Biblical Revelation:
Did the 3 Wise Men Gift
Newborn Jesus With the Most Powerful
Health Tonic in Human History?
A newly unearthed discovery has Bible scholars and
scientists alike gazing upwards in awe…
And it’s forcing them to question everything
they thought they knew both about
Scripture and the human body.
Keep reading to see exactly what this
Biblical revelation is…
Plus how you can start using it TODAY…
To flood every cell in your body with
God’s boundless, life-sustaining power.
Dear Friend,
A secret message has lain buried in the
Holy Bible for the last 2,000 years…
Whispered through the pages of Scripture…
Unknowingly passed on from
For most of us, this message has been
hidden in plain sight…
But for those who know of its existence…
It’s often referred to as “God’s First Recipe”…
Something that takes a key group of plants from the
And turns them into a healing tonic so sacred and special…

But for those who know of its existence…
It’s often referred to as “God’s First Recipe”…
Something that takes a key group of plants from the
And turns them into a healing tonic so sacred and special…
That it was carried across the moonlit desert by the 3 Wise Men Themselves…
And even offered to Jesus on the eve
of His Crucifixion.
This holy tonic is as old as recorded
Yet known to very few…
And today, as 21st century scientists
begin to study
this tonic for the first
time ever…
They’ve been shocked by just how powerful it truly is.

- Guard your body from the ravaging flames of unchecked inflammation
- Strengthen your memory and increase your alertness…
- Soothe achy, swollen joints and muscles…
- And nourish literally every fiber of your being.
- And now, for the first time ever...
- You’re going to see exactly what this Biblical
Tonic for health and longevity is…
- You’ll be shown the PROOF that this is something
God wants you to be taking on a daily basis…
- And you’ll see exactly how you can use this tonic from the comfort of your own home – to experience more energy, better sleep, and fewer aches and pains.
It’s as though you’re inviting the Holy Spirit into every single cell of your body…
Until your whole being is bursting with His restorative and rejuvenating power...
And if any of this sounds over-the-top, I understand…
But you should know that in the past 365 days…
This Holy Tonic has been used by thousands of Americans, just like you…
And time-and-time-again…
These folks have found that by including this tonic in their daily rituals…
In much the same way they include their prayers…
It has had a profound impact on nearly every aspect of their life.
- You’ll also see new research suggesting scholars got one of the key verses in the Bible WRONG for the last 2,000 years…
- You’ll be shown why one healing spice was worth more than gold during the time of Jesus (and it’s probably in your spice rack right now).
- And of course I’ll give you every Bible Verse and scientific study that backs up what I’m saying as well.
So please, stick with me for the next few minutes…
Because I truly believe that if you’re here on this page right now…
It’s because of God’s Plan…
And now it’s time for us to walk together in His light.
this Holy Tonic to me…
Hi, my name is Ben Macklin…
I’m a health researcher…
An amateur Bible scholar…
And most importantly, a devout
Like a lot of Americans…
I’ve been fascinated by the Holy Book
for as long as I can remember…

My Christian faith has driven every decision I’ve ever made, and every action I’ve ever taken.
Well today…
I want to share with you something that I believe to be one of the most important religious breakthroughs since the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls…
It has to do with the 3 Wise Men who visited Jesus soon after his birth…
My Christian faith has driven every decision I’ve ever made, and every action I’ve ever taken.
Well today…
I want to share with you something that I believe to be one of the most important religious breakthroughs since the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls…
It has to do with the 3 Wise Men who visited Jesus soon after his birth…
And a remarkable, Bible-based tonic…
Something that can soothe the flames of inflammation that are burning inside of you right now…

And a remarkable, Bible-based tonic…
Something that can soothe the flames of inflammation that are burning inside of you right now…
While nourishing and strengthening every cell of
your body from the inside-out.
You probably already know that the Lord works
in mysterious ways…
And this discovery was certainly no exception
It all happened quite by accident, and here’s the story…

