- Do you want to keep your mind as sharp as a tack?
- Your memories crystal clear and unforgettable?
- And have laser-like focus?
…then this may be the most important article you’ll read this year.
Do you want to keep your mind as sharp as a tack?
Your memories crystal clear and unforgettable?
And have laser-like focus?
…then this may be the most important article you’ll read this year.
Right now, more and more people are suffering from cognitive decline.
It’s so bad, 1 in 3 seniors dies with Alzheimer’s disease or some other form of dementia.
And nearly two-thirds of all Americans living with Alzheimer’s are women!
Worse, researchers are now finding early signs of amyloid-protein plaque – the stuff thought to be one of the primary causes of Alzheimer’s – in young adults in their 20s!
Now let me be perfectly clear: At this point in time, there is no known cure for Alzheimer’s. This is why it’s so important to see your doctor if you think you’re experiencing any symptoms as early as possible.
There are steps you can take to help rejuvenate and re-energize your brain at the cellular level.
In fact, nature has a variety of plants and herbs that can support a sharper memory, clearer thinking, and even help protect your brain cells from foreign intruders and other potential threats that could lead to amyloid protein buildup (the stuff that can impair communication between your neurons and can ultimately kill them off).
And don’t worry, I’m not talking about the “barely effective” herbs like ginseng or the other “over-hyped” herbs and products that you’ve heard about, tried, and never saw a difference with.
I’m talking about clinically proven herbs taken directly from the largest natural pharmacy in the world.
What Is the Largest Natural Pharmacy
in the World? The Amazon Rainforest.

It’s home to around 80 thousand different species of plants.
There’s so much healing potential there, that more than 100 drug companies and government agencies are actively searching high and low for new solutions to today’s toughest medical problems.
And more than 120 drugs on the market today have come from the Amazon.
Don’t worry, I’m not here to sell you on some harmful pharmaceuticals with a laundry list of “side effects” that are worse than the symptoms.
I simply want to share with you the most important botanicals (plants/extracts) that you should be taking on a daily basis to improve your overall brain health and memory.
I call them the…
“8 Essential Brain-Boosting Botanicals”
There’s no doubt that these 8 Essential Brain-Boosting Botanicals are exactly what you’ve been searching for to keep your brain healthy and your memory sharp.
My good friend Amazon John introduced me to these amazing botanicals and I’m excited to share them with you.
First, let me quickly introduce you to John...
Meet “Amazon John” Easterling.

John’s a very successful eco-entrepreneur, movie and TV show producer, and a true visionary in the world of natural health.
If he looks familiar, it might be because you’ve seen him in the media next to his wife – singing sensation and movie icon Olivia Newton-John.
Now, something else you should know about John is that he often goes by “Amazon John.”
There’s a good reason for that…
Back in the 70s, he started Raiders of the Lost Ark – a treasure hunting company. (There isn’t any connection to Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark… but you’ll soon see, John’s a “real life” Indiana!)
And can you guess where he decided to find his treasure?
That’s right – the AMAZON!
John was in search of cities of gold, precious metals, and other priceless artifacts left behind by the once-great Inca empire.
That’s When Things Took a Turn for the Worse…
He got very sick on one of his expeditions and stumbled his way into a remote village in the Peruvian Amazon.
He came down with a case of Rocky Mountain spotted fever. It’s a bacterial infection you can get from a tick bite – and can be deadly if not treated right away, with the right antibiotic.
This obviously spelled bad news for John, since he was miles away from a doctor or any sort of hospital.
Fortunately, the Village Healers Knew Exactly What to Do…
They gave him a tea infused with herbs and other botanicals native to the Amazon.
Within about a day, he started feeling better. Within a week, he’d experienced a complete turnaround and was back to full health.
That’s when John had a profound realization…
“All these years I had been coming down to the Amazon looking for treasure. Thanks to this near-death experience, I discovered that the real treasure of the Amazon is growing right out of the ground.”
He’s so passionate about the Amazon and the healing powers it holds that he’s on a mission to educate the world on all the healing plants, herbs, and botanicals that the Amazon holds.
He’s so passionate about the Amazon that he and Olivia got married there in a special ceremony in 2008, dressed in traditional Peruvian attire.
One of John’s biggest passions is using the Amazon Pharmacy to heal and maintain the brain, which I’m about to share with you.
Before we get to the 8 essential brain-boosting botanicals, let’s talk more about the brain and the recent discoveries that might explain the rapid decline that we’re seeing in people’s brain health.

