cells that produce and maintain collagen. Aging causes collagen to become fragmented, and fibroblast production becomes impaired.

Collagen supplementation has become popular for its many effects. It’s added to cosmetics for moisturizing the skin and treating wrinkles. It’s used to treat wounds, burns, and diabetic ulcers.

Furthermore, it’s used as a supplement to your diet for joint pain.  It helps with communication between your cells, tissue repair, and a faster immune response.

These supplements are available in powder, capsule, gummy, and liquid forms. Supplements can be added to beverages, yogurt, energy balls, or pretty much anything!

What Causes Collagen Loss?

Collagen in our body diminishes as we age. Not only does our collagen break down, but our production also decreases. This leads to the classic signs of aging, such as wrinkles, sagging skin, and a reduction in bone strength.

Lifestyle choices such as smoking, drinking, too much exposure to the sun, and poor diet can accelerate this process. Smoking degrades collagen. Drinking reduces collagen production.

Diets high in sugar and processed foods can block collagen’s interaction with cells and proteins. Excess sun exposure degrades collagen production. 

Are There Benefits to Taking Collagen Supplements?

It would be great if we could get all of our nutrients from the foods we eat, but the fact is that even with the best diets, we are probably going to miss something.

Taking collagen supplements has many benefits. It can improve your hair, nails, gut, and brain health and contribute to weight loss.

Here are some specific conditions that are helped with collagen supplements. This is not an exhaustive list, as each of the benefits can lead to others in our bodies:

Improve Skin Health

Collagen supplements can improve skin hydration and elasticity. This is why many wrinkle creams have it on their ingredients list.

Companies use a special process called hydrolysis during manufacturing. It breaks its own protein into pieces that the body can absorb.

Collagen treatments for wrinkles take at least eight weeks to produce potential results. Collagen can also increase your hair’s thickness and result in healthier nails.

Prevent Bone Loss

As we age and natural collagen production decreases, it can be helpful to supplement with collagen.

Studies show that long-term use can raise bone mineral density (BMD). These same doses can also reduce stiffness caused by osteoarthritis.

There are also potential benefits for those trying to improve body composition. It’s important to note that this is combined with resistance training. This can lead to a reduction in bone fractures and an increase in good bone health.

Boost Muscle Mass

Skeletal muscles rely on collagen to keep their viability. Without it, muscle mass begins to deteriorate as you age.

Combined with an exercise program, collagen increases the synthesis of creatine, which increases muscle mass and strength.

Ease Joint Pain

As we age, we run the risk of degenerative joint disorders.

Adding collagen can increase the integrity of your cartilage, reducing joint pain and relieving osteoarthritis symptoms. It is thought that the collagen accumulates in the cartilage, thereby causing relief. 

Types Of Collagen and Collagen Supplements

While there are 29 types of collagen in your body, and they can be broken down into five main categories. Each of these serves different functions:

Types I, II, and III are the most abundant collagens in your body.

As a result, these are the focus of most collagen supplements. They are made from the tissues of animals or fish. Vegan collagen powders are made from bacteria and yeast.

In either case, collagen powder is formulated into hydrolyzed collagen or collagen peptides, which are more easily digested by the body.

Collagen supplements come in powders that you can add to foods or beverages, capsules, liquids, and gummies. It becomes a matter of preference in terms of which one you choose, as they have the same essential ingredients.

One thing to note is that collagen is composed of calories and protein. If you are counting calories, you may be concerned about calories and other nutrients.

A 14-gram serving of collagen peptide powder has 50 calories, 12 grams of protein, 29 milligrams of calcium, 44.9 milligrams of sodium, and .98 milligrams of potassium.

As long as your collagen comes from a reputable source, you can’t really take too much. However, after a while, your kidneys might suffer some adverse effects.

When taking collagen powders or any other supplement, it’s essential to talk to your healthcare practitioner.

Collagen Supplements VS Protein

A balanced diet is the safest way to produce and maintain collagen levels.

High-quality protein, calcium, zinc, and vitamins C and D provide your body with sufficient collagen building blocks. This is all your body needs, along with resistance training and weight-bearing exercises.

However, most people’s diets lack perfection, so many choose supplements.

Foods That Contain Collagen

While supplements are easy to obtain, collagen is best when consumed via whole foods whenever possible.

Whole foods are more manageable for our bodies to absorb, and the source is easier to determine.

A well-balanced diet that includes items from this list will help with your body’s collagen production.  


Create a stock from fish bones, heads, scales, or eyeballs—the stuff you normally toss.

Collagen derived from fish stock is one of the most easily absorbed sources. Tuna and salmon contain omega-3 fatty acids, which are excellent for skin structure.


Cooking and eating a whole chicken is a common source of collagen. Also, the chicken neck and cartilage boiled into stock are great sources of collagen to treat arthritis.


Proline is an amino acid found in egg whites. It is a building block of collagen production.


