Does Collagen Help with Hair Loss? Unveiling the Truth

Does collagen help with hair loss? This is a question that many individuals dealing with thinning hair often ask. Collagen, a critical protein in our bodies, has been linked to numerous health benefits including the potential to support healthy hair growth.

In this blog post, we look at how collagen contributes to hair health and its role in preventing hair loss. We’ll explore the science behind how taking collagen supplements can potentially boost your natural collagen production and increase hair growth.

We will also discuss different types of collagen like marine collagen and hydrolyzed collagen peptides that are best suited for supporting your locks. Finally, we’ll provide guidance on the optimal amount of daily collagen supplementation for promoting robust strands.

So if you’re wondering “Does collagen help with hair loss?”, stay tuned as we unravel this complex topic based on current research findings.

Does Collagen Help with Hair Loss?

If you’re losing hair, collagen might be your secret weapon. Research suggests it can boost hair growth and prevent further thinning.

Collagen, the protein that keeps our skin elastic, also supports healthy hair follicles. Taking collagen supplements can strengthen your strands from within, promoting healthy hair growth. Collagen is a key element for the good condition of our hair follicles and connective tissues, ensuring they remain intact and functional to promote healthy hair growth. It helps maintain their integrity and functionality, supporting healthy hair growth.

Consuming collagen can also help build keratin, the primary protein in our hair. This strengthens our strands and reduces breakage.

How Does Collagen Combat Hair Loss?

Hair loss often occurs due to damaged or weakened follicles. Collagen supplements enhance natural collagen production, repairing damaged follicles and stimulating new hair growth.

The Role of Collagen in Strengthening Hair

Collagen serves up amino acids that are like superfoods for your hair. When you gobble up collagen supplements, your body breaks them down into amino acids, which then work their magic to produce keratin, the protein that gives your hair its strength and structure.

But wait, there’s more. Collagen also acts as a bodyguard for each precious strand of hair. It forms a protective shield around your follicles, shielding them from free radicals, UV rays, and other environmental villains. Say goodbye to breakage and thinning.

Nourishing the Scalp With Collagen

Collagen doesn’t stop at strengthening your strands. It’s also a scalp superhero. A healthy scalp is the secret to luscious locks, and collagen knows it. The amino acids derived from collagen synthesis boost blood circulation in your scalp, delivering nutrients to every follicle and whisking away waste products. Plus, they help your scalp produce sebum, the natural oil that keeps your scalp and hair moisturized. No more dryness-induced breakage.

Collagen to the rescue again. As we age, our collagen production takes a nosedive, leaving us with weaker, thinner hair that loves to bail on us. But fear not. By adding collagen to your diet, you can give your hair a fighting chance. It helps maintain thicker, fuller locks even as the years go by. Age is just a number, after all.

What Types of Collagen are Best for Hair Loss?

Not all collagen supplements are the same, particularly when it comes to hair loss prevention and promotion of healthy hair growth. Some collagens are just better at promoting healthy hair growth and reducing hair loss.

The superstar in this category is hydrolyzed collagen. It’s the king of collagens—broken down into smaller molecules for easy absorption and utilization by your body. In fact, studies have shown that hydrolyzed collagen is absorbed at a higher rate than other forms of the protein. Talk about efficiency.

Why Hydrolyzed Collagen?

Hydrolyzed collagen is a hair follicle’s best friend. It delivers the necessary nutrients directly to the hair follicle, making them stronger and reducing breakage and thinning. It’s like giving your hair a power-up.

Hydrolyzed collagen also promotes skin hydration and elasticity, which indirectly benefits your scalp health. It’s a win-win for your hair and skin.

Type I & III Collagen: A Dynamic Duo

Now, let’s dive deeper into the collagen world. Type I and Type III collagens are the dynamic duo for your hair. Type I is the most abundant type found in our bodies, including our skin, nails, and yes, our precious hairs. Supplementing with Type I collagen gives your strands the extra building blocks they need to be stronger.

And then we have Type III collagen, always hanging out with Type I in the same tissues, including your lovely locks. It helps maintain the overall structural integrity of your hair, preventing those pesky premature breakages.

