Mental Health

Mental health is a term that covers a wide range of topics related to mental well-being. This comprehensive list of articles will provide information on mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, stress, panic attacks, and eating disorders. You’ll also learn about helpful coping mechanisms like meditation and emotional regulation and how to seek professional help. We hope you find this resource valuable and supportive.

Anxiety Relief: Is Magnesium a Calming Agent?

Anxiety Relief: Is Magnesium a Calming Agent?

Reading Time: 9 minutes

Is magnesium a calming agent? Current research points to a positive connection between magnesium and relaxation. Magnesium deficiency can contribute to anxiety and stress, setting the stage for this article’s ...

Calming the Mind: What Does Magnesium Do for Anxiety Relief?

Calming the Mind: What Does Magnesium Do for Anxiety Relief?

Reading Time: 9 minutes

Struggling with anxiety? The role of magnesium might be more crucial than you think. It modulates stress-regulating neurotransmitters and maintains a healthy brain chemistry, potentially easing anxiety symptoms. This article ...

5 Ways to Keep Your Resolutions This Year

5 Ways to Keep Your Resolutions This Year

Reading Time: 9 minutes

Let’s dive into New-Year’s-resolution-keeping with Dr. Melissa Gallagher, Naturopathic Physician. Actionable tips to help KEEP your resolutions in the year ahead.

10 Ways To Make Your Life Easier in 2022

10 Ways To Make Your Life Easier in 2022

Reading Time: 9 minutes

Dr. Melissa Gallagher, Naturopathic Physician, helps us stride into 2022 with great tips to help automate our lives! Less stress. More time for fun. What’s not to love?

5 Achievable New Year’s Resolutions

5 Achievable New Year’s Resolutions

Reading Time: 9 minutes

Do you find it difficult to stick to a New Year’s resolution? Dr. Melissa Gallagher, Naturopathic Physician, shares 5 achievable resolutions to successfully create a foundation of health in the ...

Angie Corogin: Mindfulness for All

Angie Corogin: Mindfulness for All

Reading Time: 9 minutes

Angie Corogin is back this week to help us unlock the power of Mindfulness. Angie shares the difference between Formal and Informal Mindfulness, she gives us practical exercises to use, ...

Ruth Cummings: Letting Go of Emotional Pain

Ruth Cummings: Letting Go of Emotional Pain

Reading Time: 9 minutes

Emotions we don’t release get trapped in our bodies. Or as today’s guest, Ruth Cummings, puts it “Our bodies are a trash can for all the emotions we didn’t process”. ...

Losing the COVID "15"

Losing the COVID "15"

Reading Time: 9 minutes

Have you found your healthy habits becoming a victim of the COVID-19 quarantine lifestyle? Jonathan. Tune in as he and TeriAnn discuss some great tips for losing that COVID-15 you ...

Learning to Manage Stress with Amy Mercree

Learning to Manage Stress with Amy Mercree

Reading Time: 9 minutes

Did you know individuals under constant stress have a 50% higher mortality rate? Stress proves to be one of the most significant issues among the population. In the case of ...

12 Tips to Beat Holiday Stress

12 Tips to Beat Holiday Stress

Reading Time: 9 minutes

The holiday stress can be the most stressful time of the year. We over commit and leave our self-care routine behind as we shop, bake, attend parties, and get caught ...

The Silent Addiction Taking Over Your Life

The Silent Addiction Taking Over Your Life

Reading Time: 9 minutes

Most of us don’t see ourselves as being addicted to our technology. Unfortunately, as a society we are. Join us this week for a look at the world of Digital ...

10 Essential Keys to Unlocking Self-Love

10 Essential Keys to Unlocking Self-Love

Reading Time: 9 minutes

Let’s talk about LOVE! Self-Love isn’t some trendy phrase. It’s scientifically proven that increasing your self-love muscle improves your health. Tune in to hear empirically-validated ways to exercise your self-love ...