While nourishing and strengthening every cell of your body from the inside-out.
You probably already know that the Lord works
in mysterious ways…
And this discovery was certainly no exception
It all happened quite by accident, and here’s the story…
I was performing some research in an attempt to answer what seemed like pretty straightforward question:
myrrh, and gold, as their gifts to the Infant Jesus?
I mean when you think about it – these are probably the most famous three gifts any person has ever received in history, right?
We’re reminded of them each Christmas…
And it’s undeniable that if you ask almost any person on the street – Christian or non-Christian – what the three gifts were…
At least 95% will give you the correct answer.
Frankincense, gold, and myrrh.
But why?
It may surprise you to know that despite more than 2,000 years of studying the Holy Bible…
No one has ever been able to reach a consensus about the reason for these gifts…
And I was having a really hard time understanding how we hadn’t come up with an answer yet.
So I started examining the Gifts of the Magi more closely…
I wanted to know if there was something others were missing…
Some compelling but unexpected reason why it was frankincense, gold, and myrrh that were presented to the infant Jesus…
Instead of say – sage, mulberry, and silver.
breakthrough occurred…
Something that would ultimately lead me to the massive revelation that I’ll be sharing with you today.
You see: I decided to take a closer look at the physical properties of these three gifts…
Rather than simply focus on the religious symbolism, or their monetary “value”.
And as soon as I did that – I noticed something pretty jolting…
You may not know this (I sure didn’t before I began my research)…
But frankincense and myrrh are both forms of “resin”…
That come from certain flowering plants found in Northern Africa, India, the Arabian Peninsula, and the Eastern Mediterranean…
And the way frankincense and myrrh are harvested is actually pretty amazing…
The harvester punctures the bark of the tree, then collects the resin as it bleeds out.
Now I can’t help but find it interesting that these two holy gifts, which were presented to the infant Jesus…
Are derived by inflicting a puncturing wound, and then collecting the healing “blood” that comes out.
Doesn’t it sound like what happened to Christ when he was nailed to the cross?
And remind you of the legend of the Holy Grail, which was said to hold his blood?
Well anyways, I was very much struck by this parallel…
And I was even more surprised once I started researching these two holy substances…
And discovered that they both have EXTRAORDINARY health-supporting benefits.
healthy inflammation response in the body…
And while I’m sure you’re thinking that sounds like a good thing…
You may also be asking what a healthy inflammation response actually is…
And wondering why should you care about it?
I’m going to answer both of those questions for you right now…
And I want you to make sure to pay close attention…
Because not only does understanding inflammation hold the key to your
long-term health…
It may even answer one of the greatest Biblical riddles of all time…
The question of why the 3 Wise Men chose to give the Newborn King the gifts that they did.

You might be wondering how the dots connect…
And we’ll return to this riddle in a moment so I can answer it for you…
But first, let’s turn our attention to that first question…
It helps if we use a simple example.
Let’s say that you’re running around outside barefoot, and you cut your foot on a rock.
Your body’s inflammation system
kicks into action…
And it sends a rush of blood to the
location of the cut…
That way your white blood cells can
protect the cut from getting infected.
As a result of this rush of blood…

The cut will likely turn red, swell, and it may even sting or burn…
Then, once your body has gotten everything under control - which normally happens within a few days at most…
The swelling goes down, the stinging and burning stops, and the red coloration fades from your skin.
This is what’s known as a normal inflammation response…
It’s short-term, it’s localized, and once your body has done its work, things go back to normal.
A normal inflammation response is a really good thing…
But when things don’t go back to normal…
When your body stays in a state of excessive inflammation indefinitely…
Which can happen as a result of stress, toxins in our foods, pollution, GMOs, and a whole host of other factors…
That’s when we run into problems.
negatively affect nearly every part of your body…
And it forces your white blood
cells to start attacking normal,
otherwise healthy tissues and
Which is why Harvard Medical
School says that ongoing,
excessive inflammation “plays a
central role” in some of the
biggest health challenges of our

And why the Mayo Clinic has published 2,284 different articles, studies, and reports on the dangers of unchecked inflammationii.
Excessive, ongoing inflammation can lead to:
- Achy, swollen joints that stifle your mobility…
- A weakened, overworked heart…
- Erratic blood sugar levels…
- Age-related memory decline…
- A weakened immune system…
- Allergies and sinus issues…
- And even trouble breathing.
Plus, excessive inflammation is also one of the biggest culprits behind unwanted weight gain…
Because when the body runs rampant with unchecked inflammation…
It affects all of your cells too…
Including your fat cells…
Turning them into swollen,
fat-storing globs.
So it’s no exaggeration to say
that for virtually every major
health challenge we Americans
face today…

Excessive inflammation plays a big role…
Which is why Time Magazine called ongoing inflammation “The Secret Killer”iii…
And why the globally respected Dr. David Perlmutter M.D., says that inflammation is a “major threat to our wellbeing.”iv
Alright, so now that you understand the difference between a healthy inflammation response in the body…
And an unhealthy, ongoing, excessive inflammation response…
You can probably see why the realization that frankincense and myrrh support a healthy inflammation response in the body…
Is such a big deal.
And looking at frankincense and myrrh through the lens of their health benefits is also fascinating…
to give Jesus these sacred plants as gifts?
Rather than some other exotic spice without such well-known health benefits?
This is especially intriguing once you start
to study the history of frankincense and myrrh…
This is especially intriguing once you start
to study the history of frankincense and myrrh…
Because it turns out that both of these plants
have been used in Indian and Eastern Medicine
for more than 5,000 years…
Which means that the 3 Wise Men, who
came from the East…
Certainly would have known of frankincense
and myrrh’s incredible, health-supporting powers.

Because it turns out that both of these plants
have been used in Indian and Eastern Medicine
for more than 5,000 years…
Which means that the 3 Wise Men, who
came from the East…
Certainly would have known of frankincense
and myrrh’s incredible,
health-supporting powers.
So is it possible that the Wise Men brought these two holy gifts to the Lord to give Him physical strength?