A Note About Quality

When choosing high-quality collagen products, it’s crucial to consider a few key factors to ensure the best results:

Remember, quality makes a difference. Choose a high-quality collagen supplement from a reputable brand like Organixx. Don’t settle for harmful additives or fillers commonly found elsewhere. Your hair deserves the best.


What Other Benefits Does Collagen Have?

In addition to its potential benefits for hair loss and thicker hair, collagen is a powerhouse supplement with numerous other health advantages. This protein plays a crucial role in maintaining the structure and integrity of your skin, joints, bones, and muscles. Let’s delve into some of these remarkable benefits.

Improved Skin Health: Collagen: the secret to looking young forever? Well, maybe not forever, but studies show that collagen supplements can hydrate your skin and reduce wrinkles. So, say goodbye to dry skin and hello to a more youthful glow.

Promotes Joint Health: Calling all athletes and active folks. If joint pain is cramping your style, collagen might be your new best friend. Studies have indicated that consuming collagen supplements may help alleviate indications of osteoarthritis and decrease overall joint pain. Time to get back in the game.

Maintains Bone Health: Strong bones are the foundation of a healthy body, and collagen is here to keep them rock solid. Studies have shown that collagen supplements may inhibit bone breakdown and help maintain bone density. So, keep those fractures at bay and strut your stuff.

Muscle Mass Maintenance: Want to keep those muscles strong and in tip-top shape? Collagen has got your back. Research suggests that collagen supplementation can promote muscle protein synthesis and aid in muscle maintenance and growth. Time to flex those gains.

Digestive Aid & Energy Booster: Collagen: this abundant protein is not just a pretty face. It can also help improve digestion and boost your energy levels. By repairing the intestinal lining and promoting healthy stomach acid secretion, collagen ensures smoother food processing and better nutrient absorption. Say hello to a happier tummy and a more energized you.

How Much Collagen Should I Take for Hair Loss?

If you’re having issues with thinning hair and are thinking of trying collagen supplements, you might be wondering how much to take. Well, it’s not a one-size-fits-all answer, but here are some general guidelines to help you out.

The recommended dosage of collagen for hair loss is 10-15 grams per day. Split this amount into smaller doses throughout the day, preferably with meals or snacks. For example, if you decide on 15 grams of collagen daily, you could have 5 grams at breakfast, lunch, and dinner respectively.

But remember, everyone’s body reacts differently to supplements. What works for one person may not work as well for another. Keep an eye on your body’s reaction and modify the dosage depending on that.

Talking to Your Doctor

If you have any hesitations about taking collagen for hair loss, it’s always wise to consult your doctor. They can provide personalized advice based on your health and medical history. Your doctor may suggest starting with a lower dose and gradually increasing it based on your body’s response or advising against certain products due to potential interactions or health conditions.


So, whether you’re trying to combat thinning locks or boost overall wellness, adding the right amount of quality collagen from trusted sources like Organixx could be a beneficial step toward a healthier lifestyle. Just remember, always consult your healthcare provider before starting any new supplementation routine to ensure safety and effectiveness.

The Final Say:

Collagen: the secret to luscious locks! This magical protein not only promotes hair growth but also strengthens those precious hair follicles and keeps your scalp healthy. Type I and type III collagen are the hair heroes you need.

How much collagen should you take for hair loss? Well, it depends on your unique needs, but a daily dose of 2.5-10 grams is generally recommended. Just remember to consult a healthcare pro before diving into the collagen craze.

Why Add Collagen to Your Regimen: A Doctor’s Explanation of Benefits

Video Transcript:

I always am so excited to share so many of the amazing benefits of our Clean Sourced Collagens with you and so many of my patients, because collagen is a powerhouse protein that can restore our energy. It can restore our youthfulness. It has great superficial benefits like reducing wrinkles and improving our skin tone and improving any tears and kind of changes in our cellular tissue in our skin. But most importantly, it has extensive benefits inside our body.

If you’re looking to heal and really create a more youthful body from the inside out, collagen has to be at the foundation of your program. I’ll share with you a few reasons.

First of all, we have five of the core collagens in this powdered format. The second reason I really love this is its powdered component allows you to mix it in a hot beverage like a tea or coffee. You can add it to yogurt or a nut yogurt, a smoothie. We even bake with it in my household. You can add this in on the daily to support good, clean cellular turnover of your tissue cells.