Vitamin D is one of the main building blocks of collagen production in your body. Two primary sources of this are full-fat milk and sunshine.


Copper is another nutrient that is necessary for collagen synthesis. Beans contain copper plus other amino acids that promote collagen absorption.


Soy contains genistein, a plant hormone that promotes collagen production and blocks enzymes. Soy milk and tofu both provide the antioxidant.

The Final Word on Collagen and Bones

Be aware that when choosing collagen supplements, they are not regulated by the FDA. There are no guarantees as to the amount of collagen or whether the collagen is made from pure ingredients.

We are a trusted resource that uses safe, top-rated ingredients. We are here to provide information so you can make informed decisions.

Still not sure? Check out our Health and Nutrition BLOG for more information! Then, when you are ready to purchase that collagen supplement, click here to comparison shop.

Organixx Clean Sourced Collagens blend contains five types of collagen from four sources. What’s more, it’s combined with targeted nutrients such as zinc, vitamin C, and vitamin B6 which specifically enhance the bioavailability and potency of collagen. Clean Sourced Collagens is formulated from the ground up to enhance and support your body’s natural ability to heal and rebuild itself from the INSIDE out.

Organixx Clean Sourced Collagens
Collagen For Bones: What’s The Verdict? 

Collagen for bones has generated a lot of buzz lately as an effective way to enhance health and wellness.

Scientists have recently conducted studies to uncover the potential of collagen supplementation in promoting the maintenance and strength of our skeletal systems—promising results that suggest collagen really could be a game-changer when it comes to healthy bones.

Let’s explore what the verdict is on collagen’s effectiveness according to the experts and why you might want to incorporate a collagen supplement into your health plan.

Just What is Collagen?

Collagen is a protein that is naturally produced in the human body and can be found in connective tissue, ligaments, bones, tendons, skin, and even hair. This specialized protein helps us maintain our health both inside and out.

Collagen assists in wound healing and supports strong bones. It even provides structure to blood vessels, allowing for the efficient transport of nutrients throughout the body.

Though its natural production decreases with age, collagen can still be beneficial through supplementation as it repairs a weakened matrix system and provides the strength needed for the health of connective tissues.

With its many functions throughout the body, it’s clear to see why collagen has become an essential supplement to stay healthy and fit!

What Collagen Does For the Body

We know that collagen is a vital protein and critical for maintaining our health both inside and out. Collagen is the glue that holds together our cells and tissues, providing structure to bones, muscles, cartilage, and skin.

Studies have proven that collagen also helps with gut health as well as making up the majority of the content of connective tissues like tendons and ligaments. Collagen is a key component of joint health, bones, and muscles.

Collagen is crucial for skin elasticity, healthy hair, and even for strong nails. All in all, collagen is a powerhouse nutrient that has immense benefits for the health of your body!

Prevent Bone Loss

Collagen is one of the most abundant proteins in our bodies. It’s key for bone health, as it helps repair and rebuild bone tissue. Collagen provides our bones with strength and flexibility to perform daily activities.

The body uses collagen to prevent bone loss by slowing down the breakdown of calcium and other minerals that are essential for bone formation.

Bone loss naturally increases as we age due to several factors including hormonal shifts and reduced physical activity.

Without collagen, bones become weak and brittle, which increases the risk of bone fractures and other bone-related conditions.

By keeping bones strong, collagen helps protect our muscles from strain and fatigue—benefitting overall well-being. Collagen plays an important role in maintaining joint health by providing cushion to the joints and ligaments.

As we age, the production of collagen naturally decreases leading to issues like osteoporosis which can cause pain and reduced mobility.

Supplementing our diets with collagen supplements is a great way to prevent bone loss and maintain healthy joints—something that’s vital for healthy living!

Improve Skin Health

Collagen is one of the building blocks of healthy skin. Collagen helps with skin elasticity and keeps our skin looking youthful, bright, and radiant.

Collagen helps to retain moisture in the skin, which is needed for elasticity, firmness, to reduce age spots and wrinkles, lightens dark circles under the eyes, and even helps heal acne. It not only enhances the appearance but also has anti-aging properties which can slow down the aging process.

As our natural collagen production drops off, we see the signs of skin aging. It’s so important to make sure we maintain our collagen levels through collagen supplementation as well as our diet.

Promote Muscle Mass

Collagen is composed of amino acids and provides the necessary building blocks to promote muscle mass.

Collagen and amino acids are vital for stimulating protein production within the body. This process stresses and activates muscle cells, which promotes both muscle growth and strength.

As we grow older, the ability of our bodies to produce collagen decreases making collagen supplementation and amino acid intake even more necessary.

Collagen peptides along with amino acids are what fuels muscles to work faster, longer, and harder.

The remarkable effects of collagen supplements on the body’s renewed energy levels cannot be overstated.

Experts will tell you that collagen supplements are key to improved muscle mass and overall well-being when our collagen levels begin to drop off.