Recent studies done at prestigious universities like Johns Hopkins, Harvard, and Boston University suggest there’s a little-known threat to your memory.
A Fungus Living in Your
Body Could Be
Infecting Your Brain…

I’m talking about Candida albicans.
It’s a common fungus, traditionally thought to be harmless.
In fact, it’s so universal that doctors often will use blood tests that look for evidence that your body is responding to candida…
Just to make sure your immune system is in good working order.
Even the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) states that “Invasive candidiasis is a common healthcare-associated infection.”
Yet, in a landmark study at Johns Hopkins University – researchers found that candida yeast infections were far more common in people with serious brain disorders.
They also found that those who had the highest levels of candida overgrowth performed the worst on memory tests.
Which begs the question…
Could Candida Be the “Missing Link”
That’s Slowly Wiping Away Your Memory…
Causing Your Brain Fog… and Leading to
Ultimate “Brain Failure”?
A wave of evidence suggests the answer could be a big fat YES.
For example, researchers in Spain looked at the brains of ten people with cognitive decline.
Again, they found that these people’s brains had a variety of fungal infections…
Among these was… drum roll please…
Yep, you guessed it – candida.
And here’s what’s interesting:
For decades, scientists have believed there was no way candida could cross into the brain.
That’s because every brain has what’s called the blood-brain barrier…
This is a protective barrier that prevents unwanted organisms, cells, and other “debris” from coming inside your head… including candida.

Think of it like “security” for your brain.
Any cells or organisms that want to go in have to get through security first.
This is to make sure your brain stays safe and healthy.
Well, a study released in 2019 by Baylor College of Medicine dropped this bombshell:
Candida can get past this barrier and start
to wreak total havoc on your memory!
The researchers tested this on mice, by giving them enough candida to cause an infection. What they found next was horrifying:
Candida easily crossed the blood-brain barrier!
Dr. Corry, the lead researcher on this study said: “We thought that [candida] would not enter the brain, but it does.”
He and his team also found that once candida was in the brain, it triggered a massive inflammation response that quickly led to memory loss.
Upon further inspection, they found that candida infection actually caused the formation of abnormal structures in the brain. These structures closely resemble those found in people with progressive brain deterioration.
Which means studies are showing that there could be a very real link between candida overgrowth and serious memory issues.
The good news?
Pau d’arco, an Amazonian botanical, stops candida dead in its tracks!
The 8 Essential Brain-Boosting Botanicals
You Need To Be Taking Daily!
1 Wild-harvested Pau d’arco

Pau d’arco stops candida dead in its tracks.
That’s because it’s one of the most powerful antifungals nature has blessed us with.
It contains a compound called lapachol.
This Could Quickly Become One of the Most Exciting Brain Health “Discoveries” of Our Time…
The U.S. Department of Agriculture has acknowledged pau d’arco to be deadly against certain viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites, and more.

In fact, one study even found that it killed off candida with the same level of effectiveness as many pharmaceutical drugs.
The other way in which pau d’arco supports brain health is the fact that it’s a rich source of the antioxidant quercetin.
Research out of Mount Sinai School of Medicine and the University of Florida shows that quercetin can help hit the brakes on age-related memory decline.
One of the ways it does this is by preventing your brain cells from dying.
Before You Run Out and Buy a Bunch of Pau D’Arco…
Here’s What You Need to Know
Many supplement makers out there will sell you pau d’arco in powder form in pills. Some will even sell it as a tea.
The only problem?
You have no way of guaranteeing its purity.
First, it could simply be the outer bark of the tree, which would basically amount to “dust” that won’t have anywhere near the healing power it should.
That’s because this is NOT where all the “goodness” lies.
You want to be sure that your pau d’arco comes from the inner bark – that’s where all the healing power is stored.
Plus, there’s seven other botanicals you’ll want to make sure you’re nourishing your brain cells on multiple levels, to ensure maximum health and protection.
2 Organic Guayusa (wahy-yo-suh)