A Specific Protein Type That Must be Outsourced

But most importantly, the protein in collagen – collagen is a specific protein type – the protein needed by your body, there’s only certain forms of protein that are accessible for your body to use to create more supple, stronger ligaments, tendons, assorted soft tissue, and even bone, and the collagen protein is what is required. You have to outsource that protein. That means, simply, you have to add that into your daily diet. Some people will add bone broths and others may eat more animal-based organ meats and soft tissue meats or cuisine.

Collagen Supports Soft Tissue

But for many of us, we choose collagen powders as our way to get this very potent form of amino acids with protein that will power up our soft tissue. It helps relieve joint pain. It can repair certain ligament and soft tissue tears, and makes, actually, our tissue more supple and more youthful.

Collagen Supports & Improves Digestive Health

One of the things that we found is that digestively, collagen can help improve IBS. If you think about all of the skin and soft tissue on the outside of our body, as well as on the inside of our body, collagen can benefit all of those tissue types.

If you are dealing with let’s say an ulcer or maybe a hiatal hernia in your stomach, collagen can be beneficial for that because it can help support the tissue of the stomach, the area and the soft tissue in and around that stomach lining. We also see with digestive imbalances, it can help improve the single-cell intestinal lining.

Collagen Benefits Heart Health

We also see epithelial benefits, and that is simply a type of tissue that is in the lining of our vascular channel. We have 26 different types of epithelial tissue types. Well, collagen can benefit that as well.

For individuals who are looking to improve their heart health, that want to have a more youthful appearance, that want to have a more youthful feeling body, that want to have more flexibility in their joints and range of movement and motion, collagen can benefit that.

Collagen Aids in Increased Bone Density and Remineralization

And for many of us, women particularly, who are concerned about osteopenia or osteoporosis – that’s a staging of bone deterioration, osteopenia is the beginning. Osteoporosis and varying stages of bone deterioration, this comes with natural aging. It comes with natural hormonal imbalances.

But one of the things that we see is one of the specialized types of collagen that we have in our collagen powders – we have five different types – that collagen can help increase and support bone density and the bone remineralization, which is amazing. Who would think that a protein can actually do that?

But we need to add this in. It has to be a supplemental component.

Supplementing with a Clean Collagen Source is Key

Either we’re getting it from food and/or we’re getting it from an alternative source like our Clean Sourced Collagens, which leads me to recommend our collagen because it is cleanly sourced. It is a clean form of collagen.

It is not going to be filled with assorted chemicals and laden with assorted harmful ingredients or carcinogens or toxins that are going to pollute your body. Instead, we cleanly source it. We have a whole QC process. We have third-party vendors that check our manufacturing process and it is absolutely clean. Cleanest on the market, in my opinion.

One of the things that we know is that when you put clean things in, you can actually enhance that process of accelerating the bone density and the turnover of cells and the support of our skin tissue and our soft tissue and our internal tissue, because the body is not being burdened with these excess toxins and chemicals.

Who Should Supplement with Collagen and How?

Overall, I recommend our Clean Sourced Collagens to everybody. Especially if you are over the age of 30, it really is important that you add this into your regimen daily.

Now, there are a few different ways to get this into your body. I’ve recommended a few here… in a hot liquid beverage like a coffee or tea, a smoothie, yogurt, nut yogurt, applesauces, assorted kind of blends.

You can also cook with it. We have a wonderful recipe on the back of our collagen bags that also gives you another alternative. Do check out the ingredients there and the mixing instructions. But importantly, it is critical you at least get it once a day.

For some of my patients that are in the post-surgical category or are dealing with any type of bone or joint damage, maybe it’s from a particular autoimmune disorder or aging or after injury from several decades ago. You might want to add in a second dose.

Play around with how you can add this into your daily regimen. There’s a lot of versatility, but just know the benefits are numerous. Often collagen gets billed as a resource that just has superficial benefits. We see those starting in two weeks, the reduction of fine lines and wrinkles, and a really healthy, youthful appearance.

The same thing happens inside. In two to four weeks, you’re going to start to see and notice and feel an amazing difference by adding Clean Sourced Collagens into your daily regimen.