So is it possible that the Wise Men brought these two holy gifts to the Lord to give Him physical strength?
Or was it perhaps even deeper than that…
More symbolic?
of cooling the fires of unchecked inflammation…
Much in the same way that Jesus had been sent to cool the flames of unchecked sin?
It’s impossible to say for certain…
But what I can tell you is that looking at the modern scientific research behind both frankincense and myrrh…
It was immediately clear to me that these plants truly are special…
And that they hold great healing potential for both Christians and non-Christians alike…
If only we’ll follow in Christ’s footsteps and use them accordingly.
Look at frankincense for example…
In a 2017 study published in the Journal of Biochemistry…

Researchers measured the effects of frankincense extract on human skin tissue…
And found that this “holy substance” positively impacted 17 different markers of excessive inflammation…
While also supporting the body’s immune response, and the ability to create new, healthy skin tissue.v
Meanwhile, in a similar study that was published in the Journal of International Immunopharmacology…
When a team of 5 scientists measured the effects of frankincense on numerous inflammatory markers in the body…
They found that frankincense had the ability to “switch off” substances that cause excessive inflammation…
Leading the researchers to conclude that this special “Gift of the Magi” is:
“Capable of carrying out a natural anti-inflammatory activity on sites where [ongoing] inflammation is present.”vi
Plus, that’s still just the start…
In a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial that was published in the Journal of Phytomedicine…
Researchers studied the effects of frankincense extract on 30 adults who suffered from knee pain.
The adults were split into two groups…
With one half getting a supplement
containing frankincense extract…
And the other half getting a placebo
pill (basically a fake).
Both groups were told to take their
respective pills for eight straight weeks…
And at the end of the study…

It was found that while there were no improvements in pain for the placebo group…
The frankincense group experienced “decreases in knee pain, increased knee flexion and increased walking distance.”

The “frequency of swelling in the knee joint was decreased” as well…
And the researchers also found that the frankincense supplement was “well tolerated by the subjects."vii
Now if you’re wondering how frankincense extract could have such a powerful impact on joint paint, flexibility, mobility, and more…
It’s because all of those things can be caused by excessive inflammation…
And when frankincense extract was taken by subjects via a supplement…
It immediately targeted that unwanted inflammation…
And quenched the flames.
These results are further supported by another human study that was published in the journal AYU by the way…
Where 56 people were given a frankincense supplement on a daily basis…
And displayed a remarkable improvement in joint comfort, less pain, and dramatically more mobility.viii
Plus, in addition to the studies I just mentioned…
You should know that frankincense extract has also been scientifically demonstrated to:
- Increase the body’s levels of antioxidantsix...
- Protect the intestinal barrier from inflammatory damage (and support healthy digestion)x
- Support a healthy heartxi…
- Reduce skin redness and irritationxii…
- Support healthy blood sugar levelsxiii…
- Promote memory and brain functionxiv…
- And support normal thyroid function.xv
Now I could go on about the health-supporting and anti-inflammatory properties of frankincense for hours…
But I think you get the point…
It’s no secret that myrrh was highly revered in the time of Jesus…
And the Bible mentions myrrh seventeen times in total…
Beginning in Genesis 37:25…
And going all the way to Revelation 18:13.
The night before Jesus is crucified,
the Roman soldiers offer him a
wine mixed with myrrhxvi…
The night before Jesus is crucified,
the Roman soldiers offer him a
wine mixed with myrrhxvi…
And in virtually every Holy Passage
where myrrh is mentioned…
It’s presented as an incredibly valuable, sacred ingredient.
In contrast to this…

Today many folks in the West don’t think of myrrh as anything but “that plant from the Bible”…
But we should probably start changing our perspective here…
Because as I began to research myrrh more deeply…
incredible health-supporting properties.
In a comprehensive 2015 animal study on myrrh, that was published in the journal Scientific Reports…
When a team of twelve scientists looked at the properties
of myrrh extract…
They found that it inhibited [stopped] 21
of the most significant markers of
And that it also significantly reduced swelling.xvii
Meanwhile, in a 2017 study that was published
in the journal BioMed Research International…

Which was double-blind, randomized, and placebo-controlled…
Researchers studied the effects of myrrh on a group of 95 women and 89 men…
And were awestruck by the extract’s pain-relieving effects.
The folks in this study were between the ages of 18 and 60-years-old…
All of them suffered from some sort of pain – including headaches, joint pain, muscle aches, lower back pain, or menstrual pain.
And at the end of the study…
The researchers were startled to discover that “pain alleviation was obtained…for almost all pathologies [categories of pain]” in the myrrh group…

But not the placebo group…
Leading the scientists to conclude that myrrh has “significant" anti-pain properties.xviii
Now again, just like with frankincense…
The reason why myrrh was able to alleviate so many different types of pain over a twenty-day period should be pretty clear…
Myrrh is incredibly anti-inflammatory…
The verse in Scripture where the Roman soldiers offered Jesus wine mixed with myrrh…
And Jesus refused.
Now that we know about the anti-pain and
anti-inflammatory properties of myrrh…
Jesus’ refusal of the wine makes
much more sense…
Because our Lord needed to
suffer upon the cross in order to
fully absorb all of our sins…
Which meant he couldn’t accept a
drink with myrrh that would ease
his pain…