This Amazonian “Super Leaf” Packs TWICE as Many Antioxidants as Green Tea!
You’ve heard about all the benefits of green tea…
How it can sharpen your memory…
How it can help protect your brain cells…
And how it can improve your attention span and level of focus.
The reason this has been proven in all the scientific literature is because green tea is rich in a group of antioxidants called catechins.
Well, the Amazon has its own version of “green tea.” And it’s a heck of a lot more powerful!
It’s called guayusa (wahy-yo-suh). And it contains TWO TIMES the antioxidant power.
In fact, guayusa also contains the same kind of antioxidant found in green tea, known as epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG).
This is the very same compound scientifically shown to improve age-related cognitive decline and is “neuroprotective” – meaning it protects your brain cells against damage that you may have otherwise experienced through free radical damage and inflammation.

It's so powerful that a Japanese study found that adults 70 years or older who regularly ingested these catechins, reduced their cognitive impairment by 38%!
But that’s not all this “super leaf” can do…
Turbocharge Your Mental Clarity, Energy, and Focus
Guayusa can help lift the fog off your brain and help you experience a whole new level of clarity, energy, and focus.
That’s because it’s also a rich source of L-theanine.
This is a protein that helps you stay relaxed (without feeling drowsy), helps relieve anxiety, and helps keep you focused.
It helps stimulate a neurotransmitter called GABA, which increases dopamine (the “feel good” hormone) and the production of alpha waves in your brain.
This is what helps calm you down, reduce anxiety, and then helps you STAY FOCUSED throughout your day!
Studies also show that L-theanine has the ability to improve your attention span and overall brain function.
Now, you should know that guayusa does contain some naturally occurring caffeine.
BUT – because the amount of guayusa you need to get ALL the benefits is so little, you end up getting a very minimal amount of caffeine…
…the equivalent of about half a teaspoon, or what you’d find in an ounce of dark chocolate.
Now, while guayusa helps give you that clear, sharp memory and focus, and pau d’arco helps shield against candida and other possible unwanted intruders…
There’s yet ANOTHER treasure from the Amazon that can help keep your brain happy and healthy…
3 Sangre De Drago — aka “Dragon’s Blood”

Help COOL the Fire of Inflammation and Say GOODBYE to Brain Fog With Amazonian “Dragon’s Blood”.
One of the biggest dangers to your brain is chronic inflammation.
In fact, inflammation can have a very real impact on how you feel, day to day.
For example, chronic inflammation can cause your serotonin levels to plummet… which can leave you feeling down, lethargic, and unmotivated.
It can also cause problems with fuzzy thinking, memory recall, and can even lead to embarrassing senior moments (like walking into a room and then forgetting why you’re there).
Fortunately, the Amazon has its own answer to inflammation – “sangre de drago” or “dragon’s blood.”
They call it that, because when you cut into the tree, a kind of dark red and almost thick sap starts to pour out.

It’s such a powerful inflammation fighter, drug companies have invested millions of dollars to turn just ONE of its compounds into a drug, which was approved by the FDA in 2012!
In fact, when John was sick in the Amazon and had his bout with Rocky Mountain spotted fever, the villagers had given him an infusion of sangre de drago, which helped restore his health.
Amazon shamans used it for certain stomach conditions, skin conditions, and even to help wounds heal faster.
And researchers in France have found it to be an amazing neurogenic
inflammation fighter, helping to keep your brain inflammation low.
Pretty amazing, right?
Now, one of the other major factors besides inflammation that contributes to serious memory loss is free radical damage and oxidation.
4 Organic Camu Camu (so good you have to say it twice)