Organixx Clean Sourced Collagens blend contains five types of collagen from four sources. What’s more, it’s combined with targeted nutrients such as zinc, vitamin C, and vitamin B6 which specifically enhance the bioavailability and potency of collagen. Clean Sourced Collagens is formulated from the ground up to enhance and support your body’s natural ability to heal and rebuild itself from the INSIDE out.

Organixx Clean Sourced Collagens
Too Much Of A Good Thing: Can Too Much Collagen Cause Hair Loss?

For many reasons, collagen supplementation has become a must in the health and wellness industry. We get countless questions daily with regards to collagen supplements. From basic questions such as: “what’s the recommended dosage?”, “what age do I need to start considering taking collagen supplements?”, “are there known risks or side effects?”, to even the most detailed questions such as: “can too much collagen cause hair loss?“. Yes, we get all those questions and many more! 

Trying to find the answers to your questions on your own can be very overwhelming to say the least. How fortunate that you are here! We have all those answers and so many more right here at your fingertips!

What is Collagen’s Role in the Human Body? 

Collagen is a protein that’s found in the human body in high concentrations. It’s one of the main constituents of connective tissues, such as tendons and ligaments, and it’s also a major component of skin, hair, nails, bones, muscles, organs, blood and even teeth.

Collagen plays an important role in providing structural support for the body, but it also has other functions. One such example is that collagen fibers act as shock absorbers, helping to protect our joints and organs from trauma.

Collagen helps to keep our blood vessels healthy and prevents them from leaking. It also plays a role in wound healing by promoting the formation of new blood vessels and helping to repair damaged tissue. Perhaps an easier question to answer would be what doesn’t collagen do for the human body!

As we age, our bodies produce less and less collagen, which then leads to wrinkles, joint pain, and a number of other age-related issues. So you see, collagen is essential for many different functions in the human body, making it a very vital protein.

How Collagen Helps Your Hair

Just like the rest of our body, our hair is dependent on collagen for its overall health. There are four major components of our hair health in which collagen plays a serious role.

1. Provides the Building Blocks For Your Hair Follicles

Hair follicles are the tiny tubes in the scalp that hair grows out of. Even each minute hair follicle contains collagen. Collagen is made up of amino acids, which are the building blocks of all proteins. Amino acids are essential for hair growth because they help hair follicles absorb nutrients from the blood. Without adequate collagen, hair follicles cannot absorb nutrients properly so, without collagen hair growth is rather impaired. 

2. Neutralizes Free Radicals and Prevents Hair Damage

The human body is constantly fighting a battle against free radicals. These unstable molecules damage cells, proteins  and DNA, and are a major contributing factor to aging and disease.

Your hair is especially vulnerable to free radical damage, which can cause breakage, fizziness and dullness. Collagen is a powerful antioxidant that helps neutralize free radicals, preventing hair damage while working hard to keep your precious locks lustrous and full.

In addition to collagen’s protective effects, collagen also helps to keep your hair healthy, hydrated, flexible and strong by providing structural support.

3. Prevents Hair-Thinning and Brittle Hair

Collagen helps to keep hair follicles strong and prevents hair loss. It also helps to keep hair hydrated preventing it from becoming brittle and dry which of course leads to breaking. Collagen is known to help stimulate new hair growth and also works to keep the scalp healthy. Not enough collagen leads to thinning hair and a lot of other hair problems.

4. Slows Down the Process of Hair Graying

We have established that to have healthy hair, we need collagen. If our hair becomes unhealthy, especially because we are lacking collagen, the color or pigmentation of our hair also suffers. What happens when we lose the pigmentation? Graying happens!

If you want to slow down the graying process, consider collagen supplements to ensure your body has enough collagen to remain healthy!

What Causes Hair Loss?

There are so many factors that can contribute to hair loss, including stress, nutritional deficiencies, hormonal imbalances and certain medical conditions. But by far the most common cause of hair loss is simply aging. To do what you can to age well is the best defense against hair loss. 

Collagen is a protein that helps to fortify the hair shaft and promote growth. The natural decrease in collagen production can lead to weak, brittle hair that is more susceptible to breakage and shedding.

Keeping the scalp hydrated and free from inflammation, both of which require collagen with its amino acids, are two factors that are critical for maintaining healthy hair follicles.

Do Collagen Supplements Really Work?