Because this would have been like “cheating,” which Jesus clearly wasn’t going to do.
Now just like with frankincense…
I could go on and on about the countless studies
showing myrrh’s incredible anti-pain and
anti-inflammatory benefits…
A 2011 study published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology found that myrrh possesses “analgesic [anti-pain] and anti-inflammatory activities”…xix
A 2012 study published in the journal Phytotherapyfound that myrrh has “neuroprotective effects” – which is a way of saying that it helps keep brain cells healthy…xx
And a 2015 study published in the journal Pharmaceutical Biology found that myrrh regulated inflammatory substances in the body and even combatted cellular damage in the liver.xxi

I will say that this last study is especially interesting to me…
Because it’s no secret that our liver is our “cleansing” organ…
Something that filters out toxins that pollute our body…
So that we remain pure.
I can’t help but draw the comparison to Jesus himself…
Who was sent to this Earth to absorb all of the toxic sin that polluted mankind…
And to purify us of our sins.
Perhaps the 3 Wise Men were thinking the same thing…
And the gifts of frankincense and myrrh were supposed to symbolize the purifying spirit of Christ himself…
Or maybe it goes back to what I said before…

The 3 Magi simply knew that these plants were incredibly powerful healers…
Just as Jesus was a powerful healer both physically and spiritually…
And the symbolism was just too much for the Wise Men to pass up.
It’s not a question we can answer with absolute certainty…
But when you look at all of the research…
It’s hard not to think that perhaps these two gifts of the Magi were indeed health-related.
And actually…
when you start to look at gold…
The third Gift of the Magi, which we haven’t even discussed yet.
Now you might be asking…
What health benefits could gold really have?
Well, here’s what is so fascinating…
What many Biblical scholars have now begun to realize…

You see…
While it’s possible that the 3 Wise Men did indeed bring the infant Jesus physical gold…
New research is suggesting that what’s even more likely…
Is that this gift wasn’t a metal at all…
But instead, turmeric…
Which was known in the times of Jesus as “The Golden Spice.”
But the more I looked into historical significance of turmeric…
The more convinced I became.

For one thing…
The reason turmeric is called “The Golden Spice” is not because of its orange color…
Rather, it’s because in the time of Jesus…
An ounce of turmeric cost more than an ounce of gold.
Plus, turmeric was traded more regularly than gold too…
It came from the East, which is where the 3 Wise Men came from as well…
And there are many historical documents dating back to Jesus’ time…
Where the word “gold” is used to describe turmeric…
Instead of the precious metal.
So when you start putting all of this together…
The fact that that turmeric was so incredibly treasured…
And that it was often called “gold” in the ancient world…
It does start to make you wonder, right?

Plus, the idea that this third Gift of the Magi may have been turmeric…
Instead of physical gold…
Actually makes a ton of sense from a logical perspective too.
That’s because while frankincense and myrrh are both wondrously healthy, anti-inflammatory spices…
when it comes to healthy spices…
So much so in fact…
That it’s no exaggeration to say that turmeric may be the most powerful health-supporting spice that God ever put on this earth.
For example…
Just by typing the phrase “Turmeric Inflammation” into the website of the National Institutes of Health…

Which is a truly staggering number.
This includes a 2016 study published in the journal Biomed
That was randomized, double-blind, and placebo-controlled…
Where 117 adult subjects where given either a turmeric supplement or a placebo pill for 8 weeks.
And at the end of the two-month period…
The researchers found that turmeric “significantly decreased” inflammation in the body…
While the placebo pill had no impact at all.xxii
That’s just one of over 4,989 different studies that ALL say
close to the same thing…
That turmeric supplementation can drastically reduce bad inflammation and support your health…
And that’s probably the reason why today…
Even the most stuffy, old-school doctors are telling their patients to take turmeric…
Because the science is just too powerful to ignore.

Plus, just like with frankincense and myrrh…
It can provide considerable pain-relief to those suffering from
achy joints, muscles, and bones too.
For example, in a double-blind study published in the journal Clinical Interventions in Aging…
Researchers took 367 adults who had knee pain that was at least a “5” on a scale of 1-10…
And gave half of them curcumin, and half of them ibuprofen.
The study lasted for four weeks…
And at the end of the study…
The researchers were shocked to discover that turmeric supplementation was “as effective as ibuprofen” for relieving knee pain…
But with one big exception…

The turmeric group had significantly fewer events of abdominal pain and discomfort than the ibuprofen group did.xxiii
Pretty remarkable right?
And in another major double study, this one published in the journal Phytotherapy Research…
Researchers took 45 joint pain sufferers and divided them into three groups.
One group got turmeric…
One group got a popular NSAID (an
anti-inflammatory drug)…
And one group got a combination of both
turmeric and the NSAID.
The scientists who conducted this study expected that either the NSAID group…
Or the group that took an NSAID and turmeric together…
Would probably experience the most pain relief…
But that’s not what happened.
The scientists were surprised to discover that the turmeric-only group:
“Showed the highest percentage of improvements” when it came to reductions in joint swelling and tenderness…
And that the turmeric-only group’s scores were also:
“Significantly better than the patients in the [NSAID] group.”xxiv
with you still only scratch the surface of
what the “golden spice” turmeric can do…
In a randomized, double-blind, and placebo-controlled study published in the Journal of Psychopharmacology…
Researchers gave turmeric to sixty healthy adults between the ages of 60 and 85-years-old…
Then measured the impact turmeric had on both their short-term, and long-term health.
The scientists found that after just one single hour…
The turmeric group saw:
“Significantly improved performance on sustained attention and working memory tasks”…