What is free radical damage and oxidation?
Think of it like this:
When you cut open an apple and leave it exposed to the air for a few minutes, what happens?
That’s right – it turns an “ugly” brown color.
That’s oxidation.
It’s the same thing when metal has been exposed to the air for too long – it oxidizes, forming rust.
Well, your brain is no different.
As you age, your entire body gets exposed to what’s known as oxidative stress.
Which means your brain does too.
You can think of it as a kind of “brain rust.”
This “rust” can also contribute in a BIG way to dementia and overall cognitive decline.
A young brain can fight against the effects of oxidation and prevent this “rust” from forming.
That’s why you don’t hear about teenagers or 20-somethings with memory problems all too often, or many other age-related issues.
But as you age, your body and brain aren’t as capable of fighting this off.
That’s why antioxidants are so important.
They help your body fight off the effects of oxidation and prevent this “brain rust” from happening in the first place.
And as luck would have it, the Amazon has one of the most powerful antioxidants in the world…
And of course, this is yet another treasure straight from the Amazon.
More specifically, camu camu is a berry that grows in the Amazon floodplain.
During the rainy season, the flood waters literally rise around 30 feet, so these tall trees end up about four feet under water for months at a time.
But here’s why that’s awesome for you and your brain…
The rain comes in and picks up the biomass of the entire Amazon and moves it around. It then settles around these camu camu trees, so that they have a diet of powerful nutrients unlike anything else on this earth.

They get all the nutrients from the Amazon, and it gets concentrated into the fruit.
So it’s no surprise then, to learn that camu camu is
the richest plant source of vitamin C on the planet.
A single 100 g serving gives you around 2,200 mg of vitamin C – about 50 times what you would get with the same amount of an orange.
Such high antioxidant power helps prevent free radical damage due to oxidation, helping to reduce inflammation and support healthy cells.
But in addition to being a great antioxidant, it also has some pretty impressive neuroprotective effects.
In one animal model study, camu camu actually went a step further
and “turned on” genes that instruct the body to fight oxidation…
…and it even EXTENDED LIFESPAN by 20%!
Think about that for a second…
The average lifespan for someone living here in America is 78 years. Based on the results of this study, that would be the equivalent of getting an extra 15 years to live.
Of course, this was an animal study.
We still need to see how it translates to humans.
But these results are promising and show just how powerful camu camu can be.
What’s more, camu camu is a great source of essential amino acids like valine and leucine, which have been shown to help boost cognitive function.
Between camu camu… guayusa… sangre de drago… and pau d’arco, you have the makings of a superstar cast for robust brain health.
5 Organic Cat’s Claw (Uncaria tomentosa)

Cat’s claw (Uncaria tomentosa) has been discovered to be a potent inhibitor and reducer of brain plaques and tangles.
The 10-year-long study, published in Scientific Reports in 2019, was led by brain aging and Alzheimer’s disease authority Alan Snow.
Using a variety of in vitro screening methods and brain plaque-producing transgenic mice, the researchers found that a reduction of brain plaque-load in the mice correlated directly with notable improvements in short-term memory.
It is extracted using a specific proprietary methodology that produces the strongest form of cat’s claw to effectively target brain plaque and tangle accumulation.
The woody vine from which the extract comes regrows after it is harvested, thus replenishing the source.
The main components in cat's claw entered the brain within two minutes of being in the blood.
A major polyphenol ingredient, proanthocyanidin B2, reduced brain plaques in older transgenic mice by ~52–58% and in younger transgenic mice by ~74–83% over a three-month period.
The brain-plaque reduction also led to a ~58%
improvement in short-term memory.
Studies also show it can help repair damaged DNA and strengthen the communication (synapses) between neurons. Plus, it can also help grow NEW brain cells.
6 Organic Bacopa

Bacopa is an amazing natural brain booster.
For starters, it helps improve your mood by decreasing feelings of anxiety and depression.
It speeds up your reaction time.
And new research shows it can reduce amyloid
plaque in the brain by a whopping 60%.
This is a BIG DEAL because one of the “hallmark” signs of serious memory problems is the formation of these plaques in the brain.
Another benefit of bacopa is that it helps increase something known as brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) by as much as 30%.
This encourages new brain cell growth and shields the brain from disease.
In fact, studies show that low BDNF levels are typically present in people sufferig from serious memory loss.
7 Organic Cacao