Just like with anything else, you can find both naysayers and those who will boast in their results. Let’s remember though that studies don’t lie. There are numerous studies that show positive results after taking collagen supplements for an extended time consistently.

How effective they are can indeed vary individually. The reason for such inconsistency is that one’s overall health, diet, exercise, sleep patterns, lifestyle and environmental stressors can and do have an effect on just how well collagen supplements work.

If you really want to know the answer to this question for yourself, give collagen supplementation a try. As noted, taken consistently for a period of extended time such as 3 to 6 months, you should see any number of positive results such as less wrinkles, stronger nails, healthier hair, less joint pain, more energy or quite possibly notice the ability to sleep better.

Experts suggest that failure to see any results could quite possibly come down to the quality of the supplement. Be sure to only consider a supplement from a highly reputable company. Anything less may be full of fillers and secondary ingredients.

How Much Collagen Should I Take Per Day?

Depending on what type of collagen supplement you decide is best for you such as powder, liquid or capsule, each will come with a suggested dosage. Of course, that dosage may also vary pending on your desired goal. A few less wrinkles may take a smaller dosage than say targeting a concern much more serious such as physical joint pain or arthritis.

Generally speaking though, the recommended amount of collagen per day is 10-15 grams. This amount leaves lots of room to begin with less but also the opportunity to gradually increase the dosage to 20 or 30 grams per day.

Once you find a dosage that works for you, stick with it consistently for at least 3-6 months to see the full benefits. 

Potential Side Effects Of Collagen

Because collagen is naturally produced by our body, there are very few potential side effects to be concerned about. But there is one in particular that should be taken seriously and that would be allergy related.

Collagen supplements are usually bovine or marine based. Anyone with a known allergy to seafood or shellfish should always proceed with caution, being sure to read the label for ingredients. Staying clear of any collagen supplement that has marine ingredients would be the safest option!

Any other possible side effects are usually provoked by the amount of collagen being taken. Too much collagen can be very hard for the body to digest or absorb. This can result in digestive issues such as bloating, gas or even diarrhea. In some cases of too much collagen people have reacted with minor skin irritations such as a rash.

This is usually a non-issue when beginning with a lower dosage and gradually increasing to give your body time to fully accept the new supplement..

Can You Take Too Much Collagen?

As you can see from the information above regarding potential side effects, you can take too much collagen and your body will let you know this through the various things we’ve talked about already: digestive issues or skin irritations.

In very extreme cases, large doses of collagen taken for a long period of time might clog pores on the scalp, or might even possibly trigger an immune response that leads to inflammation, both of which could cause possible hair loss.

So, can too much collagen cause hair loss? Yes in actuality, experts believe it could. Be assured however, that this amount would have to be considerably far more than the recommended dosage and usage of collagen that experts have set in place.

Our bodies are pretty good at getting rid of the excess of anything so there should never be too much collagen coursing through your body so too much of a good thing shouldn’t ever be a concern.

The Bottom Line

And there you have it! When it comes to collagen supplements there can be too much of a good thing and too much collagen can cause hair loss although it is highly unlikely! 

The benefits of collagen supplements for healthy hair is definitely worth considering. From hair growth to healthy hair follicles and less potential hair loss, what are you waiting for? Proceed to our Health BLOG and collagen product page where you will find informative resources and only the best quality products to ensure that your collagen supplementation is a very positive experience! 

Organixx Clean Sourced Collagens blend contains five types of collagen from four sources. What’s more, it’s combined with targeted nutrients such as zinc, vitamin C, and vitamin B6 which specifically enhance the bioavailability and potency of collagen. Clean Sourced Collagens is formulated from the ground up to enhance and support your body’s natural ability to heal and rebuild itself from the INSIDE out.

Organixx Clean Sourced Collagens
Hair Loss or Thinning? Studies Show Collagen Can Help

You may have heard that increasing your collagen levels can do wonders for your skin, but did you know that collagen is also needed for healthy hair production? With the right amount of collagen at your body’s disposal, you can have thicker and more lustrous locks.

Collagen and Hair: What’s the Connection?

Collagen is the primary protein in all animals (including people). It helps to maintain structural integrity in bones, tendons, cartilage, and ligaments.