While the placebo group saw no improvement.
Talk about fast-acting, right?
And when the scientists again tested the adult volunteers at the end of four weeks…
They found that “working memory and mood…were significantly better”…
And that the turmeric supplement had helped to significantly improve cholesterol levels in the test-subjects as well.xxv
So given everything you’ve just seen…
The fact that frankincense and myrrh are so very well known for their anti-inflammatory properties…
And that they were often grouped together with turmeric since the time of Christ…
Gold is so “earthly”…
That at least in my mind…
It actually almost seems too plain for the King of Kings…
Especially when compared to the sacred spice turmeric…

Which was so rare that it was actually more expensive per ounce than gold in the time of Jesus.
So as I completed my research into the health-supporting powers of the three holy gifts we just reviewed…
I was absolutely blown away.
I mean right here, right in front of my own eyes…
Was a vivid reminder of one of the most profound truths there is:
Isn’t it funny how we can forget that simple fact sometimes?
Especially considering all of the times throughout the bible where God explicitly reminds us of his healing powers.
In Jeremiah 30:17 the Lord declares: “For I will restore health to you, and your wounds I will heal.”
In Psalms 103:3 we are asked to remember: “Who forgives all your iniquities, Who heals all your diseases, Who redeems your life from destruction?”
In Exodus 15:26 God reminds us that: “I am the Lord, your healer.”
In Luke 14:1-5 Jesus heals a man who has swelling of his body.

And in Matthew 9:27-30 and 9:29-34…Mark 8:22-26…and John 9:1-7…
Jesus restores the vision of those who cannot see.
If these aren’t clear signs that the Lord loves us and wants us to be healthy…
I don’t know what is.
Yet for too many of us, it seems as though our prayers go unanswered…
And it can leave even the most devoted follower of Christ scratching his head and asking “why?”
Well I’d like to give you my most humble attempt to answer that question of “why” right now…
And I’ll do it in the form of a very brief story, one that the pastor at my Church loves to share.
There’s a man on a raft, and he’s smack dab in the middle of a river.
Suddenly, the raft springs a leak and begins to sink.
The terrified man is forced to abandon the raft, and treads desperately against the strong current of the water.
“LORD!” the man asks, “please, save me!”
Well about that time a small fishing vessel sails by and sees the man. The captain calls out to the man, and asks if he needs help…
“No,” the man in the river replies, “the Lord will save me.”

A few minutes later a second small boat approaches the man. Once again, the boat’s captain asks the man in the river if he needs help?.
“No” the man shouts back, “the Lord will save me.”
This scene is repeated several times, with the man refusing help each time it is offered. Eventually, the exhausted man drowns.
When he gets to heaven, the man asks the Lord: “Didn’t you hear my prayers oh Lord? Why didn’t you answer?”
And the Lord replies: “Of course I heard your prayers. Why do you think I sent all of the boats!”
Well in my opinion…
The moral of this story can also be applied to any of the suffering that you or your loved ones may be experiencing right now.
It should be pretty clear by now that in the Gifts of the Three Magi alone…
We have a powerful recipe for stopping excessive inflammation…
Plus, these three ingredients
have also been shown to:
- Help reduce pain
- Support a healthy heart
- Promote a healthy weight
- Support healthy cholesterol levels
- Support healthy liver function
- Promote brain health
And so much more.
“I have given you every herb that yields seed which is on the face
of all the earth, and every tree whose fruit yields seed.”
So I think it’s pretty apparent that He has blessed this planet with natural, health-supporting gifts…
Gifts like the ones the 3 Magi brought us…
That can help us to lead long, healthy, and prosperous lives.
But I also think it’s pretty clear that if we truly want to benefit from these Gifts of the Magi…
We’re going to need to take matters into our own hands.
The reason I say this is because while yes, turmeric has become more popular in recent years…
At the end of the day…
It can feel like some doctors and pharmaceutical companies are still too obsessed with a “drug first” approach to health…
Rather than a natural one.
I’m just being honest…
There’s simply not much money to be made on natural ingredients from the Bible…
And if you ask most healthcare CEOs if they’d be willing to trade their private jets, billion-dollar offices and 10,000 square foot homes…
For the chance that “Jill in Arkansas” or “Tom in Nebraska” could have a shot at actually, truly feeling better…
Well, I think a lot of them would laugh right in your face.
It’s just a sad fact of life that many CEOs are motivated more by dollars than by morals…
They prefer physical currency to spiritual currency…
And they are simply unwilling to sacrifice their ill-gotten fortunes in exchange for your health.
So, as I realized all of this…
It became clear to me that if anyone was going to follow in Christ’s footsteps…
And share these 3 Gifts of the Magi with the millions of folks around the world who could benefit from them…
It would have to be a Christians like me.
To bring the Gifts of the Magi to a new generation of spiritual warriors…
So that they could easily and rapidly experience the health-restoring power of these 3 Gifts…
And become closer to the Lord as they did it.
So I started looking for a health and wellness company I could partner with…
Someone who could help me source all three of these Gifts of the Magi…
From their original sources – the places where they would have been grown in the times of the Bible…
Then combine them into small, easy-to-swallow capsules…
That were both potent and pure…
So that anyone in the U.S. could experience the powerful benefits of frankincense, myrrh, and the “golden spice” turmeric…
Day-after-day and year-after-year.
I must have spoken to at least three dozen different supplement companies out there…
Some of them were so slimy that they made my skin crawl…
Others were well-intentioned, but inexperienced…
Very few of them seemed to be aligned with my values and mission.
Finally though…
After months of interviewing, phone calls, and long conversations…
A company called Organixx
is A+ rated with the Better Business Bureauxxvi…
Their products have over 10,000 5 Star Reviews…
Organixx only uses cleanest and purest plants and herbs in their manufacturing process.
From seed to bottle.
All of their supplements are also non-GMO and compliant with ultra-strict purity standards…
And most importantly to me…