Cacao contains a powerful antioxidant known as resveratrol – a plant compound typically found in red wine (due to the grape skins).
Turns out cacao is actually the second-richest source of resveratrol in the world.
That’s why cacao has been found to help remove amyloid protein plaque from the brain, which as I mentioned earlier, is believed to be one of the major causes of age-related mental decline.
It also may help “rebuild” the blood-brain barrier, when it’s been compromised.
Finally, cacao also improves blood flow to the brain – improving brain function.
One study on older adults found that cacao increased blood flow to the brain by up to 10%.
In a recent article in the journal Frontiers in Nutrition, Italian researchers reviewed several studies focusing on the more immediate effects of cacao.
Although some of the studies showed no immediate benefits, others found that cacao could improve working memory, reaction times, attention, and visual information processing.
As well as these immediate effects, cacao could have longer-term protective benefits for the brain and memory, even into old age.
In one study on 90 elderly people with mild cognitive impairment
(a condition that can lead to dementia), consuming high-flavanol
cacao for eight weeks seemed to improve their cognitive function.
And in animal studies cacao has been found to help prevent changes in the brain that are linked to Alzheimer’s disease.
So, cacao could help us ward off memory problems as we get older too.
And last but not least…
8 Organic Cinnamon

Did you know that to the ancient Egyptians, cinnamon was worth more than gold?
That’s because cinnamon was long believed to have healthful and medicinal properties that made it extremely valuable.
Cinnamon is excellent for brain health and some rigorous studies have found a variety of neurological benefits that cinnamon offers.
It contains two unique compounds: epicatechin and cinnamaldehyde… which have been shown to protect against age-related memory loss.
Here are 5 proven brain benefits of cinnamon:
- Cinnamon may delay or reverse cognitive impairment. A study in rats found that cinnamon improved cognition and reduced oxidation in the brain.
- Cinnamon may be beneficial for Parkinson’s patients. A mouse study found that cinnamon protected dopamine production systems and improved motor function in Parkinson’s disease.
- Cinnamon may curb food cravings. By targeting a brain chemical involved in glucose and cholesterol, eating cinnamon may decrease food intake and help you lose weight.
- Cinnamon’s scent can boost memory in a task. A small human study suggests that merely smelling cinnamon can improve performance with several types of memory tasks
- Cinnamon is a good source of the powerful antioxidant manganese. Two teaspoons of cinnamon provides about half the RDA of manganese, a powerful antioxidant that is crucial for brain and body health.
Okay, so now that you know the 8 Brain-Boosting Botanicals that you must consume on a regular basis…
Here’s the $64,000 question…
How do you ensure you’re getting these in your diet every single day?
How do you make sure you’re getting the purest and highest quality ingredients and also that you’re taking the proper dose every day?
Introducing Organixx Brain Health 8
The Only 8-in-1 COMPLETE Brain Health
Supplement on the Planet

John has taken his THIRTY YEARS of experience in the Amazon jungle and has assembled the very best brain-boosting botanicals ever to go into a single formula.
- Keep your mind “sharp as a tack”, and operating like a well-oiled machine…
- Maintain a healthy, vivid, crystal-clear memory…
- Make “brain fog” a thing of the past – and move through your day with a sense of purpose, well-being, clarity, and focus…
- Be in a good mood and “happy” more often than not…
- Avoid embarrassing and frustrating moments like forgetting dates, places, drifting off in conversation, or needing to tell someone to remind you of things…
- Think “young” again – and tell your favorite stories with ease… and just revel in the confidence of knowing your brain is in tip-top shape…
BRAIN HEALTH 8 is able to help you with all of this because
it doesn’t just act via one pathway to support your brain…
It takes a multi-pronged approach to address the major causes of age-related memory decline.
That’s why we designed BRAIN HEALTH 8 to:
- Sustain healthy inflammation levels
- Promote new brain cell growth
- Support healthy neurons
- Protect your brain from free radical damage
- Encourage healthy blood flow and oxygen levels

Many “brain” formulas on the market only address one or two of these pathways.
But with Amazon John’s help and expertise, BRAIN HEALTH 8 addresses ALL of them, to ensure you can experience all-around brain longevity.
Even with just camu camu, guayusa, sangre de drago, and pau d’arco, you’d have an amazingly effective way to help your memory stay intact.
But we didn’t just stop there…
You Get ALL 8 Brain-Boosting Botanicals
for a Youthful Brain

One of the most powerful antifungals nature has blessed us with. It contains a compound called lapachol. The U.S. Department of Agriculture has acknowledged it to be deadly against certain viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites, and more. In fact, one study even found that it killed off candida with the same level of effectiveness as many pharmaceutical drugs.