Collagen also plays a big part in renewing cells in general, and the cells in hair are no exception. The body relies on the amino acids found in collagen to create hair strands, which are made primarily of a tough protein cousin to collagen called keratin.

Collagen is a building-block protein for hair as it surrounds and protects each strand. Collagen also helps to protect hair from the damaging effects of too much sun, as well as chemical irritants in the water and toxins in the air and soil. It possesses antioxidant properties which help to fight free radicals in the body.

Why We Lose Hair as We Age

man looking at thinning hair in the mirrorAs we get older, our collagen levels decrease. This is considered a “natural process” that will continue unabated – unless we’re proactive in curbing the decline through proper diet, lifestyle, and supplementation.

Some estimate that by the time a woman is in her 50s, her collagen levels may have declined by as much as 40%. With less collagen to protect it, hair falls victim to free radicals and begins to weaken. Dull, listless hair, graying, and even patterned baldness may be the result.

Both male and female pattern baldness affects millions in the U.S. alone. According to statistics gathered by the American Hair Loss Association [1], by the time most men are age 35, two-thirds of them will be experiencing some degree of hair loss.

Another survey found that roughly 50% of women over 65 will experience thinning of their hair at some point in their later years. For both women and men, hair loss (especially at a young age) can lead to depression as well as social isolation.

The Link Between Decreasing Collagen and Thinning Hair

Hair loss can occur for a number of reasons. A few possible causes include:

Another huge reason for hair loss and thinning is collagen deficiency, especially as we age. In 2016, researchers from the Tokyo Medical and Dental University [2]  found that aging mice had thinner hair follicles than younger mice and the common denominator was collagen. The investigators discovered the link between decreasing collagen levels in stem cells near hair follicles, especially type XVII, and hair loss.

In an earlier Japanese study [3],  investigators studied the scalps of women over 50 and found that they had smaller hair follicles than women in their 30s and even 40s. These discoveries could lead to possible remedies for pattern baldness in both men and women where augmenting collagen stores in the body may play a major role.

Collagen Benefits for Hair

Happily, other studies have also discovered the link between collagen supplementation and the return of healthy hair. A 2012 study conducted at the University of California, Los Angeles, found that supplementing with collagen promoted “significant” hair growth in women with hair thinning. They also determined that collagen supplements were safe and effective [4].

Studies like these are promising news for people of all ages who want to regrow hair; this can be life-changing and even life-savingwoman looking at hair brush concerned about hair loss for some. Many studies, such as a 2001 investigation conducted by the University Hospital of Wales, have linked alopecia (a condition where hair falls out) with loss of self-confidence and low self-esteem.

Visible hair loss also seems to take its psychological toll on women more than on men. An older survey study [5]  conducted in the Netherlands found that women who had hair loss scored higher for “inadequacy, rigidity and general psychological maladjustment” as well as having more psychosocial problems than men who had the same condition.

Collagen may also help hair that is dry, brittle, or gray as well. As stated earlier, collagen supports the health of each hair follicle. At the intersections where collagen and keratin meet are also where the pigment is produced that gives your hair its unique color.

Restoring the right levels of collagen to hair follicles and cells around the hair could help bring back pigment. Its hair-supporting nature is also the reason why having the right amount of collagen in your system can help dull, drab, split-end hair regain its shine and luster as well as retain moisture.

Use Only the Best Collagen Supplement for Hair Growth

There is ample evidence to support the notion that raising the bar on your collagen levels, in general, may help bring back healthy hair. You can do this is many ways. Reducing stress and eating a diet that is rich in amino acids and minerals such as zinc, iron, and vitamin C is definitely one step.

Broccoli, bell peppers, dark, leafy greens, and fish like salmon (which contains high amounts of omega-3s) are just some examples of foods that can help support the natural mechanisms in the body that build collagen.

Collagen supplementation is also a good option for restoring low collagen levels. Be sure you obtain the best collagen supplement for your needs that is of the utmost quality.

Organixx Clean Sourced Collagens blend contains five types of collagen from four sources. What’s more, it’s combined with targeted nutrients such as zinc, vitamin C, and vitamin B6 which specifically enhance the bioavailability and potency of collagen. Clean Sourced Collagens is formulated from the ground up to enhance and support your body’s natural ability to heal and rebuild itself from the INSIDE out.

Organixx Clean Sourced Collagens