Which, in the case of these 3 Gifts of the Magi…
Means the same Biblical locations where they’ve been grown since the time of Jesus.
When I spoke with Organixx and told them what I wanted to accomplish…
They were thrilled to assist me…
They told me that they were already HUGE believers in the power frankincense, myrrh, and turmeric…
And that they would spare no expenses to make sure they created the purest, most trustworthy blend of these ingredients ever…
Something that both Christians and non-Christians alike could use each day with confidence…
To experience the full power of these God-given plants.
Well I’m pleased to say that this is exactly what Organixx accomplished…
Magi-Complexx by Organixx.

Magi-Complexx is a once-daily supplement made with only the purest forms of frankinscense, myrrh, and turmeric.
It’s all natural, without any filler ingredients, binders, or excipients…
And what makes this Bible-based supplement so special…
Is that it takes three of the strongest inflammation support agents known to mankind throughout history…
And combines them in the same perfect union treasured by the 3 Wise Men themselves.
Since taking Magi-Complexx to the public…
This health breakthrough already has 833 5 Star Reviews…

And here’s just a small sample of what Magi-Complexx users
have to say about this treasured, health-supporting gift…

Julia Ann
Excellent Product
I have arthritis in my hands and needed to have my rings made larger. After takings Magi Complexx I need to be careful that my rings will not fall off my fingers. It has been a life saver for me and my selling arthritic joints.

Referred by Nutritionist's
Excellent Product's. I am limited to a lot of liquid vitamins due to my digestive tract. i must test all capsules by allowing them to dissolve in my mouth. These supplements are excellent in the way of being easily digested and absorbed. I am very pleased to date. I am still a newbie in use. Thank you Organixx.

The magi complex is amazing. I have hurt my arm several times and recently damaged a nerve in the elbow. The magi complexx gives me relief from rveryday pain. If I forgot one day I can sure tell it. I would say if you have pain give it a try.

I love the Magi-complex. I've experienced less brain fog and inflammation in an area of my body where I had surgery.

Magi Complex 5 stars
I absolutely love this supplement....I cant live without it. it rids my inflammation flare ups and I feel years younger.

Knew that with this I had more energy, but when my beautician said my hair had gotten thicker I asked what different was i doing. Only thing is magi complexx.

The difference is noticeable in a short period of time. I am an older professional woman who works long hrs and although I have been taking this for a short period of time, the immediate effects are noticable for me such as enhanced levels of wellbeing including concentration, lower levels of stress, fatigue, blood pressure, cholesterol to name a few. I am personally happy with my results.

Incredibly Helpful
Magi-complxx is awesome. Helps reduce my chronic shoulder pain so I can avoid cortisone shots. I also add the essential oil to my hand cream to help with my arthritis. Good stuff :)

Magi Magic
An astounding and instant Anti inflammatory action, for starters. M.

Magi Magic
As a single mother of 4, this supplement gives me the energy I need to keep going.
It fills my heart with such joy each time I hear from someone whose life has been positively impacted by Magi-Complexx…
the folks who shared their stories on this page…
By getting your very own supply of Magi-Complexx shipped right to your front door.
It should be clear that my most driving purpose in life is to serve my Lord and Savior…
And to make sure that every single one of my actions is in accordance with HIS teachings.
So, with that being said…
It should be pretty obvious that when it comes to shipping your Magi-Complexx...

Which contains the purest form of all three of the gifts of the Wise Men…
It would be incredibly un-Christian for me to try and charge you an arm and a leg for any of this.
In 1 John 3:17 we are asked how if anyone “sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God’s love abide in him?”
The lesson is clear: we must always be seeking to love our neighbors, and to help those in need…
And I think it’s tragic that for many in today’s society…
These words spoken in John 3:17 are being ignored.
It seems like too many folks are following dollar signs when they should be following the teachings of Christ…
And I absolutely REFUSE to play a role in their greedy ways.
What I love about Organixx is that they agree…
In fact, as they make abundantly clear on their website…
their markups very low
Because they are a mission-based company that wants to get their creations into the hands of as many folks as possible.