Dragon’s blood is a dark red, thick sap that cools the fire of inflammation. It helps with fuzzy thinking, memory recall, and embarrassing senior moments. The Incas used it for certain stomach conditions, skin conditions, and even to help wounds heal faster. And researchers in France have found it to be an amazing neurogenic inflammation fighter, helping to keep your brain inflammation LOW.

Camu camu is the richest plant source of vitamin C on the planet. A single 100 g serving gives you around 2,200 mg of vitamin C – about 50 times what you would get with the same amount of an orange. Such high antioxidant power helps prevent free radical damage due to oxidation, helping to reduce inflammation and support healthy cells. But in addition to being a great antioxidant, it also has some pretty impressive neuroprotective effects.

Guayusa contains the same kind of antioxidant found in green tea. It improves age-related cognitive decline and protects your brain cells against damage that you may have otherwise experienced through free radical damage and inflammation. It's also a rich source of L-theanine. It helps you calm you down, reduces anxiety, and then helps you STAY FOCUSED throughout your day!

Native to South America, this ancient herbal remedy has been used for 2,000 years as a potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. Studies show it can help repair damaged DNA and strengthen the communication (synapses) between neurons. Plus, it can also help grow NEW brain cells.

An amazing natural brain booster. For starters, it helps improve your mood by decreasing feelings of anxiety and depression. It speeds up your reaction time. And new research shows it can reduce amyloid plaque in the brain by a whopping 60%. This is a BIG DEAL because one of the “hallmark” signs of serious memory problems is the formation of these plaques in the brain.
Another benefit of bacopa is that it helps increase something known as brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) by as much as 30%. This encourages new brain cell growth and shields the brain from disease. In fact, studies show that low BDNF levels are typically present in people suffering from serious memory loss.

This contains a powerful antioxidant known as resveratrol – a plant compound typically found in red wine (due to the grape skins). Turns out cacao is actually the second-richest source of resveratrol in the world. That’s why cacao has been found to help remove amyloid protein plaque from the brain, which as I mentioned earlier, is believed to be one of the major causes of age-related mental decline.
It also may help “rebuild” the blood-brain barrier when it’s been compromised. Finally, cacao also improves blood flow to the brain – improving brain function. One study on older adults found that cacao increased blood flow to the brain by up to 10%.

You may have heard about cinnamon’s ability to help normalize blood sugar. But here’s what you may not know – it actually has a protective effect on the brain.
It contains two unique compounds: epicatechin and cinnamaldehyde… which have been shown to protect against age-related memory loss.
All these different ingredients nourish your brain from multiple different angles to create optimal health.
The result is it gently supercharges your memory, fights off brain fog, keeps you sharp, improves your clarity, helps you feel better overall, and reduces feelings of stress and anxiety in your day-to-day life.
And here’s something else really important:
Because these ingredients are all from the rainforest and are of the highest purity and bioavailability…
Your Body Knows What to Do With
Every Ingredient in BRAIN HEALTH 8