What Causes Collagen Loss?

Collagen loss is a natural part of aging. Nobody is exempt from this process although there are various factors that do speed up the decline of collagen production. These factors can be related to overall health, diet, lifestyle, and even environmental stressors.

Collagen production is heavily influenced by genetics and the environment you are exposed to.

Typically, free radical damage in the body has been reported as a major cause of collagen loss due to their ability to reduce the number of available collagen molecules.

Pollution, sun exposure, a weakened immune system, certain medications, and smoking all have detrimental effects on collagen levels, contributing to collagen loss.

Excess sugar and excessive inflammation in the body also seem to have an impact on accelerating collagen loss throughout the body.

If you don’t give your body the nutrition it needs from a healthy diet rich in nutrients, vitamins, and minerals it won’t have the resources necessary to produce collagen. 

Preventing Collagen Loss

Understanding what causes collagen loss and taking proper steps to care for your skin and body may actually slow down the decline of collagen loss.

Can you prevent collagen loss? By making lifestyle changes and making sure you are eating a balanced and healthy diet, you can certainly go a long way in preventing collagen loss.

There are two main ways to not only increase your collagen levels but to actually stimulate the body into collagen synthesis: diet and supplementation.

Foods That Contain Collagen

There are plenty of foods that are considered to be collagen rich. They are full of proteins that help to stimulate the body into making collagen. They also regenerate connective tissues like ligaments, tendons, cartilage, and bones.

Collagen is usually sourced from animal by-products, so those looking for naturally occurring sources may turn to fish, beef, or chicken broth, organ meats like liver or giblets, and eggs.

Seafood such as salmon or mackerel is full of omega-3 fatty acids which help synthesize collagen, as well as other nutrient-rich plant-based options like beans, legumes, and soybeans.

Nuts, seeds, dairy products such as milk, yogurt, and cheese as well as a variety of fruits such as oranges, berries, apples, and kiwi make it very easy and delicious to up your collagen intake and levels.

For a sweet treat, try adding gelatin powder made from collagen-rich animal bones and cartilage to smoothies or baked goods. 

Collagen Supplementation

Collagen supplementation has become an increasingly popular health trend for good reason. It’s an excellent way to prevent collagen loss, which is especially important for those in their late twenties and older.

Collagen supplements come in a range of forms and types, making it easy to find the collagen boost your body needs! Collagen peptides are especially popular, as they have great solubility and digestibility.

Additionally, collagen peptides are more bioavailable than many other collagen sources, meaning that your body can make better use of them in the collagen-producing process. 

Collagen peptide products come in both powder and liquid forms. Both offer an easy and convenient way to get collagen into your daily routine, preventing collagen loss.

Are Collagen Supplements Safe?

Experts agree that collagen supplements are a safe and natural way to maintain our health as we age. That being said, should you be on any medications or have a diagnosed health concern, you should always talk to your doctor before taking collagen or any new health supplement.

There could be possible interactions between collagen and specific medications so your doctor needs to be included in this decision.

Allergies could be a possible concern. The two main types of collagen are bovine and marine-based collagen. Should you be allergic to fish or seafood, you should stay clear of all marine ingredients.

Do Collagen Supplements Improve Your Bones?

So, what do the experts say? Do collagen supplements improve bone health? Well, when it comes to bones, collagen has been studied for its potential contribution to strengthening the overall structure and even aiding the formation of new bone cells.

Increased bone mineral density is very much considered by experts to be a potential benefit of collagen supplements.

In fact, studies suggest that particular types of collagen could be very beneficial when it comes to bone mineral density and restoring bone mass density.

How Long Does it Take to See Results?

Taking collagen supplements can be an important part of a wellness routine, especially as we age and our bodies naturally produce less of this essential protein. But how long does it take to start seeing results?

While everyone is different, research has shown that some people begin experiencing positive changes within just seven days. This can come in the form of improved hair, skin, and nails, or less joint pain.

So while there’s no set timeline for results, with patience and consistency, you will experience the benefits of incorporating collagen into your daily routine!

The Final Word On Collagen For Bones

So what’s the verdict on collagen for bones? Experts say that collagen for bones not only offers promising results but is indeed quite possibly a real game-changer for maintaining bone mineral density which means a lot fewer bone fractures! 

Looking for more great health tips and resources? There’s lots to discover on our Health and Nutrition BLOG. Looking for quality supplements? You’ll find what you need over at our collagen product page! Your bones will be stronger for it! 

Organixx Clean Sourced Collagens blend contains five types of collagen from four sources. What’s more, it’s combined with targeted nutrients such as zinc, vitamin C, and vitamin B6 which specifically enhance the bioavailability and potency of collagen. Clean Sourced Collagens is formulated from the ground up to enhance and support your body’s natural ability to heal and rebuild itself from the INSIDE out.

Organixx Clean Sourced Collagens