So even though making Magi-Complexx is an incredibly time-consuming and costly process…
Since it only contains the cleanest ingredients, frankincense, myrrh, and organic fermented turmeric that are grown from Biblical sources…
And these ingredients are shipped across the world to the U.S…
Where they are put through a proprietary purification process…
That filters out any impurities and leaves only the strongest, cleanest, active ingredients inside each capsule…
You’re not going to be asked to pay a fortune to try Magi-Complexx for yourself today.
In fact…
Even though many Magi-Complexx users say they would gladly pay $249 per bottle for this Bible-based wonder…
And even though others have said taking their two small capsules of Magi-Complexx each day saves them $2,499 per year or more in wellness costs…
You won’t be asked to invest anywhere near that amount.
The reason why is simple…
While the imperative to love thy neighbor and help those in need can be found all throughout the Bible…
“try and make money off your neighbor’s suffering.”
Which is why instead of asking you to pay $2,499…
Or even $149 in exchange for your very own bottle of Magi-Complexx…
All Organixx asks is that you help them cover the costs of sourcing these Biblical ingredients…
By making a one-time investment of just $149 $54.95 for a single bottle.
It’s also less than you’d pay if you were to buy most turmeric, frankincense, and myrrh supplements separately…

Which is why instead of asking you to pay $2,499…
Or even $149 in exchange for your very own bottle of Magi-Complexx…
All Organixx asks is that you help them cover the costs of sourcing these Biblical ingredients…
By making a one-time investment of just $149 $54.95 for a single bottle.
It’s also less than you’d pay if you were to buy most turmeric, frankincense, and myrrh supplements separately…

Many of them aren’t formulated with clinical science like Magi-Complexx is…
Plus a lot of other supplements aren’t made with pure, clean ingredients…
And I’m willing to bet that many of them weren’t sourced from pristine, Biblical sources, too.
In contrast to all of that…
You can take your two-capsules a day of Magi-Complexx with total confidence…
Because not only is Organixx A+ rated by the Better Business Bureau…
And not only do their products have over 10,000 5 Star Reviews…
They are also a mission-based company…

Which means this is a group of people you can put your faith in
And to make it even easier for you to do just that…
To invest your faith into Organixx and their Magi-Complexx formulation today…
discount… Where the more you stock up today, the
easier it is on your wallet
It works like this…
While a single bottle of Magi-Complexx is just $54.95…
On this website you’re on today…
When you choose three bottles of Magi-Complexx, which is the most popular option, it’s just $49.46 per bottle…
And when you choose six bottles of Magi-Complexx…
The investment is just $46.71 per bottle.
As you can see…
The more you stock up on Magi-Complexx, the more money you’ll save…
And you should know that this multi-bottle discount isn’t some sales gimmick or sales pitch either…
In fact, Organixx often loses money when they sell Magi-Complexx in bulk…
But they’re actually fine with that when it happens…
Because this isn’t about money for them…
It’s about giving you the chance at wellness that you deserve.

It works like this…
While a single bottle of Magi-Complexx is just $54.95…
On this website you’re on today…
When you choose three bottles of Magi-Complexx, which is the most popular option, it’s just $49.46 per bottle…
And when you choose six bottles of Magi-Complexx…
The investment is just $46.71 per bottle.
As you can see…
The more you stock up on Magi-Complexx, the more money you’ll save…
And you should know that this multi-bottle discount isn’t some sales gimmick or sales pitch either…
In fact, Organixx often loses money when they sell Magi-Complexx in bulk…
But they’re actually fine with that when it happens…

Because this isn’t about money for them…
It’s about giving you the chance at wellness that you deserve.
Additionally, because the 3 holy ingredients inside Magi-Complexx are organic…
And come from Biblical locations on the other side of the world…
Which makes sense…
Because if frankincense, myrrh, and turmeric were fit for the Newborn King…
Then it’s easy to see why they’d also be the perfect gift to share with the ones you love, too.
Well, with the special multi-bottle discounts that Organixx has set up…
Sharing these gifts with the special people in your life is easier than ever…
So go ahead and place your order for Magi-Complexx below right now…
While this discount is available and there are bottles in stock.
Powers of the 3 Gifts of the Magi Today!
*Spend $99 or more - Free Shipping to US;
spend $149 or more - Free Shipping to Canada;
spend $199 or more - Free Shipping Worldwide.
Once you’ve selected your quantity of Magi-Complexx by clicking on one of the packages you see on this page…
You’ll be taken to a secure checkout page, where you’ll fill in your order details.
And as soon as you’re done…
The Organixx team will get to work…
Shipping out your order of Magi-Complexx to you right away.
Orders normally ship within 5 business days…
And you’ll receive a confirmation email immediately after placing your order…
Along with a tracking number, once your order has shipped…
That way you can watch in real-time as your bottles of Magi-Complexx make their way to your house.
You should also know that your order today is covered by…