Here’s what happens with most typical supplements and with most pharmaceuticals…
These companies try to isolate only one particular compound or chemical from a plant in a lab.
They think if you can isolate the compound or chemical, then you should be able to get the same result as if you ingested the plant the compound came from.
But as you know, mother nature is smarter than that.
Because a single compound or chemical doesn’t work in isolation, your body doesn’t have the proper context to do anything with it.
However – when you get real ingredients from organic plants, foods, and herbs…
You’re not just getting a single compound. You’re getting all the vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes, and other “co-factors” that your body NEEDS in order to effectively use that specific compound.
And that brings me to another point.
Even if the supplement is made with whole foods, are they using organic ingredients?
Organic supplement ingredients are critical to your health and well-being
(almost more than consuming organic foods – more on that in a second).
Here’s why…
If the botanical used in a supplement is NOT organic…
Then it’s been sprayed with poisons like pesticides, insecticides, and herbicides (like glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup, a potent ‘weed killer’).
(Glyphosate is the active ingredient Monsanto uses in Roundup and has recently lost multi-million dollar lawsuits connecting glyphosate to cancer. This stuff is highly poisonous.)
Organic is such a big deal because once a botanical is harvested, it is then dried and concentrated down to a very potent dose.
And if it is NOT organic, then you’re getting HIGH CONCENTRATIONS OF POISONS.
So, the supplement that you’re taking to get “healthier” is actually packed full of pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, and other poisons.
This is why eating organic foods and supplements matters so much.
If it’s not organic, then it’s likely been sprayed with poisons that are damaging your microbiome.
That’s why with BRAIN HEALTH 8, you’re getting the “real deal”
with every single ingredient.
Each plant has been grown IN the Amazon rainforest to strict organic standards to ensure the best quality and potency.
Then, they’ve been dried and ground to a fine powder, so that everything stays intact in this formula.
This way, your body will KNOW what to do with every single ingredient, so you can experience the FULL healing power.
Get Ready to Experience Peak Mental Performance
“Amazon John” has designed BRAIN HEALTH 8 to support your brain’s optimal function for the long term.
So unlike other “brain boosters” out there, like ginkgo, ginseng, vinpocetine, etc… BRAIN HEALTH 8 wasn’t designed to be a “short term fix.”
Think of it like this…
If you wanted to get fit, you wouldn’t go to the gym one day, experience a great workout, feel great, and then declare you’re fit for the rest of your life and never workout again… right?

Instead, you’d make exercise a lifestyle – something you do for the long-term, so you can GET IN SHAPE and STAY IN SHAPE.
BRAIN HEALTH 8 is designed to work the same way
It’s designed to support your brain health at the cellular level for the long term.
Which means within your first week of taking BRAIN HEALTH 8, you might start to find that your brain feels less foggy and that you start thinking clearer.
Two or three weeks in, you may notice you’re calmer, feel less stressed, and even find that you’re feeling happier than ever.
A month in, you may notice your memory getting sharper, your recall getting quicker, and even find that you can learn new things easier.
Months in, you might even look back on today and marvel at how far you’ve come…
You’ll notice that you’ve got a quick wit, likely quicker than you’ve ever been before.
You find yourself remembering experiences and “feel good” memories you haven’t thought of in DECADES and you can’t help but put a big smile on your face.
Finally, you notice that it no longer takes coffee or sugar to “get going” in the morning.
The “heaviness” of the brain fog has lifted and you’re awake and firing on all cylinders the moment your feet hit the ground.
And while your experience with BRAIN HEALTH 8 is going to be completely unique to you and your brain, I KNOW you’ll love it.
That’s why I’m making it easier than ever for you to get your hands on BRAIN HEALTH 8 today with our special savings offer…
*Spend $99 or more - Free Shipping to US;
spend $149 or more - Free Shipping to Canada;
spend $199 or more - Free Shipping Worldwide.
To prove it, I’m putting my money where my mouth is.
If you’re anything less than THRILLED with BRAIN HEALTH 8 – simply return your bottles (even if they’re empty) within 1 year of the purchase date.
So long as you do it within one year of purchase, you’ll get a prompt and courteous refund of the full purchase price.
One caution though...
We only produce small batches of BRAIN HEALTH 8 – and because John actually grows many of the ingredients himself – when we sell out, it will take several weeks to get another batch in.

So, if you’d like to experience sharper memory… better thinking… more mental energy and clarity throughout your day… and even improve your mood…
Then I highly suggest you get several bottles today, while it’s still available.
Remember, this is the most potent formula we’ve put together to support optimal brain health.
I can’t wait to hear your success story.
Here’s to your long-term brain health!

Jonathan Hunsaker
Founder, Organixx
P.S. Remember, you have a FULL YEAR – that’s 365 days – to try BRAIN HEALTH 8 and experience all the benefits it has to offer. If for any reason, you’re not 100% satisfied with your results… send us back the container within a year from your date of purchase – even if it's EMPTY – and we'll send you a FULL refund of every penny paid. No ifs… ands… or buts about it!