100% Money Back Guarantee
I love that they do this guarantee…
Because when you’re raised in the Church, you learn from a very early age to always do what’s right.
Being moral is non-negotiable – there are no ifs, ands, or buts about it…
And I’m very proud to say that Organixx agrees…
Which is why they offer this special guarantee.
It works like this…
Right now, just place your order for Magi-Complexx by selecting one of the packages you see on this page.
Once your order arrives, go ahead and start taking these 3 Blessed Ingredients every single day…
And if for any reason you aren’t BLOWN AWAY by your experience with Magi-Complexx at any point over the next 12 months…
Organixx will issue you a full and prompt refund, with zero questions asked.
The only reason these guys are able to give you a whole year guarantee like this, by the way…
Is because so many folks LOVE this breakthrough supplement, and refunds are extremely rare…

But still…
Isn’t it nice to know that you can try Magi-Complexx for an entire year, without any risk or downside at all if you change your mind?
It’s not often companies make offers like this…
But it’s the Christian thing to do…
And it’s also one of the many reasons that Organixx is A+ rated by the Better Business Bureau, too.
So with all of that being said, what are you waiting for?
Go ahead and select from one of the packages you see below right now…
So you can start experiencing the power of Magi-Complexx for yourself as soon as possible.
YES! I Want To Experience the
Health-Supporting Powers of the
3 Gifts of the Magi Today!
*Spend $99 or more - Free Shipping to US;
spend $149 or more - Free Shipping to Canada;
spend $199 or more - Free Shipping Worldwide.

Amazing product!!
My shipment arrived promptly and the products are absolutely amazing. The quality is unmatched.

Magi Complex order
Order was promptly filled, arrived safely and met requirement for product. expectations.

Superb blend
I love turmeric and frankincense. To have a blend like this is incredible! Using it every day makes me feel great.
Which path will you choose?
Now is the time for you to make a decision…
Will you walk with me and Organixx in God’s light…
Or will you head in the opposite direction…
And continue to live life in the shadows?
You’ve seen the studies and the research behind each of the three remarkable Gifts of the Wise Men…
And you’ve seen the proof that God wants you to know about these ingredients…
That he’s put them in the Holy Bible for a very clear purpose…
And that this purpose is to help keep you healthy and strong.
Until now, you’ve probably been in a similar situation as the man whose raft sprung a leak…
You’ve been treading water…
Knowing in your heart that you could have more energy and strength…
Unsure of where to turn, but desperately wanting to stay afloat.
trying to send you a life jacket…
And ultimately, it’s up to you to decide whether or not you reach out and take it…
Or continue to let yourself feel dragged down and exhausted.
The choice is yours, but I will be praying that you make the right decision…
That you stand up and take control of your own body and your own health…
The way GOD INTENDED you to do…
By accepting these 3 Gifts of the Magi today.
If they were good enough for the infant Jesus…
Then surely they are good enough for you as well…
So go ahead and place your order for Magi-Complexx right now…
By clicking on one of the packages you see below…
And joining the thousands of Christians and non-Christians alike…
Who have already made this same decision…
And who are now walking together in God’s healing light.
God Bless,

Ben Macklin
- How is Magi-Complexx taken?
Magi-Complexx comes in two extracted forms, capsules for internal use and an essential oil blend for use in aromatherapy. Users take 2 capsules daily for standard use, or 4 capsules daily for advanced therapy. The essential oil blend can be diffused, heated gently as well as inhaled using many more aromatherapy methods.
- What health benefits will I experience when I use Magi-Complexx?
Since the ingredients in Magi-Complexx are intended to promote healthy inflammation levels there are a host of different benefits you may experience, and they vary from user to user depending on their unique physiology.
- The most common benefits of supporting a healthy inflammation response are:
Promote your heart health
Maintain healthy joints and bones
Support a healthy immune system
Boost healthy digestion
Maintain brain health and function
Promote healthy cells
Support healthy skin
Promote a healthy sleep/wake cycle
Maintain healthy lungs
Support healthy gums
Promote a healthy body weight
Maintain a healthy mood
- What if I buy more than one bottle and change my mind?
All customers are protected by a 1-year “no questions asked” guarantee. If for some reason you decide Magi-Complexx isn’t for you, just send back any unopened bottles within 1 year and we’ll give you a full refund.
- Does Magi-Complexx contain gluten, sugar, or anything else I should know about?
Aside from the vegetable cellulose required to make the capsule, Magi-Complexx contains active ingredients and nothing else. Magi-Complexx essential oil blend contains 100% pure oil and no filler.
- Is there a limit to how much I can buy at once?
No, but once our initial supply of 3000 bottles have been sold, then the order button on this page will be replaced by a waiting list. Click the button below to see if we still have some in stock and get your personal supply of Magi-Complexx now
- Any possible side effects?
If taken internally, myrrh may cause stomach upset and diarrhea.
Anyone with a medical condition related to the heart should ask a doctor before using myrrh oil, since myrrh may cause heart irregularities and lowered blood pressure. Since myrrh interacts with blood glucose it is also not recommended for people undergoing surgery and it is best to stop its use at least 2 weeks before surgery.
Myrrh oil is not recommended for people using anticoagulants such as warfarin, as it may have potential interactions. It is also not recommended for people on diabetes medication, as there is a potential for a drug interaction.